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Author Topic: Michael  (Read 20809 times)


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Re: Michael
« Reply #45 on: August 05, 2018, 12:19:50 PM »
Seems like a maneuver, like the took off of a flight of a seagull is always required . ~ -

Offline Michael

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The Assemblage Point in Shamanism
« Reply #46 on: August 19, 2018, 09:14:12 AM »
Although this terminology was, to my knowledge, launched by Castaneda, the idea itself is not new, but under different language and approach. Nonetheless, the arrival in this form is no doubt one of those ideas from Castaneda that has been dropped into a highly ripe environment, considering the advent of the mind-altering culture that has become so prevalent since the 60s. But as usual, the principle has been misunderstood.

The Assemblage Point (AP) has been adopted by the New-Age community in a mix of theosophy and healing, to represent the intersection of different energy spheres within the body. This is largely a theoretical speculation and has little to do with shamanism. Shamans see the AP in a very different way – for them, the AP is the soul.

We are perceivers, and what we perceive is filtered through the AP. It acts as a lens, which channels and orders the universe into a manageable package for us, according to our needs. It is a functional lens that provides us with perceivable information so that we can operate effectively in the world. From the point of view of our perceptual identity, the AP is the world. It is everything we know and believe about the universe and ourselves. Thus, when our body dies, so does the lens – nothing can be assembled after that, so the world and ourselves as we know it disintegrates into mist.

Everything you do, everything you are taught, all your learning and experiences from the moment of conception go into forming the AP. There are holes in it for the early years, when children can see things that are not acceptable in later life. Around the age of twenty, you can be confident the AP has been sealed over. But it continues to develop and expand with every experience we have until we die.

In order for us to function properly in this world, including through all the trials, sufferings and shocks of life, we require a strong, stable AP. For a shaman, most of his work goes into building a broad-based stability for his AP. This is one reason why the modern breed of shamans adopted intellectuality into the mix, because it provided an entirely new angle of relief on the sobriety of the AP.

A shaman knows from experience, that the structure of the AP is not so simple. For the ordinary person, there are three components to perception. The unfiltered universe of everything, is filtered through the ordinary person’s AP lens, and the resulting light strikes the perceptual sensor: universe, AP, sensor. For a shaman, accustomed to sustaining stability within a shifting world, there are four components. The AP is separated into two parts. The universe remains the same, and the perceptual sensor, our deepest core of awareness, is also the same (although the shaman works to change that as well).

When the ordinary person is presented with altered states, the confusing effect ramifies directly into the sensor, causing considerable discombobulation. The AP’s certainty shatters under the impact of discordant information, which then sends this disruptive energy directly into the sensor which has the potential to destroy the person’s ‘mind’. In this context, I use the word mind to describe the whole process of perception filtering, self-image and neurological brain structure. Overload of discordant and confusing flow through the AP can actually cause severe damage to the neurological structure of the brain.

The shaman guards against this, especially because he is by trade a psychological adventurer. So, he inserts an intermediate lens between the primary AP and the sensor. When the world convulses and distorts, he withdraws within an internal bubble, which is this intermediary lens that protects the inner sensor, and thus the brain (as much as possible). It becomes a major struggle for the shaman to hold that bubble together no matter what images and feelings are assailing him from without. In such situations the AP’s filtering breaks down and it lets in completely unfiltered information because it becomes overloaded. The shaman is able to release the primary AP, which also minimises any damage to it due to a lack of stress, and pulls all the essential elements of identity back within the second AP lens. He then holds that structure together with all his power, and floats in a time capsule until the outer storm subsides.

To achieve this shamanic technology, we have to work on three areas. Firstly, we strengthen the AP. Secondly, we deconstruct the AP. Thirdly, we build awareness in such a way that it manifests the second, intermediate AP. All these elements require extensive knowledge and work, but I’ll just cover the essentials here.

Strengthening the AP. You know you have a strong AP when life’s tragedies don’t cause you to fall apart. There are two ways to shift the AP – one is gradual and the other dramatic. In strengthening, we shift the AP in a gradual, incremental way, by adding new elements to our world. We also strengthen by developing mastery of skills. Doing every act to the best we can – this employs all the old adages of our grandparents: trustworthiness, reliability, craftsmanship in all actions, subjecting ourselves to deprivation, not complaining or blaming and so forth.

