Resources => Stories, Writings and Other Snippets [Public] => Topic started by: runningstream on July 10, 2014, 06:49:10 PM
The butcher makes the most wonderful marinated chops as i sit down
to it
i found myself buying supplies at the supermarket today as though for some
situation un-forseen
at work they spoke of business closures and lack of work
a man was fired also
that was an opportunity un forseen also
i waited impatiently for the money side of things to come around
i watch the spoilt get spoilt and feel poorer than me
i march with the glimmer in my eye of "winner" even though possibly worse off
financially than they
yet loser was written on who took count of loss everyday even when loss was
no where in sight
and tried to paste it over another when they chose
in hopes of gaining win
i work dilligently to fullfill
some task
which does not come immediately
it takes time
i don't understand always why things are the way they are
expecting some smooth running that does not come when i stand still
i out lasted some people where i would normally have moved away
i pulled some stones from the roof i forgot where there
i feel no need to give excuse
only share
and pull sticks from the stream
every thing went a little crazy today
i felt fine
things felt falling apart
i am racing towards the future
with excitement and purpose
i like fish
and pork
and these chops
there was a mountain named jebadiah
he was swimming in a stream
as he woke he pulled his trunks up
in the style of a swimmer broad shouldered smile
his pastels emerged from the stream
with evvenessent bubbling rasp
three images prevailed
two godlike mirrored images upon the pond
three bull frogs upon a frond
one sang sweetly to her prince as the prince
wooed her with him wisdom song
she was never away for very long
within the three images
nothing was wrong
a sandy beach
a coconut palm tree
sitting beneath
the oil of the coconut was strong
love of the wind
love of sun
moons horizon stuck around long
as the shadow of the day
passed and came
the tide away never gone
off on another shore
not for long
planting carrots
purple ones
from the market
of life
and some bok choy
two bag fulls of lemons
to the woman to cleanse
glad they can be given where they are needed
found myself in the supermarket again
standing there
the checkout song
bip bip bip bip
the lights so bright
it dawned on me in that light
what the hell is going on here
bip bip
do you grow tired or crazy at this song
the girl said no i dont really hear it anymore
but some people but their bips up really loud
some down low
These are wonderful.
where i live i will take you now
in my heart ill show you how
the creek is not far
the water from the tap is not hot
i made it my self
i have a roof on top
pitter patter pitter patter gives rise to
thunderous roar
when the rain comes it
definitely sounds more
i hear the bip mysef
some times i think to respond bop ?
watch me down the fence post
at the front in your heart
that s what i been trying to say
my friend the water
was a woman in my heart that day
the sky opened up
and her flower
was the whole world
silence who said that ?
watching "suspense"
back to the fence post now
im going to tell another story
ill tell another even more
"silence" who said that
tensegrity you must be flowering joking
and its right there before your eyes in her eyes
shes in the pond you
know with her prince
if he is a dumbass he wont listen
and shell get pissed
if shes dear to his heart
and the love is true
there s no silence that can
tear that love apart
its in the trees
it want s to wander somewhere to be alone
yet theyll dance in the streets
together one way or another
the lover
the lover
\\the lover
did you pass the lover on the road
or was the lover the road
i have to wash this pot still
from the marinated chops
the dogs got there bones
and a kennel made of plastic
its serious business
i tried to select serious business from the additional options
i could not find it
i guess im just excited to have the day off tomorrow
life seems a bit more excited and vibrant under those circumstances
we should start this one with three today
three aboriginal men standing around a trreeee
paper bark
thats the one i see
what do you know its on a creek !
the boy places his foot
and as he does i follow
its the way across
like " heaven" to earth
or something
it seems
there are crocodiles in the river
there often are
his foot slips
i blurt out some laugh
his eyes pin me still
and swift
he teaches me this lesson
to pass across
this is " not neccessary " he tells me
it is the feeling that gets you
later you will say oh i can't remember
but you'll never forget that feeling
standing on grassy meadow
looking down times line
paces many few passed
watching the sheep from the ledge
standing around seeing close seeing far
who can see
times line
valued opinions
love of life
who can pass
two sisters in the nights sky
swapping dresses
finding harmonic tines
each bellows out the new days song
resonance sticking around for aeon
walking amidst howling passers by
wanting to own the sky
having never learned to fly
demanding to know why
channeling the stars to the planet blue
time passing through the eye
did they push it beyond this moment
could we see that it was handling awareness
not exceeding it
with the childs fumbling hand
this day the sun is out
i wan t to say it could be so easy really
that s all it would take
not love not even light
to make it alright
nothing lacking just a simple birth
from the right place the right spot
beginning steps
walking like the infant
sure love will grow
from the joy
forgetting the pain of birth
John 10 New International Version (NIV)
The Good Shepherd and His Sheep
10 “Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. 2 The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” 6 Jesus used this figure of speech, but the Pharisees did not understand what he was telling them.
7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.[a] They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.
14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”
19 The Jews who heard these words were again divided. 20 Many of them said, “He is demon-possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him?”
21 But others said, “These are not the sayings of a man possessed by a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?”
standing on grassy meadow
looking down times line
paces many few passed
watching the sheep from the ledge
standing around seeing close seeing far
who can see
times line
valued opinions
love of life
who can pass
two sisters in the nights sky
swapping dresses
finding harmonic tines
each bellows out the new days song
resonance sticking around for aeon
walking amidst howling passers by
wanting to own the sky
having never learned to fly
demanding to know why
channeling the stars to the planet blue
time passing through the eye
did they push it beyond this moment
could we see that it was handling awareness
not exceeding it
with the childs fumbling hand
Like it very much!
when a broken heart returns to its owner
it feels like thank you to that heart and every one
when a broken heart returns to its owner
it feels like thank you to that heart and every one
I used to live in Perth myself once.
was it a enjoyable place to live?
i picture it being a little more easy going than the east coast and pace
and in its people
today i went into hospital
i got dizzy and nearly fell over again
they said i was fine and even gave me a ct scan on my head
blood tests and all that stuff
i was not worried at all
i laughed yet i realise also that serious situations come from those
kind of things
something happening with relationships
something old getting old
as usual a mundane monster
hiding in seemingly ordinary little gestures
and passing comments
and inabilities to rise above things
to take action
i find it ugly in the inability to metamorphosise
low light causes different kinds of emotions
and i even think about moving closer to the sun again
age makes getting up cold slower
i am not drawn to the north and across
i feel great loneliness when i approach that
i want to comment on the ability to comprehend many differing angles within
awareness at once
i slept this afternoon for three hours
whatever it is has worn me out
in the full moon i just tossed and turn
like a tribulation
i also imagine to myself that these things are felt everywhere at once
like old selves going for broke
Feel better soon, Simon!
Thank you for those kind words Nichi
when my heart became aware of itself
well you know the old story
it did not really
yet it became aware of something else
that was going on
its love alright
is love real ?
maybe its passions reward
i don t know
if i place a foot off the path
and become dumb to senses again
will i have lost all sense of self ?
if i stand in the dark for a while will i have lost composition ?
this "me"
if i meet somebody else who contains what i remember then
how could this be
a little spark that wants to come out of somewhere
re ; poltergeists
i used to make the walls creak and stuff when i was angry as a child/youth too
i am beginning to wake up to vision at the moment
as it enters
for instance i will see a scenario in my mind in a strung together like sequence
of some imaginary scenes with a story plot and possible ending which gives
impact upon the situation
within the workings of the day or time
a situation might present itself which aligns in some way with the
representation which is given in the image
the image is rarely exact yet quantifies some summing up or miraging of that
situation in situ
it gives a pause yet sleepiness can overcome me often
and i don't wake up to whats going on
i am sure spirit kicks the door down all day and sometimes i just prefer sleep
However !
some times playing back is nice
it comes from passion every time and listening
the passion is the want for movement and decisive listening
I am cooking in bamboo steamer tonight after finding one in the second hand
store today
i love steamed vegies and look forward to eating out of some thing which uses
material other than metal
i have an affinity for timber
and not for metal really
in relation to that i tried to weld a trailer today again
feels like something always frustrates me
i do love to make things from timber
on another note
the land cruiser is going by sticking jumper leads on the bar for the glow plugs
and crossing the starter motor with a screw driver as the ignition stopped
this makes the dogs extremely happy
maybe even more so than myself
you can call that seeing
or you can call that dreaming
dreaming the ability to use the notions of spirit to gather a vision
or seeing the ability to transcend time to gather the self to a spot of incidental
occurance ?
is it again the dreamer dreaming the self ?
or the self dreaming the dreamer ?
any way
singing this bowl away into the night i tuck myself in
those words did help last night
self to self
i will have the most wonderful dream tonight and a wonderful rest
self to self do you concur ?
indeedy yes
:) somebody thought i might like this movie and leant it to me to watch on dvd
its called upside down world
:) somebody thought i might like this movie and leant it to me to watch on dvd
its called upside down world
Just watching the trailer ... too violent for me.
i see what you mean
it was the title and concept that got me
i was training and messing around reading and stuff
I played the movie twice actually at least plus snippets of fast forward
what was interesting though is that the concept of two gravities existing
and two orbits
the trick of the honey of the two worlds
which was bees that could sustain the two directions
to make this honey
add to that the timing of the whole thing this week and
i did not really watch it either jahn
yesterday i put one on all day and i think it played five times
it was called tracker
i still missed a heap of the movie and just caught glimpses as i passed
throughout the day
- this one had no words
no words
what a great movie and experience
i found myself saying hey !
i know what blah blah blah blah this is and that is
later thinking to myself well are'nt you a know all
but that silence and journey left me with more than than
thanks to the music also
some big birds that i thought were baby emus
and a cat footing around a rock ledge
those blue winged kookaburras shimmering satin
large kangaroos in a paddock
a feeling in my chest
swapping identities
feeling things
others turmoil
tell you about yourself ?
you should know
about me
eyes tied
the double
every night
do you know love
i dreamed with her last night
again i said
quickly jump the fence
the dingoes are coming
there were three or four
ones long nose "wild dog" jumps up
insignificant gesture upon reputation reputed
love says i dreamed with you this morning
i says i dreamed with you this morning
at work i was met by the dog with the long nose
jumped up today
two pieces of tin foil glimmering strips
turning about
face dissappears
then what s in the space
between the space
face appears
back to the question
not yet sure of the question
some more time
it requires the tin foil spinning strips
and about the face between the space
third attention
a reason to be dreaming
will i find a reason to control dreaming ?
when the tin foil strips about face
and i see my face in the mirror
i am fascinated be the imagery of medusa
that none shall look upon her face who are living or
they may turn to stone
so i proposed a riddle which when taken
would amount to such a thing
using eyes
a path and the use of gravity
of course symbols
and not that i would endeavour to do such a thing
as time would also be the essence
yet id bet that this time
would find an equal
that would be able to find a
to defibralize
stone entryway
she has popped up a lot in the last couple weeks around the place
“His ear heard more than what was said to him, and his slow speech had overtones not of thought, but of understanding beyond thought.”
― John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men
entertaining the idea of stories
the positive the negative kind
two steps removed kind
one takes a backward seat and employs the
given narratives expenditure
as the related articulae
this would seem to a glance
the part is to cover the other part
in its dramatic overthrow
i want to be able to tell a story
a good
without the glamourizing tinsel related drama encountering
a reason to stand back from it in fear of being
narrated the glamour ponies own eye
if you see the point
its about sensationalising the ability to present
rational and confident examples shining tinsel
to the melodramatic emanationic
squeakie bubbles
a crystal shop
in a small country town
characters some out of the woodwork
how else would you expect that the crystals get to amplify the oncoming scene
i sit at a coffee shop and eat some pasta
wearing the dark zippered front warm garment i bought from across the road
the people are warm and open minded
the young girl is pregnant
my car is parked out the front and i admire what i perceive the great lines
the joy of the winding road and most beautifu ferny cold climate forest
which usually holds its color when all else has turned green
i flew away in that place
where the climbing tower stands on that hill
and those warm open minded people came and went back
no doubt to open and closed type fires
holding local timber
and their co operatives
the butterflies on those dis used train lines
how everybody did enjoy the warmth
the story in my mind felt different there too
large trees
ears thrum drumming
pressure something entered through an emotion
at least it was the emotion that could be sensed
in the chest like
somebody was there
yet nobody was there
a river bridge
moluscs and clouds in the distance
stormy chest
in the distance the horizons color
too far away
for this day
just riding the emotion
the blue water of the river comes and goes
Simon, can you tell us a little about your world?
Are you in a relationship - kids etc? How is work - do you drive?
Forgive me if you have already told this, but so much has been on my mind, I haven't been able to retain much of later.
and thank you for asking
i was in a relationship three days ago
i am not today
it has lasted for a year and a half or so
her name is Sophia
i am feeling my mother a lot since the death thread also the last few days
and the straw that broke the camels back in the relationship was a small matter
i drive a tilt tray heavy rigid truck at the moment
work has become very slow right now
i was just outside
i have an old caravan i was given which i am fixing up
i live on about 1080 acres i am led to believe
and i do not have a house i have a tin shed which i have lined with plasterboard
built veranda fences
etc etc
and put a sink in
i have solar power
and generators to run things
i drive a long way to work and back
and with a relationship time is very poor
what i found again and again is that self awareness is very hard to find in a partner
as i am very spiritual i suppose you could say
and even the most spiritual people i have met can t seem to even hear what i am
saying or believe it
we dreamed together most mornings and it intensified together
we met on my mothers birthday
spirit arranged the whole thing and i dreamed of her first
before meeting
the street sign even said her name on the way to meet her
amongst other things
i understand you have things on your mind its ok
i will play regardless
also maybe share a little
your wifes dizziness was something i felt a connection to also
because i experienced it myself for "no" reason last week
at the moment at work there is a thing where every bodies stomachs are being
affected in some way
people are entering hospital nearly all of them with some kind of stomach problems
similar yet variations
i am concerned that the brother who has passed may have had injuries to this
and that the pattern is also being generated in that environment through others
another thing
i myself landed at that place with stomach problems on entry yet "before "
just another one of those things i have to get used to
but i will try and find a convenient moment to find out if the brothers car accident
caused him any trouble in that department
1080 acres! Whew that's a big place. Mostly wooded?
Yes Nichi
much wood
i learned this week which trees might be suitable for veranda posts
timber varies a lot in this country
i have bought some timber today again actually
for another job
so i will be playing with timber later on today
of course trees are great growing everywhere also
i have planted quite a few different varieties of fruit trees also
you can buy them from the markets from the local growers
my favourite fruit recently is by far one called mango steen
i am also trying to grow dragon fruits also
currently stocking
passion fruits
and lemons
the fruit trees are a fair way even years off mostly
tomatoes are growing wildly i found yesterday
and i have a few things getting ready to be planted in the ground from pots grown
from seed
the plan has always been to grow food every where
somthing makes me feel very rich when i can wake up and eat breakfast
or make a smoothie from the garden
i was just thinking at "subway"
in the quest for world domination sub servient to the ideals used as entrapment
to junk food and corporations
when it becomes popular to eat healthy
then this can be used to market
"against" the unhealthy
etc , the cool tool
being the hook of ewwww don t eat that yucky stuff when you can have
......................... and be cool !
it will reverse the consumer driven model
i think subway is a good example of this
and the staff they employ seem to be quite young and funky
as with many juice bars and the like
there is a real crowd goes with it
people come out of the woodwork and form union-ous movement s
i am not sure making consumers need more of any particular thing
would make farming any more fairly productive
or any more fair in the beginning
however !
part of the plan involved that through the integration of a healthy diet into a larger
proportion of people
awareness would develop beyond its current level
and from that point an appreciation could also come into awareness
for greater concepts of unification within awareness
only in so far as
getting it running
and i am not the person for that job ;)
except in that i am a fire starter
runningstream an interesting synchronicity, i am in the middle of watching a game show where a question was whicch fast food chain has the most stores...the answer was subway. lol then i came here and read this. interesting! :-)
except in that i am a fire starter
I believe this!
yes work
more work
keeps the mind actively pursuing focus
i lit a fire
its burning now
it contains somebodies possessions they have left lying in a small out shed
i lit a fire
along a fence line
there was a cross behind there
pressed into the ground
i pushed the mower around
the fire along the fence line burnt strong and up
i fetched water in drinking bottles from the bore
to put it out along its edge
so it did 'nt spread
i thought a bout a man today
he was rare
i asked what was his purpose
it was not a nice tale
the way he spoke
then i wonder what is my tale
i used to dream
today i am tired
yet i worked hard
and then lit a fire
i am passing wind into the fire
i know this is how fires work
i know this line from a song that is my song today
" "
i barely even remember the words
many jobs coming to fruition
i remember these words
" its always darkest before the dawn"
burning orange sunset
the fire is aglow still
i will go check it again and then come back
i'm back again
wondering of old peoples
i see in my future great love
wondering of old peoples
those who hear there inner voice grow
maddened or maddening
or mad
of find a way
thinking about old people
thinking about love
i feel
air conditioners
warm baths
thinking about caring for somebody
and being cared for
thinking about old people
grandfather was 700 miles from Darwin with a new lady friend sleeping it out
thousands of miles from home with three dogs staying rough
no doubt getting away from chopping a ton of wood a day
what is comfort then
thinking about grey nomads
working all their lives to buy a caravan and hit the road
in search of seeing
and living
thinking about you
thinking about seeing familiar faces
thinking about dreaming
dreaming about thinking
what will make of this
leaking on the subway
life train
crossing paths
sad face
say hey
can you tell me whats the pain ?
i can t be sure its the right question
yet there seems some relief
yet i wonder about focus again
and direction
like the leaf
because the wind is making the branch move
cause it want s to sing along
yet the branch song
could possibly waiting for a whisper
cause it saw something
it knew yet forgot
the note coming going
it completed something
i layed on the grass and found some shade
where had i gone
in the shade
the ants just left me alone
and my head pressed against the concrete
i felt affinity
and wanted to share
and liberate something but i could see it was not right
i saw my face if i took the mask on
the weight
the cross
the stone in place
where would the sun go
if i decided to cross that sky
laying in the shade
the sun may not come back
so i walk away
so i walk away
And write, and write, and write. You must.
i suppose we could try sweep up
what was blown away by the talons of the impressive eagle
systems as they go
sun central
miscellaneous stars orbiting
popping in and out
time passing coming going
around the ring from the storms wind
time as it were
non central to one solar system
in its own system
as it is the appearance and reappearance
of stars relative to their present orbit
and appearance
its not science we want
yet observing the patterns shhh
when we pass across a rift
when they say watch the lamb
when religions come religions go
when ahuasca ceremonies bring about the lessons
taught to those who ask
i never asked
when the hand is taken of one
who sees
the eye lighting the nights sky
and day
when the orbits
are standing through out time s
when every pennies worth of crap makes sense in some sense
please excuse the out burst solar flares
the last line
a lot of stars in the desert
a lot of stars here too
i bought a led torch which was a great bargain
says it has a lifetime warranty
then below not in this country
i can see far
in the fog the beam looks impressive
i wondered if it crossed itself in mid sight
somewhere down a fair way along its path
because it would make sense
the angle of incidence equals the angle of refraction
so it saw itself come and go
half way along giving itself length
because the trajectory crossed its lines
like a cone shaped non solid
personal effects
and here i was witnessing something so simple yet caught in
figuring it out
i could just say i liked it
if i tried to stare into the lense i would nearly go blind though
trying to figure it out
where it was coming from and where it was going
creeks again
crossings track s
even steady track
long beam
oh i told a guitar player who sang
thank you
what a beautiful voice
they seems surprised and happy
not as surprised as i was
that was the day the first one
i got stuck and the key
broke off in the lock
behind the holy trinity church
that took a long time
i ate porridge
my goodness porridge is nice
and wholesome
time for sleep
tired is looking to lay down and catch up to itself
Just a little more
we found a way
standing back
some space
actually its not lack of awareness
in its original phase
its awareness of awareness itself
in a secondary phase
all the functions
perfectly functioning
the unbelievable ones
that's reassurance
dreaming together again
not that its always the same
for us both
streams differ surely
yet something pulls them together again
when we come in close contact
i feel it again tugging at me
may be energies reaching out
we found a way
standing back
giving space
because we needed space
the riddle of two mind s
both fighting for the same thing
we dream again
of the same things
i have got together with Sophia again
i would not have guessed it
i kept asking spirit some time ago
and it keeps telling me something is ok
and i keep doubting it
yet it keeps coming up good again and again
the awareness is definitely there
it was not that at all
the pattern that confuse
like a sticky label pasted over something needed to be peeled off
she says she dreams with me all the time
she says she never dreamed with anybody or hardly dreamed
its nice
we are always travelling somewhere in the dreams
these connections on different levels
this bow this building rain
if i water the plants surely it will come
so maybe i better water them
to be sure it comes
asking for things
and them coming
will domitable
unpleasant perspectives inviting
feelings swirling in my chest
unneccessarily dramatic
so much work
patterns form gathering upon them selves
silent yet stirred
waiting for exit
dry grasses
will you come again
what is not present missed
what is missed not present
That's nice, that Sophia has returned. You may need to deal with the reasons she left though.
