i'm too busy doing all the work i couldn't do when i was too busy before, and dealing with insane stuff like contracts and IP and PI. the world has gone mad.
a chat?
but can i trust you all to stay civil when you are out of my sight?
and can you convince me it is beneficial?
On another post on here, you said you would put a chat up in this room. So do you keep your word?
Let'ts discuss civility. First off, I dont appreciate the assumption folks cant be civil, unless they're being watched.
Other folks need to stop being so on-guard, protective and controlling. Can you understand that? This is a forum with grown adults. No one is perfect. You are not either. I have addressed some of this issue, in the Straighten Yourself thread. Everyone has done something, said something, etc. YOU need to allow people, to work out their own shit, amongst themselves.
There is no mama and daddys for real, around these forums. RS or S, that are authentic. Folks need to get busy, straightening themselves, and stop WORRYING that someone is saying something about someone, and being paranoid. And a chat could possibly interfere with that.
We can go chat at YAW if you want. Or we can chat here. We want a chat in here, cause there is something called Real Time, and it makes it easier to communicate. And believe it or not Michael, or others who are so worried about their 'reputations,' folks in here do talk about other things, than other, people. People, and their issues, peccadillos, are not the number one discussion around the way.
Personally I believe some are paranoid about having a chat in here, cause they know how they act in chat, and on pms, and talk about, everyone else.
In here, we'll keep it real and clean. We can be civil - no, we ARE civil.
Now, you said you would. You go back on your word, that is on YOU. And a word of advice since you're not a parent - you expect less, you will get less. You treat people like there is something wrong with them, eventually they may emulate that, cause why bother, being anything else but?
So, ill leave it to you. Chat or no chat - its your word you break, no one elses.
Can you keep your word, or keep your agreement? If you can do that, you can expect civility.