Then we broaden the base of our AP by this gradual shift process. We work at including novelty into our life – not being caught in old attitudes or patterns of behaviour. Breaking our habits and discovering new pathways or experiences. We have to work at this all our life, but eventually it becomes a pleasure, which makes it easier.

Deconstructing the AP. This is the dangerous part. In essence, we invite death into the AP. In fact, the AP as was formed through our life, has to die. You can see why this is dangerous and a very tricky manoeuvre to pull off. There are two prime components: firstly, we employ major shifts of the AP. Think of the AP as a dense point of light in our energetic body. It can expand and shift around, but tends to hang about the same general location. It shifts through the day, depending on your activities and who is in your presence, what movies you watch or foods you eat. But it is capable of complete jumps to new locations if the right conditions are presented to it. As a shaman, we strategically plan and execute these major shifts, as well as the restabilising process after.

Secondly, we invite death to do its work. This is called, ‘to die before you die’. This is the primary stamp of a shaman: one who has died. I only wish there was a simple explanation of how one goes about this, but actually it is an intensely personal relationship between us and our own death. The only familiar pathway prescribed for budding shamans is the practice of internal silence. Otherwise, I recommend you don’t do it alone, if that is at all possible.

Building awareness and the intermediate AP. This is actually building your own soul, but it comes about naturally as you practice the whole field of awareness. Take an example: you work at a job where your manager irritates you intensely, but for the sake of your job, you have to put your personal feelings aside, and feign allegiance and alignment with this person. This kind of experience causes your AP to split into two. Another case: you are in a situation in which it is critical you adopt a serious and sober attitude, but internally you find the whole thing hilarious and insane. Again, your soul becomes divided.

When you practice lucid dreaming exercises, you separate yourself from the world you witness. You experience a sense of detachment as the impassioned observer. That creates a secondary, self-initiated AP. Whenever you force awareness from inside, that effort, known as Vulcan by Rudolf Steiner, is the vehicle that survives the death of the body. It is created and bonded by our own free will, not for any worldly purpose or investment. It is a pure membrane of disassociated awareness, the shaman’s light body.

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Major Shifts of the AP
« Reply #47 on: August 24, 2018, 06:26:19 AM »
This is the exciting stuff, so I’ll explain it a little more. It is not that complex, once you have mapped the landscape. To begin, know that when we are dealing with the subtle bodies, we use imagery to gain purchase and leverage. The images are tools which can be interchanged depending on the task at hand. If you want to know more about the subtle bodies, read Theosophy by Rudolf Steiner, who explains the basics in clear language. I will restrict myself in these writings to the approach taken by shamans. Shamanism is an ancient lineage going back to the dawn of our species: the Line of Melchedezik. We seek specific outcomes from our existence, which are not advisable nor appropriate for the normal person. It is imperative that shamans learn not only their own path, but also the path of their community, which includes the normal human process of development through life. There is nothing normal about shamans.

The term Assemblage Point is a technical phrase describing the energetic gravitational centre of our self-image, what we are referring to in a general way when we use the word ‘I’. It has a physical location on the body, as well as the luminous egg. The greatest and most profound shift that can occur to it is when the person who is innately of the shamanic heritage, comes in contact with a shamanic adept. Such a person is never the same again, no matter how much they may seek to forget that contact. The presence of an active shaman, unnoticed by the average person, is ultimately devastating to one born of this lineage.

Identity and cords
The conceptual tool I prefer to use, to describe the Assemblage Point, is identity. It provides us with a handle which we can utilise more effectively, although you could describe the AP as the centre of identity if you wish. Our identity changes throughout the day, but in general, it is held within a familiar hub by a web of what we call cords. Cords are relationships. Powerful cords are powerful relationships. This web is constructed of minor and major cords, and the major cords tend to be clusters rather than singular. To plan and produce major shifts of the AP, you need to map the major cords of your identity. Then you can build a strategy for manipulating those cords to produce optimum shifts – typically shifts which never allow the AP to return to its original hub.