yes it is nice
i would have to tell you a few things to get to the why or what
from my perspective
first how it began
and second how it came to a head
but you can probably derive that also from what i ended up saying
its simplistic
now and that s because the complexity has ran its course for me now
it goes something like this
you knew what i was when you first saw me
and you knew what that meant
you should have broken your chains and ran away with me
right then just like you knew in that moment you would have and what was not
in some ways she has been an angel sent to me
and she said she saw them when she met me also
the heavens opened up and all
i am completely in flexible on that point of freedom
and have made it clear
that is how it will be or it wont be
the rest has run its course
its not up to me now
i know what works
and am seeing what does'nt
all sorts of things no doubt could come from these comments :)
however that s the way things are
and yes i must learn too and become more flexible in my understanding
and patience
if only things were so simple
so i will gravitate towards the simple
because the complex is not necessarily necessary
some things fit together perfectly when doubt and the superfluous are removed
that is what id like to get to
anything that gets in the way of that magnificence is worth fighting for
yes that s a valid point
that is where space is needed
people have to reach and trust their own decisions
no body can push them towards that feeling which feels right
"7for we walk by faith, not by sight-"
Corinthians . 5:7
i think i will quit my job soon
i am too tired
blood pumping soon the soreness in the muscles going
building something stored
walked towards a light at the edge in the distance
like old friends
she says
the aliens and a sword or something
i say what s that
she says it a couple more times
there were aliens and they gave you a sword
i said and what did they look like
she says they just looked like us
between sleep and awake
and gone again
so shake it off
sleep of awake
sleep of dreaming
in between worlds
sleep on the earth now
every things talking
wonder what the animals want to say
torch shining in the distance
they tried to put it out
it cant stop though
even if it did
everything is talking now
great site
and these look like a great idea
i love the way the font / letters on this site look
superbly superb
there was a man who fell in love with emeralds
he was fascinated by emeralds
he bought a machine
called a faceter
and he had hundreds of emeralds from his fossicking
a couple hundred dollars
and the faceter was his
he set his stones in jewellery
and travelled around in love with the jewels and the faceter
and travelling
with a one winged parrot
in a caravan
living that dream
a giant wok
crabs legs
stick like legs with spikes on them poked in a hole
grabbing some stick like prawn things from their holes
great tricks for fishing
arrow shaped stone fences
even leaves that intoxicate
sun going down over a mud flat
beachy colors
coconut tree
aboriginal spirits
white eyes
standing around me sleeping
and their old site with the shells in the bushes
fire place still in tact
white man
black man
they say today
they wanted to get rid of item whats is name
for racial discrimination
about being able to use that as a tool to bully and run down
it sounds like a dream i cant believe
who the hell is running the place
then i heard a man named Bob Carr
speaking of the short sighted
like a pin prick focusing in
kill a mosquito with a wrecking ball
fix something with overly force whacking something else out
can 't it be a
broad + long + short
Re: the sword
sounds like about 2 .5 feet long
slightly bowed
w writing embedded
or "in" it not colour
with Gold trim
they were men not women
and they were aliens
or not from this time or "something"
she says
i know what it means "the sword"
but she does't understand it
but "they" told me and i know how to use it "what it does"
the blades are not outside yet on each end
they are
they are "inside " or part of the sword in it somehow
was two koalas on the road dead today
not together but close enough
don t normally even see them
only once or twice out the road
alive almost ran over last week was one by a truck
in front of me
there was a cow too been hit
heaps of wallabies
sure there s crosses out there
but way more animals
not to get too hung up
so i was talking about balance
and a wallaby met me in the road
across a plowed paddock
when in a flat and low vegetation
the balance is different
its head swings lower
not having to keep it high
the balance at this counter point is such that
the body and the tail find symmetric
that pendulum actually hops along with equal spread along
its length
i also watched some horses horse play
then i fell asleep
then i woke up
it is amazing the front paws don't touch the ground yet grace it
i feel silence
is anticipation
if i tell you i'm holding my breath will it be the same
i have leaked out on the ground
i gave myself away in silence
holding it up with these words
im going to do lots of things today
and tomorrow
and probably the next
from silence comes these words
embedded in a story
i'll cross the gates
i will bare my shoes
and meet the keeper of the gate
with steadfast certainty
and absolute timing
the word because
is it in silence resonating outward from these lips
my hurdles coming on towards
i will make another coffee this morning
i sleep
i wake up
wake up
what happens in between
i enjoy books
i look for them in a second hand store
they are so cheap
peoples prizes from the past
possessions sometimes inscriptions
thank you's
they are useful
i enjoy useful things
they give inspiration
and then use within the inspiration
inspiration means "to breathe life into "
i'll breathe life into something today
one way or another i'll try and wake up
like the girl at the checkout in the supermarket
who says hi how are you ?
and i stare into her eyes and say i'm fine thanks
and how are you going ?
and she lights up awake
well she probably did not give me the right change by 5 dollars
but i think that might be the universes way of telling me to wake up
indulgence hits from all sides
swimming along on the water
m'i kayaka
sometimes a looking downward things pushes the boat along to another
did you ever stop and say
if i had not taken that wrong turn
things would be different today ?
in a positive light
i mean that it took a turn for the better
paddling along life
i have the image of
spiritt slapping the buttocks
of a galloping horse
and a rider going hell for leather in the wrong direction
up a difficult grading hill climb
its stubbornness ? or testing
and riding ability
yet theres this other thing where spirit
actually makes it a breeze to ride onwards
thats what the rider will remember
challenge and ease
wind at the back
swift confident movements
close to the sun
every flower meeting the sun
yet knowing when to ride on
i have the image of
spiritt slapping the buttocks
of a galloping horse
and a rider going hell for leather in the wrong direction
up a difficult grading hill climb
its stubbornness ? or testing
and riding ability
yet theres this other thing where spirit
actually makes it a breeze to ride onwards
thats what the rider will remember
challenge and ease
wind at the back
swift confident movements
close to the sun
every flower meeting the sun
yet knowing when to ride on
:) :)
a lot of grief in the world today
people checking out
tension is coming in
i have felt so much i cant hardly stand it anymore
i suppose its what it feels like for those who go numb
except i will pick myself up
this exchange of energy i am not sure its all even
after all i cant gain from trying to get
the same as trying to give
open my hand pull it away
i talk in a third person witnessing the world
i take my hand back
i want somebody to lift their own hand
does the sky seem closer
my affinity is for the earth
it has become a distant dream with a lot of chatter
i look at my boat floating forward
happiness is not hiding in these things
remember going into the supermarket with only a couple dollars
feeling rich by the bargain you found
sitting by the fire for a while
set in our ways
ready set
i am angry
i am angry for the world being so weak
so id say its the weak face of the world
i am angry i am angry for the world choosing the weak face over the
strong face
what's the strong face then ?
the strong face is the child
and the strong face is the child s freedom
that s in the heart
i can close my eyes and say it does not matter
but when i look again or try its still there
do i have the right to be angry about the child being messed with ?
hearts broken it two
i am so angry i would break everything i could if it made any difference at all
and it is tiring
it depends what channels you watch
a friend says
oh i don t buy into it its not really real "spirit" or something
and why do you care so much
i am sure they had some warriors to do that
like what they said about the toltec statues being guardians
when it might be
standing upright as the pyramid is
this would become an entire or total being
from the ground up
how could the base leave the child s centre to be hurt
in that pyramid
if you hold that child down
you are going to get a tantrum
or a empty shell out of that
and then there s the corruption
you will have a fight on your hands there
if the child chooses that weak face
Give yourself permission to change the channel!
i have stayed on the same channel
and it is why i feel this
i am whole
i cannot escape to the sky
not yet
i look for answers in the sky
i ask here and there
i have established the resources and stage
to pretty much walk off
the other stage
just a little longer
its ok i give myself permission Nichi :)
i pay with tiredness for the right to fight for the right to give myself
i work hard for that choice
not long now
i will expand into that sky when next i permiss
i pay with tiredness for the right to fight for the right to give myself
i work hard for that choice
not long now
i will expand into that sky when next i permiss
Expanding into the sky , as in reaching into eternity, or infinity?
Or, what does it mean to you?
the last time whole was pretty mind blowing Nichi
i am not sure i can explain it or i'm sure i cant
except to say my mind or /being was moving the whole world
and it stayed that way and still does to some degree
more than i like to pay attention to
that is what was meant by the light the truth and the way
it is literal
those three are all the same "one"
jesus was not lying about that
it is motion
it is not the stagnant hum drum
when i repeat it in words it sounds not like the experience
yet the experience gave the ability to describe those things somehow
through a recognition
the sky then is this
"when the eye is whole the body is whole"
i am sorry to have to borrow more words
the water shows the light
and the light is "him" to "her"
in my understanding
that s the fruit infinity s glass ceiling
i suppose the sky gives answers because our energy reaches out beyond our
boundaries following that truth and light and way
until it merges with sky
like rain
fills the heart
beauty and yearning
when i spoke of it i mean
i will be closer to the earth
and i am working hard now so i can have the space and arrangement
to walk away from things to some degree
i believe this will give space to reorganise things
and re approach with the available space a life which can start a different
which more constantly nourishes
I'm all for the sky!
i feel its fitting to talk about death
somebody drive under my truck today
i had on an oversize load
they actually ripped the flag on the edge of the wide load
i watched them drifting under the building
at the end of the overtaking lane
i ran out of road and they just stayed there
i was just saying what a flowering idiot
perhaps thats what it is
yet sometimes people are old
sometimes drugs or drink who knows
no death though except im sure their car will have been marked
i did not talk to them
they slowed down no doubt in shock to what happened
how could they not see what was happening i wonder
its raining hard
i bought one of those
copies of an old flask that holds water
like in the westerns
the creek will no doubt fill up
ill be stuck here maybe
ill enjoy the rain
grandfather got tired and dizzy
700 and 800 kilometers a day
at 83
i tell him he can stay as long as he likes if he wanders this way
i feel like giving him something
a car and shelter
and rest
back to death
i had gun pointed at me once
i told him to just shoot me
another time i punched the guy in the head after he pulled the trigger against
my head
it was only a pellet gun that time
another time a man pointed a gun at me down the paddock
through the cross hairs
i did not see him with my two eyes
but knew what was happening
i darted behind a post but he was not going to shoot he was just looking \
another time i walked in on a man with a knife
that really made me feel a twisting in my stomach
i used to do security
i have seen people stabbed with glass in the side and people with knives
even had a man come for me with a steel bar
more than once
shit ive experienced some crap
i used to have crappy dreams
i can't remember how many times ive been punched or been in fights
i have felt fear
i have used feeling to see what is going to happen even before and
tried to change things
and make better choices
sometimes standing ground in the face of it
i want a good death
one that fills me up and makes me feel like everything was wonderful and
in retrospect
by the way
i cannot stand to be around violence too much
but i will do my best to help where i feel i should or must
my biggest fear was being afraid
i have fought in the ring too
the adrenaline almost made me feel to be sick too
my grandfather has been shot twice
my father also and stabbed
i am really a peaceful person who wants to do the right thing
i have almost died drowning
sure ive left my body
ive seen ghosts
still i would like to hear more about the warriors death
letter to robin
as a Robin redbreast myself
i hope you'll understand
we have a common thread here
i'd like to offer you help in any way i can
both before this time and after
chirp chirp
ill do my best buddy
you seemed like you deserve that
bless you buddy rest in peace
well i am sure Genaro would agree when we turned his hat
it is really really raining
there will be some happy farmers today
some happy animals
some happy fish
some happy mosquitoes
grass will grow
i am wondering for how long and what the new patterns will be though
if the landscape is going to change
then what it will be like
i watched a german news program for a half hour the other day
having not much idea what they were talking about
except that it was a half hour special on the great barrier reef conservation
in that the coal trade and dredging is effecting and killing it and the creatures
and its making news there
yet all we hear here seems to be how the regulations are being met etc etc
as long as we get a few years work out of it here it seems to out weigh
the arguments
at least viewing the given silence
the weather is going a bit crazy
interesting stories i wonder how the reality is
The Shiva Samhita[4] defines the yogi patel as someone who knows that the entire cosmos is situated within his own body, and the Yoga-Shikha-Upanishad text[5] distinguishes two kinds of yogis:
Those who pierce through the "sun" (surya) by means of the various yogic techniques and
Those who access the door of the central conduit (sushumna-nadi) and drink the nectar. As to what this nectar is, all meditation lineages focus on self-mastery of essence, both spiritual and sexual.
The Yoga-Bhashya (400 CE,[6] the oldest extant commentary on the Yoga-Sutra,[7] offers the following fourfold classification of yogis:
neophyte/beginner (prathama-kalpika)
one who has reached the "honeyed level" (madhu-bhumika)
the advanced practitioner who enjoys enlightenment (joginath, giri, goswami, etc.)
when you can whistle into a well
and the water comes to you
when you've sung all your favourite Barbara Streisand songs
when the world is singing with you
when you throw a pebble in the stream
and you get that good bounce
when you when you when you
singing that sweet tune and the whole things singing with you
who s gunna bring the water incomplete
must wiggle the toes
less you want for no thing
then why coming back
all illuminated beings
all wandering earthlings
when "the" Buddha is teaching no thing
when i'm teaching something
when i see the video of the train
through the most beautiful country side i ever saw
and it transports me straight back into that image
when the hail starts to fall
when theres no
thing at all
when the water keeps moving and falling at the falls
when the train has gone
yet coming along
choot choot
chitty chitty
cant pin it down
when the walls have been shored up
and its sure
when things arent what they were
when the bird flys
and we i try to keep up
when no one keeps up
when im kept up
slept up
living fossils on the mud
toe printing
Gorgeous place.
you could visit there if you got the chance Nichi
actually i took a couple people there
the trees are old
its very stilling quiet
i think its singing an old song
if the om started long ago
and its root was not severed as the trees are very old
they left them alone
its a deep om
a couple people went along
they felt themselves come up
it brings something up
for them
silence did that or the place i feel
the ledge above the falls is volcanic rock
you can go behind the waterfall there is a cave
there's eagles there
i'd love to see their views
wallabies and wombats
magic mushrooms grow at the car park when you arrive
it is different at night
like one of them dreams
it is one of my favourite places i have ever been
during the day time
i think a sleep would be very wild there
i had a dream i went there once
in the fog
it was frightening at night
it evokes something in me
its strange that dark and light
You've taken gold tops or blue meanies there?
That's a long way from where you live.
i had mushrooms twice when i was younger probably around 18
from what i remember the tops had little buttons like in the centre
and a gold colour with long stems
when they were picked the whole things turned blue
and that how you knew that were those correct ones
the first time made me feel like an inflated indestructible balloon
the second almost killed me
actually when you talk about death i would consider that possibly the closest
i had come
i was consciousness within my body watching blackness
yet completely unable to function or even open my eyes
i could hear everything going on and was frightened i was going to die
yet had to stay calm within that knowing and state
and wait and see and that was only about 10 minutes after drinking that
i think they did come from that place but i never made that connection until
i have not had any drugs/halucinagenic substances or the like since i was 21
i am 37 now
i have not even touched an alcoholic drink since i was 24 and quit smoking
cigarettes at that time or before
i have driven all around the place
i cant find any where that is as nice as the Trentham Daylesford bush
im all about the bush
been going and wandering alone or with a dog in the bush since i was a child
that is perhaps my favourite place ever :)
i believe this was the bird that came inside today
and the doors were left open so it could find its way back out
the females hang around outside the door like a beacon i felt
so he could find a way out again
they call it a scarlet honey eater
and that photo came out huge but its extremely tiny
When Don Juan Told Carlos
it was only necessary to use the allies
to create the stopping necessary
that was what happened to me also
i can say i died
no i realise
because i stopped completely
beyond this time i
stopped everything especially myself
i did not exist at all beyond that point
and actually had to pull something out of nothing
to create or recreate something
all i had was emptiness and silence as a result
i had completely lost myself
yet i felt completely sober because of it
i was faced with the reality as it was really presented to me
stark and raw
it was a big shock
and made me feel exposed and very alone
it was at that point i could no longer blend
the new reality with the old
i had to make a new way
and i could not really compromise with myself any more
that began a long road that never ends
i guess i can say i died and sometimes tried to go back
eventually i gave up
and was left with no choice
that memory has just been triggered now :)
i am experiencing size problems
in my writing now
in these boxes and reading it back here it has become enormous
can somebody help please?
Has the font size gone back to normal for you? Looks normal to me now, but I see that M came and resized the photo.
Did the Scarlet Honey Eater male find his way back out?
i have not had any drugs/halucinagenic substances or the like since i was 21
i am 37 now
That is, if not impressing, kind of "good" - to let drug intake belong to the past.
Some mistake spiritual advancement with extraordinary experiences, whether these experiences comes from meditation or drugs. But in the long run, permanent growth and evolution is always done when being sober.
yet i felt completely sober because of it
i was faced with the reality as it was really presented to me
stark and raw
it was a big shock
and made me feel exposed and very alone
I am afraid that the feeling of being alone will persist.
That is one reason why we come together at spiritual forums such as Soma. With the one aim of many, to at least get the insight that we are not alone, and that we can build a party - even if it is electronic on the web.
i am not sure
my last three posts have become large and still are
although the bird has resized more relevant
all the other posts are small still except for my last run
i will see how this one goes
back to normal i see ! great thanks
yes the bird found his way back out
when next i was back
it was nice to hear familiar tunes coming from others aside from myself
when i arrived here Juan
you can really push the boundaries of knowledge here without those strange
skew ward glances
just the composers differ :)
yes the bird found his way back out
when next i was back
it was nice to hear familiar tunes coming from others aside from myself
when i arrived here Juan
you can really push the boundaries of knowledge here without those strange
skew ward glances
just the composers differ :)
Birdsong brings relief
to my longing
I'm just as ecstatic as they are,
but with nothing to say!
Please universal soul, practice
some song or something through me!
From Essential Rumi
by Coleman Barks
Rumi is great
i was asked more questions i don t know the answers to today
after i left somebodies house i knocked on the bathroom door to let
them know i was taking off
i got a phone call asking about something
after he got out of the bathroom
when he left he thought he saw something moving walking around the corner
like three steps moving around
and a presence
he rushed out of the house spooked
and then realised he had forgot something
he was going to go back in to get it but when he opened the door this
heavy stunned feeling persisted inside
the house has always felt fine so it was the first time
i am afraid the more answers i get the more questions i have
it s not for lack of experiences
i am sure for some experience is not to be focussed on too much
my opinion is always ask a lot of opinions and choose what feels and seems
i am wondering if i had something to do with it
i tell the mouse to be quiet yet the mouse follows me around
making me ask questions
or not mouse but experiences
i am afraid the more answers i get the more questions i have
it s not for lack of experiences
That "the more we know - the more we do not know" is a kind of universal law.
Stated some times as; the greater the visible side of the coin (knowledge) the greater is the unvisible side.
yes it seems that way Jahn
like two pyramids whose peaks reach each other
cities in the clouds
different clouds
today was a good day
the sun was out
i felt i would be sailing on with it all
i get excited
my spirit likes it when i tell it i will do what my heart desires
like a gypsy
i read others stories on the web
people looking for jobs
the world is all different
politicians selling fear
i want to walk off
like a book i heard of
chasing the sun
my friend tells me she feels the lethargy
i feel it too this afternoon
and fall asleep for a time
the washing machine is beeping
i moan as i awake not wanting to get back up
it was a short sleep
looking at the things i have began
ambitions and projects
wanting to share it
wanting to be human
not normal but some other version
or complete happiness
i was a child once and i used to have dreams
i chased the sun and dreams
today the dreams are chasing me
old ones
i see them appear as though complete realities inside me
i watch them play out
feeling something like remorse
or regret
with newer eyes the foolish things seem crazy like another life
i can watch them in the water
i wonder where they are that they rise up of them selves
inside my memories
like tides that rise and wane
the stars coming and going
keys in locks
that image concerns me
because i cannot fathom such simplicity in that complexity
could it be so easy
money cant buy time
money is not happiness and happiness not money
search for happiness equalling freedom
the body the witness breathing life
some life
into the world and vice versa
depths of oceans rising
suns setting
on a dream
wanting to dream with others
wanting to walk off out west with no shoes on
no alarms
like another time
with ancestors of these dreams
these aches
money cant buy time
money is not happiness and happiness not money
Money pays my bills, I have plenty of bills so therefore (after years in poverty) I have plenty of money.
And I buy others time, because my own time and ability is limited. But the usual lack when having your own house is - time and money.
search for happiness equalling freedom
How do you know?
Thre might be some kind of freedom to search for, but" that freedom" is not equal to happiness.
yes it seems like that was a sound formula produced by those who created
money pyramids times ago
maybe secret societies holding the mechanical keys
built on others time
spirituality of the new age western variety giving hope
of gain of riches which belong to the bodies time
lines crossing in fields give riches to other things
flying on those lines
maybe i will find a reason to dream again one day
freedom has never been fixed in any one place
like the flux they spoke of
freedom for me is held in the earth
yet its gliding upon it
its the only lasting freedom i know
that and its mirror which appears in dreams
then there is heaven
thats when the dream sky meets the earth sky
Freedom - I do not know much about
But I do know Plan A - and how to get the next project done.
Whether it be to fly to the Sun
or to fix an old engine, or even to fix a flat tire.
:) plan A in progress
today i learned to spray paint
i bought a spray gun at a garage sale on the weekend
there is a car next
today was a caravan
what a curious affair
masking tape that does not stick when you apply it
air tanks that run out of air
painted hands painty
painted shoes
painted pants
painty painty painty paint !
cant wait to see the green go over the bone
it s a sight for a vehicular of your own
the sun was there
think it might have burnt my face
my head is empty
cant remember all those fabulous things
i was supposed to know
you are great Jahn
thought i d better let you know
also so
guess you would have known a
thing or two about all that stuff
a pebble in the well saves the long dive
so the water can come up to you
least thata whata been
old water knows how to fetch the easy drink
understanding and all that
its not what you think
what you know
just babbling bubbles
into the well
singing is a talent
best taught whilst singing
pitch whistle stop
cant stop
don t stop
can t remember any words or any wise
so ill just make something up
and remember another sunrise
wheres the chi now ?
