Author Topic: Questions....  (Read 187 times)


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« on: November 11, 2007, 01:46:14 PM »
« Last Edit: April 07, 2008, 07:41:48 AM by . »


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Re: Questions....
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2007, 02:06:15 PM »
It sounds like kundalini to me, but I'm not so sure the label is tantamount. There's lots of good resources out there about it, even online:

The Biology of Kundalini: A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy

In the 70's, when I finally put my foot on path, I had a long, concerted period of a few years, with repeated experiences like you are describing. It's why I say until this day that my entry to the path was both physical and spiritual --- that spirit acted through the body. It took me years to unravel it, and I have experienced the sensation several times since. On one of the occassions, I was doing The Archer (yoga position), and I stopped myself because I had no outlet for the power I was feeling.
The experience now comes in dreams from time to time, and I wake up, full of it.

There are many inroads to varieties of mystical experience, and I would say none are 'better' or 'worse' than the next. They just are what they are.

The traditional/fundamentalist christians around here, in the land of Pat Robertson, would tell you all sorts of negative things about your experiences.  That's a given.

Perhaps the question for you is, could those old programs be behind your fear?

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Re: Questions....
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2007, 03:12:29 PM »
I have experienced the same...this a post from TSW I posted a while ago...

Quote from: Serafina

Ok…here’s the first lucid dream I experienced as I started on this path…

I was staying at Zam’s house and we were discussing how he has traveled through dreaming, and accomplished small tasks.  So, I decided I would try something.  My intent was to go to my office in Dreaming and  move a pencil from my desk to my drawing table. 

In Dreaming I found myself in my office and became lucid as I sat in front of my computer and noticed the words on the screen were moving in a circular motion…Realized I was Dreaming.  I was so fascinated; I just kept staring at the words traveling around the computer screen.  I was then elevated, chair and all, about 3 feet from the floor, turned to the office door and it was as if I was sucked into a million pieces and out the door.  I was scattered onto a black nothingness, like stars being scattered into the universe.  Then all went black and I woke up immediately.

The most amazing part of this was the Feeling I experienced. It felt as if I was instantly “charged”, as if every cell in my body was in ecstasy.  I felt energized…it was difficult going back to sleep. 

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

I’ve pondered for a couple of years, just what this all meant.  Was I shown a doorway to the another world, or to the unknown?  Was I being told I could do more than just move a pencil?  A glimpse of the Infinity?  Was it a warning, or a gift?

I have since experienced this feeling, usually after waking from lucid's quite a sensation, and that is how I explained in every cell in my being was experiencing an orgasm.
"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."

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Re: Questions....
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2007, 03:35:57 PM »

I would like to explore it.. partially because to be honest, it just feels damn good... but more importantly... I sense there is something.. somehow... spiritual about it. I would like to explore those aspects of it.

Anyone else experience anything like this?

Any thoughts on whether I should seek to explore it?

Any thoughts that the fear I sense should be heeded?

As always, I appreciate any thoughts you may have.

My own experiences were somewhat similar, except that at the time I was into an eastern meditation practice and "fear" didn't come into it.

Yes, very much "explore" it.. we are the Explorer Race!!   ;)

The fear is interesting in that it very well cold be tied up to some programming. Even within the Christian faith (and here I do no speak from expereince, never having been Christian..) but even within the faith there is much held against what would be called 'mystical' experiences (peak experiences) and whether one is a believer that the expereinces should be left alone or not, the beliefs of one's culture and society are insiduous. Today though they appears to be less of that, but you and I are of the same generation... lots of conditioning there.

When I first left my faith, I was 18 and expected to be struck down by lightning.. especially since I was now practicing "heathen" practices.. heh. Well.. when I was not struck by lightneing.. it struck me as quite funny! Or perhaps I was struck.. by lightning!!  haha

Go for it dc!!... sounds like you having great connection there! Whether Father, Son or Holy Ghost... ultimately it's all the same - just a different angle to the hologram (heh.. I'me very into "hologram" at the moment! Fascinating it is!)
"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift

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Re: Questions....
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2007, 01:58:29 AM »
sorry to be a pooper, but i doubt it is kundalini - if it were I would advise you definitely to not pursue it - uncontrolled awakening of kundalini is a serious and well known blunder. but kundalini manifests differently. kundalini manifests as power and inspiriation.

having said that, it is related. it is a shakti experience, but on a physical level. naturally, to allow this when inappropriate would be silly - ie like driving. thus some control is required.

