Restless Soma

Birth (the spinning force, public) => New Beginnings => Topic started by: runningstream on December 27, 2016, 08:32:13 AM

Title: Thread of answers
Post by: runningstream on December 27, 2016, 08:32:13 AM
This thread is for the answers relevant to the problems facing a clear progression of the earth dream 
Towards the ideals available to power as travellers of awareness .
For free opinions.
Feel free to add ideas or knowledge you feel see or think or believe in an honest if need be confronting yet non confrontational voice .
Title: Re: Thread of answers
Post by: runningstream on December 27, 2016, 08:39:00 AM
My belief is families exist , the families are archetypes which exist and are very old , like families that have been fighting for a long time .

The members of these families present like pillars which span through the layers of awaress within our human band of possibilities .

My belief is that cooperation within their searate yet combined totalities would lead to the stabilisation of this earth dream , and greater possibilities for healthy and peaceful transitions .

Title: Re: Thread of answers
Post by: runningstream on December 27, 2016, 09:32:25 AM
I was curious about hypnotism yesterday so I watched instructions on YouTube , the technique I saw involved disrupting a normal state in the mind , and then the nervous system has some strange response and then a suggestion is given while been pulled into said state.

I think religions are the same thing , hypnotism of sorts, and also television and popular collective movements.

For instance , in a reverse sense, did you ever watch a movie where the character had some crazy event happening in their life which information no matter how hard they tried could get no body to believe or take seriously?

Its that kind of hypnotism I'm talking about , that the people who are awake are actually asleep .
And unable to break the conditioning of their beliefs ,
And the terror of reality within the world actually creates a space in their consciousness through it's push ,  where the shock  puts them back to a sleep state .
A seemingly impenetratable barrier , the barrier keeps awareness at bay.

Its not the same process of removing programmed awareness , to reveal or restructure the environment .

Its keeping awareness fixed , as it denies it , it cannot then engage it , through letting go then reassembling ,
Through spirits hand .

Through energy ,

The answer for a practitioner attempting to remove the hypnotism or restructure    is then having to act unseen, with what hand spirit as afforded , which could differ immensely .

The spirit has plans . woven into the life , it is life .
Title: Re: Thread of answers
Post by: runningstream on December 27, 2016, 09:50:33 AM
Through the act of life , and following what is alive , we hook onto threads which are not available to people who have not undone the fascia of this outer appearance they have inherited ,
What is navigating with the description has a short memory , a short attention span , and short sightedness .
Energy dictates what is available collectively , to receive in time .

Energy is aware , awareness is not linear directional ,
When a person is born they are born with inner knowing ,
This also differs , my understanding is we are born outside of this linear time and then we come into it.

We are also able to again witness while alive outside this linear time .

This inconceivable act is beyond our capabilities of comprehension ,
Yet it forges us with that incomprehensible state pre birth ,
Infusing us , with awareness of totality .

Being fused means things will never be the same again ,
Witnessing our infiniteness , following our energy to and being infinity .

Title: Re: Thread of answers
Post by: Michael on December 30, 2016, 07:12:03 AM
I was curious about hypnotism yesterday so I watched instructions on YouTube

My god! At your age you still haven't studied hypnotism?

Let me tell you, that at an age younger than you, Gurdjieff secluded himself in one of the foremost libraries of Asia, and studied every book therein on the subject of hypnotism - only one of his areas of study while travelling across the deserts of Central Asia and Egypt in search of knowledge. In fact, he made the extremely difficult journey to Egypt purely because he felt he needed to know more about everything, and became involved in the Cypriot wars along the way just to finance his journey. And you sit in a caravan in north Queensland believing you know everything!

Put aside your ego Simon, and use your substantial talents to open yourself to the world. Come back in twenty years and tell us what you have found.
Title: Re: Thread of answers
Post by: runningstream on December 30, 2016, 09:20:10 AM
Here I am chiping away at you lot to engage for the betterment of the earth , with what appears yet is not as it appears !
Having utilised every thread available to me ,
Winnng no fans as I go yet compressing the time of the whole earth for the present ,
And trying my ass off to help you educated lot !

Fluffy language aside , I am quite graeful for your intellects , they are indeed valuable.
Yet as far as i can see woefully lacking the necesary motivation and grasp of the entirity of the situation , so go ahead , I actually prefer it that way to some degree ,
I don't sit around reading too many books about spiritual things , I find things available as they are required ,
You won't  find me debating , If I'll also be acting .
Michael so you know what of is divine timing .
Are you your own master ?
Are you written in the stories you read ,
I write them as I read them ,
What then do i hold of value ?

Title: Re: Thread of answers
Post by: runningstream on December 30, 2016, 09:27:54 AM
You are so used to nit wits in forums including Buddhist nit wits you think you've found a nit wit,
Who hasn't found his path , even these words you think empty , dont worry old wise man, I'm the one who's going to pull you lot and your line out of the shit.
Title: Re: Thread of answers
Post by: runningstream on December 30, 2016, 09:48:06 AM
I know for a fact you yourself are aware of anonimty as you sit in armadale in a  house ,
And those you help are never aware .
So its OK that I use every resource available to me to save those worthy , even old wise ass's like you.

See if you can guess what divine timings lined up for you lot tomorrow .

Title: Re: Thread of answers
Post by: runningstream on December 30, 2016, 11:08:02 AM
Girdjieff sounds very lost
Title: Re: Thread of answers
Post by: runningstream on December 30, 2016, 11:10:28 AM
By the way Mr hooky language ,
I trained twice yesterday and paddled , how many books did you sit around reading on your ass.
Title: Re: Thread of answers
Post by: zig on January 08, 2017, 04:14:13 AM

Hi Simon, -guessing that that is your name-

I liked what you wrote about families,

I believe too that they are important..