6.30 chi
on the time sheet
could have sang you a different song around about nooon
cresent moon
matters now not
inside the earth was walking along
gliding upon
time was the stars held
could have sand you a different song around noon
turned on the tv and saw what was going on
wondered about the wander
where the sky opens up
because the light vehicle comes up
like a plant from good soil
wondered about wandering and a song around noon
the sun was up
commitments are a funny thing
i hear people saying this will happen and that
and it does'nt happen and then leaves a divot in the plan
skillful hand versus a plan
could have written a different song
when the five rays came in and sang along
told me about the plan
the earth the moon the sun and singing along
bridges in the sky
and the unknown rain
hail was falling somewhere down the coast
i like the word hilarious
yet it does not align with what i see at 6.39
five ray pancake
solar shower
solar flares actually aurora
like in the dream around a shed
somebody was there
and those comet looking things
tails and the sounds
yet colourful
panicking i watched them
think it was this place here
and an orange glow in the sky
tigers again
the both of us two
after watching them on television
guess that s what you do
painting is an art
i am learning
a little better today
more thinners
when to stop and the speed
a careful steady hand
maybe i should apply that in different setting s
i would like to bring ease to situations
because the masks can fall
and we can see something else
maybe those wisps of light with tails
the aurora
guess that was what happened when those masks falled
they whistled as they went by
those wispy lights in the sky
i waited for you
you were in my imagination
i held the door open in my mind s eye
and the wind blew
i ask you to step outside and be blown away
so we can see each other
you seem afraid of the wind
of what will happen to the self
what it means to let it go
i asked the wind to make a song
from the first seed
where the garden was singing
and you'd come by the well
i got lonely holding onto the door
the wind blowing my memories of the door a foot on either side
i forget what we were fighting for sometimes
so well yell and scream and point
one in the door the other to out
the wind looping around
sweeping around like a crown of thorn trying to find a way past
i ask of the wind
give the strength or patience or whats required
so give the ability to point the way to finding value
value in the wind
or a still pond
or what s coming and what s gone
what s valuable
all things don t feel the same
like the saying
let those who have eyes to see see
and let them not have to be alone with it sometimes
and let the earth heal them of everything that aches
oft lesten bigandergern
the voices
of the kin souls
how the wind did howl
how those voices were appreciated
how the mirrors of losten souls
were mirrored in selves
finding repercussive elements
thank you for the kin souls
the travellers on the path who could hold a tune
and help hold the steady brush
even remembering in helping
mirrors remembering something else
makes the reflections seem different in values also
in that light
as the light getting a harmonic tune
tines ringing out
finding a way
they said
its healing
yet i see it going backwards
they say face the oncoming time
i say with what ?
i d say loops seem to be losing momentum
like a dreamer coming across a sick child
and not being able to pass untill they help clean up the sick
the gatekeeper
in a fragile yet strong heart
thanks to the familiar kin
the souls who help hold a tune
that finds a harmony ring out
amongst mirrors
breathing in breathing something out
looking at the horizon
gracious healers
i waited for you
you were in my imagination
i held the door open in my mind s eye
and the wind blew
i ask you to step outside and be blown away
so we can see each other
you seem afraid of the wind
of what will happen to the self
what it means to let it go
i asked the wind to make a song
from the first seed
where the garden was singing
and you'd come by the well
i got lonely holding onto the door
the wind blowing my memories of the door a foot on either side
i forget what we were fighting for sometimes
so well yell and scream and point
one in the door the other to out
the wind looping around
sweeping around like a crown of thorn trying to find a way past
i ask of the wind
give the strength or patience or whats required
so give the ability to point the way to finding value
value in the wind
or a still pond
or what s coming and what s gone
what s valuable
all things don t feel the same
like the saying
let those who have eyes to see see
and let them not have to be alone with it sometimes
and let the earth heal them of everything that aches
You know, Simon, this is really beautiful. Did you intend it to be poetry? Because it certainly seems to be. Poetry and a prayer. Nice work.
i just read something by a poet
and something about the writer of the book which contained that poets poetry
it was about a haiku
and the images and emotions and words
and something that made a lot of sense
all the things strung together
as though water and the words were water
the pictures were the words there was no difference
i think i am just living as poetry because what they were speaking about was
the same as how i speak a lot
i mean to say i speak in pictures and emotions as words
they are not separate
yes i did mean it to be poetry
and it is very deep to me
and it expands in meaning
things are strung together
i am experiencing different things and knowledge
which is strung together inseparably
i was listening to a radio interview
i think it was the man who wrote the infamous book
called something about the devils something was it Salmen Rushdie ?
any way he claimed in islam
that a part of the book was about a guy who was going crazy
experiencing vision
i understood exactly what that guy was talking about
the guy who he was calling crazy
was actually being led through awareness
like a pillar of light tapping into knowledge
it was the areas of knowledge which were apparently removed from the text
which led to different avenues which led to particular knowledge
which was not of a "higher" type
thats what i got out of it any way
not that the guy was crazy or that the particular knowledge was
insignificant although possible not something wanting to be followed or
as far removed from acceptable norms
i can relate to this because the direction of awareness
will find alignments not necessarily beneficial for growth although
perhaps that is not possibly entirely true also
as the history of the world is written in the water
everything is talking
i almost had an accident on my way home just now
i had screeching tyres when a van pulled in front of myself and another car
luckily the guy in front of me went into the middle of the road on the right
and when my brakes locked i went straight and ended up actually overtaking
the car on the inside
straight away my car radio started with
" bing bang crash " car crashes ? need repairs blah blah blah
my sense of humour was significantly numbed
yet perhaps it snapped me out of it :)
also you might appreciate this one
i was driving today
first i was staring into the bush waiting for somebody
i was hitting rocks with a stick like a bat
not hard
wondering what could be done to gain money or material from the bush
a way to live and balance with nature and feel full by the type of life
after that i went driving
i followed a car
stumbling across a bridge i looked to the sign
it was named 'fox' something as the words became visible exactly and
at the exact same time the radio says " the fox was really in the chicken
next i arrived at my job now listening waiting watching
a man asks me if i can give him a lift
so i do
he has dark skin
he is half aboriginal
he tells me about things and it turn s out he makes didgeredoos
i ask him to show me which trees to use
he points to a small and bare one and says " see that one with a couple of
maybe that can help to show what i mean by life is poetry that way
because the images emotions thoughts and words are not separate
i guess life just is poetry
so its easier to keep it together
so today on the television they are saying scientists
have discovered that everything is strung together on dark matter
like a web
that the stars are strung together on this web
and that it is leading to what they called from their limited view
an insignificant point within space
they say the stars are streaming around towards these points like a stream
of water
that's dreaming for you
of course you can test the web
and its streaming
wow that moons looking full probably falling on the water somewhere
guess it'll be a dream now
off to that place
maybe wake up
can t remember much maybe that ll change
something is helping
after a lot of struggle
its go time
when its stop time nothing can budge it
but its go time now
the flood gates open and the water comes
hand on the pulse
that s it hand on the pulse
feels like loss is when the tide wont let go
if you ve been caught in a rip you ll know
tides in tides out
washing things up on the white sand shore
feet that dig in when its time to go
and the help that comes when it s time to go
the water and sand washes the old timber smooth
washes it up
life was not always smooth sometimes it was a smooth run
patience could have been called something else just as well
just another word of momentum
gravity engines
purring in the back ground
how high is the sky
plugged into the source of the sound
all around
chirp bird friend sings just one time
wince the pooch
now its beep booop wip woop woop
it s all around the noise
inside the mind
outside the walls
inside the walls
frantic chattering willy wagtail
tailing side to side
i m watching it like someone once said
watch that fire
wondering how high is the sky
hey mister i read the prologue of the book
it was pretty darned good
last night they allowed us a peek
will buy it soonish
cant wait to hear the words told
would love it to fall on the ears of people i know
especially about the beginning of the journey
being hard
and whether the words would be wasted in that way
i really enjoy the style
style and groove are they the same thing
thats a story for another time
no style and groove are not the same thing
i can be completely stylish whilst completely un groovy im sure
thats just the spin
im rambling
separate the latter from the former
tornado closing in
puts me in a tail spin
feel the fog on the ground with the moons
rays coming down
everything timing each past future
each together
why walk this way
when it clicks together
ill know it
like the dream of running away
as i always did since a child
i say theres no future in the crap
like a dog eat dog yet its chasing its own tail to win
sail away
is it just me or is the fog closing in
if i switch off the source of the attention
will my absence make the world a better place
like a tree that falls in the forest
every time the man walks back into the forest does he see it there
and does that tree create oxygen which floats elsewhere and bring carbon
monoxide to bear its fruit
actually what s the difference between a tree and a man aside the obvious
some kind of respect for each other ethersome
when discussing the second attention detail in the
face of the third
curious skeward glance
clouds appearing
when the heaven opens
the two witnesses stand as one and heaven is restored
now theres a curious phrase and attestment
is it that the two witnesses being either non discerned
as people or races
that they were both i wondered
where was the land of canaan
oh my speculation
two sides seen
swimming was it simple as yin yang
or something
awareness what is dependent arising and the like
from which attention
making sure all structural supports are in place
aqueise yes that was the eagles command
well the all spark is absolutely accountable
the mingling attentions
i wonder from which springs which
now that is the question of questions
without answers of answers perhaps
lay on the earth
close a dream
nice dreams of earth and people
water close by
living all components equaling importance
its living breathing dreaming
fruit sald
what must be done
following lines
coffee the night last there was a scwarking out back
next came the caws
they continued with it
a major disturbance
tonight it was the kookaburra
they bring a smile with their laugh its contagious
remind me of a man who s truck had tipped and oh
yes i promise to try and refrain from that word
and now for that image of a tree
and the leaves swaying in the breeze
superimposed upon the image of an energy body in my mind eye
the roots
the seven churches candles etc etc
wait out the lull
snappy tom
come on
completely un worried and absoluely assured
that would be hard to understand
pit your faith ?
reading from the right books
warriors of the attention which draws upon time
everything is lining up
i will write something sweet
i feel that bass
its a particular resonance and ride
taste of sense perhaps
write write write
doe'snt matter
on the road searching for each other
so tired yet not worried
the tyres are pumped up
the more darkness you see fighting to switch it
the more the light become visible in contrast
the more light you hold for another on their path
the more it brings
trees that are stationary were not my thing
like those which walked some distance close to the water
this trip
grey skies don't last for ever
did not think the wind would not ignite the spark
once again
remembering simple truth
amongst the onslaughts
feet which feel
some body to walk with
dream with
see with
they hide in side their suits
a cup of coffee i say prepared in the water
a wave within swishing about
set the microwave for 1 minute and forty seconds
press the plunger to swish up the milk !
chocolate syrip swirls on top
of course i have to put the swirl on top
it was unusual
i had sold a trailer to a man
i was worried if it would make it back
he had a permit "paper bullet proof vest"
the sqwarking began
it was a cockatoo unmistakably
my it was loud
next came the caws
the crow "or equivalent here"
two in concert
one goes awwwwwwww
in concert return awwwwwwwwww the other
it kept on and on
what conflict was this which caused such unrest
i shant know
echo echo echo
is any body there in the darkness ?
i am amazed at peoples answers
who should go to heaven ?
" only some people should see heaven"
who can feel their feet
i liked something i read just now
"how can 'she' forget/foresake the children she bore?
or some such
its a good question
i was reading scholars
they did confuse with the depth of inquiry
yet i wonder still
in which direction correct inquiry
i d say watch your feet and feel the sand
i am a hypocrite when my feet begin to not move
i wait and hang onto the door hoping i dont forget what for
as the fog seeps in
slap awake
i feel to say not do
a jolt
i see you
ok as the crows are in the tree again today
i believe they may have set up a nest within it
like the cockatoo was just letting know
i am broken up with Sophia again
it is sad
i came home sick from work after i was acting vacant
and making mistakes with things
i blamed the flu
yet my vacancy is more than that
its some kind of torment
its got into my mind the last couple days
i feel the flittering around me which triggers in her presence
and since shes gone the connection is still strong and present
as it always was
the loops got to the point of infuriation
i need to find my own space and voice again now
i will try to stay away so i can not get put in the situation to
fall back into the familiar connection
it seems so easy to forget and re engage
the good i found to over ride the negative
yet found that was not met
its fair to say there are more sides to the story
yet this is one
so much good connection
i am angry and disheartened also i feel the pain
not of loss as much as of not sharing a vision of 'freedom' and growth in a
general sense
also there are hooks that were not here before
i don' t feel in great shape today
i came home sick
the hooks play out within me and im sure some do not belong to me
yet somehow they met her in a play of emotional responses which
are already formulated "within the drama"
although on the surface "to me" unknown
like an old haunting drama play which a cloak is passed across to wear
the words " negative and positive" in the post
could be replaced with
dis empowering or even non conductive
as the de polarization or entrophy
or looping behaviour
and empowering and flowering behaviour
differences are met and a working solution is not always saught
instead a conflict
not seeking a resolve
Sorry to hear you are going through more troubles with your partner.
Time to re-centre yourself, with yourself.
thank you Michael its been a couple days
i am home sick today with a flu every thing is so amplified
i have no intention of meeting with her like last time because i know what
might happen and well get back in swing together
: I want to share a dream i had now as it was in the "little bit too intense
i was at a camp in some bush land yet it was close to the road and i was
speaking with a dark skinned man who had just built his own next door
i was admiring the size and
how well built it was
that was the last i remembered being at that place with that man
my next memory is seeing an ambulance with a smashed in front
sirens and police and serivices people at a intersection and
pedestrian crossing
some people look like they have shopping trolleys just people going about
a normal for them day
there is a frantic scene with the services people as i approach the
intersection and crossing i apply the brakes yet pull up a little long onto the
a fireman speaks to me through the window and awakens me to the fact
i am in a fire truck
actually and begins to speak of fighting the fire ahead
there is a lot of chaos there
i see smoke streaming into the street and chaos
i explain i don't want to fight a fire because i am asthmatic
he continues to tell me regardless how to go about it and drive towards the
as he recollects two street names
he says just put your lights on so i do to be able to head through the barriers
wrong way turns etc etc
i look up there is no time
it is coming towards us from my left and it is huge black streaming plumes of
yet it is spitting hot oil sprays like a napalm or oil fire etc
in one split second i see that every thing there is about to be destroyed and
that the oblivious fire fighter and people going about their day are going
to be killed including me
in that split second i decide to drive directly towards the fire
i see it is two large buildings about the same size "hmmmm"
the firey spray is coming from atop them as a stream of smoke fire oily spit
in two lines directly
in that moment i know i am doomed if i run so i drive directly towards them
with my sirens on
in the next moment of the dream i am witnessing an image of a man
he is with another man
they are black looking to me like africans do
one image of a man i see his nostrils flared
that image splits or reappears beside the other
now there are two images of that man and they are perfect and not
false looking in any way an exact match of the same man
it seems a strange way to end such a dream
god knows the flu can do wonders to dreaming yet this dream was symbolic
and i have learned to not take details to be useless before
actually its not the symbolism i worry about its the reality of them sometimes
Certainly sounds like a powerful (and terrifying) dream, whatever the meaning.
its very unusual
i have only seen black cockatoos here maybe twice
and never sulphur crested ones
a cockatoo has flown over and scwarked loudly
and upset the crows nest
which has then upset the dogs
its a good racket going on
seems the crows have set up camp in the tree out the back
and the cockatoo likes to put its two cents worth in about it somehow :)
The black cockatoos always strike me as ancient and charismatic.
yes they always leave me feeling lucky to see them as its not very common
in my experience seeing them
it has been dark when they alerted and upset the crows
so i'm not sure which " cocky" is the sentry yet
actually the word "cockatoo" is synonymous for being a sentry "lookout"
so its fitting they have let me know whats going on out the back
Perhaps it's a joint effort between the crows and cockatoos, if the black cockatoos perform sentry duties too.
Well, I will say, driving your fire truck on towards the centre of the fire, when everyone else was going the other way, shows considerable courage.
yes pieces over days
reminds me of something playing out over aeons
the story goes like this
its actually predictive in its approach towards itself
in time
two polar ends of a universe gaiting along side a parallel streaming universe
spinning discs lets call them brother s
for argument sake
first we would have to understand fire
its effect upon/within water
and its predictive reflective properties contained 'within'
the parallel universes stream
then a point leading ontowards significant 'time'
within its journey of polar balance
having set up its streaming disc within 'time'
it seeks to realign polarity closely through union
yet through the illusion of separation creates
identity of power through orgasmic ; capture and release
when the discs pass upon each others spiral
the malee is revealed
it could neither be said one had related to the other
nor the other to the one
without the other having conceived it through mutual pressuring
what i mean to say is this
if a point exists upon 'fire'
within 'water'
spiraling structure would have it meet
and greet
that point would exist in 'time'
as a birth stood upon a scale
nothing could be said for the memory within fire \
as fire is not the same as water
in that its 'point' awareness spiral not reflection
neither is one fixed
one is responsible for the other only is so much as the advancement
upon it within 'time'
and time itself has originated closely yet not of itself as expansion or density
actually the real answer i got for the subject was this
what word sounds the same if you remove the
first letter
the middle letter
or the last letter
the word was
next was something about the eagle radiating emanations
as awareness within certain predictive alignments
and the nest was something about eagles laying turds as
was suggested
either way its an argument of predictive proportions
the set up the trap the fall the rise etc etc
that the ones seeking for warned to accost the oncoming fire
were ill prepared and asked the wrong questions of father time
and so came upon the same conclusions in the face of the same malee
had they not as previously pre pared them selves
according to the saparation "literal"
then the oncoming unification would have both answered the call
and having not pre determined their own fate provided provision
for the required growth and stabilisation ' open way . not closed '
you cant stop the fire when it passes that way
its a misunderstanding with disasterous consequences
the other thing that came from it
was "beings"
which were like "eyes without a face"
these were black faces to my mind
with black almond eyes
also like silvio manuel as the master of "intent"
the eyes in the darkn ess
as i saw it just similarly
the larger emanations outside had configurations beyond the scale of the
dualistic imagination surely anyway
therefore the intent of the eyes without a face would
not have to answer to such mathematical equasions
just some things
i spoke on the phone to Sophia yesterday
i told her two sun birds had come looking gently in the shed for somewhere to
nest and stayed floating there for a while checking things out
and she told me the same thing had happened to her that day also
a pair of sunbirds had come to her front door looking for a place to hang up a
nest also
right now there is a Curlew outside
that is curious also as that is a first here
it just let me know as i was posting this
i think the aboriginals believe they were some ancestor spirits
also it reminds me of my friends daughter who used to be afraid of them
she always said they had backwards knees and that was why
It looks like we sorted it out this time
the tensions and the reliefs are not so much the problem in the
face of the solutions
hard as they may be
one dove remains
another one will be brought in to replace the other as it has not yet returned
i will be leaving
she "Sophia" will be staying
we will wait for each other five years and visit
in our passing and still stay together for this time
i cannot stay and she cannot leave
that tension brought a lot of friction upon inclinations
so i will leave yet well stay together and in five years
pick it up "together" she will be able to leave
and we'll go together then
strangely that has alleviated the stress
it no longer feels i have to chose and the same for her
i have mowed the grass
i paid some body last
to alleviate hay fever
the magpies are almost tame
they bring their babies
the kookaburras sit on the tv aerial too
at least its finding a use
passion fruit vines are choking the fence
what a wonderful thing
the dragon fruit cactus' are better when treated rough
tie them with stockings says the man to a stump
and so i did
started drinking smoothies again
went fishing this morning and caught a good feeling thats about it
then a call somebody has caught two brim
call around grab them on the way through
got that feeling on the rocks again
it goes away and i forget
but there it was again
fresh as it always was
salt air
whispering freedom
that the earth my friend
my sore feet just want to give it a big hug
the colors came bright again
not like that cloudy grey dream
pebbles finding old fishing lines
cutting them free those little crabs
gypsy folk and all that
So you're going to leave this place with the doves, magpies, kookaburras, palm cockatoos, and passion fruit? It sounds so much like paradise. :(
i am going to try another angle
yes think i will leave all that
i have worked very hard in that place
i don't mind having worked and making it nice for somebody else
i have done this before
i always knew this place would be busy and no rest "hard work"
now that the hard works investment might buy something new
who knows perhaps i could get the hang of making even greater money
to proceed with further
although i have always been absolutely practical generally speaking
i would probably buy just more practicality
the burden of "having" is beginning to grind
so the transfer of energy into a new form is something
to be interested in seeing change
You're not being very clear runningstream - is this because you haven't committed to whatever course of action you are contemplating?
Are you suggesting you broke up with your girlfriend, and she left. Then she came back and you decided to either give or sell your land and home to her while you leave. You are coming across as bananas. I suggest if you want to tell us about this, you be clear what you are talking about, because at present it sounds like you are describing some fantasy.
every thing you are saying i see also and it makes sense
i will add something
a while ago i realized truths could be viewed from differing steps away
for instance a truth can be witnessed in close proximity
within the world
in the seemingly mundane
and framed within a farther away context within the universe
the same truths could be witnessed
whats woven through as bananas for me
for you
is just as simple as the rest
it sounds like fantasy because it is
yet that does not make it any less real or manifest
i am not interest in the concrete versus the abstract
nor am i so much interested in their separation
although i would consider it for somebody elses sake
whats " written " in the water as my life
is both fantasy
and truth
also far away and close
that is this point
i am playing with it as i said i would
the details are running along with each other
i just am adding them together as they are
i am back with sophia yes
i leave yes
she stays yes
we do not live together
for now
although stay together
it is not my commitment to action which is lacking
it is my commitment to spirit which is making the decisions
if it sounds out there and fantasy i understand
if you ask me i will explain how so or even why
you would have to ask though
if you wait for me to supply those details its fine
its artistic license
for my self i wont change it
i can for you if you like i don t mind
the place where i have been working at home is on land
i do not own
i will be leaving and meet the call of my own heart
i have accumulated through work five cars which i will sell
i have learned to spray paint
i have learnt to replace head gaskets
fit engines
weld etc etc as a course of the way things turned out
these assets will buy some thing else when sold
also i go to work
i also have a place full of things i will sell
i have had it all a heap of times yet i just get rid of it all again and start over
after dong work on the place i stay also i have asked to be paid for the work
as the rent could now be doubled due to the renovations i feel its a fair deal also
so this adgistment will also help
i have a caravan and i will be leaving in it
as far as the relationship with sophia is going a lot of tension was caused
because of me wishing to be gone "from this red neck place " and what that "vibe"
having left to serenity yet encountering all sorts of trivial personalities entering
"finding in roads"
to the place and adding to that the unhealthy balance and hard work due to the
leaves me with what i already knew
i have come here to work hard
i have now assets for the next leg of the journey
every thing is set in motion and the wheels are now turning "the tide"
what ever will be will be
ill just catch the tide now same as always
When people speak of why their partner is dissatisfied with the relationship, they usually speak of what they believe is their partner's problem, not what their partner actually says.