this comes under the banner of weird experiences, that many/most on the path have at different times. for each it is different. as with all such experiences, we advise a mix of caution and exploration. if you over-load the nervous system, you can pay a heavy price. but also, we are alive to explore.

if your body is well, and strong, then seek to see what is happening during these experiences - ie. don't just be swept along - watch and be awake. try to understand what is happening, and what if any are the benefits. observe yourself before and after - how are your moods affected?

just always remember that spiritual growth - kundalini - is a slow and deep change that occurs to us, never a flashy temporary excitation. but along the way all sorts of strange things happen. we explore them for what they are, temporary extraordinary and either great to have or a nightmare - usually we get both at some time along the way. and in each case, we laugh and watch, then get back to the main game.

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Re: Questions....
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2007, 02:38:35 AM »
I've read a bit about "hologram", though I know very little of it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that subject.

I'd love to hear my thoughts too!!   :D 
At times my mind runs away with me and though I can see it all as if it were there in front of me, a tapestry unfolding, I am not very good at putting things into words.. the words tumble over each other and go shooting off in different directions, and lo! a new tangent is born!!

My main interest is in the way everything connects up.. whether it is written in the language of ancient texts or modern science, I find it amazing the many different ways something can be expressed and yet in essence hold the same meaning. To me it is like poetry is to some.  :)

The hologram is one of those "things" for me; poetry in motion! (like a bird for you perhaps?  :)  ) Every part of the hologram holds the entire whole (usually a picture of an apple is given in examples) - the smallest part can still reveal the whole. Then there is also "angles"... each part will reveal the whole at a specific "angle", depending on the source angle, which means that it can also hold and reveal infinite angles when a light source is shone on it at different angles. "Virtual" reality at the snap of a finger... or is it?   ;)   

Some scientists say that our body and mind are holographic systems. I first came across this idea in a book by Paul Brunton, many years ago; on the Oversoul - though he didn't use the term hologram, it was pretty similar.

Lately also been readin on DNA and what has been considered 'junk' DNA actually follows a systemic "language" and may account for much of what we call "knowingness", and gives new meaning (for me anyway) to the idea that all knowledge is held within.

Put junk DNA and hologram together, and voila!! I can't keep up with it and so best to just smile into it and let it download, lodge and hopeful somehow I will have a "moment"!!   :D

A good book to read on hologram is Michael Talbot's, The Holgraphic Universe.  I like web sites too, but there is nothing quite like a holding a book in my hands, reading, closing my eyes, and continuing to read 'elsewhere'..  ;)

"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift

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Re: Questions....
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2007, 03:01:30 AM »
I really liked that book by Paul Brunton, and some of his others - later I discovered he was a bit of a rogue, so I was never sure what to believe in what he wrote of his journeys.

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Re: Questions....
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2007, 03:09:16 AM »
I really liked that book by Paul Brunton, and some of his others - later I discovered he was a bit of a rogue, so I was never sure what to believe in what he wrote of his journeys.

Yes, apparently he was rather disheartened later by his own expereinces and writings - he said something to the effect that he didn't believe that yoga was suitable for the western mind after all!! Nevertheless, he did have a way about him.

"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift


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Re: Questions....
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2007, 08:50:06 AM »

I know Michael said its not kundalini, but Im gonna have to beg to differ on it. I would say probably you got 'uncoiled,' but it didnt totally go through the roof. The fear aspect, I feel was necessary at the moment for you, as if your body (or I should say 'bodies') knew it wasn't time. Now, there are numerous cases of spontaneous - I wouldnt seek to trigger that experience again quite yet. It probably gave you enough of a rush. Now, I will say, that Kundalini and what happens, esp in what you see with charismatics, is about the same thing - that baptism with fire experience is one and the same. And a lot of that when thats been done at churches or big gatherings, a lot of it is probably associated with many people combining energies together, and then, the mindstate of folks who are desperate for the spirit. Since you know the christian faith, there's the whole baptism with water, but then later there's the baptism with fire, which is when after christ left that happened to the apostles, they began speaking in tongues, getting revelations of the Spirit, and so forth.

