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Author Topic: Symbolic matrixing of the Samskaras  (Read 360 times)

Offline Yeshu

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Symbolic matrixing of the Samskaras
« on: August 02, 2021, 10:59:01 AM »
Within the past 5 years or so, I have gone through a number of experiences which resulted in significant "breakthroughs" of many different unresolved issues in my life.  While there is still much in progress, there has also been such a fundamental change at the core that I felt as if I had reached a different "step" or "level".  Long ago I ceased trying to fit these things into conceptual frameworks - for better or worse - so I dont have many technical points or references to offer in terms of labeling these "achievements" or whatever.

One of the facets of this has been an unceasing deluge of synchronistic information which touches points of connection across many divergent spheres.  Even since my teenage years, I had been experiencing an intimately precise kind of synchronicity at nearly all times I would offer my attention to the activity of looking for it.  And yet, in recent times this also became overwhelming - to the degree of meaningful synchronistic connections jumping out at me even before my mind could register any points of comparison to begin with.  Its a strange experience to "know before you know".  ​This was the first signal of something unknown and truly beyond the "norm" of my life up to that point.

Oddly enough, these experiences began in earnest around the same time that interstellar object Oumuamua made its appearance in our solar system.  I was already having incredibly intense experiences of unknown entities/worlds in the months leading up to this.  Then, there was the discovery of this object, and it was all over the news.  During this time, I had experiences where I felt to be in contact with this object.  I was also in contact with other entities and realities at this time.  Things became very loose in my perceptions, and at one point (of extreme tension) I physically slipped between the worlds - as far as my perception is concerned.  Trying to explain this rationally is literally impossible.  It is a true barrier in this sense.

I wont go into all the fascinating details of this time, but it was a classical shamanic awakening with all the attendant troubles and issues and so forth - which was of course unfortunate for me considering our society has no understanding or place for such things anymore, and since I had been unable to find communal support elsewhere - it therefore resulted in a brief visit to the mental hospital.  The visit was enforced from the outside, but after I was hospitalized I managed to talk to the doctor and get released voluntarily within a week or so. 

Since that time, I have been continuing to work on these related issues as well as others.  I have also had a number of communications with those who have passed on - which is something I had never consciously engaged in before.  In general, I have been working in new ways on new things by way of motivations I had not realized until recently.

Perhaps the most comprehensive aspect of all of this is the way in which further self-knowledge is unfolding.  By this I am referring to the kind of knowledge which the physical body is derived from - rather than the kind of imposed conditioning that the personality is derived from.  The body (and the bones) are born and shaped from the vortex of energies which precedes them, and which is built from the continuation of ever-living impulses, or AnusayaSamskaras (Sanskrit: संस्कार) are mental impressions, recollections, or psychological imprints which carry on after the death of the physical body. 

At this point I would like to go ahead and side-step the debate between "atman" and "anatman" which is also known as "self vs no-self".  Personally I find it to be different ways of looking at the same thing - since both traditions point to a false and temporary identity as well as a true and eternal (or deathless) existence.   The points of contention between these metaphysical concepts are not technical but rather stylistic and in themselves within the realm of personality rather than essence.

In my personal experience I was let on to the degree of symbolic and synchronistic matrixing of meaningful information regarding my date of birth, astrological signs (from a number of different cultures) as well as various numbers related to dates as well as other numerical identifiers.  For example, I have always had an interest in the number 9 since it is my birthday, but also beyond this it always seemed very significant somehow.  Also, when I was very young I realized my initials (which is J. A. C.) spelled out the word "jack" phonetically.  Its obvious and mundane, but it was very significant to me at the time and remained that way as I grew up.  Many of these kinds of things where something seemed very significant to me in an unexplainable way suddenly became points of reference for a greater reality which was continuing to unfold. 

In terms of sorcery and other toltecs, I wanted to mention this because of the way in which the information and communications has been "matrixed".  By this I am speaking of the classical definition of the term - perhaps another way to say it is that the information is "composited" in a peculiar way.  For example, when you have a number of transparent sheets of flim, each with a few words and images on them, and lay them on top of each other - there is a "composite" image of everything together.  And the resulting composited image can be referred to as being "matrixed" when it becomes meaningful through this compositing process.  The idea is that individually meaningful things gain an entirely new and unexpected or previously unknown meaning when combined together.

I am reminded of Castaneda's writings, when he speaks of one of the apprentices mentioning how they saw their "illusions" lined up in a row "like little soldiers".  This description is extremely telling in many ways.  Samskaras are illusions, and they are the framework which the physical body is derived from before birth.  Samskaras are a description of the karmic process which attends rebirth, both metaphysically and just physically.  When samskaras are dissolved, there is no more rebirth through them.