If I ask you why Sophia is upset with the relationship, assuming you want to respond, and you are under no obligation to respond, would you be able to relay what she says, rather than what you believe she is really saying?
if she was upset with the relationship i could give you that yet she is not
right now so i can not give you that
i would give you introspection and the words she spoke if i felt it was required
i could do that easily
however as long as i felt i needed help
with it
and i do not right now
i am leaving and even this is not a problem
so her words are she will stay with me ,and wait for the five years
and then well go together
the reason is one of financial investment and the kids
and i understand its a big deal just digging up those roots for her
if we dug we could think of past things
i don t think it matters now though
Well i have some news now .
We had a fight and broke up . actually i don;t know if thats true because i don't feel
i was fighting so much . although i was stern and did not submit .
It started with me saying , "you are indirectly manipulative sometimes ".
i am refering to having to the dualistic approach to energy and struggle.
i really tried hard to keep that clear.
it was met with much fight .
apparently those were some key words . Biting down hard upon them
She kept asking what do you mean , each time i tried again and again
even saying things like do you know the polarities and about power struggles etc
and that we can speak openly about issues , and introspection
without it having to be attacking somebody
from with in the middle .
this and also i told her you have zero introspection , and that i am not having a go
at you when i speak about something that is happening , that we could speak
without it having to be good / bad , wrong ./right , black / white
the more i explain the more i meet hostility
later being told i am dark inside and just look good on the outside because of what
i said ,
i am hurt , i might be confused ,
yet i resign to just leave it .
we spoke after on the phone the next day .
after some time she says whats something wrong ?
i said yes , i give up , i give up there is no point talking to you about it any more .
you tell me i am black inside
/she even spoke of hitting me over the head with something , a candle holder on
the drawers . '
i am left completely dumfounded . i cannot believe we were even having the same
conversation .
after we hang up . its over .
next i get the text about asshole this .
i text back , ok you have hurt me thats enough now leave me alone .
she replies , something about what she thinks also , back .
so its done , i felt like it can go no further , and the more it plays out the less
anything becomes over come or done about anything .
that was three days ago now .
i have given up on it .
yesterday after this , whilst going to pick one of my cars up
from her house , i was over taken on the inside of my truck whilst turning right
by a motor cycle on a tight corner which i was already cutting .
i pulled up at the next set of lights , and told him "yelling" through the window ,
you are a flowering cock head .
there were two of them .
next the other one begins to do a mono beside my truck continually on one wheel
on his motor bike ,
so in reply i give a semi swerve towards him with the truck to jolt him . a half bork
type swerve . mimic.
next the two pull over on the side of the road ahead as though waiting for me .
so i come across the lanes and pull in behind them off the road .
i want to bang their heads together .
on second thought they change their minds as i arrive and ride away .
next my friend / land lord comes around today , to organise what we spoke of .;
me leaving and him renting this place out further .
he tells me about these two guys on motor cycles today he came across in the
spot racing each other through traffic and carrying on .
could it be ?
last night i put one of the cars back together . it should pass the road worthy
inspection now .
the rust is cut out , and painted last night , that appeared from sitting too long.
also the muffler repairs.
two others are also ready although one requires a windscreen still .
the other is ready too , and another parts .
now comes feelings of is this the right thing to do ?
there is new fruit appearing one three different trees/ plants today.
it is that things are fruiting now .
i even contemplate to just pay the rent and go yet keep a home base here.
my friend would prefer i stay even though he could get more money .
he made a special trip over even with his broken wrist and ribs.
perhaps i have reached a point where i might actually be able to relax ?
could it be , and also
a lot of outside tension was coming from having Sophia around .
i cannot see the light ahead so clear , as i felt it might be for ever ,
now i have an uncertainty as the road is changing ahead of me .
there are other tensions also .
the economy here is in panic mode and for a good reason .
work is drying up for many , and each day more and more things returh from job sites
and people layed off.
My friend and i began to speak about the drug they have here which is sweeping
across the country called ice. "meth amphetamine."
which was peculiar because a program was on television apparently and it was on my
mind this morning .
apparently the person/s here were cooking it , as is indicated by the large pots ,
in the back shed and other stuff , well i was oblivious .
Even if the camouflage pots and hydroponic chemicals , and light cupboards etc
etc indicate growing some elicit herbs before i arrived
"previous tenants".
some dramas on the homestead ,
bikers and similar loose ends , i even had my four tyres punctured just driving into
the place when i first arrived.
somethings i feel like intervening and taking certain things into my own hands ,
this week i hear the words , " stick to the path " play in my head .
today i felt that deflating sense that arrive s which brings relief
upon the release of something gripped tightly ,
in particular past things that i held which made me angry .
which litter the future .
also that it does not matter , the way it did . that i can FORGIVE every body and
it will free me of it all .
the sense this left me with in a recapitulatory way
was peace .
to even approach it within my awareness.
Now you are making me think, you should follow through with leaving: bikers who are harassing you and your landlord, the history of the place as a meth-lab, the illegal stuff growing... Yes, maybe it is time to find new vistas.
Runningstream, I'm not surprised about what you recount with your girlfriend.
and i am not surprised about you being not surprised about what i recount .
we see each other coming.
it follows a loop ,
i can almost tell you what comes next , i can tell you it comes back to , "all men
are assholes" and abandonment .
what said becomes polarised , and repeated back so , in the form of an argument ,
asking for a defense , to what has not been given .
that's the simple version , my memory recall is not the best to give you exact details .
so i did not give them .
i can remember some of what has just happened though .
She just called , asked if i really wanted to break up because she saw us together for ever ,
i just told her again , that i wanted her to break her loops , and not defend them
. to read a book or something ,
because she does not listen to me.
god if only she could hear what im saying and not fight me we would stay together .
i cant keep running around in that circle any more.
You have to ask
"And which angel am I ?"
I am not surprised for numerous reasons. For one, it is common for people who have a connection to the Path, to have difficulties with their partners, with whom they have a kind of karmic link, which does not translate to shared understandings of spiritual matters.
For another, it is common for men to have difficulty in getting women to relate on a cogitative level. Women trend to relate emotionally, and all the talk of intellectual insights into how we operate, fall of deaf ears with women - they are seeing a completely different situation.
Then for another, your task, as with all of us, is to translate your cogitative understandings in an affective way. You are trying to reach across from your understandings to another person's understandings. It doesn't work that way. You have to apply your understandings to yourself for a such a long time that you forget them, and they become a part of your natural behavior. Those understandings have to sink down into your body and personality. Instead of reaching across to the mind of another, you inculcate the comprehension into your being, then link to the other from your being, not your comprehension. Your girlfriend need know nothing of your mental insights, as what she wants is the direct end result, coming from your emotions and behavior, not your mind.
Lastly, for the reason that you don't yet seem to understand where she is coming from. You understand that she doesn't get where you are coming from. This is unfortunate because she sounds like she is wanting to make an effort to have this relationship work somehow - that is worthwhile. Not everyone is so keen. Would be a pity to lose such a friend.
as with all of us, is to translate your cogitative understandings in an affective way. You are trying to reach across from your understandings to another person's understandings. It doesn't work that way. You have to apply your understandings to yourself for a such a long time that you forget them, and they become a part of your natural behavior. Those understandings have to sink down into your body and personality.
Yes, that is how it works.
We have to be The transformation within our bones.
yes thanks ,
as i am sure you could imagine , things are complicated , so that's all duly noted .
the simplest way i can put it would be ,
If somebody is capable of making the same patterns as a mess for others to step
over , the only way to stop that situation would be to dis continue making the
same mess.
what you said about her wanting to make an effort has been me all along also .
i am all about the doing of the path too .
its a complimentary situation is required to do it .
that would require a man taking his role and a woman hers , which compliment
those embodiments .
and having an impediment placed in the way of that combination , requires its
or else we continue to face those same obstacles .
i have seen it a lot of times now , women who cant see whats in front of them
because past experiences has make them defensive to the point of being some
what closed .
Don't get me wrong Sophia is a hell of a good woman ,
that s not the problem , communication certainly is an issue , yet its an issue of
communicating presently with the past .
its is not that i feel i need to listen to the demands of that injured self , its that i
feel that needs to be cleaned up .
and i can also totally understand why should would feel most men are dickheads ,
"because they certainly could be"
when your caught in the middle of a loop and wondering how the hell this relates
to anything present , and it is being placed as personal . That is a major drain .
i feel pretty bad
a small native rodent was wandering around the lounge room before looking
innocent and
i believe it may be because i had put rat sak poison on the window sill the last couple nights
and mummy has not come home
they had tried to chew the lid of the rubbish bin
making a loud grating sound during the night in the kitchen
i feel i was not left with any other choice
they may be the size of rats
yet they are actually quite cute although their domestic habits may be similar
also i have finally a radio that picks up a reception here to hear music
its a car stereo running off twelve volt battery
it wafted a wonderful feeling through the place last night
simultaneously as i had hooked it all up and got it working
a friend sent me a picture of her first guitar "new to her"
it was the exact same brand size color of my first guitar :)
edit: "the creature i speak of has just ran between my legs as i sit at the table "
behind the sink cupboards ???
well it was her energy that i phoned today
i did not know it would be
i asked
i think i have some of your dvds
love oh yes its love
it focuses on the 'core' business
i wonder which avatar incarnate i was witnessing
and dating
i wondered what it was the potency
i felt it like a hook
it was warm and intense
and we merged immediately
over that phone
she was silent mostly as she often is
i wondered about merging again
i wonder a lot
and a lot i wander
new lock in the car door
more complicated than the old one
window winder working for now
radio playing
solar tunes after charge
waiting for the sun
what did it mean
i read what they said
but im not sure they got it yet
yin yang
they stood on one side of the fence still
pointing at the other
i wait a lot
the bananas have their first bell
the magpie sat on the post with a pellet from the hounds
the sausages are frozen
pop says he could teach me how to hang up and break up
beef carcasses
my old friend slips in
i feel her energy differently it is light
like i was before
which incarnate mate was it now
soul friend
the one who listens and hears
it was different
yet i dont feel love the same way
my heart pours tears at the words
my body knows something i do not
walking these miles
on these paths
these hearts
with their building blocks which formulate their
some colors fit
others do not
like working a pastel range
to find a harmonies balancing act
old friends transitioning
holding each other alight
familiar comforts
All the way back to the foundation stone
Ive travelled
After the voice would"nt leave me alone in my sleep
I picked up the book we bought together
And read of soPhists and foundation stones
I never read any of it
Its just that her number fell from the cover
Must have been two in the morning
I don"t expect a soul to understand as usual
Yet i will blow the ceiling on this bullshit now
Its my perogative
What they have written in the water on that stone
Or whatever is done for
Trump cards and all
The confidence of fools is not the confidence of warriors
Knowing in their bones what they came for
I am actually watching it crescendo
Yet their will be new lines arriving
Its time this boat got some new water
I kean who arrives at work to do a job and finds a foundation
Stone sitting there seriously
Buckets new buckets
Dreaming awake
Sonderful buckets
Last night
New lines
New clock
When enough was enough
I have thrown the toys
Up the hallway
I am
In a splitting fashion to play again
Like the country music song
Or jerry springer
Now that the weight of the world is on
Tried to be on my own
Well play it backwards now
Ill get the tractor
Back the dog back
The wife back
You know the one
Im sure
Shes got a chainsaw
And shes lively and lovely
And love is this word
Where we do
What we want to each other
Although i have to stop now and ask
Why are you trying to hurt me
I did not sign up for that
Oh live your marble spill to the floor
Counting the
Kookaburra greets the morning
Another day off
Is here
Its everywhere
A friend reminds me
Asking to not see whats put there
remember it
Like a clock on the wall that was stuck on six
Yet its going all the way around to twelve now
It was just lines written in the water
We were seeing
I am sure of it
Metaphorically so
Into that he
In the soil
The snakes leave me be
The rattle is leaving
Changing the channel
Its hard
To imagine what another human being is going through
And why
What is an awakening
It the ability to pause
To see from a perspective other than one self
Maybe two self
Theyre singing back in the day
While the wind is kicking at the door
Im pro active today
If its tomorrow
The wind tells me the wind is going the other way
Sure it was like throwing laundry out
The cockpit so it would catch the updraft
And the shooting through the sky like an arrow
All those floating there already trying to grab my
Arm as i zoom through
Because i was
To be stopped
And wanted to zoom
Like a
That grows if its just left out
Of that wind for a
Moment long enough
With the suns force behind it
The grasses got
Drier last few
Motivation was the key For the day
Sticking it in the lock
Have no idea where its all going
Do just get going
Fix the body first
Start a seed and water in in the intense wind
Let it soak down repeatedly i feel
I grabbed a steel cage off a truck
Pushed it all the way up the paddock
Like a heavy tumble weed
Some holes and welded some bolts
Hang a bag
Spray painted the whole frame
Come squat rack
Trained twice today
Smoothies and soups
Have no idea where
Or how
Just know how
And when
Youll know it when you know it
And see
It when you see it
its not meant to be kryptic
Water just seems that way
Soaking seeds
Thunder Soon it wll be rain
the signs keep telling me im leaving
Although i make other plans
So i dance both feet as though the other does not know what the
Other does
I have decided to be strong
For other people and for every body in fact
Because i am strong
And they are often weakened
Spirit is coming back now looking over
Her shoulder behind
Something is blowing in the rain clouds
Its inklings of sweet rain
Its in the toes all about
It is making a connection
Letting it known what is beyond the clouds
The only thing i became afrain was of forgetting
Forgetting what it was like to remember
Having only remembering of whats known
Some days youll have all the answers
Some days all the questions
you can sit them down together in humble truth
And watch it all fall away
What your left with migh be not what you expect
What your fighting for
And what your fighting against
As i speak its finally here
Rain :)
Yes, don't forget.
As Carlos Castaneda once said - "The Answer is in the details".
As don juan or someone might have said
You can"t make bones for a jelly fish
What is strength ? Intent
And what is a collection of jelly fish bones
When hooked to infinity ?
One foot two foot
Tao foot
The possibilities exist 'also"
Being conceived
The immaculate conception?
We reach the infinite regress
What do
You feel these last few days
My friend tells me what she feels these last few days
And does your seeing correlate to what is swept
From the clouds view
There are many faces
MAny views
Close far
Standing in good stride
Inpecciple ordering
Even whilst i wated being messed about
I was given clean air rhythms
And a sheltering cloth
Play is all of these jelly fish
Clean heart finding rhythm beating cloth
For shelter
And air given
given the current affairs the moon being so full looking
views of mirror earths being created
gatekeepers standing before light beings doings
being that the earth has now swallowed the sun or vice versa
how can you stop the rain from falling down ?
tell me how can you stop the sun from shining
what makes the world go round ?
i want to address the simple aquirment
of what the new aging calls in categories
" i don't focus my energy on it ,
' double edged sword ' straddling '
its not real
'head in the sand"
"intent , delivering aquisitions . arriving at a high tensile arrangement ,
of string
the "new earth
as formed , the universe will deliver "if i dont believe in it sort of thing .
why does it reek of disempowerment , in the face of it all .
where does this stuff come from
and the double edged sword surely best facing blade outward
we should definitely peek into the reverse and "working s"
right now i don't feel i can deliver the pieces though
they will pull together
its a whats the difference between ...................
and ....................
kind of thing
that needs strips peeled of it and re arranged to actually
resemble some kind of empowering situation
there is a hint though
it lives in peoples eyes
and you can spot it if your eyes are tuned correctly
you can even coax it out of its hiding hole
god knows i love and live for that string
Ok inhabe pulled the string through
If you dont know
A heart can watch immense pressures
Of lifes pass through it/your being
Untill it feels like breaking
If you ever had to let Something go
That you had witnessed eternity with
Youll understand
God my god
Oh my god
I have witnessed the loss of something
So great
Maybe string goes backwards too
Or just like slipping backwards through a keyhole/sun
Stepping forward alone
Oh my god
Oh my god
Oh my god
Yes it was new zealand in a way too
No more words
there are two dogs here
one was bouncing at the door
sweetly and playfully
the other was laying on the seat outside but i could'nt see him
the bouncy one does not normally demand any attention
so she was giving her joy freely really
she was giving the message and she is lovely
i walk to the door and go to let her in
as i open the door the other passes her and bolts through the door
he is demanding and pushy
the opposite
he will place his head when the other is getting a pat
it makes it hard to have a nice relaxed time with the other one
as its a competition for attention
and pushyness that gets in the way all the time
he is high strung and she is relaxed
they love each other a lot
i think about sending him to a farm where he can chase cows
and ride four wheel motor bikes
i am asking if he can go
he is wired and needs purpose
it is probably a trait of his breeding and character because he is a cattle dog
we sit on the track together in the dark
looking at the stars and i remember what its like to watch the shooting stars again
some times i look up and feel some thing like awe
other times loneliness
the earth pretty much always feels nice though
and soothing
if i feel loneliness i know it will pass so i do'nt try to hold it normally
if i feel awe i know it gives some kind of drive because of the mystery and
to join it
it always feels like the end of something and the beginning of something
some things feel bigger than others though
i was bouncing it around because my sisters boy has been diagonsed
as asphergers , and autism
at about four maybe five he could draw a detailed map of roads lot numbers and their
positions and numbers
that he had seen over and over
he was fascinated by signs
they even had to draw him pictures of what he would be doing so that he
would not become panicked and knew the routines of which if they were broken
could cause all sorts of dramatic outbursts "melt downs"
funny because Jerry Seinfeld , was on the radio saying about that within the same
time a few days ago
mentioning that he had something like it he believed as he
took what people said literally and found them difficult to follow sometimes
the most interesting thing i heard him say was that he believed he was within that
that made a lot of sense
that it would reside in different bands of awareness or tied together that way
in connections
i liked that colors and spectrums
i found it strange watching the adults try and make the child conform to some
structured functionality
i would just sit with the boy and be silent maybe whistle
and he would tilt his head and listen "feel"
and sometimes note back
or things like that
it was more about feelings and colors
and harmonies or flows
he did not listen to those adults like they would have liked
they did try and each wore on each others patience
and his little brother was a ball of emotions too
i found the boy to be extremely intelligent
and connected although not always in a way that was harmonious
sometimes connected too much
what i get out of it is like when people assume and try to fit things into their mold
taking their agreements and proceeding upon them
i wonder what the world wold be like if those who had chosen their agreements
would let those who stepped outside the box speak more
and aside from that i keep remembering something about a child with an iron fist
today ruling
and i wonder in a way that i suppose would be unusual
if the child were not to rule with an iron fist
then i wonder what the adults would have gotten up to
in that colored band
i suppose esoteric established teachings have detailed
patterned maps of awareness
which hold key symbols
i suppose they are absolute nonsense to those who have not
traversed the maps landscapes
i suppose all sorts of things
one thing i did suppose today
was that it would be fair to assume
that all sorts of assumptions would be reached upon such maps details
another thing i assumed was the feeling that
when not offering to pick up the pieces of such assumptions
as an affair
would not offer any differing detail to the maps play
i like maps
we could work from maps had they harmonies attached
oh and something about um whatsy majig
oh inorganic beings being composed of not telling lies
and that they are within the "whole" time whilst awake
reflecting awareness
also that traversing the landscape through truth
and being led by spirit "within" the whole time
and new buckets of water
fresh water / salt water
its a shower of water
wind sun
fresh and Original
don't mind that louvered doors are open wafting the smells
like walking into a bakery and having your nostrils blown away
the excitement and mystery
what is innocense refelcting then ?
its what is truth then too ?
if innocense is not holding or reflecting a lie
so if were learning to align our perceptions with the worlds agreements
or with our truths innocense
then which yields fresh water
speaking of lines again
and spectrums
its important not to forget fire
the secret of fire
even if its very old its still not the problem if its can burn you
if you don't know how to work with it
i suppose esoteric established teachings have detailed
patterned maps of awareness
which hold key symbols
i like maps
we could work from maps had they harmonies attached
I like maps too, I am a map freak (even to this very date).
When I was a child I made my own maps of countries, and then they (the countries) Went to war and the borders changed. And I rewrote the new borders (that was in the early 1960's when the USA-Russia was in a cold war).
And I remember the day when we got the news that John F Kennedy was shot (and dead) and I was devastated (8 years old) that the "King of USA" had been murdered.
i suppose esoteric established teachings have detailed
patterned maps of awareness
which hold key symbols
Well, there is an esoteric kind of map.
But that map is of no use until you buy the ticket.
The ticket is not about a journey outside your self, but rather a ticket to a journey To Your Self.
Exotic places, India, Peru or Egypt might be included in your journey to your self, but such high vibrating places is only scenes and bus stops, for your journey back to your self.
and also i wondered for some time why your reply sounded so familiar
it was because a man was on a radio program a couple months or so ago
and he was saying how as as child he did just as you say
he made his own maps and created borders countries
even pitted those countries and governments structures against each other
now my recollection of it is not the best however he did go on to become
the chief in charge of something like running the defence departments
foreign borders
or not quite perhaps chief in charge of military defence of overseas or some
impromtu title in canberra he was the chief advisor
so the map from his child hood bore fruit and alignment in his adulthood
he met a girl there
perhaps she was the one telling the story i dont remember either
the poignant point in my recollection was of losing that life partner to illness
and that being a spear through the heart
i thought about that today
i would love to have somebody to care for that much too
but i would not like to experience that
i know how it feels to have relationships for a few years
and then lose that person and they are still alive
i can only feel that happen to somebody through looking
at it
but i believe that represents what it would be to be alive
sharing the whole thing
and finding yourself giving whole heartedly to your path
i still dont understand what it means to find yourself
not really
except by walking and bumping into different emotions and experiences
sure not all seem pleasant
this self swears a lot about that
i just stuck a brake booster in a car after work
i really dislike fixing cars
its a bad habit to get into
I scream God ! please give me a brake ! hehe
maybe i should change the wording eh ?
words are powerful i know this for sure
i can only apologise for my lack of memory yet i have tried to strengthen it
it has its advantages and disadvantages i would only imagine
i believe it was his wife telling the story now
i believe it may have been this man
from what i gathered it was a magical relationship
maybe that's what finding yourself is
finding the magic
so you find your magical self
and having found your self
you go out to share it
looking for it in others
that would be a buzz
like a bee
i am seeing a basket
walking down a nice sunny day on a street with houses
maybe something about picking flowers too
or they are in bloom
the poignant point in my recollection was of losing that life partner to illness
and that being a spear through the heart
Well, I am about to lose my dear, perhaps closest, friend into the mist of dementia.