Best thing to do, however, learn about what it is, that experience, but dont force that again. Its not that its 'bad,' but those experiences can be triggered too soon, for example, drug use, hallucinogens, those can trigger them quickly - and then you can have really bizarre experiences you're not ready for. I suppose sex can act as a trigger too,  but not always like 'that' either.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 08:51:42 AM by erismoksha »


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Re: Questions....
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2007, 06:13:38 AM »
DC, its both a biological function as well as a spiritual one. Whatever folks wish to call it, spirit within or kundalini or even 'slain in the spirit' as you said, its a huge step in opening a door from the physical to the spiritual, and what it does is, its like rearranging and rewiring everything, and since you havent been attempting to 'force' anything yourself, it may be closer to time, but like I said as you noted, your own 'fear' seemed to come up, and fear's not always a bad thing, its a necessary function, and it seems more it was just attempting to keep you balanced during this time, which is fine; then you can submit to the opportunity to see perhaps 'why' fear was keeping things sedated as much as it could do.....

That uncoiling feeling around the spine is a given - pretty much explains it.

What do you believe could be triggering this change with you? I would reflect on this especially - is there anything significant which has been occuring for this to be warranted? And if not, it could be something is coming, which your own physical/spiritual self is trying to prepare you for.


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Re: Questions....
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2007, 06:21:22 AM »
It's something that on the surface seems to be that I must maintain at least a small measure of control. Perhaps it is fear of the unknown... I don't know at this point. It's something that rears its head now and then and I am trying to deal with it. I agree, fear in some instances is a very good thing, in others though, it can be a great and unnecessary hindrance.

I was reading today earlier (actually by Osho of all people), how people fear uncertainty, which is certainly true, heh, and because it involves freedom. However, certainty, predictability, can also offer a prison. Like the example he gave was a good one, say an individual is a prisoner in a cell. He knows when he is going to eat, doesnt have to be out in the world and struggle and work for food. Food comes. He knows when he will sleep, he has a 'routine' existence. However, he's a prisoner in a cell and he's not free. However, with freedom, comes uncertainty, and the unknown, and perhaps the unknowable, for there are many things which are unknowable and we'll never know. So, with that whole deal, can come fear, too. However, at least you're free. Whereas a prisoner may not feel fear, may not have fear, but has a sorrid, pathetic existence. And the only reason he 'knows' anything, is because he's been enclosed in a systematic existence which has been created to keep him exactly where he is. And usually (strangely I ponder this due to some recent events), people may very well 'choose' via their own actions, their own folly, their own prisons, because something in them is terribly afraid to be free, to grow up, and deal with the responsibility freedom entails. Because it involves a responsibility.

I dont believe spirit wants us to exist inside a prison manufactured like that. So any relationship  with spirit will not involve such restrictions, but freedom. However, like all fears, we have to be able to conquer our fear of uncertainty, burn through fear, for whatever reasons, if its we want things to go a certain way, answers which will better serve us, and those answers always come, spirit always answers, its a matter of two issues if we think spirit is not: we're not paying attention and listening intently, or we do get that 'answer' but we dont wish to accept it, and we're really being selfish and looking for the answer that we 'want,' and not the answer we actually 'need.'

That fear via this experience of the uncoiling, is there not only say, to keep things back a bit, but to make you realize your fears, and face them. There's that feeling of desiring control, and that alone can be a huge fear to conquer - losing control. That takes a surrender to that desire for control. The strange thing in this, is that once we surrender the desire for control, we will actually gain control; however, 'control' will not be up to our standard understanding of control.

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Re: Questions....
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2007, 08:30:49 AM »
One of my sons, Dear, is now going through the throes of this energetic experience.  In just over a year he will once again be released from prison.  During his current stint of five years he has begun to delve deeply into forms of yoga and meditation.  From his script I can strongly detect that he has, at 29 yrs. old, already discovered these two forms of "imprisonment".  "Dad," he recently wrote me, "there are guys in here that are in two prisons.  One that there body is in and the other that their spirit is in."  He grapples with the so-called "freedom" he again will face soon and repeats the process of dealing with the fear that now wells in him again.  I have talked to his head over the years, trying to get him to see that he needs to set off on his own to divorce the cycle he always returns to when he goes back to the city he once lived in, in Virginia.  I think he is getting the idea that he will have a warriors' task before him soon.  I have done about everything I can think of to help him focus his energy on "taking on a new form", as I have done more than twice, myself.  I am a struggling alcoholic and can see the day-to-day dilemma he will face when he returns to society.  He is an uneducated drug attic, an out-of-the closet gay man and will have virtually "nothing" on the outside .......... except of course, his will to survive.  Let us all pray such human beings which have chosen such a path can maintain their quest for the liberation we all seek in our own way.


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Re: Questions....
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2007, 11:30:22 PM »
good words tom - may spirit hear


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