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Author Topic: The Spiritually Evolved person  (Read 2108 times)

Offline Endless~Knot

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The Spiritually Evolved person
« on: January 12, 2014, 05:10:47 PM »
There are all sorts of spiritually evolved people, and it is a mistake to believe they embrace the same exact things. They may have beliefs or none, but they can be different. However there does seem to be some things in common.

The spiritually evolved individual, most likely had a difficult upbringing in some way. Like homelife may have been ok but they may have lived in poverty, with controlling parents, or some other upheaval occured to them later in life. The traumatic experience is like a death. And from such trauma, spirit intervened and they hit a fork in the road. Basically to choose a life of light, or a life of darkness. One offered hope and the other despair. However does not mean the light road is meant to be easy. Because spirit then is in charge of all things and will do everything to put the person in positions to develop. The road is hard. The spirit says is it the world at large or me? Do you really want the world which leads to death (a real death), or one which leads to life? The individual embraces the spirit, and gets on the path.

The spiritually evolved person recognizes the spirit in all things and is in awe. Even a rock is spirit! And from this, respects all things by seeing that all things, living or not, are spirit (yet strangely are fully alive)!

It is a mistake to think the spiritually evolved person either lacks emotion or feels differently. They feel like you and I do. However how they react to their emotions will be different. They do not worry the same as others do, because they know spirit is in charge. Fear, being the crippling emotion it is, is not running rampant in their life. Love is recognized for what it is, at the lower level, an emotion, but of the spiritual, something much different. They may laugh when you should be crying. Their reactions are very strange. However they do seem to have a control and dont react like everyone is expected to.

The spiritually evolved person balances with the dual nature of the world, yet can see the oneness in all things. Magically, they dance a good dance between these polarities and understand their nature.

They live in the world but are not of the world. The material things do not trap them. This does not mean they are not rich cause they can be. However they are not ruled by their possessions and do not become gluttons with hoards of stuff and are not attached to what they own, as they realize you cannot take it with you.

The spiritually evolved person has a presence, an aura if you will, which is very powerful. Kind of like don juan was for carlos, felt that 'thing' he had. It is because they have a way of tapping into our doubles and communing with them,

They, speaking of which, are in touch with their higher selves/double. But one of the interesting things is the double has also taken up residence within them. So they are acting from the point of double when you commune with them, which also touches on the fact of their aura which is very powerful and extraordiary when you encounter them.

The spiritually evolved person has a lot of knowledge, but more importantly is wise and has learned from the knowledge they have attained and has incorporated it into their lives.

The spiritually evolved person does not judge. You dont see them bashing on homosexuals or trying to convert the masses to a religion. They accept we basically are all heading in the same direction - contrary to popular belief - yes, some stumbling blocks are there. However they feel all is well folks choices on their spiritual path and their decisions are their decisions and they love people just the same.

The spiritually evolved person has a really good intutition, is most likely psychic and really knows stuff, from the ether they grab it, and you dont know how they knew that!

The spiritually evolved person recognizes the urgency for individuals to 'get it' and does help people on the path. They dont go out seeking or proselytizing - people magically find them cause spirit is tricky like that! So as people are placed in their path they aid them along the way as a good friend should.

Has one foot in the world, and one in the spiritual. The tonal and nagual. They do not live separate completely, from one or the other. They stay involved because they love people, yet they love the spirit and the spiritual path. So this from the dance with duality, they do the dance, like a shaman, throwing caution into the wind.
“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is uniquely your own.” - Bruce Lee