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Author Topic: Vayu-Vata  (Read 156 times)

Offline Yeshu

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« on: May 05, 2024, 08:59:13 AM »
Both the words Vāta and Vāyu have almost identical meanings in Sanskrit or Vedic traditions. Although there is no god representing Vata, there is the god Vayu representing air. The word Vata is still used today in many Indian languages to denote atmosphere. Atmosphere in Hindi, Marathi etc., is called Vatavaran (वातावरण). which is made of two words Vata meaning Air, Avaran (आवरण) meaning layer.

Vāyu-Vāta or Vāta-Vāyu is the Avestan language name of a dual-natured Zoroastrian divinity of the wind (Vayu) and of the atmosphere (Vata). The names are also used independently of one another, with 'Vayu' occurring more frequently than 'Vata', but even when used independently still representing the other aspect.

The entity is simultaneously angelic and demonic, that is, depending on the circumstances, either yazata - "worthy of worship" - or daeva, which in Zoroastrian tradition is a demon. Scripture frequently applies the epithet "good" when speaking of one or the other in a positive context.

In Zurvanism (Zurvanite Zoroastrianism, a now-extinct form of Zoroastrianism), Vata-Vayu represented two facets of the quaternary Zurvan. In this arrangement, Vata-Vayu represented "space" while the other two facets represent "time."

Vayu-Vata has Indo-Iranian roots, and has the same name in historical Vedic religion.

Offline Yeshu

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The Rig Veda / Mandala 10 / Hymn 78
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2024, 09:00:50 AM »
1. Ye by your hymns are like high-thoughted singers, skillful, inviting Gods with sacrifices;
     Fair to behold, like Kings, with bright adornment, like spotless gallants, leaders of the people:
2. Like fire with flashing flame, breast-bound with chains of gold, like tempest-blasts, self-moving, swift to lend your aid;
     As best of all foreknowers, excellent to guide, like Somas, good to guard the man who follows Law.
3. Shakers of all, like gales of wind they travel, like tongues of burning fires in their effulgence.
     Mighty are they as warriors clad in armour, and, like the Fathers' prayers, Most Bounteous Givers.
4. Like spokes of car-wheels in one nave united, ever victorious like heavenly Heroes,
     Shedding their precious balm like youthful suitors, they raise their voice and chant their psalm as singers.
5. They who are fleet to travel like the noblest steeds, long to obtain the prize like bounteous charioteers,
     Like waters speeding on with their precipitous floods, like omniform Angirases with Sama-hymns.
6. Born from the stream, like press-stones are the Princes, for ever like the stones that crush in pieces;
     Sons of a beauteous Dame, like playful children, like a great host upon the march with splendour.
7. Like rays of Dawn, the visitors of sacrifice, they shine with ornaments as eager to be bright.
     Like rivers hasting on, glittering with their spears, from far away they measure out the distances.
8. Gods, send us happiness and make us wealthy, letting us singers prosper, O ye Maruts.
     Bethink you of our praise and of our friendship: ye from of old have riches to vouchsafe us.

Offline Yeshu

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The Rig Veda / Mandala 10 / Hymn 168
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2024, 09:05:30 AM »
1. O THE Wind's chariot, O its power and glory! Crashing it goes and hath a voice of thunder.
     It makes the regions red and touches heaven, and as it moves the dust of earth is scattered.
2. Along the traces of the Wind they hurry, they come to him as dames to an assembly.
     Borne on his car with these for his attendants, the God speeds forth, the universe's Monarch.
3. Travelling on the paths of air's mid region, no single day doth he take rest or slumber.
     Holy and earliest-born, Friend of the waters, where did he spring and from what region came he?
4. Germ of the world, the Deities' vital spirit, this God moves ever as his will inclines him.
     His voice is heard, his shape is ever viewless. Let us adore this Wind with our oblation.

or, alternately:

[The Gale Wind - This hymn is to Vâta, a particularly violent and concrete form of the wind.]

1. O, the power and glory of the chariot of the gale! It breaks things into pieces as it
passes by, making a sound like thunder. Touching the sky as it moves, it makes red
streaks; passing along the earth, it scatters the dust.
2. The tempests race together after the gale; they come to him like women to a
rendezvous. Yoked with them to a single chariot, the god who is the king of this whole
universe passes by.
3. Moving along his paths in the middle realm of space , he does not rest even for a single
day. Friend of the waters, rst-born keeper of the Law, where was he born? What was
he created from?
4. Breath of the gods, embryo of the universe, this god wanders wherever he pleases. His
sounds are heard, but his form is not seen.
 Let us worship the gale with oblation.