As I stroll out back one of our locations the soft breeze hits me and reminds me of the last two nights.
Ang and I were in the spa and the wind was rustling around us. The palm trees voiced their concerns as well as the large tree opposite the spa. My hair (what's left of it) swirled around as well. Ang pointed out how peaceful our bodies were under the water as opposed to being subject to this zephyr.
When we got out and dried off in our chairs, I closed my eyes and listened to the wind. Here's what she had to say:
"I was present with you when you were visiting with the warm water, but at that moment you preferred the warm water; now, I'm present with you as a warm breeze, as the cold water chills you."
Interesting. She then blew the towel that was hanging on the back of the chair up over my left arm, then swirled around me and covered my right arm. I pointed this out to Ang, who only smiled.
As Michael mentioned:
How often do we witness the purest manifestation of magic - before our eyes we see the essence of the universe dance, and we turn our backs on it in our stupidity to follow some rubbish in our own mind or ego?
Let me tell you how often. Every day!
I should listen more.