Those who have gained some measure of influence over their own trajectories in life will also have evidential points of reference within their own scheme of illusions which interfaces with "the world".  This is the same as interpreting dreaming - in that your own mind knows the symbols which it understands best.  If you are trying to interpret your dreams by reading books from someone else - you have missed the point entirely.  Dreams are a direct communication from the source to your rational mind, through the most direct path possible - therefore, you alone are the most qualified person to interpret your own internal symbology.  Indeed - at this point, you MUST go alone - because it is the individual path of freedom itself which is being forged through this process.

Creatively, there is a force beyond any current understanding which reaches into aspects of reality which are "unknown" to your body at the current point of linear time - but which are of course "known" to the aspect of mind which is beyond time and space.  Between this experience of an "incomplete and temporary world" and the "perfect and eternal infinity" there is the matrixed reality of metaphysical formations.  Inside these formations, there is a certain kind of value which is not to be found anywhere else.  Again, these are direct communications from the source of eternal infinity to the temporary experience of your life in this moment.  They are the most personal thing in existence, and they are of course individual by definition.  This is what Gurdjieff refers to as "essence".  It is found in the shape of the physical body - but it is also found in the connective tissue between objective facts of your life itself within time and space, in terms of "meaning".  This is a clear distinction which requires some attention - the physical body operates through instinct and intuition, while the rational mind operates through symbols and logic. 

If a person was actually living through their body, they would be living from the experience of millions of years of genetic evolution.  This is not how people live.  People live through an interpretation of a conditioned experience within a social construct.  People live within mental abstractions that are many layers removed from actual physical reality.  Toltecs and other self-cultivators know that the real source of power and knowledge is the body, not the symbolic (or conceptual) mind.  Self-cultivation in general can be seen as the process of bridging or resolving the difference between them.  The most supreme maneuver in such an area is to move beyond the cycle of birth and death and rebirth which forces a repetition, rather than one which allows a progression.  Here is where we begin to speak of retaining awareness after death.

The differences at this point abound, however the most common concept would be reincarnation since it is the most prevalent across various cultures and tribal societies.  There are numerous examples of this as a tradition, in various forms - sometimes quite specialized such as the tulkus of Tibet.  However in general I have discovered it is also a common sort of phenomena amongst people in general who are involved with these practices to various degrees, and/or those who are particularly related to the practitioner in question in some way.   Here I am speaking specifically about the area of matrixed information which conveys meaningful communication of multiple lives as a harmonic sort of relation or ratio - which is one of the forms such matrixed information can take.  When it comes to reincarnated aspects of the body/mind which may relate similar memories across multiple lifetimes, it seems to be ideal - considering the multidimensional and formless yet formed nature of such a matrix.

And I can say that not only in my own experience in my own life, but I have also witnessed the phenomena occurring in others lives (although with or without their particular notice i couldn't say for sure).  If you are familiar with the twilight language type style it is exactly the same thing.   The information is coded in such a way that it is meaningful in a number of different ways on a number of different levels, depending on how you look at a certain aspect, or how you interpret it.  It is by definition multi-dimensional, that is the key point of this kind of transmission.  They are symbols or combinations of symbols which could be considered glyphic, or as an image which means many things simultaneously.

This is the natural sort of dream-language which the dreamer of the physical world uses to construct and convey reality.  It is how the physical body is designed in regards to your life plan of karmic results - both before birth, and during life itself.  And just like dream interpretation, the best person suited to understanding and grasping the deepest aspect of your life within lives of life and so on - is yourself.  It is a continual process in terms of the events of life and perception and how the world is constructed moment by moment - precisely because of how these layers interpenetrate each other, and how deep they go in terms of the transcendental levels of awareness.  The best indicator is synchronicity which resonates and manifests within the physical world, because it shows you an implicit and narrative order of events which reaches beyond any sort of purely random chance or meaningless string of occurrences.  In particular I found the description of having illusions "lined up" to be meaningful in a very particular way regarding 'seeing' as i understand it, as that descriptor applies across the board in some instances of how I would describe an experience of it.  I brought up that quote as something that I remembered from the past which has taken on new meanings for me, in regards to all of this information taken together.  That kind of experience of having everything renewed and then another wider world opening up was quite profound and since it has happened multiple times in my life already, I cannot say it will not happen again - and of course it most certainly will for sure at the end.