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Author Topic: Current state of affairs...  (Read 8458 times)

Offline Michael

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Re: Current state of affairs...
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2008, 04:36:56 AM »
I asked my ladyfriend in LA to simply turn off the tube for 3 days.  Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.  She was shocked.  Her brows rose.  "No television?  For three DAYS?"

That technique is good for 'breaking the beam'. In this case the beam of fear, which is not big here in Aust as yet, although it has been on the 'boat people' thing that happened some years ago - madness and fear, all pumped for political reasons. Which I should add is not a good tool in political theory - it is a very short term effect, after which people's natural qualities turn against those who employ such tactics, as happened recently in India.

But it is not a good technique for us who 'should' have some degree of freedom from such things. For us, it is imperative we can balance the forces. If you have a problem with talking too much socially, it is easy to just say nothing - much more difficult to say just the right amount. If you have a problem with eating, it is easy to just stop, and fast, like I do every week - no prizes for saying, no, no food today. Much more difficult to eat only the right amount, and the right foods. Much more difficult to find and hold balance.

But to demonstrate to someone how they have become ensnared, total removal from the source is the best advice, as it does indeed break the beam, and for some, that is the most critical task.

The economic crisis is a virus of fear.

Lets be clear here - this crisis is caused not by fear, but by greed. These two are married. All depressions have a real cause, and in this case it was the huge property market in USA - plus the things which went into causing that market to show its exposed underbelly. Causes never stop - the more you search the more you find. But in this as with other cases, the element was greed. That amount of greed has purchased the equal amount of fear.

But make no mistake, economic depressions are caused by fear. A downturn in the economy is natural, but sometimes it goes beyond a critical threshold, and that threshold is called the rupture of trust. Past this point, fear generates fear, and that constitutes 99.9% of how a depression works. All the efforts of controlled systemic influences is directed towards re-establishing confidence.

But fear does more - not only does it incapacitate an economy, it also incapacitates us individually. Renders us victims. And low and behold, who feeds off anxiety? You have been told, but no one ever wants to admit it, because that which feeds also has a deeply vested interest in remaining hidden.

This is a dairy farm - humanity - which periodically needs a mass milking by its mind-owners. You can give them your milk if you want, but there is no way they are getting mine!

What to do? - take QT's advice, reject fear. Shut off completely if necessary, to regain a purchase on sanity. Then seek the sanity of knowing how to avoid danger while remaining 'collected'. Just think about how you cross a road - do you panic at the thought of being run over? Perhaps you did at first when very young. But now, you simply look carefully both ways, then step forth - based on knowledge instead of anxiety.

Yet fear has its usefulness. It can awaken people out of their ignorant slumber - their belief in 'immortality', their belief that surprises never happen, that the world will always be as they have known it. A dash of fear makes for a good dancer.

Be afraid, be very very afraid, not that you will lose your position and possession, not that you will lose your children and your own life, but that you will live this opportunity and not catch the star which is your birthright. (My God! Why can't people see!)

CC asked DJ, is his Ally also controlled folly? No was the response, because he could not see through his Ally.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 04:40:36 AM by Michael »

Offline Maiveeta

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Re: Current state of affairs...
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2008, 07:58:25 AM »
Yet fear has its usefulness. It can awaken people out of their ignorant slumber - their belief in 'immortality', their belief that surprises never happen, that the world will always be as they have known it. A dash of fear makes for a good dancer

Absolutely true.  I was looking for the more pragmatic...I have been homeless, possessionless, and jobless, thats not what is bothering me.  I am certainly not one to panic.  I have lived through alot in my short life, but this one has frankly got me a little shaken. 
Maybe this is an opportunity is for me to purge out some of the issues of security caused by my experiences.  We are right now pretty settled and our jobs are relatively secure...but there is something else I just cant quite put my finger on. 
I have poo pooed the photon belt thing, the polarity shift thing, the thing in the 80's where everyone becomes enlightened at the same time, all those "big events" that didnt change anything...this one has me wondering


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Re: Current state of affairs...
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2008, 09:31:38 AM »
It is amazing about television being a conduit. When I do watch it, I do not watch the main networks, and instead search out very select shows on the offbeat cable channels. But, I have noticed in the past couple of days, that they seem to have re-written their cheesy credit ads, of which there are far too many anyway: the rewrites include references galore to foreclosure. My sense is that there be carpetbaggers sniffing out the bounty.

I blame HGTV (seriously) and the banks to start with. The closet conspiracy-theorist in me has suspected for a long time that we are forking over our homes to some invisible faction -- some silent buyer. Why have we been such trusting lemmings? I took a real estate license-preparation course once, and until then never really grasped that homebuyers pay over triple the cost of the house in the course of a mortgage. Over triple. That's obscene, even without the "crisis".  Pay very close attention to the nature of the loan -- some are designed to kill.  It's gangster-finance.

Now folks are attempting suicide, and completing it, in the anticipation of foreclosure and homelessness.

That being said, though, I feel an uplift, and will spend my energies nurturing that and pushing it even higher. The roll is in motion.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 09:39:35 AM by jaharkta »


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Re: Current state of affairs...
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2008, 09:55:01 AM »
Be afraid, be very very afraid, not that you will lose your position and possession, not that you will lose your children and your own life, but that you will live this opportunity and not catch the star which is your birthright.



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Re: Current state of affairs...
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2008, 10:33:33 AM »

Well hell...

Maybe the sky really IS falling!

 :o :o :o

That's what I was thinking about... ???

That being said, though, I feel an uplift, and will spend my energies nurturing that and pushing it even higher. The roll is in motion.


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