(Hi...) I hope this doesn't get bothersome (to our host and maybe the energy of R S)
I 'm posting in New Beginnings , because I have this tendency, due to possibly many aspects of Uranus in my personal chart... , but I believe/suppose this 'New beginning" acts not so harmoniously with my ... "field/sphere" of relationships at this time.
I think of many things...
Like if my desire creates somehow an urgency, which is not part of my dream.
Like if I 'm urging a complete fire- let's say mirror ... that's not me and my Venus -so to speak- either...
I just have the idea that in the current state ... and with my current energies it could be better to not come face to face in Life with my possible soulmate.
I write to the internet, getting involved here (Where it's the most real place in the internet I encounter) and proceed.
There is no affront to any path, Don Juan said.
So true
Just here, I feel there is a soul.
Something that warms whatever I could claim as true.