For those who stayed awake,
-do not just sit there and let it happen to you , make it happen for you.
This I mean , a man / woman stands in a bread line ,
Or a man / woman finds a way .
If you planted a field or waited to see what would grow by itself , perhaps later you may wish in planting you had yielded an earlier crop.
"If the Titanic is sinking , you are likely to encounter 3 types of people.
The first says , this is the Titanic it's un fu#@ing sinkable !
The second says so the Titanic is sinking , there is nothing we can do about it.
The third says , ok so the Titanic is sinking and you know how to make life rafts.
Please teach us how. "
I went to the top of a high look out to see the mountains ,
There was rain .
They are steep and populated with kangaroos and wallabies,
I saw the shell of a crustacean upon some rocks,
Spoke to people and tried to put them into action,
Hunting ,