Silent protectors
When we succeed in a major shift of our identity, it is like landing on the moon – we plant a flag, then begin the journey back. That flag, and the location we achieve, become silent protectors. There is much significance in that phrase. We then build up a network of these outposts, and activate them as required in order to navigate on our quest.

Cordal matrix map
The map of our cord web is not that difficult to visualise. It is pretty much the same for most people, leaving aside tragic disruptions in life. One of the primary cord clusters is our family. Our mother and father are primary, then our children and partner, brothers, sisters and extended family. Include in this anyone you have had sexual intercourse with – shamans typically minimise those cords due to the toll they take on our energetic store. All cords are energetic exchange channels, which typically cause far more drainage than refilling. The family cluster is one of the most difficult to manipulate. Gurdjieff resigned himself to accepting it as a necessary and significant obligation, while Don Juan, the purest, demanded it also go the way of all other cords eventually. Due to its power, I recommend leaving the physical location of your family. That in itself will produce a dramatic AP shift – we underestimate the influence of our family on our identity.

Another major cluster is the location where we grew up, and so that also should be left behind. It is interesting to travel back to your formative location, just to feel the depth of feeling embedded in this cord cluster.

Our work career is a very influential cord on our identity. Wherever possible, it is recommended to change career paths as often as possible without risking financial ruin if possible, especially as you get older. It takes at least ten years to gain mastery of a new career, after which it stamps our identity indelibly. Once you attain that point of ‘establishing’ your AP in a career or job – any shaman will know the moment – plant a symbolic flag, then engineer your exit.

Probably the most fascinating major cord cluster is the culture we grow up in. Never underestimate the power and depth into which culture penetrates our soul. Disrupting this can cause incredible shifts of the AP, from which it definitely never reverts.

Changing countries
You have to travel and live in a completely different culture to manipulate this cord cluster. For example, shifting from the USA to Europe doesn’t hold sufficient contrast for a major AP shift. Then, it has to be a culture which is cheap enough to live in for at least six months, unless you have a job there. Unfortunately, jobs in other countries tend to encapsulate us within a bubble of our original cultural milieu, which undermines the shift potential. To gain the full impact of this technique, you have to absorb the other culture as much as possible, meaning wearing their clothes, eating their food, reading their news, studying their history and religions, and generally absorbing the hidden ‘view’ of the people. For a shaman, this includes accessing the etheric layer of the land itself – this is far too great an issue to deal with here, but is fundamental for any shaman to understand.

One important area within the cultural cord, is to spend time in the natural world alone. To assist with this, it is good to study how native people in your country viewed the land. But it is necessary to find wilderness that has not been tampered with by humans. This is due to the mysterious effect humans have upon the energetic fields of beings which live in natural worlds – a very interesting subject for another time, but quintessential for shamans.

Power plants
It is necessary to inform any budding shaman that the use of power plants has been embedded in shamanism since the beginning. The recent use of drugs for entertainment is but a pale shadow of the potential implicit in this practice. As a commentator once stated, all drugs are a yearning for a spiritual, poetic reality. Alas, it has been the destruction of far too many souls and lives. Shamans never ignore the danger of power plants, which is why they stick to natural ‘plants’. Here again, I only touch on a huge subject, which requires explicit instruction. Suffice to say here, shamans engage with power plants ONLY in a sacred sphere, and that it is predominantly in the first few experiences that the real shift occurs, after which your AP never reverts.

Lucid dreaming
If you have always had the capacity to dream lucidly, then this won’t be of any use to you as a major AP shift opportunity. Otherwise, for some people it can take years to build the awareness capacity to trigger a lucid dream. Once you have awoken within a dream, you have shifted your AP in a way unlike any other measure can match. This is a shift inward on the human band. Ultimately, everything resides upon the ongoing journey of awakening on deeper and deeper layers of our identity – what shamans call the path or realisation. This requires a lot of planning and arrangement of life to discover what awareness actually means.

