Resources => Stories, Writings and Other Snippets [Public] => Topic started by: Nichi on June 04, 2011, 08:11:05 AM
“Mark ye well their manner, for it is quiet and assumeth not. It is in peaceful tones they speak and oft seem abstracted. Seeming to prefer the company of Beastes, they converse with them as equals. They dwell in lonely places, there better (as they say) to know the voices of the Wind and hear the secrets of Nature. Possessing the Wysdome of the fields and forests, they do harm and heal with their harvests. They concerne themselves not with idle chatter or fashion, nor do worldly goods hold worth for them. Be not confused as to think that only Woman-kynd harboureth the gifte in this matter. Of Men there bee many that hold mickle (much) power."
Edward Johnston, Esq. Sudbury, Suffold, England 1645 A.D.
I'm gathering that this was some sort of inquisition-period description of 'how to spot a witch', but a google search on the author doesn't reveal much, except that he was a writer in that era.
there bee many that hold mickle power.