Life is precious, I'm not sure idealised romance has the same ability to heal its self sabotaging ways , where the basic human needs have been neglected in living.
Where hunting and gathering go together in a natural balance .
The domesticated human race in general has become lazy and self entitled .
Detached from physical reality , and when that rug is pulled out from under it , the reality of their pathetic defenselessness will become exposed.
The worst of their collective nature will then comes out , and the romantics ideals will not hold up as shields, as they are not based in solid reality.
Sure in times of peace the paper warriors can shine their self reflections upon others as an agreed personal mirror looking for compliments and validation, when that IS shattered they may still be linked to the collective wave of subjugated selves collectively driven over the ledge of delusion.
You've got to use the muscles of basic detached movement , linking to spirit in endeavours.
This survival is not about the fear driven by thought of dying.
Vision can give glimpses of useful connected ways of living in peace and war times. The choice.