The body
Lastly, the strongest cord of all is to our body. It is given a special name: the Silver Cord. If you are a lucid dreamer, you can touch this cord, and feel what it’s like (live wire!). Thus, sickness and bodily changes are dramatic major AP shifts. Shamans have an intimate relationship with illness, as it not only alters their identity, but enables them to understand healing. Women have a huge advantage due to their womb and sexual organs. These are powerful cords which can be turned into profound shamanic opportunities – all organs have multiple layers of purpose, so never get stuck on the ground-layer or pedestrian understanding of bodily parts. Women go through bodily changes associated with their reproductive organs which cause extraordinary shifts in identity. Keep in mind when trying to understand this, that the sexual organs of a woman are a passageway into the deepest organic centres, in a way that men can’t remotely match. This is true gift for shamanic women.

The human band
There are different categories of major shifts which can be set up. Since forever, the recommendation is to shift in depth or laterally on the human band of the luminous egg. Shifts below to the animal, insect or plant bands are dangerous due to the cheapness of life there. Shifts up to the spirit bands are also dangerous due to the existence there of energetic, carnivorous entities. Shifts to the right on the human band involve high adrenaline action and violence, while shifts to the left involve love, compassion and empathy. The ancient advice has always been to conduct shifts inwardly on the human band, towards the core of our being while it lasts. That means awareness of truth, seriousness and sobriety. Realisations of the ultimate purpose of our being.

The return
That’s a very quick scan of the kinds of shifts it is possible to map and plan. Always remember that major shifts can unhinge the mind, so it is a practice that must be undertaken in conjunction with identity strengthening and flexibility practices of the shamanic path. And plan your return journey as much as your escape. Most of the power in this practice comes on return to the familiar hub position, only to find its not there anymore. One of the most frequent mistakes budding shamans make is to neglect the return journey. It is easy to deconstruct the AP – much harder to put it back together again.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 09:37:12 AM by Michael »

Offline Michael

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Re: Michael
« Reply #48 on: August 24, 2018, 09:47:57 AM »


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Knowledge .....
« Reply #49 on: August 25, 2018, 07:43:13 AM »
This is the exciting stuff, so I’ll explain it a little more. It is not that complex, once you have mapped the landscape. To begin, know that when we are dealing with the subtle bodies, we use imagery to gain purchase and leverage. The images are tools which can be interchanged depending on the task at hand. If you want to know more about the subtle bodies, read Theosophy by Rudolf Steiner, who explains the basics in clear language. I will restrict myself in these writings to the approach taken by shamans. Shamanism is an ancient lineage going back to the dawn of our species: the Line of Melchedezik. We seek specific outcomes from our existence, which are not advisable nor appropriate for the normal person. It is imperative that shamans learn not only their own path, but also the path of their community, which includes the normal human process of development through life. There is nothing normal about shamans.

The term Assemblage Point is a technical phrase describing the energetic gravitational centre of our self-image, what we are referring to in a general way when we use the word ‘I’. It has a physical location on the body, as well as the luminous egg. The greatest and most profound shift that can occur to it is when the person who is innately of the shamanic heritage, comes in contact with a shamanic adept. Such a person is never the same again, no matter how much they may seek to forget that contact. The presence of an active shaman, unnoticed by the average person, is ultimately devastating to one born of this lineage.

Identity and cords
The conceptual tool I prefer to use, to describe the Assemblage Point, is identity. It provides us with a handle which we can utilise more effectively, although you could describe the AP as the centre of identity if you wish. Our identity changes throughout the day, but in general, it is held within a familiar hub by a web of what we call cords. Cords are relationships. Powerful cords are powerful relationships. This web is constructed of minor and major cords, and the major cords tend to be clusters rather than singular. To plan and produce major shifts of the AP, you need to map the major cords of your identity. Then you can build a strategy for manipulating those cords to produce optimum shifts – typically shifts which never allow the AP to return to its original hub.

Silent protectors
When we succeed in a major shift of our identity, it is like landing on the moon – we plant a flag, then begin the journey back. That flag, and the location we achieve, become silent protectors. There is much significance in that phrase. We then build up a network of these outposts, and activate them as required in order to navigate on our quest.

