The offering into the fire is really only ever ourselves, so what are we offering from and to? Is it the same thing?
To look into the Egg of Fire there are specific agreements towards points of reference within us that are governed by what could be called *The Actors of Intent*
These are:
Chakra or aspects
Shri ganesha
Left and centre muladhara
Innocence, wisdom
Shri kartikeya
Right muladhara
Valour, dynamism, destruction of negativity
Shri gauri - kundalini mata
Muladhar (sacrum bone)
Seat of kundalini, purity
Shri brahmadeva - saraswati
Centre and right swadisthana
Creativity, action
Shri nirmala vidya - shri shuddha ichha
Left swadisthana
Pure knowledge, pure desire
Shri fatima hazrat-ali
Ali relates to right swadisthana and Fatima to left nabhi
Balance, sustenance and satisfaction
Shri lakshmi-vishnu
Centre nabhi
Dharma (rightousness) and evolution
Shri gruha lakshmi
Left nabhi
Auspiciousness and sustenance of the family and household
Shri raja lakshmi - shri shesha/ lakshmana - shri nirmala chitta
Right nabhi
Energy of the liver, attention. Blessings in terms of worldly powers and prosperity
Adi guru dattatreya
Void (bhava-sagra, surrounds the nabhi)
Guru principle, principle of mastery and knowledge
Shri durga mata - jagadamba
Centre heart
Sense of security and complete motherly protection
Shri shiva-parvati
Left heart
Seat of the atma (spirit) hence, existence, love and joy. Relationship to the mother
Shri shiva-shakti-putra-kartikeya
Integrated power of the father, mother and son
Shri atma-paramatma
Union with the supreme spirit
Shri sita-rama
Right heart
Responsible and righteous behavior. Relationship to the father and authority
Shri lalita chakra swamini
Lalita chakra (left shoulder)
Expresses the power of the left side
Shri shri-chakra swamini
Shri chakra (right shoulder)
Expresses the power of the right side
Shri radha-krishna
Centre vishuddhi
Self-esteem. Brother-sister relationship
Shri Yashoda - shri vithala-rukmini
Right vishuddhi
Diplomacy, respect for others. Sense of solidarity.
Shri sarva mantra siddhi
Right vishuddhi
Power of enlightened speech
Shri haonsa-chakra swamini
Hamsa chakra
Discrimination and common sense
Shri mary-jesus (shri yeshu - maria mata)
Centre agnya
Forgiveness, truth and resurrection
Shri mahavira - shri mukti dayini - shri mahat-manasa
Left agnya (superego)
Capacity to overcome the superego. Freedomfrom conditionings. Going beyond fears, granting liberation. Acknowledging that the primordial superego belongs to God
Shri buddha - shri mahatahankara
Right agnya (ego)
Capacity to overcome the ego. Going beyond thoughts and doubts. Acknowledging that the promordial ego belongs to God.
Shri ekadasha rudra
Ekadasha rudra (aligned on the upper part of the forehead)
Eleven destroying powers of shiva that are under the control of christ. Faith in God.
Shri nirmala viratangana
The virata
The supreme power of the absolute cosmic being
Shri mahakali/ bhairava/ michael - shri mahakali-bhadrakali-kali-kalki
Whole left side (ida nadi)
Purifying emotions and desire
Shri mahasaraswati - hanumana - gabriel
Whole right side (pingala nadi)
Blessing the physical and mental activities
Shri mahalakshmi - ganesha
Whole central channel (sushumna nadi)
Evolution and ascent