I'm not going to bother with the big *bang* bliss moment. Why is because it was long ago, and sure it means a lot. But the point is I'm gonna leap to the aftermath of that. Because I did hit 'that' once upon a time. But it was really, only another beginning, to me. But in contrast, I also did 'hit' the dark night shortly after that. I'm gonna post on another thread, a story from Deepak's book, The Path to Love. I have some of his books, read more than that. The story was pertient, though different, I can identify with the man he wrote about.
I think really, I went through that experience, bliss first, (which was odd, cause usually that's said to come after), then hit the dismal, depressing, empty death fear feeling, after, maybe to understand it at another level. Who can really know, what that is to understand or experience. Both experiences were when physically awake for the record. But just hit out of the blue, the other side of the spectrum. No warning, never happened before. Felt like an extreme panic attack, which I'd never had them, and haven't had one since. But it was this overwhelming realization I was going to die. I almost thought, I would at that moment. That weird finite, cut off feeling. I almost felt like, in a way, like Spirit, cut the cord, very briefly, so I would understand at that level, what that feeling 'is' like. Then it was like everything going pitch black, and I was under attack by some really, horrific force that took over the being. It was a really strange realization. It's a definite reality shift. Not any illusion or any of that.
Nothing really, triggered it at all. Nothing. And that was, really, what was scary in that situation too. So I was kinda left, not understanding, I had went from one extreme to the other, and even the experience of bliss, couldnt really resolve, that. I think in a way, those experiences, gave a contrast, in life, but where it can lead, when we are cut 'off.' But I also became aware, that its really 'us' who does it, in various ways. I hadn't done it, not intentionally. Of course, in that moment. It was just like I was meant to experience, the 'could-be' in that state of being. So it did give me the awareness I needed, also cause I never would want to get stuck in such a state.
Its only natural for us to fear death. But to myself, after that, there is something even more frightening than actually dying, and even suffering from a disease. Losing that link. That, is the most frightenign thing, one could ever, fathom, if they do that. If that dark night, ever became a permanent state of being. Its beyond, ceasing to exist.
So, in turn, that keeps me humble, at that level.