Cordal matrix map
The map of our cord web is not that difficult to visualise. It is pretty much the same for most people, leaving aside tragic disruptions in life. One of the primary cord clusters is our family. Our mother and father are primary, then our children and partner, brothers, sisters and extended family. Include in this anyone you have had sexual intercourse with – shamans typically minimise those cords due to the toll they take on our energetic store. All cords are energetic exchange channels, which typically cause far more drainage than refilling. The family cluster is one of the most difficult to manipulate. Gurdjieff resigned himself to accepting it as a necessary and significant obligation, while Don Juan, the purest, demanded it also go the way of all other cords eventually. Due to its power, I recommend leaving the physical location of your family. That in itself will produce a dramatic AP shift – we underestimate the influence of our family on our identity.

Another major cluster is the location where we grew up, and so that also should be left behind. It is interesting to travel back to your formative location, just to feel the depth of feeling embedded in this cord cluster.

Our work career is a very influential cord on our identity. Wherever possible, it is recommended to change career paths as often as possible without risking financial ruin if possible, especially as you get older. It takes at least ten years to gain mastery of a new career, after which it stamps our identity indelibly. Once you attain that point of ‘establishing’ your AP in a career or job – any shaman will know the moment – plant a symbolic flag, then engineer your exit.

Probably the most fascinating major cord cluster is the culture we grow up in. Never underestimate the power and depth into which culture penetrates our soul. Disrupting this can cause incredible shifts of the AP, from which it definitely never reverts.

Changing countries
You have to travel and live in a completely different culture to manipulate this cord cluster. For example, shifting from the USA to Europe doesn’t hold sufficient contrast for a major AP shift. Then, it has to be a culture which is cheap enough to live in for at least six months, unless you have a job there. Unfortunately, jobs in other countries tend to encapsulate us within a bubble of our original cultural milieu, which undermines the shift potential. To gain the full impact of this technique, you have to absorb the other culture as much as possible, meaning wearing their clothes, eating their food, reading their news, studying their history and religions, and generally absorbing the hidden ‘view’ of the people. For a shaman, this includes accessing the etheric layer of the land itself – this is far too great an issue to deal with here, but is fundamental for any shaman to understand.

One important area within the cultural cord, is to spend time in the natural world alone. To assist with this, it is good to study how native people in your country viewed the land. But it is necessary to find wilderness that has not been tampered with by humans. This is due to the mysterious effect humans have upon the energetic fields of beings which live in natural worlds – a very interesting subject for another time, but quintessential for shamans.

Power plants
It is necessary to inform any budding shaman that the use of power plants has been embedded in shamanism since the beginning. The recent use of drugs for entertainment is but a pale shadow of the potential implicit in this practice. As a commentator once stated, all drugs are a yearning for a spiritual, poetic reality. Alas, it has been the destruction of far too many souls and lives. Shamans never ignore the danger of power plants, which is why they stick to natural ‘plants’. Here again, I only touch on a huge subject, which requires explicit instruction. Suffice to say here, shamans engage with power plants ONLY in a sacred sphere, and that it is predominantly in the first few experiences that the real shift occurs, after which your AP never reverts.

Lucid dreaming
If you have always had the capacity to dream lucidly, then this won’t be of any use to you as a major AP shift opportunity. Otherwise, for some people it can take years to build the awareness capacity to trigger a lucid dream. Once you have awoken within a dream, you have shifted your AP in a way unlike any other measure can match. This is a shift inward on the human band. Ultimately, everything resides upon the ongoing journey of awakening on deeper and deeper layers of our identity – what shamans call the path or realisation. This requires a lot of planning and arrangement of life to discover what awareness actually means.

The body
Lastly, the strongest cord of all is to our body. It is given a special name: the Silver Cord. If you are a lucid dreamer, you can touch this cord, and feel what it’s like (live wire!). Thus, sickness and bodily changes are dramatic major AP shifts. Shamans have an intimate relationship with illness, as it not only alters their identity, but enables them to understand healing. Women have a huge advantage due to their womb and sexual organs. These are powerful cords which can be turned into profound shamanic opportunities – all organs have multiple layers of purpose, so never get stuck on the ground-layer or pedestrian understanding of bodily parts. Women go through bodily changes associated with their reproductive organs which cause extraordinary shifts in identity. Keep in mind when trying to understand this, that the sexual organs of a woman are a passageway into the deepest organic centres, in a way that men can’t remotely match. This is true gift for shamanic women.