His status deteriorate and suddenly he has profound problem in our intercourse.
His wife and I works now for different solutions to get a safer daily life for him.
sad to hear Jahn
my friend and i have been speaking about different illnesses in the last week
she does energy healings for people and readings etc
and had a boy just now they were claiming adhd
his brother is handicapped wheel chair bound from memory and he is the younger
we spoke about other ones too
we agreed it is tough times at the moment with the energies here
and how we are feeling these tensions
i believe others who do not come back to their center or who have not established
repoire with their selves would find this time very difficult
perhaps being swept
from the shore with no anchoring in sight
that was a carry on from our conversation also here
about what is the self ? what about maps ? and Michael also mentioning the center amidst turmoil .
She is clearer than me even sometimes , so i urge her
if you and i cannot wake up then no body can
so she sees her strength i tell her she can take as much of mine as she likes
but the truth is we just need to be in/aquire each others presence
she is one being who balances me out and i her
it is definitely nice to have somebody like that to hold a steady breeze
perhaps she is my best friend too
in the light of her depth
blessed be
as i was today
and might be tomorrow
someone asks me to train them
it felt like a chore for a moment
then it made me feel alive
then i read an ad for a gym
then went to the supermarket
then the lady at checkout speaks about her gym "same gym"
so i trained too again
and also felt good
motivating people and plugging into health and fitness
is a buzz too
its a different world from the orange shirt army
of nitty gritty middle class hum drum
i started doing the course to be a personal trainer
yet never quite put it to gether to finish
self sabotage
maybe the time was'nt right
always see myself teaching boxing to kids and weights or something somewhere
up north on some remoteish place
while they teach me to fish and eat plants
i know the government loves giving grants for such things
however i heard they are shutting down heaps and heaps of remote communities
because of a keffuful with funding argument
between different governmental bodies and whos responsibilities it is
amazing how these things can slip between the cracks as though no one sees
yet well have to hear some cricket captain or something blabber on about
how he let his team down or how the boys all put in a good effor t or some bullshit
wanting to say what is strength again
the ability to remember something like
"the self"
why i suppose there are degrees
and the self is attached to another connection
so that is where the teachings differ
what is an attachment ?
depends how it attaches
fertile soil and all that
strength of remembering
remembering how good seed grows on fertile soil
and using strength to hold that keel on some kind of course
nothing to do with bashing through walls
for the sake of king kong
of course
another one lately was whats the difference between stupid and ignorant
one cannot be held totally responsible
the other choses to ignore the truth in the light of it through stubborness
that is a lot like a kind of strength in its own way
yet its heading in the wrong direction
i would say a childs innocent heart
is perhaps more strong than such a person who would try to bend that will
to an end which was not alike the childs heart
when they looked each other in the eyes
which ones eyes would portray hurt or strength
the hurt could indeed be more so strength if it was of a purity
to connect to what it knew was right
in the face of something else
you know the look "your a jerk"
and you know it
if we would continue on that course
we would be a jerk
another thing
sometimes maintaining a course is necessary
say if you knew your path was arduous and you had to push through certain
phases to arrive further along and get through things
the garden of eden was the path always through it
these words are for myself
bread crumbs of maps
i started doing the course to be a personal trainer
yet never quite put it to gether to finish
self sabotage
maybe the time was'nt right
If you want to live your dream, being a personal trainer - or whatever your dream is.
You have to set your intent - and live it
You have to believe in your self and allow the energies from the unlimited universe to support you.
The key to your life is found within you.
well said
i have lived lots of dreams
i keep having to dream up new ones
perhaps i will do that again
I am certainly blessed
being blessed works in certain directions
and in others not
i really do believe in timing
you could ask do you believe in fate and get different answers
yet when it comes to timing it is undeniable
existing within a point within time
does it mean you are disconnected from aonther point within time ?
its an image of beginning and end all relevant
within the line which is witnessed
and if no beginning or end
the that frees up a hell of a lot of energy
when it comes to "connection"
and "disconnection" of lines
friend speaking of something like recapitulation
breath comes out "energy"belonging to them " the recipient within past memory "
breath comes back "energy" within past memory to "breath-ee"
breath passes to and returns to each members heart
breath "energy" travels formation of infinity symbol "on its side" as it travels route
between recipients
its good for drying washing
and lounging around
or pumping water up to the tank
gas for this and that it all costs
seeing how it was so hot
a tupperware container had to be sacrificed for the magpies
probably the willy wagtails too
construction adhesive to the top of a fence post
i just saw them drinking from a bucket around the back
two magpies
i suppose they have'nt figured it out yet
i would not be surprised the bucket would be cooler though
and its rain not bore
magpies would know their stuff
i picture green
not the sort of green that makes you go ew
the sort that feels like inside a pastel forest
inside the house
timber touches
softening the harshness
insulation !
i can't believe mosquitoes even survive in this heat
oh and the little midgies are about
fleas !
and on on on
pumping water up
not much can be done in this heat
cleaning up and getting everything in order
for Jahn
A man is driving up the road in a car
he has bought a new hat
at one point the hat blows up from the back floor of the car
as the man is wondering what the fit is like and that he never tried it out
also that the fabric on top of it is ventilated
and it will be much cooler than the old one
as the hat blows up from the back floor of the car onto the console between the seats
the man pushes it back down and avoids it being flown out the window
next something unexpected occurs
as the mans eyes realign to the road
he sees there is now a brim hat on the road
it is not the same hat sure
yet it does not look old which is odd
and it is also a brim hat
actually nearly good enough to stop the car for
yet the man keeps driving baffled
would you believe a man if he said manifesting something was not the problem ?
at the risk of sounding pompous
do you really think this is what the buddhists are speaking about
when they speak of dependent arising and that stuff?
example 2:
A man arrives in a town newly
after being told about a company and how the people are nice and great to work for
the man goes into a job agency
he has decided which company he will work for
he tells the woman what he wants to do
he tells the woman who he wants to work for
keep in mind there are over fifty thousand people there
the woman across the desk turns out to be the ex wife of a man who works at the same
and she rings to ask yet already has some inside information
the man waits one week and then begins work at that company and is still there
have you ever heard of an extreme case of dependant arising?
Please take my question in absolute seriousness
Or anyone is welcome to answer as i would
Love a reply
Please take my question in absolute seriousness
Or anyone is welcome to answer as i would
Love a reply
would you believe a man if he said manifesting something was not the problem?
Yes I would easily believe it. I've done it at many points in my life - so well that I tried to stop the process when it involved other people directly.
at the risk of sounding pompous
do you really think this is what the buddhists are speaking about
when they speak of dependent arising and that stuff?
"Dependent arising"... do you mean 'attachment' here?
You may not, but if you do, the process of manifesting a thing works better when you drop the attachment to the outcome. That way, you're allowing Spirit or your double, even, to take over the process. The caveat there is that you must trust Spirit to bring what is for your highest good. So, in that motif, if you do not manifest the thing, then there was some higher reason that you did not. "It's all good," as they say.
But do the Buddhists observe such practices? Perhaps the Tibetan Buddhists do, but I really don't know. The Taoists might, but again, I don't know for sure. Others here are more expert in the Buddhist and Taoist practices than myself.
Thanks nichi
When i said dependant arising
I mean the field of perceived and perceiver being conditioned upon each other
That agreement i would have seen as not being able to be influenced to such
An extreme degree as it being conditioned by many
Within the earth dream
Have you seen the advertisment on television where
The man turns every thing to skittles with his touch ?
While he sits at his desk
Thats how
Bad it got at one pOint
Thats why the term dependant arising and the like
Seems fine for the undoing
Yet when applied in the "doing"
I don"t know if that was how
It was meant
And yes being aligned with everything as you said
Yet there is a "grace"
Its around 7.30am
Its 25deg again
There is a
Lovely cool breeze though which i found odd
Yes i was fond of the new
Hat too
I was reading and looking for a good inflatable
Camp mattress and a good back pack
I was going to pay 40 to 60 used for the mattress
That was advertised
I found one
Three dollars at a garage sale perfect condition
yesterday i was using bi carb soda to scrub a salty looking couple zips
Which are now fixed on a backpack i foind at the second hand store
It is probably brand new and the zip ceased from never being used
I looked online and somebody selling one said they retail for
400 dollars
I paid ten
I am thankful to be blessed
I very happy about them
Ive been sleeping on an airmattress this week at my cabin,.... it deflates a lot at 50 degrees... stay warm or your butt will hit the floor :)
Its patially inflating partially foam that one
Cabin looks great dreams in cosy deflating beds
I do remember also sleeping on mattresses on the ground
In different places draws all sorts of intense dreaming
Was just reading these guys maps
Today was fine very hot
Physically challenging
Mentally challenging
Except somehow i forgot
Let my mind wear me down
I dreamed of a new zealand woman this morning
We were on a date or dating
She seemed worried about how the company
I could tell she was'nt for me
It seems strange to try pin it down in my thoughts now
Im sure she was
She seemed too comfortable and uncomplicated
In a contrary way
Into a
Different speed she was a maouri i think
Ordinariness just wears me out
I spoke to somebody a ragini
She has a man wanting to marry her and asks me
What i think
I think its a terrible shame
But i dont tell her
Because she says she does not love him
But its a good arrangement
She tells me how much he earns a year
I tell her im off the market and healing not looking
After she asks me if i want kids
And a few other things
I feel her solar plexus very tight or fast
I remember what its like to be tied into the world
So many connections
I tell her its her choice
I dont want to interfere
I share a few things though
I tEll her about remebering and never forgetting my heart
She calls me the alien man
I wanted toake the connection again for some reason
She says she had been thinking about me a couple days before
We speak about relationships a lot i feel uncomfortable sharing
Don"t see any point
She speaks about ayhuaisca
She wants
To ask god what she should do
I tell her its not my thing
The same thing happens i feel lonely
because people are so messy
Things feel too fast
The words the energy frenetic
I thought i may have left the kettle on this morning so i came home early
I got a lot done
I dont want to be with anybody right now
I just want to feel myself again
let everything heal
Become shiny again
And inknow thats when they make a bid for it again
I want to be fussy next time
But spirit set up these big extravaganzas
i am weary
i don"t want to get into it again
For the only reason i don"t want it to end again
Or badly
Or a bad match
I don"t imagine a life without someone though
One thing i never understand is how women want to get payback
On their exes
Ragini tells me she was out looking for a new man
A couple days after they had a fIght that must be horrible
it is hard to find people who are honest about their initial
And don"t shift them to the next phase
hurt to anger etc
Imfelt jealousy lately
And i never understood that emotion
Because i never had it
I just found it was embedded in the relationship game as
A set trap game
i called it
I am resting on my laurels now
Because i like that phrase today
I have no idea what a laurel is though
Except hardies friend
god forbid it ever pulled together
It always seems patience lacking
Communication poking
A wild dog lay on the road
The radio played ordinary songs
I accidently order a beef roll
Spitting it out
I cant stand the taste of beef anymore
Sonthe cows will live which ones next
I dont know
I was eyeing off the cane toads though just in case
Elton john singing im a mess and the songs a mess
The silent types
Sitting in libraries helps quieten the mind
Keeping it busy "internalised" focus
And how do you make lots of money ?
Get good at something and then thrown money at it im told
Advertising etc
Raffle tickets don"t sell themselves
Landlord brought a ride on mower
What a classic
Parts missing
Wouldnt start
Figured thst out then parts falling
Flames come out exhaust "dangerous" bushfires
Slow as bro
Still was nice
Not pushing for once
Runny nose then
Rats steal the whole baits 2" every night
Next night hear them again
Not running out of rats but run out of baits
They almost ran me out
If president bush was here it"d be a war on rats
Mosquitoes hide somewhere from the heat
Rain will be around sooner or later then its flooding
Radio cracks on about cyclone warnings
Introversion extroversion
Alpha omega
I am the alpha and the omega
Dreaming yes
Dreaming awake yes
Dreaming asleep yes
So we gave up on fear replaced it with anger
Gave up on clarity replaced it with sarcasm born of frustration"anger"
Gave up on power cos we were already powerful
Gave up on elton cos my ears were bleeding almost
And old age we gave up and started counting backwards instead
Like death was birth ! Yippee
Excuse sarcasm
Undertones elsewhere whispering unity
Whats unity
Simple presence
waiting for somebody to call
They wont call
Power looking through claritys eyes
Clarity waiting through tainted gaze
Because time was getting towards the " end" of something
Old age setting in the eyes so long
Then we had wisdom
From sitting around contemplating so long
What water grows with its touch
What withers with touch
What generates
What regenerates
Each moment
what comes back
What difference decided a turn
so many stories lived
Its head heavy now
Everything echos it takes fire
Back to the question
Or staring at water
Non duality
Staring through
Or whispering in the library
Whilst other go shoosh
As they read about silence and non duality
I cant understand what the fuss is about birth
fire water mixing images birth
A Bandicoot it did not even move so docile
In the torch light
Unaware of the dogs though they hardly catch one
Youll hear sqeak squeak squeak
In the Getaway so i moved the other direction
Walking out into the dark through long grass
Playing the odds for a snake thinking no
Itll be ok
Sushi sniffing
Move further into the darkness
The sky lighting up in flashes
Rain may be somewhere i did not see the weather report
It will be nice to green some grass as its getting very dry
The mower dropped the tip of its exhaust and lit a small patch up yesterday
Wandering in the dark imfound a steel frame i had
Been meaning to grab
Some kind of grate
To use as a bridge across a small ditch for the mower to get across
All the while dragging it back
Thinking about a rabbit i thought i had found as a kid
In a tuft of grass
I had a pocket knife and went down to get it as the dog was pointing its foot then
At that time imbent down shifting the grass only
To see it was a thick brown body of a snake
So i learned a lesson
by the time i got back dragging the frame
Remembering the tale about to put it across the ditch
I shine the light down and its a snake there now
Its brown and must have come along with the frame
story with a story hiding along side
God laughs at mans plans
what does it mean to be in favour
so speak of birth
And heavens tremble
Thunder comes
Rain fall
Speak of fire and water
And love
And prepare to have your banks
words down stream
when its gentle
Its a torrent
The captain you thought you were
This week is about wiring
Redandgreen tOgether
Brown black
Burned wires melted fuses
I know hardly a thing and lay or sit on a towel
In the dirt
this week is about telling people to get stuffed
And telling people they would be
Told to get stuffed but im having a good day instead
This week is about dreaming about a man
I used to know and telling
Him about the two sides of man
Whilst i watch his expressions pass
This week was about best friends getting stuffed
And life turned on its ear
This week was about getting closer to many things
Finished projects
Finished wits
This week was also about dreams
Beginning to dream again asleep permission
This week was about tension
This week was about taste
This was about almost rain
This was about almost finished
This was about almost began
This was about weights and measures
Was about sight and movement
This week was about passing around the sun in a spin
steady does it
Honest quiet heard
truth way walk from it
your mind your best friend aligns
Smiles and shines light where the correct gaze
Contacts self assurance listening to thats inklings
I say god
I could really use se help here
Resigning myself to the fate that awaits
They wave me in i don't have the correct permit
To drive the car to get the safety certificate the poilce
Is youngish and polite
I blow into the breath - alyser
says for have you had any drink
Explains the process i acknowlege with
A look then the complimentary and necessary
Aggreeance uppn my part
I drive out without a hiccup
The phone call up to that point i had to disconnect
Although i tried to aquire it was no longer
I won't be a father whew
Have your life flash before your eyes before
I did for those moments
One last movement on various levels
Things seem droning
The strangest thing now
As i speak in the darkness it sounds like many many
Rainbow lorrikeets this way
That seems like a good sign
I have something to say
About that good feeling
I suppose that ocean scene could be
So i remembered pirates of
The carabeean
And johnny depp
And a friends wedding there
At funnel bay
And when i lived therw
For four months when first
I flew
The nest
When finding the aboriginal shell piles
In the forest near by
Lighting fires myself each day
Finding there
A giant tree not so far in the jungle
A curtain fig
Taking people to see it
A plant called gympie
That can kill by heart attack because of the
Heart shaped leaves
The dogs and i in pain with it
20 000 leagues under the sea filmed there too
They said
Aboriginals standing above my body
As i slept watching me
And i looking up out of my body at them
Only big white eyes in the darkness
The wind
The exposure the sun the shade
And a little hut i later built
On a shore and would travel by boat to
Yet never became home
Probably still there if a cyclone did'nt take it away
and lastly how they sold that beach
The day i drove there and found out for myself
How absurd
No one last thing maybe
The night five irish backpackers braved the beach
In their sleeping bags
Beneath coconut trees
Only to see them huddled together because they got scared during
The night back in a sigma station wagon what a sight
I was sitting around waiting
The security guard signed me in
Now as i was waiting i noticed her soft voice
A bit raspy
Next i actually looked
As somtimes as with the four tulios
Simple gesture upon the surface
Are what is only seen
The hat was pulled down
Across the eyes
I looked more it appeared a man almost
Behind the glasses i thought
Then i wondered if it was the case
As i thought it a comment came from
Her to another in the office immediately
Though response to my thought
That it was probably the hormones
Next something about the op
Up here and down there
Next something about losing some ten seconds
Off running times
And something about whether strength
Lifting weight was decreased
five people in that office
Everybody seemed perfectly fine with it
it seemed it had just happened
It was not something i had seen in such
Early stages or much at all
The guy kept referring to her
After she left
Her and she almost as though he was mindful
Of the correctness of terms
i found it all very curious
And how every body was so understanding
And accomodative in a equal opportunity sense
I wondered how long she had worked there as a man first
it was interesting to me seeing how the world
Was changing mostly
That and the fact the waking dream was appaearing
To answer to my questions through thought transference
It seemed significant for some reason
And left me with an impact
i have dreamed that i am a story teller
as i tell the story in my dream
i make the story
the dream contains the story i give
every thing changes to that story being told
it is creating
sometimes dreams tell me things
so i listen to them
i make choices based on them
like today
it happened a few nights ago in a dream
so i change my waking dream
if i align my making self with my truth
surely my dreaming self will come across truth fully also
together as a part of each other and not separate
we move on together
ok then where to begin with the fry up
sausages "pork" and lamb chops "favorite" when cooked in favourite pan
twas hard to go past the fish from the reef and the half dozen prawns rediculously so priced to
compliment the red curry
that was the beginning
yum watery yum
oh chips
humble they sit there in the favourite pan
some herbs to sprinkle
today i felt like congratulating somebody as a word smith that he was
i watch the different techniques which formulate the patterns which earn the
one i saw seemed to go alike this
"youd better do so and so , or else so and so will not like it , they dont like that
firstly i am thinking , wow how do you even know had i not done it
then here is the kicker
so and so will follow through !
so and so will go and say so and so will get angry if you don't so and so ,
and then report back to so and so to make it so !!!!!
and then say i told you so!
talk about a naughty mummy and daddys boy
mummy will get mad you watch ! and just wait till daddy gets home !!
of course being trapped in so and so 's dillemma created all sorts of pains
which so and so felt was the reality which should be shared
so simple the set trap snare
oh so heavy
let me hang up those boots now
surely there was more to this
yes i remember another so and so anow
went alike this
every time i came around so and so
i get this damn song in my head
i just can't figure out why "spirit" surely
gives me this tune
goes like this "My name is doctor worm , im not a real doctor but i am a real worm"
my recoil is to imagine all sorts of horrific attrocities attached to such a song and its relevance
the strangest thing that it should repeat
any way i wait for the day that something should surface yet it never seemed to exceed
the normal wordsmith game that was played
wen't alike this
something something something
i am better than you because guess what ?
i know this and you did not know this did you ?
because twisty twisty twist
and aha !
your words fell in my pocket did you see and now they belong to me !
well that was for eyes of steel which did not blink dear whatsy whats
some wordsmiths are heavier than others
some it plays out painfully
others playfully
each one tries for freedom
some seem so simple
some make sure the bars are still in place
some fight to free them from the bars
what a strange song
i am sure i must seem strange too sometimes
if you try and tell peple to stop it they might turn on you time and time again as they build their case
ah yes !
uninterrupted interludes of food art preparation
would surely lead to questions of artistic sided sanity ingestion
that was however not for brer the forest friends table etiquette to divulge
such table manners require table cloths
and surely we would need not for those in forests
such mirror worlds taken lightly would ensure mirth like entertainment
for the minds which inhabit such different elements
ultimately the touch with
which lit the hollow stump from inside
would feel need to alight to outside bounds
should it be that many times over it would stumble upon familiar foilage
trimble stone elephant give rise to the ulterior gallop
having neither pleasant froth from boil
nor stifling cover from insect bite
trimble stone elephant would be in need of a bath
sure it takes mud to cover the skin from such insect bites
however having rolled in much
new cover would soon replace the stench of certain bogmires
potsy bunny just sat on the log over watching the whole scene
and father and mother forest grew long beards of moss to cover there slowly accumulated gaze
which drew attention to that accumulated
time of need for renewed faith
feeling those grains of sand
not the very fine
those course grainy types
streams dried up
out west
storm clouds
timelines across the earth
pieces of tin flapping in the building breeze on a dilapidated fence wire
the wind mill spinning noisily and fast
wendy mathews singing not a cloud in sight
the creek feels the first pitter patter
you can feel it in the silence
a smell comes
like all of a sudden yet gradually
its there
she has been waiting for it to come
in anticipation could it be
holding breath awaiting
as though the intensity will yield
some continuity to the momentum
pitter patter pitter patter
the ground soaks up the few precious drops
darkness and thunder
erratic bursts of wind
eerily blowing through as though violent
sudden and storm like
the cattle need a feed now
pitter patter
swelling in the clouds drop their precious load
boss is going to a farm he will be chasing cows
he can ride in the ute
he can play with children
he can go crashing through bushes
he can lay in the shade
his new friends will be good for him
since we met i have appreciated his company
and his intensity since we met
he will like being the center of attention and having children to keep up with each other
today i met a man who spoke about country people
and how where he lives out of town they will help you out
and keep an eye out for each others places and other things about it being quiet
boss is going somewhere like that
i went there once or twice
i worked on a farm for a week or so
a man had hurt his back
i took his place
i killed a lamb
we cooked it and ate it
it had a sore neck too maybe broken
so it seemed humane
i remember thinking it was not too different to a big rabbit
in that sense
i went to another farm where boss will go to
they had cattle dogs there
yet they have passed away
we ate scones
like in another time
and the golden syrup came out in the old tin
like you had not seen for years
as it would have been years old
like the honey of the egyptians
i dreamed of the woman i worked with before we met
it was the only time i saw a lizard person like that
the sun was prominant behind her figure
in the paddock
she would have been eighty or so im only guessing
when people say their grandmother could work harder thats her
she fixed the fences with me and was tough as boot leather
her skin was too like old boot leather
as the type of those who had worked so hard in that sun
it showed and told tales for itself
i thought maybe thats why she was represented as a lizard person
but i don't think so
i think it was something else
the sun was prominent yes
in that scene
boss will like it i feel
i asked i would really like you to have him
i feel you guys are really going to get along
he says
i spoke to the children about it
ok i will take him
that makes me very happy :)
it feels right
Best of luck, sweet Boss.
