A small amount more time , then I shall find what I left within the wilderness.
Do not expect the intentions of others to not bless.
Thinking that they instead hunt blindly ,
Do not speak blindness stupidly to the awake because of solidified path , instead ask !
Where that light grows , all of those I see do not speak with forked tongue.
They are clean ,
It takes some time for it to seep in , at first the mind tries to panic , looks for an escape.
Easily we do wha t you ask , yet the horse before the Cart !
If only those who explained could see .
I am not the consequence of your imagined afflictions through denying the medicine you shall not force .
The mind , relaxes , perhaps beyond a week .
Two things , comfort and security.
Being responsible for your own survival a truly shrinking thought , yet expanding feeling.
When returning , listening in rooms , small things , like a dog that passes through a fence , and then again awake.
The hunters would see their prey.
Small things, like witnessing events , falling asleep being more awake.
Its a detour , gathering these seen . the wild calls , it is getting stronger ,
Preparations being made , like seasons