The human band
There are different categories of major shifts which can be set up. Since forever, the recommendation is to shift in depth or laterally on the human band of the luminous egg. Shifts below to the animal, insect or plant bands are dangerous due to the cheapness of life there. Shifts up to the spirit bands are also dangerous due to the existence there of energetic, carnivorous entities. Shifts to the right on the human band involve high adrenaline action and violence, while shifts to the left involve love, compassion and empathy. The ancient advice has always been to conduct shifts inwardly on the human band, towards the core of our being while it lasts. That means awareness of truth, seriousness and sobriety. Realisations of the ultimate purpose of our being.

The return
That’s a very quick scan of the kinds of shifts it is possible to map and plan. Always remember that major shifts can unhinge the mind, so it is a practice that must be undertaken in conjunction with identity strengthening and flexibility practices of the shamanic path. And plan your return journey as much as your escape. Most of the power in this practice comes on return to the familiar hub position, only to find its not there anymore. One of the most frequent mistakes budding shamans make is to neglect the return journey. It is easy to deconstruct the AP – much harder to put it back together again.
Thanks Michael. This made me remember energetically my passion of wanting to study something until it's part of my flesh ……  It's one great passion.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 07:57:37 AM by Zik »

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Re: Michael
« Reply #50 on: August 26, 2018, 07:34:38 AM »
Mountain Hermitage:

Mmm, for me. Went, ascending simultaneously descending , somehow reached inward to a point of almost embryonic birth, to space ,then no longer linear yet from point radiating outwards universally  panoramically, depth and expanse simultaneously , then birth emerged into squiggling funky space creativity revealing indivi-duality.

There was a thing with two half circular shapes in opposite facing, which filled earlier ascending and descending and jibed unrestingly so. Duality.

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Re: Michael
« Reply #51 on: August 26, 2018, 05:12:13 PM »
My, runningstream, that is quite a description  :)

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Re: Michael
« Reply #52 on: August 26, 2018, 10:08:48 PM »

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Re: Michael
« Reply #53 on: August 29, 2018, 02:07:37 PM »
Mmm, for me. Went, ascending simultaneously descending , somehow reached inward to a point of almost embryonic birth, to space ,then no longer linear yet from point radiating outwards universally  panoramically, depth and expanse simultaneously , then birth emerged into squiggling funky space creativity revealing indivi-duality.

There was a thing with two half circular shapes in opposite facing, which filled earlier ascending and descending and jibed unrestingly so. Duality.


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Re: Michael
« Reply #54 on: September 02, 2018, 08:19:37 AM »
Here is another piece of music from our band, Saur:

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Re: Michael
« Reply #55 on: September 02, 2018, 11:38:02 AM »
Here is another piece of music from our band, Saur:

Hey I remember this one, older isn't it?

Michael, would you mind, if I used this piece as background music on my next video?

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Re: Michael
« Reply #56 on: September 02, 2018, 05:06:35 PM »
Yes, it was many years ago we recorded it, but I have only just remastered it.
You are welcome to use it as video background.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2018, 05:25:18 PM by Michael »

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Re: Michael
« Reply #57 on: September 02, 2018, 05:46:52 PM »
Yes, it was many years ago we recorded it, but I have only just remastered it.
You are welcome to use it as video background.

thanks!  I'll share here when it's done!

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Re: Michael
« Reply #58 on: September 03, 2018, 03:47:19 PM »
I should link to your website or CD to purchase, what shall I use for a link?

I'll just use your Saur page
« Last Edit: September 03, 2018, 04:55:02 PM by Skyflower »

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Re: Michael
« Reply #59 on: September 03, 2018, 04:15:46 PM »
Best to use my website, as there are CD purchase options there, not that I ever sell any.