Warrior. A man or woman who has dedicated their life to the exploration of forever. Not a soldier in any religious, political or national army, and not a person who seeks to simply live as comfortably as possible until death. A person who adopts the warrior code in pursuit of realisations about the core mystery of our being.
What is the mood of a Warrior?
1. A Warrior is never complacent about their current state of understanding. A warrior is always fighting to know more, to penetrate deeper, and is NEVER happy to believe in their own capacity or place along their life's road, as being sufficient for their quest.
2. A Warrior is constantly on the watch for anything which can add potency to their aura. A Warrior's aura is a precious thing. They will go to extreme lengths to ensure it does not become polluted with attitudes or desires which do not align with their core quest. Especially those energetic elements which seek to sabotage their quest. This quest is of such a level of difficulty, that anything which distracts, diverts or directly devalues the quest for transformational intent, is discarded once it's innate directional impulse has been revealed.
A Warrior avidly seeks any impulse which furthers their aims of revealing truth, within the context of their quest. A Warrior is like a starving cat, which hunts desperately for every energetic opportunity which will enrich their Warrior's mood. This cannot be stressed too strongly - a Warrior goes to measures far beyond the pathway of their species. They have to find energetic food in the wildest and alien environments. So it should be obvious that any 'doorways' provided to them within the normal range of their life, would be gobbled up avariciously.
3. A Warrior is dedicated to following a supersenseable guide. Call it what they wish, but the generic term is Spirit. A Warrior adopts the strategy that this Spirit is constantly offering them grains of wisdom, if only they can identify these as 'grains-from-Spirit'. Thus they are constantly on the watch for the slightest indication that some Gift of Spirit is being presented to them. One of the worst failures a Warrior fears is to dismiss a Gift as just another piece of debris or another thing which they are 'not especially into'. Warriors can never afford to have preferences as to the channel down which a Gift will travel to them.
4. The mood of a Warrior is thus a feeling of perennial wakefulness to the chance. It expresses its deepest appreciation by grabbing that chance, and also by acknowledging the pathway that Spirit chooses to deliver that chance to the Warrior. Anything which becomes a conduit of Spirit's Gift, is revered forever, even if it ceases to become a live conduit. If it does continue to become a live conduit, the Warrior secretly worships the very ground that conduit rests on - nothing could be more precious to a true Warrior, than a live conduit of Spirit.
5. A Warrior fosters this mood, day and night - in every action no matter how large or small. It is the Warrior's aura - the stream of awareness that the Warrior rides upon through the gates of death. It is hidden from common view, yet it is vivid to the eyes of another Warrior. It pressures all whom a Warrior comes in contact with, even though they can't quite explain the feeling. It builds as potency that can be focused and applied to whatever the Warrior wishes. Of course, the Warrior has only one wish - the most profound realisation possible to our being.
If you come across someone who maintains their spiritual credentials, yet you see no intensity of hunger for knowledge, then you have met an armchair warrior - one who lacks the spear-point dedication to turn ideas into action. Such people love to talk about the path of a spiritual warrior, to think about it in moments of reflection, but they are not Warriors. It is not an easy matter to become a Warrior, to maintain being a Warrior.
One of the most critical clues to defrock a fake warrior, is to notice how they demand respect for being spiritual, and become angry if that respect is not forthcoming, or anything critical is said about them - they will vilify their critic or take their bat and ball and go home: either way, they are in fact warrior-wimps.
A Warrior's mood is lean and keen - devoid of concern about what others think of them. Careless of other people's posturing, yet fixated on the slightest morsel of insight that comes their way, from whoever! And they have resilience against all cross-winds.
A Warrior never passes an opportunity. That is their mood.