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Author Topic: Contentment  (Read 4123 times)

Offline Endless~Knot

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« on: September 09, 2009, 04:32:36 PM »
Im not speaking of contentment of the path where you get lazy, but learning to be content with what you have. I find its very important to do that or else you will spin from one direction to another, always a slave to the emotions, being upset by mind that you cannot be 'content.'

Ive found it interesting in this economy how folks who have been laid off from other jobs which paid more, were happy because they were able to get a job. Those who could, who had been on the unemployment line. "Im lucky to have a job in this economy." Or "Ill take what I can get right now." Like when I was reading about how some folks went from high paying positions, or cushy office jobs to factories gutting chickens, its not what they want but they said, "I have a job." Or cleaning up trash off the streets. "Im back to being employed." And while they may not be doing what they are doing, some are content at the moment with what they have.

The other option, no job, is far worse of an alternate. That means no place to live, no food. Going without basic necessities. Folks have had to reexamine what is important and had to scale back. Even going and renting a movie for entertainment is being cut. Or going out to eat for lunch, taking meals. Some may skip a meal here and there altogether, just to make the ends meet.

But its all doable, but what is very important, esp during this time, is learning to be content within. Somehow, through trial and error, learning to accept the circumstances and the hand dealt, so one can get by.

Its also a lesson in impermanence that Buddha once again proves to be right. Some folks moved from more expensive homes to apartments. Did away with cars with high payments. We dont really 'own' anything. We dont even own our own lives so how could we even own our own 'stuff,' and all we attach ourselves to? "MY job," or "My house," or even "My family." None of this is able to be kept in anyway. Its all things we may have to give up at one time or another.

So there is really only being content in the moment. There is only not worrying about the future. And importantly, avoiding suffering over what you 'dont have.'

Many are doing that right now, suffering over what they dont have. They lost their beautiful house, or cushy job, had to downsize. Even take the bus. Their credit score is shot. They are struggling now, and life feels like a day to day survival issue. College kids cant get jobs even doing fast food cause people with degrees took them. Retail jobs too. And even jobs people dont want to do, are taken now. Immigrants are running out of luck.

So if you're lucky in this economy to have a job and place to live, be content. Also keep in mind all of the spiritual lessons and use it as a vehicle to grow, not a vehicle to suffer. Suffering provides no solutions, gives no way out. Focusing on the have-nots does not give any way 'out' at all. Learn to be content. Learn to accept. Learn to see that all of the inner struggle is really where you have the power, even when the outer struggle seems bleak.
“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is uniquely your own.” - Bruce Lee

Offline Michael

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Re: Contentment
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 06:15:18 AM »
and you are going through this also?

Offline Endless~Knot

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Re: Contentment
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2009, 11:00:05 AM »
and you are going through this also?

Of course. I think everyone in this economy is. Learning to be content, scaling back. Yes, definitely. I dont write about things unless its coming from experience.
“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is uniquely your own.” - Bruce Lee

Offline Michael

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Re: Contentment
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2009, 06:34:53 AM »

Offline Endless~Knot

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Re: Contentment
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2009, 11:36:06 AM »
“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is uniquely your own.” - Bruce Lee

Offline daphne

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Re: Contentment
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2009, 02:30:35 PM »
Im not speaking of contentment of the path where you get lazy, but learning to be content with what you have.

I think that contentment, whether on or off the path (same thing to me) can be like a drug; it can sucker me in. That is not to say I don't have moments of contentment; I do, but that's what they are, moments. If those moments stretched out, I would probably sit in a funk and not do anything! I accept what I have; I wouldn't say I'm content with it. Is contentment a 'state of mind'?

Offline Endless~Knot

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Re: Contentment
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2009, 04:19:53 PM »
Is contentment a 'state of mind'?

Yes, definitely. Thats why we have the ability to flip the switch on or off on being content, at will, if we really choose it. Its one thing to have a restlessness that gets us off our ass in the right direction, thats ok. But being content with oneself, not always wanting something 'more more more' and never being satisfied is an enemy on the path. That only creates more suffering and denies a person having any peace.
“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is uniquely your own.” - Bruce Lee

Offline Michael

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Re: Contentment
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2009, 04:25:53 AM »
I would probably sit in a funk and not do anything! I accept what I have; I wouldn't say I'm content with it.

Well put Daph.
Words are funny things. Contentment leans a bit either way. It can definitely be a lotus-eater's backwater, and yet is also a state to acquire.

I prefer to use the word tranquillity, for a mind-mood-body state that I cultivate in my life. Yet I also cultivate restlessness and motivation for achievement.

Perhaps the best 'air' to breath is that of Purgatory. Half way between Heaven and Hell.