I read this once
" an ounce of pluck is worth a ton of luck"
i always said i think boss will be good
Enough to handle himself with a snake
He is mad enough to get away with it
And just silly enough too
of course all his self belief may just appear that way to me sometimes
He is actually a genius
And probably wonders why the stupid human keeps slowing him
Down and
Getting in "his" way
he has an uncanny knack for predictive movement
if he puts that to good use he is going to be fine :) :)
he has let me know when snakes are there actually of course
and they seem to approach them cautiously
It is amazing how instinctual it is inbuilt
i am sure he will be a much loved celebrity
it was the strangest thing getting him from the rescue dog place
He would'nt even turn in his cage to look at us
yet we both got hit by an immense blast and vision when we saw him
There was no denying
He is something special
I have done that before got dogs like that knowing they are
Not for me
And then finding them their place although he was for a time
Once i drove five or six thousand kilometres to drop
One off :) return trip
We have a few dog lovers on the forum. They are indeed special, and some more so than others. We have had one not-so-special dog, and numerous very special ones.
i tossed the theories around for a while
nature versus nurture
i saw dogs from the same litters and or dogs with the same owner trainers exhibit opposites of
personalities good bad sweet mad stubborn
i have come to the conclusion some dogs are just born bad or mad or silly
about the same as humans !
When Don Juan speaks about getting the most derilect man to spak the living day lights
out of Carlos' friends child
and then touch a dead body with his left hand i think
it definately has its merit in theory
i have seen those direct efforts of "stopping the world"
and what then might emerge
in the most troubled child i have perhaps seen too
so all is not lost at least for the humans
i always have the idea
you might have to give the dog a good kick up the bum at least once
so that you can both get on with you lives
without that stuff
stopping some dogs i have seen is impossible
absolutely impossible
then again we have the guy Caesar Milan
who seems to have more luck
most times i have seen it to be the stupid human who can't control the dog
all possibilities must exist though
i suppose he "Caesar" is like a good shepherd for the lost "puppies
so beginning to learn to read sign here goes
yesterday puddy cat paws
obviously old
placed in the mud yet have turned extremely hard becoming encased and quite out of place
in the middle of no where really as far as domestication would go
i did see the little puddy tat some times ago there
next we had the wild pig
beginning to look really does make a difference in the way you see things
firstly i would have not even noticed
next of course wallaby
he was simple to spot
it is also though notice the stride
wallaby by a dried up puddle perhaps taking advantage of those last moist pockets
front paws and back feet so close together obviously at a stop
as with the pig spent some time in the spot before moving on
next a creek " dry crossing"
noticing the sand placed upon a few smaller rocks
also the darker shades where it has been slid upon its spot
also the shallow hollows beneath the imprint s
evidence led to further trail "human"
now the obvious
closed gates
cow farmer cows have gotten in
next sounds of course
follow trail to end
higher sign
grass pushed through concludes the search
cows must be very big sign
large pressing through large grass trail size of grand canyon
direction of sign
grass pushed one direction
height of sign
gait of sign
hardness and color of sign
progressive learning
new eyes
enjoy learning
This girl is really
In character
And Her imagination cracks me up :)
Well i don't know
Buddha or faik
Don't how
They cast the spell that came to
Ultimate realisation
Was it the undoing of all things
i know what happened
Thats just words how could i
it was in service
To the spirit in everything
That brought buoyancy
I am all about survival right now
Its the trinity as far as i can see
my perspective ive been taken on
Maybe throughout lives
Its also about humanity
Its about the everything
Its about assumptions being taken as fact
And the cruelty that ensues
Its about what you had before
Its about what you had after
Its about beyond comprehension
Its about not being able to get the words out
Its about letting it sing through you
As its witness thats all
Its about being hurt
And told by those who claim to have known
Its about repetition of mistakes of humanity "seeing"
I knowmnothing of ultimate realisation except
Everything i have witnessed and has witnessed me
today it was hot
Yesterday i quit my job
they ask where are you going?
I say thinking was the problem
They ask what will you do
I say i will stop and just watch ants climb up and down a tree
You know the sap as well all those things
Woman found me and i her
As i changed the gas canister over
She told me about diamonds and sapphires and gold
The child with her
Sang along
In a tone sing song
He tells me
Three feet under ground
Feet under ground
The gold you have t t t to
Dig three feet under ground
The woman cannot
Lift the bottle
She says she had to drivebthere because
Husband is drinking
Would like to speak abOut cows
The television station abc
Was running a show which due to cut backs
Will no longer be airing anymore or some such
They had cows on television
And the drought
The heartbreak
Israel on the radion palestine
I got close today to what is going on
Rain we
Like some rain now please
We need some rain now please
Some rain now for the cows
Some beautiful rain
Like my tears
Like the world which needs some rain
Some flows to come
Some healing of the pastures
Some healing waters
Some healing sun
And the healing winds
the rain came during the night
and stayed
my heart feels like it is breaking
in a good way
today i learn about gas
i spray the fittings to check them for leakage
the moon is very full up there
the dogs can see so they play in the dark
something tells me to shut the gate
so i shut the gate
i am learning about gas refrigerators
i see something flash across the sky
so i go out to see
i thought it was headlights
it was lightening across the mountains
a child was staring at a pond
as he looked his reflection became apparent as
he focused in a certain way
a child looked up to the sky
he saw him self in the sky
a child saw himself in every thing
and how was it so
that the sky reflected the child in both the water and the sky
so one day the old ones talked
and asked who was it so that reflected the child in both the sky and the water
as they spoke their reflection cast out upon the water
and reflected upon their own face
as their own face
now they ask them selves
for where was beginning and end
as beginning and end could not be found
they forgot the dream they had entered
and so in remembering themselves
forgot themselves
or lack there of
for the father sky and the mother water
was birthing them
as they were
immaculate in their conception
this dream with the parents
when did come first
a chicken or an egg
crack the egg
omelets grow legs
it is stinking hot today
i dreamed last night
within the dream i was aware somebody was standing by my body
as i was within my bed
another dreamer
i began to growl like a wild animal
actually pain has that effect on me too
i react like that vehemently sometimes
i could wiggle my fingers and toes and was excercising my intent
within the spell of sleep
i pulled myself out like a growling animal
i think i got up and had a cuppa although i can't remember that part of waking
so it seems to be about fighting sleep
and to keep fighting
and the stars being some kind of bubbles floating within different streams
outside time even
and the come and go and reappear again
like a kaleidoscope
yet the images capable of aligning perfectly within some frames
within some cycles
even further afield
like you had been dispersed down a chamber tunnel
and you re-appeared to yourself as segments of recollection
we are speaking of a giant molecular model floating in the sky
with intervals of dynamic shifting occuring
within vortexs
and wormholes
speeds up slows up
reappears kind of thing
and then their is this camel thing
like where is the straw that breaks the camels back
because israel also blowing up syria
and this bus i saw today i spoke with the owner
now that was a cool thing with wooden sides
turns out i thought it was from another country
it was somewhat fabricated with different parts
like the bedford front
it had flames on it painted
soft pastel colors though
then there was my body
seems like fighting sleep
by maintaining absolute healthy system
small things enter the stream and infect balance
my legs aching back aching neck aching
so ill have a day off
too much sleep is too much sleep
so we can find the right time
i suppose in some light its all the right time
it is just that some times the times seems more right
its like skipping to the end of a song
and saying no thing cancels out something
its just not necessarily so
they said they are trying to make the banks hold more money here now
the gravity of some things seems predictable
like the gravity of peoples responses to having to take less money
and pull towards stabilising the economy
and the gravity of the mathematics of the actual state of the economy
when the two clash
we are willing get all sorts of emotional drawing outs
the drawing outs constitute the lives of the beings
they will live their drawings out
i heard a politician saying the words imminent
when referring to an economical downturn
in australia today although not those words it was my hearing of it
i thought that was a big deal
russia being friends with syria is another one i thought was a big deal
and also israel dropping bombs in syria
it is still very hot
i remember skipping as a child two people would hold the long rope one either end
and the skipper would have to find the perfect place to enter the stream
As a child I played "double dutch" jumprope on the playground, when I lived outside of New York City. It was serious business. When I moved 'down south', to Virginia, the kids did not do 'double dutch'. I remember the rhythm of it sometimes. The hardest part was getting in.
(Edited to add: Had a nifty link which isn't viewable outside the US, alas.)
Says "could not load movie"
Ill try again later
maybe they had songs too
That went along with it i am trying to remember
And also the egg beater :)
Says "could not load movie"
Sorry about that. I'll never understand how the internet is global, but some things become limited to a certain area. My bad.
ill never understand many things
as for instance
in my environment at home
if it were to reflect my inner state as an outward manifestation as they say
i would be standing on my head completely summersaulting "what a word"
whilst swinging by one arm from a ceiling
i started out the day
backwards and inside out
so i decided to do the same to the inside of this place
to try an inject some spiral energy into the situation
although at the time the creative blast of rearranging everything totally
in an attempt to use that force to further eject the
static mirroring within myself and my outer world into
a moving particle charged mirrored polarity matrix :)
or something
stagnancy and repetition
and slumbersome
i have battled it to change that stage into something
unpredictable and vigorous
in the process getting to use many words to describe something
so ambitious
but really i was absolutely tired so i went bananas so i wake up
in a bed facing the opposite way
meeting a completely new day unlike the previous
I'm very fond of bananas.
i have a bunch of them here
i thought i saw a mango tree today on the creek
so i put on my boots and long thick socks and wandered across to see
it seemed to be some rainforesty tree with new foilage ver similar to a mango
especially from a distance
not long now for the bananas
they are called
Blue Sky
they are small and sweet i am told
i do really enjoy the sweet bananas with honey on pancakes
the dreaming seemed to change with the changing too
i was in a town with a community around
there was an part aboriginal "looking to me"
elder of the community type lady
she is addressing the people who are sitting around in some kind of setting
which seems to be loosely waiting talking and being about
she tells me something about having to stay indoors
and that its the law and i have to do what she says
i tell her it is false imprisonment in a very authoritative voice
and that if she tries to keep me here using her law
i will have her under the law charged
with false imprisonment
that seems to loosen things up from her authoritative standpoint
next a man compels me to also continue to stick up for them
and say that it is false imprisonment so they "the community "
can be free
next i am outside in the streets of the town
it is night time
there is a lot of loitering about or people behaving loosely
i can see the community is having difficulties
with being held together and the outbreaks
of loose behavior and violence etc
there is a couple girls starting to have a fight in the street
and the one advancing upon the other with
her back away from me
reminds me of asian
other people are around for one thing
later memories of having a car
it being an xa falcon four door sedan
and going to sell it
looking over its condition as another man views it
and haggles or inspects condition
6 grand he says
next memories of a scrap yard
speaking and walking around with a guy
for a long time
although the scrap yard contains parts and pieces of all kinds of things
i suppose you could find anything you would want there really
there were dingoes out here a couple nights ago
the dogs were going crazy all night
i dont mind that they bark
the dingo/s were howing in a very strange way
perhaps it was the time around the full moon even
those howls did not sound normal and uniform
like there was something uneven and different about them
almost as not being able to pick what it was even
it is nice that they are so far away from anywhere else that
it does not matter
some times on a clear night you can hear dogs barking too
somewhere probably miles away
it is amazing when it is still and quiet how far sound travels
i;m stuck
it has rained so much last night
there is water everywhere
there is a creek in the entrance about 30 meters wide
a lizard is just running along next to me "stopped"
no work today now
thumb twiddling
and its just started to rain slightly again
speaking of
did you meet glowing beings with fantastic outward appearances too
the inner well being and the outer
all kinds of renderings
eyes shining bring light into a room alone
the world
like what color shirt was preferenced
white ?
how about the lines
was it sequential like the sun each moment
did the moon hide for long
did you find tale amongst which alignment ?
speaking of two speaking of three
joined to eternity
and why was it so
that the cup filled was the cup
of a carpenter
you might have heard that preaching
so you might not attend
yet if walking that way the signs came
could you deny the earth and the sky
take them back they cried
those arts and hits
none would
clinging to the song
that none means none where none would gone
yet the song goes on
have got the words here ?
please continue
walking along i was listening
what i said was this
why do i feel so tired and lost
i wan't to go back to work
i says
because when you go back to work you don't have to think
you don't have to look at your life
and so you go numb again
when you listen and you feel lost it is because you can hear
so what now then ?
well sure nature can heal
the path is unfolding though
what does this being want ? healing
of this path
invigoration ?
totality !
and how does this come about ?
what does this mean ?
as carlos said
the outside emanations match those inside the cocoon
how is this accomplished ?
we could say it was accomplished standing on our heads and empty
or we could say this is accomplished whilst functional
and how is this accomplished whilst still functional ?
i would have to assume it is the perfection of dzogchen
because the rainbow would involve the entirity of ourselves
and what would happen to merge with that immensity whilst functional ?
if the fragments would heal themselves through the process of fire
what would be left ?
i am sure that question beyond and afterwards depends
on the consistency although having done so would not lessen the experience
the effect of that union would perhaps be equal
yet not equally potent
and emptiness would be a prerequisite to emptiness
yet are we speaking of emptiness ? actually
i am just combining discussions in the interview format
excuse the combined ponderings
experience into answer
what is truth ? and what is truth functional
very rainy again
spiders look for high ground
things biting
Flying ants too
Things squeaking and croaking
Out from their holiday sleep
Very loud choir
The dogs don't know what to
Make of it either
They look for the creatures which seek the high ground
Under cars
Even the ants moving into cars
The solar not charging
the driveway is a creek
its a different time
With a lot of things floating into the air
Whirling around
tugging different directons
Hand reaching to show with a poker face
Shall old cards be retreived
the unconscious seem to not take the moments pause
And would run of the nearest cliff with blinkers on
Something else
Long term aquaintances seem to have finally settled into some centering
Like their bodies reacting to their own knowing of self center
Others wading to the edge of their own wake
Trying to stop the turbulence in the stream
At least they take there moments pause
Even a few breaths and a re assessment
the stream
The branch being held across and the possibility
to break away from the exhaustion towards the other direction
the size of the stroke
as with cents looking after the dollars
Small moments making hillclimbs combined
learning new strokes
a new kayak a new paddle
fast stream that brings debri or tide faster
because when you go back to work you don't have to think
you don't have to look at your life
Absolutely correct. And the path requires we tether our donkey first, then go follow Mohamed, as the Sufis say.
Spirituality should never be used as a substitute for effective power in the world. This is a common mistake, and also a very common experience. Almost everyone here will have spent time in that error, where we sought to feel better about ourselves when vulnerable and powerless in outer life, by priding ourselves on being more spiritual than everyone else.
The danger is, aside from confusing ego for spirituality, that the insights we gain during such a phase are ultimately useless. We have to approach the path of personal development, firstly through our effectiveness in the outer world, and only then from that platform, to reflect back upon ourselves. Because we can only know ourself through the consequences we see reflected back upon us from our actions in the world.
i am fortunate that i am functional and grateful
we are all unique
i like to write about function with knowledge written through the waters
that quote was in reply to Sophias voice she is dreaming of the water too
she says she/we are helping people with the water
my rib that returned to me
it is funny where sayings and things come from
i do not feel comfortable with the word ego
i do like Don Juans term just right tonal
the reason being that i have witnessed peoples attitudes towards that separation
and i am not personally interested in them
although i can also see why they would be so concerned with individuals dilemmas also
to the point of labelling it
my personal and singular concern with it right now is like
Don Juan saying both he and silvio had no real volition to do anything so most of the time they just did nothing
personally this is the opposite of myself
i am all volition
i see that just right tonal as the base for this fire
and its reflection casting upon the water
even survival comes into it
yet even that must be through a balance
being led as mohamed and the donkey
is spirit taking the lead
and the just right tonal listening
the two sides merged
i am not so sure every body has reached the same conclusions
nor even speaking about the same things
speaking of experience is definitely different than mirrored words which were read
and spoken outwards
not those which had come inwards from experience looking out and growing alongside that's true
i will give an example of a just right tonal
one that utilises spirit in every day life
and has not made the separation
applying it seems the most natural thing in the world
one day they are told that it is unnatural
a splice in connectivity occurs
perhaps it was necessary for teaching
so it was separated
now it comes time to apply
in applying it finding separation in the eyes
a miosis occurs
regenerating the issue and
patching the wiring back together
now the connection comes good again
what was always there now exists functionally
although another dimension is brought to the eyes
being made aware of two
to bring light to three
having not severed one from two in the first place
as would be suggested by some
two is a natural component and although some damage occured
in the initial severance
neither has one been severed
as it is also a natural state
when two and even three enters the equation
neither is seen as of less function
nor as less/more separate or of less virtue
if somebody were to point and say why is one speaking of two ?
one two and three would see no point to the excercise
as neither was held as would be evident in the doing
and in fact it may be the one pointing who found issue with it in their own separation
certainly one who found no separation themselves truly
could not be ever made to make the separation within them selves again
only duplication in other spheres
Absolutely correct. And the path requires we tether our donkey first, then go follow Mohamed, as the Sufis say.
Spirituality should never be used as a substitute for effective power in the world. This is a common mistake, and also a very common experience. Almost everyone here will have spent time in that error, where we sought to feel better about ourselves when vulnerable and powerless in outer life, by priding ourselves on being more spiritual than everyone else.
For some time (a few decades) I thought that being spiritual, and a way to be better than regular folks, was equal to being poor. Money and surplus was a "bad input" in my spiritual World, automatical distorting the fine vibrations between me and the Source.
The more powerful I became (in this world) the more money I got. And then we had this lesson in Toltec Mystery School about the inventory, and my inventory said that: poorness was equal to spirituality, which is of course wrong, in the sense that poorness equal nothing at all except that you are poor.
the Master also said - get to the high circles in your meditation but be sure that you bring down your experiences from "up there" into your Tonal. If you only "Go up" and don't bring it all down - Your meditations will be useless, for You - and for the Universe.
So bring into form on Earth - your spirituality - that is what Michael, and all the teachers in this party says.
