I am outside the melee of the two brothers.
Why I say , I walk beyond the divisive bickering ,
Leave them to it themselves since the beginning.
Its important to remember the way out ,
If breath is the most honest ,
Then where vanity plays see it gone ,
Where acts are moved by greed see disappear,
Where thoughts of being liked vanish,
Where whispers come from outside recognising inside hear,
Where wind moves listen,
Where is hearing becomes,
Where is teaching is knowing,
Where is trust occurs,
Where is torment releases,
Where a river is lit ,
Forget about two brothers who do not get along when you see them in the street and see beneath quietly moving with knowing,
Why the lot is anticipation seeing the cross aflict separation ,
While remembering union,
Why the lot is movement witnessing separation bringing them into union,
Why the blood of a brother cries out from the earth His face?
Trust ,
Let those brothers deafness alone,
See the way