And I enjoy to be, if not rich, but at least to have not to worry about the next bill.
howdy Jahn
i bring it down too i reach up
everything comes alive as you say
we birth
I was telling Michael about this mirror world here and
those reflections in my dream
he mentioned it was like schroedingers cat
and said something about stay away from it
although i think that was in response to being sandwiched between the mirrors and powerless
i cant find the beginning if i press my foot in the sand
so its a circle
i can open the sky
and i am aware of the change of color that arrives
that is what i am going to do now
open the sky and let that come in for the earth
get ready :)
its a bizarre enterprise
so i chopped a tree down of course
it was down to the stump then i cut that too
i have'nt used a chainsaw for a while being in the tropics
then there was this korean thing
the seth rogan movie
and the movie we had watched as a coiincidence
olympus down or something
the koreans took the white house
then the fence got heightened on the news
funny because we had a fence put up today too
everything comes in place
and i got the plates
there was a fire in the distance today
and we went for a drive today
its hot again
after a while i just wanted for nothing
just the moments pause
i actually walked into a mouse half eaten on the couch with its head bitten off
i suppose a snake would eat the whole thing
so i suppose its some other critter
quite gruesome like
and australia and the world has gone a little turbo lately
its a bit of a worry i suppose
i met someone in my dream
then he showed up
its a bit of a worry sometimes seeing aspects
they are'nt always exact
sometimes potential representations
walking on lightbeams
i wanted for the silence
i wanted for the strings that tug to be
outside of these things
things are speeding up
or lining up
seers is a funny word because it means they could trust what they see
and i trust what i see
at the same time i don't trust what i see
something building again
i am deconstructing
thought i would sell some things
i will give many away instead
gaining them and selling them almost felt the same
a hard chore
after all it was having them that was the weight
so ill drop the weight
things feel building up
watching how the mind works
watching how the heart works
watching how the legs work
feeling songs
when the songs meet the road
can't find it looking
depends where your looking
went for dinner just because
fish battered salad and chips some pasta salad and some colslaw
the moon was a slither
a hilltop is on fire its been three days
no one seems to notice or care
they are so used to seeing fire
it glows in the darkness
yes thats what it was
looking elsewhere finding it
because it was never in the same place
the moonlit in the day time
the transparent type film appearing on like a slithery angle to perception
it arrived like an interesting glow
the hilltop fire
was different i am sure
yet perhaps the go together those two
the fire and the moon
both wont sit still
one meets the other
like the sky and the earth
its time again
maybe it is a solstice
dropping the lot on the ground taking only what new like perrenials
new garden coming up
for a few nights some clarity
whispering great and clear insight relating to things
everything seems clear
i wake and try to apply the clarity
i find getting swept into swirling currents
does no one else wish to be clear of it ?
i dreamed the planets were so close in the sky
the moon was in front of one
passing before it
so close that i could see the outlines of continents of shapes on the surface
i pointed it out to another with me
there were three in orbit total including the moon passing in front of so close in the sky
then i was at a place with a few people
the person with me was acting quite a childish fool
as i tried to keep it together myself
like observing somebody who was still learning many things
next the greyish man had a workshop
he fixed cars i never expected he would have a workshop like that
always speaking in different light s when i heard it
so practical
there were a lot of people around it was a block of land with a high
weight bearing step up wall or something like that
the other people seemed comfortable and aware of the company and each had aquired a formal fitting in
i felt like a newbie
and just spoke and got a feeling for the normalness of the situation
in dreaming
the clarity and the dream which was not so different from waking
i wondered whos dream it was but i am sure it was some shared dream that every body was used to
like the beginning or difficulty was long out of sight
feeling each other out
and the clarity of those other ones was quite unique
a lot of sense could come from them
ill wander out and cut some grass
it gets up my nose the grass fragrance
makes me sneeze my brains out like a fuzzy headed goose
there were over twenty cows standing there
some calves
they are from somewhere else visting no doubt
like i feel i am now too
ill grab a few things
who knew a holiday could be so draining and tiresome
i dream now of something which is a litter easier
and more comfortable for others
a little outside their comfortable hoop
but not so much so that it causes distress
i like to watch the direction of the eyes shift and hold a new dream
the old drift into the background
their comfort holds some advantages
its a compromise
the escape from the old has its advantages too
two hands full of the clock
times money and moneys time
they set it up that way
it can be hard without it
harsh and exposed
long hill climbs
the more you hold the weight
the more the weight something held might help
things spring up from seeds like the end of the coconut tree we cut down
she says here
son kept the end of a blade like frond
it contains many many seeds
i say i thought they came from the coconut itself those trees
as you water them they sprout from that nut too
sometimes one description seems complete as it holds a direction
sometimes another direction presents itself and works too even holding water "truth" too
sometimes those two branches have to drink the water together together
and find a common root i suppose
if they find them selves on common ground
where one truth can compliment another
something old gets in the way
something grows on the compost
winding the twirling currents in the light
hold them steady if the light dream seems worth it
common purpose
the generator has ran out of fuel now
the fridge is done
i am done here too
boss goes to a new place tomorrow
a few days is all it takes and things take over what was held as this dream
the cows have just walked in from somewhere else
the rats i can smell they have been about
water is every where puddling up
the creek will take it all away
even the mango trees have grown quite a few inches in a few days
how can the clarity pervade the dream
you get used to having one eye on things
even a stone was sitting in the longened grass for me to bash into
the wilderness easily claims what was once clear
i did long for the wilderness too
and for a healthy routine
one that allowed for a balance for a man to be part tame
somehow we wandered those lines through the dream
we have driven the growth in other directions
tangling ourselves amoungst it
the woman hold a balance too
she knows many things
like the other planets
her truth is equally invaluable for us
she needs something too
i can see it in her eyes
how far have we wandered
do people find a taste shift towards christmas
like poultry
does turkey taste better
what about prawns over here
was it 260 000 000 chickens eaten this year
a englishmen says
what about time
when appearing to be working
does it make you feel getting up earlier feels right
a man says " i get bored sitting around home"
i says " you need to excercise your imagination"
some poultry farmers use artificial insemination
i went and did work for two missionaries today
i blessed them both
i like sleep
i have always liked sleep
there was a movie about a man who could time travel
he went back to change segments of his life
an excellent movie
he was an englishman
he had an american wife
his family seemed wonderful
the sister a riot
full of kisses and cuddles
i never advertised a fight before
i would come by myself in the silence
talking was for small puppies
big ol sushi likes to feel comfortable about her size
i can assure you it seems better that i remain insane
god knows those i bless don't need know a thing
I definitely feel better getting up early when I've had eight hours sleep - not more or less, and the earlier the better.
Unfortunately, that happens rarely, as I love staying up late, often not hitting the pillow until two or three in the morning - I pride myself that at least in my old age I don't stay up until 4:30am like I used to.
Runningstream, the question I wish to ask, is how fast do you want to progress on this path? Are you happy with your rate of progress, or would you prefer it faster or slower?
my natural rhythm seems around similar hours
or fluctuating between a couple hours earlier or later
i also have an appreciation for those early hours
a little later than the sunrise
and a little later again
i would like to answer your question honestly
yet i do not know how so i will just try
i would like to achieve a more serene life
it seems i will be walking soon with close to nothing
i find it lonely
because what i experience daily
and have seen nobody seems to be able to hear or understand
for instance when you arrived yesterday online your forum avatar manifested exactly on my television
also as i read the word circus it appears from somebodies mouth
it happens all day
and not to the extent that it is imagined or minimal
its all day
agreements from everything
i am reflecting this in life
and i don't know what to do now because i am just a normal human who experiences the most amazing things
yet i have no one really to share it with
every thing comes easy to me
i just play with it all
and get frustrated that nobody wants to engage the beauty and freedom it can hold
i am also totally normal in my range of emotions and behaviour
i can sometimes see too much sometimes i crave the silence and simplicity to the complexity
yet feel i have come to help and share and my path reflects that also
some things seem wired into the circuits of the path
i really don't know where to go from here Michael
i feel like the black swan amongst the ducklings who is taunted for being different
you know what i would enjoy is people taking the time to look each other in the eyes and listening
i have my own experiences which have led to these things
i talk freely now
i actually would often just speak like a crazy person so i can speak unlimited
but its more than that
its an opportunity to send this music out the organ pipes
what does it mean the question you asked ?
to progress on the path ?
i have difficulty understanding where to go except wander with it
and may be be of service to others and it brings a good feeling and adventure
I should not say everything is too easy for me
Would say i have been extended so
Much help
And the help comes when i extend myself
I really enjoy helping people who cant seem to help them self
that seems to need space fluidity and speed
Yet speed is woven into time
And timing arrives in time
Its whats swimming in the stream
One day i had decided i was going to kill paedophiles
Went up the street that day and was met by a lady who handed me a flyer
long story short she helped those effected children
i got her number
She said she could give me the information i needed
I walked away
I decided to just walk my path away in a different direction
i was on my way down south
The same week
The cars fuel pump stopped whilst i had just put fuel in the car in a small
Town in the middle of no where
I stood there hitch hiking for ages
It was getting dark and the sun was going down
A smoky van picked me up
Normally i
Would decline for the smoke but i got in
we travelled for some time i knew it was an adventure
they were looking for a free sleeping stop for the night
We found it
It happened to be at a train station also
As i got out saying thanks
I marched bag in hand to the train platform
The train was about to leave
I told the man where i wanted to go
He told me this was the train
He did not even ask me to pay and told me get on
It was hundreds of kilometers a ride
I ran straight into that woman again
she wanted me to help her she told me some short pieces of
Disturbing information about those children
We had a cup of tea
Things with her seemed messy
I know it is subjective too
We spoke on the phone again later
She wanted me to come to an island she had bought a house on
i stayed away from
Her after the phone call
Things are like this
Another time i found many people work
Spirit wants me to help
Actually you could say it is a wonderful employer
Its our choice the employment we choose
At times we can rise and everything rise with us
So the subjectivity can align with and through us
Its just an example of choice
i chose no
Yet i was supported
Perceiver certainly does effect the field of perception
If we asked sleep to take us along her stream
which stream
i was pondering beside a pool
Two fine birds showing their reflections
The combinations the flights
what about them new jeans
and two
Trees standing upon the pond
Twirling lights upon the water
Winding i cant make out the sky from the reflection
Birth in the pool
clear stream
lights fast
Blurring into one light
Upon the Pond
Catching fast
letting go
Whats grasping i dont know
Is it my reflection
Speeding alongside
It it pulls my way
Stop its lights on the water
Try this try that speak to it
It runs away
i had the dream i was beneath the water of the ocean
above me is a canoe
i see large mud crabs and fish
i am searching in the stream to see what i can see
there is a slight current visibility is very good
i don't remember having to breathe under there
perhaps another intent
trees swirling lights
in the park silvery blue
walking through the night i see you
wandering lost come across
the tree and the water
fire water
the fathers daughter
the new light comes from outside what was within
its that reflection picked up on the road to begin
fresh and clear
its new
So I take it to mean you are just happy to bumble along allowing things to unfold in their own time? That you are not interested in making any serious efforts on your own part to pursue any kind of goal or quest?
wow the intent really need be clear
i was in a park in the dream seeing in the water
the fathers daughter Sophia
there were crocodile heads appearing in the water
the dogs were swimming
i called them in then
I don't remember anything specific about trees at this point
Its Quite the opposite Michael
i'm all ears
I am here after all and my processes might be a little unique
I am wondering if there is something you have in mind
if i read or am told something i have a chance to begin or look at it
another door
i do have my own strong feelings and navigational advices
Now i remember the trees were both in the water and on terra firma
Its Quite the opposite Michael
i'm all ears
I am here after all and my processes might be a little unique
I am wondering if there is something you have in mind
if i read or am told something i have a chance to begin or look at it
I ask you these questions because you asked me to:
in fact i get the impression you could supply some
impetus to seriously apply myself
in some disciplined manner
The first step then is to ask about the state of this quality within you - how strong is the impulse to seriously apply.
I'm not really looking for an answer. Just asking you to ask yourself.
It is a good question
Right now juggling three worlds
i love in the first
Loves reaches through truth to the second as it runs through
and alongside the first
the third requires movement for
Me and beckons engagement
i lay down my wings so that ii may stay in love in the first
my wings still
Out all by them self and demand to apply in the worlds
Yesteday i was driving and my mind was noisy
I spoke some choice words
Everything went still
everything hovered in the space like empty and filled my ears and
Everything fell
i blessed everybody from that place
As i came around the corner i was given a sign what to follow
And it was literally painted clear as day
"follow the son"
Went to a gathering of maybe 20 people and they told old stories
My candle was very still
Silently gave them all permission to allow them seves freedom to
Be free
each i
Give my time to
Evenly and truthfully
Yes we can do more Michael
perhaps it will not be in stillness of meditation even
But perhaps i will breathe again as i lay to
And watch the
i will not be following structured rigid and square lines
That i see some places
They seem to take prisoners
i am not sure what else i could do
But i can do a lot
if somebody points and i feel its a good direction
I might apply myself for a time
I am
Too like water and that means things leave so fast in a way
I am
Not so good or interested in standing still
Although perhaps i might try
Moments ago
It was 11.11
On 11/1/14
if somebody points and i feel its a good direction
I might apply myself for a time
That is fine my friend, and you can use that approach. The gods have patience, even if the bird doesn't.
But I can at least tell you it doesn't work that way. The Path is not a choice.
i will not be following structured rigid and square lines
That i see some places
They seem to take prisoners
Perhaps I can offer you at least this - consider every other member of this forum. Do you think they are free? No, they are all prisoners of the bird.
The fact that you might share knowledge about something
Is more
Close to the first quote in point
The second of
The bird i am not sure why you ask
Do they feel they are prisoners ?
If my understanding of a bird was alignment
Then the choice would bring joy and work
What i
Meant by the statements you used
Is That
the structures i have seen to be destructive in their approach
And do not yeild fresh water
I speak specifically of the modern interpretations of the terms
As the alignment Is then lacking
in attacking the base
They have then broken away from the
Earth being stood
having drank from
A fresh stream it would no longer be bitter?
having been led to fresh water
In these cases i would ask
Why would one who knows of
Fresh water
Allow oneself to be taught from a bitter stream how
Then to drink?
By one who has not allowed such alignment?
if i
Would understand the bird
Correctly and if
I were
Not misunderstood
If only everything in this world depended on us and our will!
If only things happened at the best moment, the appropriate time!
But they don't.
We have be on our toes.
I read
Buddha after your words eric
I wanted the phrase to relate
One about if you knew what i knew about the power of giving
You would share every meal
It seemed to encompass a sentiment of power
Which led to something else
It was removed from the direct experience
It was in the middle of
Not grasping that a stream was running
Feet on both side of the channel
that will
Disprove everything you just said
In its own sphere
That will
Exists and can be found inside and
When its aligned
That would silence that other truth in its own sphere
If anyone asked it
Would not belong to us
we could stumble on it and crap our Pants and scratch our heads
Then we
Sound like clowns trying to get the words out
Indeed, the diamond has many facets.
I merely referred to this one:
"Our problems can’t be solved by eliminating each and every outer cause. Nevertheless, people everywhere take this approach: “It’s the world’s fault; it’s too rough, too sharp, too alien. If I could get rid of these outer woes, I’d be happy.”
Shantideva says: If you want to protect your feet, wear shoes; and if you want to protect yourself from the world’s provocations, tame your mind. The antidote to misery is to stay present.
Simon says
If the key fits
The lock
Walk on flowers
Many as you can
All of them
Shoes on in silence listening
For the subtle
Even the bass
I was walking in the dream with sophia again
she is naked perhaps i am too
As i realise a dress appears and she holds it against herself
Covering herself
A man touches her in a vulgar way
I smash his face into a tiled wall repeatedly
Untill i kill him and obliterate him completely
I am left holding a rectangle piece of his flesh it is two tone
Darker meat beneath lighter flesh on the other side
I could say i took my pound of flesh from him even
Next i walk out into the street
There is a very tall black american man there speaking
With some other people
Speak into his eyes
" would you be strong enough to stand amoungst your friends
Or a crowd and do the right thing?
Like protect a woman regardless Of what anyone else says or does ? "
I put him on the spot and push the question forcefully in his direction
He looks at me , ge has grills on
His teeth or braces or something
We might be in america i believe its different
With an accent and a small jivey tick
He says " we will hold the power for you"
It seems to assume that he controls a lot by that look and speech
Looking at him for confirmation again he repeats " we will hold the power for you "
I turn to sophia
And say " that is why the americans have a lot of guns ,
Because there are a lot of people".
Tell me what do you see
I see eagles
Two of them in a tree
One has a white
Do they drink together?
Tell me what do
They see ?
They see me
One jumps from the tree and floats up flapping
one has a white head
The other uniform light to mid brown
when one whistles the other whistles back
What now then
Readings of tea leaves
A sign on a street
peeping in
Peeping out
The scrum
Reads tea leaves
Never believes
Or was it believes in the leaves
In a and far
Far away
I met a man
I saw the man
Leap from a
The reason to stalk and dream
To find the other
Was it lost in metaphor
To find the self
Whats reflecting back
Whats the taste of the stream
did you think what you thunk
Lots of
Jobs here sweeping up
Some liked the start
Some climb to the head of the cue
Standing on heads
Like monkeys in a barrel
I ask though
It all make sense
To the senses
That everything was as it should
Like the beginning melded into the present
And lined up
Like it all makes sense
like you came and then rEmember what for
"11. Chiasmus, or Reverse Parallelism: Parallelism in which the first element of a strophe
parallels the last, the second element parallels the next to last, etc. This arrangement tends to
focus attention on the central elements, thus asserting their importance. "
From commentary
For the ancient Aztecs the highest form of sacred communication was poetry, what they
called xochicuicatl (“flower-song”). These were delicately beautiful hymns meant to be recited
orally, often to musical accompaniment. In paintings, Aztec poets are depicted with speech
scrolls issuing from their mouths. These scrolls are often colored a rich blue or green,
symbolic of the precious nature of the poets’ words as if they were composed of jade or
sacred quetzal feathers. Aztecs looked upon poetry as the actualization of a creative act
inspired by divinites who were called upon to be present at the performance. Thus the poet
Ayocuan Cuetzpaltzin of Tecamachalco believed that his songs came from heaven, but
lamented that his own words could not express them as they came undefiled from the gods:
From within the heavens they come,
The beautiful flowers, the beautiful songs.
Our longing spoils them,
Our inventiveness makes them lose their fragrance. (León-Portilla 1980, 257
I have dreamed i was within what was
Quetzalcoatl's pyramid
in the sleep just been
i walked through the entrance and inside
first i had viewed it from some distance from perhaps
another property
and later from the pyramid looked back upon the
original point from which i had first seen it
inside somebody had renovated it some
she was there showing me around
i looked at it from outside
and inside
it was not huge like the giza pyramids
inside there were beams of timber inside the ceiling which
sloped upwards and
the space became limited
maybe with the tablets
sun disc etc
and the patterns on the dimensions
of the pyramids
combined with the layout
and setting "moon" "sun"
warriors quarters etc etc
is to be drawn as symmetry
eg. geometry
like halo discs
overlaying each other in sacred geometry
or even atomic model
yet eventual distination "pleadian alignment"
corresponding calender
equals "opening in heaven"
or light boost
or "completion"
i would love to see a holographic or three dimensional
"bandwidth" model
encompassing the units as an alignment
not in orbital space
in "inner" corresponding
space through the function and "cross"
Sun moon pleadian warrior sky lands
Now in hands
life spinning unalterable light
central sun
House of one
orbiting dream bands
Paralellism resounding resonating flowers
Micro macro unbound
Chaos or
Degeneration or bloom
The light you say ?
Do hold the light
Sign of the times
In come
Make your self
At home
Watch the water
Aint what it seems
Its here
Felt like it was a false warning
The rain has set in
It started looking ominous and still
Yet they tell me of winds
It started painfully slow
So so constant and small
like a monotone threat which did not come through
Two days
It felt anti climactic the cloud covered the coast
and now
Its here
a lot of it
Wild Weather warnings
You can feel it shifted and broke through a barrier
Its only rain here for now
But the feeling has changed
I know what you mean about the feeling changing, runningstream. There are surely scientific explanations for it, like a drop in the barometric pressure, but mostly, as you walk out into it, it's like 'Whoa, what spirit is this?"
Stay out of the lightning if you can!
like magnets in each others reach
then a reaching out and electrical transmission explosion
and then
like a fuse which can no longer regulate the charge
sensing whats on the horizon reaching down
nature speaks
and man quivering listens with simple comparison
to whats known
so man builds raincoat
like the rainbow
or the rain itself
or a lightning rod
or a sandbag
or a canoe
or walks
in puddles
the barometric pressure i feel in my bones
in my muscles
on my skin
in the hair follicles on the skin
the lightening was not normal lightening
reminds me of the beginning of the movie flash gordon
where they flew into a new planet
and it was every where
are we going to hear a rumble tonight
a storm tonight
its relentlessness washes the soil from the earth
and runs into the sea
a new island in the pacific
oh yes
choice is reserved for other things
so small
so little on the wave
Don't take it the wrong way
once 2 young guys asked me about boxing
i drove them to the boxing gym and went myself
the guy i took who asked had never boxed before
so they were interested to try
one day i was working a long time after that in a bar doing security down the coast
in another town
the guy came up to me and says remember me
i did not at first
he says i took them to boxing once and it was the first time
he says now he is the australian champion and has now turned pro
i get a real buzz out of that
there has been other times
somebody has caught a waft of some of their freedom
and then ran away from something to pursue it
then they have fallen flat on their faces and looked back upon what they have left behind regretfully
i would imagine those stories could lead to the opposite
even their death
i suppose its a spirit thing
an inner spirit thing
an alignment
with the outer world as well
timing is somehow crucial
ive also noticed there is no such that i can see which is losing the "right" path
as the heart path always seems to be waiting again
that means you can be champion of the world or whatever
a you take the high road and ill take the low road kind of thing
i saw a woman who did not make it once
her spirit seemed withdrawn
she did not speak strongly i had a hard time focusing
i saw people spin another direction
like inner direction was affected
like the loss of some identity or past haunted them
and they never found that the loss was their strength
like eckart tolle having broken his continuom
and finding awareness
that breaking down that revealed something else
its like something still hangs on
then it starts again
the heart keeps looking for what makes it feel at peace
awareness witnessing the show
You asked about the Bird:
The sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the Bird
adorned with all an Asura’s magic might.
Sages observe him in the ocean’s inmost depth:
The wise disposers seek the station of his rays.
Come, fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring
The Winter Garment of Repentance fling:
The Bird of Time has but a little way
To fly -- and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing.
I recommend you take a little time off and read this thread:
and then if you would like to discuss any details of your thread or findings
i will help you with them :)
feel free to ask me as many questions as deep as you would like
i am here sharing with the eagles command
my abstract answers might not satisfy the masses
but those who seek to pass through that beak certainly left behind
should certainly have heard what is behind and in front of them
for now i have a lot of semi stationary time of my bodies movement
i have reached upward on cross fit bars
the kind that climb into the sky progressively higher with each reach and leap
i have landed awkwardly and very hard
my knee was the issue
the concave in place of the patella gave away what had occurred when i located it up and around the corner
they tell me you can make the mind re allocate pain in different ways
i am aware of a few avenues like anger
sometimes it just cuts you down to size
that particular week the lesson seems to be humility as always
those who do not lear too high
shall not have as far to fall
the hight borrowed of course
on lend
so humility is the natural occurrence of alignment as alignment is receiving
whats let go yet which returns
another lesson heard was what is the newer alignment?
after the old paradigm of chasing time backwards
outside the turbulent being
awareness of heart providing that impetus to move
truth was the scale of the heart
and climbing the scale now with the newer alignment means
the heart must create
the problem being witness the furrow receeding
as though set in motion a pantomime which caught and kept the eye
it must proceed onward of this boundary
across the chasms flow into the other sides motion
which holds steadfast with certainty and assurance
the heart truth
the hospital is a strange and captivating place
9 days i was there
certainly vortexing motions set in place
my lovely hands me amethyst on the necklace upon a feeling
i commend her for her awareness and trust in it
so as it hangs
i enter the purply amethysty looking ward
upon arrival finding a being
perhaps it was the morpheine based mind lubricant
but it was clear as day
from the moment i arrived i felt the sway
we had reached a more ethereal moment
those beings of light
my new carer i ask about her spirit friends
she replies yes she has a lot around her
she is 70 years old
hard but competent
old but her spark is strong
i place faith in her after th previous days of being tortured by fore mentioned vortexes in place
within the walls and beings actions there
she keeps me safe for some days
i saw a flower in our first moments together
it was spinning in the air amoungst the fine other dusts
it seemed clear and spun it was quite small
reminded me of the inside of say a mangosteen fruit
like the image in avatar of when the deity pointed something our
she kept me safe for some good few days eventually hurting me and coming aground herself in her own way
another large part of this was something a drug called ketomine
they used this hideous drug to relocate my knee cap and
after my telling them they gave me only a half dose for my sensitive system
it was quite bizarre
first a completely alien feeling
absolute slowing down and a down scale in dimension
to a simple yet
anologue like respresentation
simple blocks of brown reddish light congealing together like mince meat in waves
then came the vomiting from deep in my reaches
i spoke to them saying i am halucinating
and that i cannot see them but i am aware
and that i am still conscious as though i normally would be
i have about three days of memories which don't fit together there
i cant remember at which times and places certain events
2 days later they operated and put every thing back together
the 2 events i cant seem to place which one happened where
i asked to not be operated on by putting the needle in my spine to put legs to sleep
so they did a block
all i can say is when i woke up i just started reaching and moaning at my leg in pain immediately
as though i had received no pain medicine at all
it goes like this
i could offer somebody advice on it now i feel
like the soft edges of a home compared to the hard of the hospital
and the forgiving nature of millimeters and compression upon injuries in joints
about recovering with or against pains suggestions
about nurturing and pushing with hardness or softness
about working with or against an injury
about what works for that one
because i found my one was not the same as other ones
it was just my one
the line between agony and nurture
softness and hardness
those dimensions
working back up that scale
gravity and measurement
pleasure and what is bearable
what nurtures grows even protects
what pushes harshly and does not bend uncompromisingly
What a terrible ordeal, runningstream. Knee surgery can be a long heal. Hoping you have some assistance in your home and that your mend will be smooth!
Ketomine rings a bell - it was the topic of an episode of House ( which was one of the weirdest episodes I have ever seen of any series.
Thanks Nichi
yes i am lucky to have some soft edges here to buffer the recovery
Michael i read that
i can totally understand how a new image appeared in place of reality even with eyes open
i would say it could be very dangerous
before they gave it to me they asked me
"are you aggressive" and " do you have any history of mental illness "
when i told them no and that i can become aggressive but i am quite aware and that should hold it together
they went and got a few men/people organised to hold me down in that case
i was first confused why they would ask those
but not after i went down the k hole
it was really like that scene in the movie the matrix
except for the end result of the reality disappearing was waving mince meat like image for me
which was in no way nice
it was disgusting and alien
mid bending in a way that was just bizarre to the extreme
Marcia coming near you? (Don't know where you are in Queensland.)
there are two formed cyclones hovering around in the north of the country
added to that is there are really high tides for a couple days
which makes the water unable tp get away so quickly
I don't know where you are in relation to this map, but - thinking of you.
Thanks Nichi
T.C. Marcia is tearing down the coast causing all sorts of chaos
and we never even got a drop of rain where i am
i watched an old western movie last night in the middle of the night
at one point clint eastwood rides into the neighboring camp of indians who are going to kill them in their small homestead
he speaks to the painted faced chief he is surrounded by warriors upon his horse
he speaks with the chief and uses the terms "death face and living face "
as he describes his words and intentions
he is come and is prepared to die
ultimately his words match his intentions
the indian chief speaks of the double tongued blue coats who say one thing and do another
in the Case of Clint Eastwood he is respected as he comes prepared to die for the truth he speaks to them
his words are one with his action
the Chief recognises this and lets him live also become he too has stood against the blue coats
in that moment of putting it on the line i realised what it was that is spoke as the direct link which Don Juan speaks of as death as advisor
it is moving with that truth
Sophia pretty much hates me now
the way i see it is i call her an asshole when shes being one
and she treats me like an asshole when im not
rembering negative details for convenience
i sleep for maybe an hour first stretch as my leg does not really let me for too long
tonight only a half hour
then i can be awake for maybe three
then maybe another two of sleep before the pain wakes me up and after a few more hours go back and try again
Sophia say she woke up and i was standing at the end of her bed this morning
and then after a moment she blinked and i dissapeared
i dreamed she was with me in a room
there was a little flying
i was killing people
i grabbed one guy and pushed him between a gap in the door and snapped his body in half
i have had a few rough dreams at the moment
those kind of dreams i don't usually have any more since i quit security work
maybe its the drugs too
i dont know
there is something else
loneliness feeling alone
for some reason it feels beautiful
like a primal honesty of sad innocense
maybe i was and am addicted to this in my life
this beautiful sadness
so honest and alone
ok no she just loves me with her cranky face
she says i am a little child and does'nt hate me because i am not normal like every body else
i appeal to her child too and tell her we "they" should run off together and tell the serious adult "asshole"
to go away
i went to physio for the first time
got in and out a car
was quite good successful they said i should be bending it to 30 degrees i got it to 20 degrees today so i was pretty happy with that
they gave me things to do so i have focus now
it was so nice to see the sun outside after 25 days
and the green grass
it made my whole being smile
i was so happy sitting sideways across the backseat of the car
every looking so vibrant
i cant wait to get back into everything again
i also focus on my course online
and getting the other side of things straight
getting affairs in order
she says
" do you know when we met it was like i got hit by lightening , it was like i had new blood running in my veins ?"
and then she falls asleep again
the more i try to waking her the more she sleeps
it is like a cosmic joke that is sickening
a turn out that does "nt turn out
so i will be walking
sooner than i can walk as it turns out
its part of the turn out
perhaps i will write something then
about seeds and growth
about retaining water
about the ocean that the boat heads towards
about the jilted love
to be able to argue about any old nothing in particular takes
going backwards
about the wooden pier
that launched the voyage
acceptance and unacceptables
loss of feeling due to feelings lost
action and stagnation
about water
and the staring at puddles
i have ran away
been ran out
running water
facing the harsh wind
feeling alive
not a step backwards either side
so its a mexican stare off
and walk off
walking forwards
today my leg feels the best yet
i have mastered beginning quite a few frightening new tasks
things that would otherwise seem ordinary
like getting in and out a car
and gaining movement where old movement has become seized
the clouds looked particularly beautiful
the farms
the horizon is wide
a willy wagtail comes drinks from the bucket often
even dips in for a bath a few times to my surprise of its daring aquatic skills
kind people i found
surprising me again as always
blessed i am
doors close doors open
loss and finding strength
i had a couple strange dreams this sleep just been
in one my mother is there
she is telling me how she is feeling ill
that she is sick or that she was still getting sicker
of course she died over 2 years ago now
i began to recite the latin benedictine or whatever it is a few lines that go like this
i said three lines
nominus e patre
a spirit a sante
you know the one
in the dream when i said it to her the blessing i was kneeled at her feet looking up
the next thing i did was said
"you are whole "
"now go be whole "
as i said this the whole dream popped as though a veil lifted from her and the scene
it popped a couple times in succession
something came off the texture of the vision and was removed
a constricting shade came away and it was lighter
i had a couple strange dreams this sleep just been
in one my mother is there
she is telling me how she is feeling ill
that she is sick or that she was still getting sicker
of course she died over 2 years ago now
i began to recite the latin benedictine or whatever it is a few lines that go like this
i said three lines
nominus e patre
a spirit a sante
you know the one
in the dream when i said it to her the blessing i was kneeled at her feet looking up
the next thing i did was said
"you are whole "
"now go be whole "
as i said this the whole dream popped as though a veil lifted from her and the scene
it popped a couple times in succession
something came off the texture of the vision and was removed
a constricting shade came away and it was lighter
That sounds very positive, runningstream. Good to have the opportunity to assist her.
yes it felt that way
"in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti),"
so well have the cake and eat it too
presented with a wonderful opportunity
feeling it coming through in waves
its building
its in the moon
frustration like a lion that roars beneath the surface
it would walk strongly in a certain direction
knowing nothing yet sensing everything and finding knowing as it walks
like it will rip the skin jacket from the human if it does not bear witness to what it should
the eagle is it the connection to what must be done standing on the shoulder as a companion
that knows the way
have been given a golden opportunity
feel it coming through in waves
it knows the way
it will drag me by my boot straps now
same as it always did
who am i to stop such a cascade
and why should or would i
the wind calls
the sun wants to get into everything
the moon wants for dreaming me in the water
the skys blue is beyond compare
and i am going to take as many as i can with me to the sky
simply by letting myself free
the words cant do what is going to happen next
for how long to fly before the next obstacle catches the eye
my leg is moving much better
i am excited to be single and gaining freedom through movement
of body spirit and horizons
i am learning patience
with people they are like children with wonky legs themselves who can barely stand sometimes too
and yet they help me and do the right thing
if my eyes face correctly i can transform them just by being
the ping of the engine that does not falter
the genuine
and so it goes with god
a lot of sitting around
temperate climate controlled living
patterns of function
watching the world move around you
moving the world around you after getting used to moving within the world
the effects can be just as great
a moment in time within the right place
to move with or somethings
moving moving are we even moving
its one of those silly questions that make no sense only in some
wishy washy way
you know the gravity that gains ground on a backwards revolution it feels to me anyway
a foot on the accelerator and were off again
feeling no stress for the conventions of cycles gaining speed and the hum drum should it bore me i feel comfortable
making others comfortable within their own
anger at sounds that penetrate
like speaking incessently about silence
to its own distaste
two strings pulling against each other
it passed i ask and what was that
or "who was that "
the dog barks repeatedly
people balance out
the two strings begin to resonate
their humility and honesty even looking me in the eyes with an honest sigh
today i am in love with the earth
with her bounty and her bosom
today my pen does't let me write too much
except i know it must ring true
the blue purple spark came and let me know about creativity and that bridge when i mentioned it
the place from where those sparks spring
memories are coming along with a peace
things at once
past selves connecting with presence they show up in the stream
i cannot speak the words for the beckoning sleep
good this self with it
if i removed the word I
replacing it with this one
would it make any difference at all where the words came from
a perspective that gives indication of its origin
its origin enjoys very much
the sleep
the dream
the earth
the love
preferential treatment
for this one
to deliver the visions accordingly
the beads on the string become loose
information drops and the bottom falls out
dreaming again ? perhaps soon
this room does not like me to sleep too quickly the energy feels vibrant somehow yet empty
focused yet not calm
drifting away
ambition waiting
knowledge ready to be applied
only through the walk connection not anything else
i dreamed of the water
i was on one side
it was getting time for me to get back across the other side
i could feel i had stayed there too long and that i might forget my way if i did not head back across soon
the same as the must of walking the path
the long stall and side step combined with the staying behind to pick others up
needing to be addressed
there are times when i sing
words so deep i can hardly read them for they have disappeared into the page
other times reading them i cant see their depth
i know i cannot see so far
other times meaning is lost in that water
the dreamer makes a splash
i cannot retrieve them as they were
or they do not go ahead as they came through the page
when next i see them the water running by
i hardly can catch them as they pass by
its like suspension
the suspension bridge of reading and writing
both reading and writing and how they come through the page
that is how
some find the words un necessary
i don't mind
even the description they find unnecessary
i find them and they find me necessary
i give them life and they give me life
neither takes from each other
and then new turns happen because of them
dreaming has that possibility
dreaming does'nt really know where it should go next
its a team effort a love affair
perhaps i should get a small water vessel to float upon
and live right near the water
I'm reminded of sly assumptions and remarks today.
you could spend your entire life wrapped in the webs of others takes on things ,
their own slanted views towards their own ends .
direct discussions seems to be disabled through their inability to stand perpendicular to the stories that run central to plots.
any acknowledgement to this end might even be continually met with allegations and dualistic motions of juxtaposition-ing .
seen as attacks to long held narrow minds beliefs .
long before deciding on their own valued outcomes in place of open dialogues and open minds.
another karmic lover
about 4 years ago . i was in a cafe . it was hot , i was sweating . there was a woman sitting at a single table against the wall . she was wearing black .
I could not see her face .
as i was hot i did not wan't to bother her by sitting directly in front of her . as i would block her view and we would have been left facing each other .
i sat behind her .
it was very peculiar in that i could not see her face , yet my body was picking up something unavoidable , that i knew her and that i "had" to talk to her .
i just had to .
as with many things , i crossed that thresh hold , wondering what i was going to do , not even knowing what she looked like ,
yet being pushed energetically to interact without any delay and absolutely.
Her name was Joanne and she was beautiful . and a little shy .
after we dined in the same place and after wards went for some cake and coffee elsewhere , i walked her back to her place she was staying and kissed her on the cheek goodnight.
until we saw each other again and met up the next day and later she flew back down to the city.
later i went out of my way to visit her .
i had stayed a couple nights , and she had told me a lot of her life .
it was obvious that we knew each other from lifetimes before or some such , she even cried and asked me why i had taken so long to find her, even hinting that i was too late.
she had been through the court system with an abusive partner who had done horrendous battery to her .
although this she was amazing in so many ways .
she had sense where i had found so many women did not . she was sensible.
she wore clothes that i really liked , she and i trained together both enjoying keeping healthy , and we enjoyed dining out together and seemed to enjoy the same dreams in life .
mostly we felt absolutely comfortable together like it was comfortable beyond compare and meant to be . that is the point that is hard to describe , my body knew this even before i saw her face.
her psychic friend had told her i was coming and to trust me , that i would never hurt her , regard to her previous trauma , she had described my car , and everything before hand too .
when i met this friend she had to sit down , before she could talk to me because it had blown her away in that moment.
she said " a good match but different streams" when we met.
all in all it was quite amazing how we had come together and how it felt.
one day when we were just getting to know each other , we went to the park to have a barbecue for lunch ..
i held her hand , and we would sit in the market and drink coffee , staring at each other while the world stopped around us , our bubble of intensity was so great ,
people wold just stop and stare , and light up inside when the would see us together , they'd melt .
one day while we were just getting to know each other , we went to the park to have a barbecue lunch.
after a while Joanne became tired , she needed to lay down , so she did on the ground on a cloth.
i lay there with her watching the clouds .
she seemed so tired she could not keep up . she said she had a chronic sleep condition .
the more i got to know her in the small time , the more i found her trauma had affected her life . after her crying and wanting to trust me ,
it was quickly becoming obvious that something was wrong .
she was so very beautiful too , i worried about her walking to the train station in to go to work down the dingy back alley like street where the truck drivers would park there trucks to rest in them , and the back of industrial type businesses.
after a while she began to give me the impression of a murder victim, i know as bizarre as that sounds , that was the timid and feeling of being vulnerable i received off of her.
i really loved her so deeply , in such a short amount of time this lifetime , that what came next was absolutely shattering to me at that time .
her eyes would turn dark , as though she was completely gone , and something had stepped in , she would demand that i was doing something to her , when i was only playing around ,
or began to get ideas in her head about what was going on with us ,
and rather than see the magic that was unfolding , she would focus on these ideas which were not happening .
when she accused me of them , because i felt so deeply for her i was devastated .
i called her friend even the psychic , and she told me also she understood because of the past trauma , and would try to speak to her .
it was so surreal , having that dream shattered that i did not know whether to laugh or cry with what was going on with her.
here was a woman involved in helping with welfare as a psychologist as with so many other affected women ,yet having suffered her own trauma .
i had no choice but to leave , she had also told me , the police man from the court case with her ex , had became her new boyfriend after wards , playing that savior role i imagine only .
later saying he had abused her , only in an intellectual way ,
all the time seeing how the drama was playing out myself , and how it was occurring .
i had pushed her playfully in the bedroom , and it had triggered something dark one day .
next after i had left after a few text messages , nothing offensive just trying to sort things out , mostly disbelief , and you must be kidding ,
she said she would call the police if i kept texting her .
it was so bizarre and sad to see somebody "my somebody" so messed up that she could not see me only the past trauma , perhaps she felt safer to get rid of me i don't know.
i never spoke to her after that text again . it stopped me completely to how serious this was going on .
i just found her photo when sorting the skype out just now .
she was one of these such karmic lovers i have come across. perhaps i will get to the end of the karmic trail , and find the new version . "with awareness, and resilience"
i have decided to try using full stops for now , it feels ok .
i cannot deal with capital letters quite so much yet , they just feel too weird , my hands don't want to push the keys most of the time .
the part of me that gets
indirectly pushed tells the part of me
that is direct to push
the more it goes the more it goes
time is like this
end to end
there are eyes that see
they take glimpses and let me see what they see
i ask them
anything that dislikes truth and honesty ?
how does it feel
i cannot even pierce a capital letter should i do so
deliver me from this deliver me from that
and deliver me too
like the breeze in fact
read all about it
read all about it
the direct should have been used instead
here is another thing
before i met Sophia , i met her one week before in a dream.
in the dream i "saw " her and knew what she was like , and that it was not going to work out . yet every thing undeniably fell in place by spirit in
a way that made it impossible to not accept it .
not only through spirit bringing it i will admit but through my accepting also .
this has happened to me more than once also .
i know it is rediculous to think we can have a life free of any pain . however for some reason it seems it should be better to skip ahead to perfect
even then , if i were to look back upon it from here to the beginning , it would be rediculous if the person had not grown too , or if growth was stunted .
i always remember telling a man as i painted a house , and he painted another across a fence , that i did not have children , wife , or home and travelled .
he was italian , had met his wife immediately at a young age , married and began , and was amazed and fascinated by me telling him that , as my life was the opposite to that his had been .
equally i was amazed and fascinated by the cards he had been given ,
and by the end of it , although dreaming of having the other ones circumstances , as in some ideal swap , equating to some otherwise freedom.
we were both resigned to the fact that we would neither liked to had it the other way .
i could not imagine staying put that early in life. setting down those roots.
what else should it be
what is complexity , in time , density .
what is density in complexity , depends . writhing . with the two ends of a pole , simplicity
maybe not complexity , is the word . something else perhaps , like a simple person drawing on an immensity of availablility in depth ,
or the complex person drawing lines towards the simplicity from where their complexities lines are nested ,
the ability to go between these two points .
similarly , this i find , complexity to reside in the points which exist twining themselves and others collectively ,
like full stops , capital letters , and constructed borders of subjects where these lines exist .
the foreign entity enters , on a voyage of spacious visitation , unlike the limits of the universal agreeabilities .
completely oblivious both how when and where to actuate function .
learning takes route through these pastures illuminating self evident truth , trying hard not to disturb the flowers of course ,
yet through such awareness and supposed "self unawareness "
the impossible becoming possible needs one such content .................
purpose .
nothing wrong of course with learning , and purpose , nor speaking , the direction being spirits dictate .
collective freedom in this sense , cohesion and fluidity ,
or both towards another end , manifestation , which illuminates the abstract into form ,
that being all else held equal , the purpose for which being sought .
really what was important in all that , the bouncing between the complexity and simplicity , being nothing more than a vehicle for the impeccible
form through the available spirit dictate and union .
next point , speed .
next point , individuation.
next point , combination .
next point availability to the wind.
next point , fluidity .
next point , fire .
next point, where does every body think they reside ? in space ? please fill me in i am confused . where are you going to wake up tomorrow or the next life .
i am yet to know of what is spoken , of choice , yet i see a lot have returned .
next point , earth.
next point , life .
next point, death .
next point, above. " in times joining"
next point , past "in times joining "
next point , love . "what else is there "
and next point , if not love , what then .
today i walk
look out world here i come
speaking of death
speaking of life
of the moon light
that disappears
when the earth passes by the sun in its face
speak about birth now the planets in a line
see how the dreams merged upon each other
see how ones could not lose their tongues for fear of them selves dreams catching up
she says we were in a garden "i think eden"
she says you showed me another dream upon the same place
sound s right to me
she says and there was a war here at another time
like one scene over the top of another we could see them both at the same time
in the same place
some could speak their tongues without fear
those who held onto truth
those who's image did not offend the senses
in time they were held steady
truth that did not offend
and offend what ? truth of course
something came
like a candle that went behind a cloud
a lot of posturing
like a snake that swallowed the sun
it was only a matter of time
that the sun showed her head again
those selves complete both sides of the earth and sky
written on both
just a boy who tried
nothing else
else ears unable to hear
what now sky father earth mother
where will we walk together on the grass
i'm listening now
a clear way
codes are coming
deals being made
everything in perfect timing
don't mind that i am sitting in the corner talking to myself about a circle been created in an infinite alignment
its just that i hold the words in the correct direction which is the importance to that cause
those directions are nothing really compared to the immediacy pertaining to the reminder tabs being placed on the fridge
of this birds ascent
it holding fast to the wind
really having been bodily slowed down by the knee issue has finally began to build up
not in some emotional distaste so much as a volcanic need for motion
i found myself without friend again
not that i needed them so strongly as found them where they were
that without the freedom of my body
i had no body to drive me some where
i have loose ends
like going to get soap
or pulling my own weight
small things
steel wool
i went to the supermarket a couple times now
how exciting
also i have a health care card !
time to stock up on medicines while the price is six times below what it normally cost
i had this dream tonight
and my sleep is all over the place
largely because of the initial aches and pains
having reverted almost 180 degrees which i admit i do really feel an inclination towards
at least half way
any way back to the dream
petaining to the two visions happening at once as i already shared
that is how i dreamed
except in one speed it is an awareness of all the worlds problems
in the next of a vision of being aware of it and my trying to merge the two
in a cohesive manner
to fix them together as a task
again none might understand the dreamer who dreams the world although some here might
my life is like this
sequences of dreaming movement
of meaning and purpose
not for my own benefit alone but for that of the world
i am pulling them together in everything i do
for every body
it is the strangest thing
realigning the past to the present in a "birth"
some what a burden
yet only when i seem to stand still
i am interested in don Juan's
core stance
the path with heart
no matter where one is standing
old age
he has the ability to tickle words from people
i mean we could traverse the fields of perception
unifying them all in such a manner
i had this dream tonight
and my sleep is all over the place
largely because of the initial aches and pains
having reverted almost 180 degrees which i admit i do really feel an inclination towards
at least half way
any way back to the dream
petaining to the two visions happening at once as i already shared
that is how i dreamed
except in one speed it is an awareness of all the worlds problems
in the next of a vision of being aware of it and my trying to merge the two
in a cohesive manner
to fix them together as a task
again none might understand the dreamer who dreams the world although some here might
my life is like this
sequences of dreaming movement
of meaning and purpose
not for my own benefit alone but for that of the world
i am pulling them together in everything i do
for every body
it is the strangest thing
realigning the past to the present in a "birth"
some what a burden
yet only when i seem to stand still
Dreaming for self and for the world... I like that. I always hesitate to extend my own dreams to the world, but it doesn't hurt to stay mindful of the possibilities. Even if they do have application for everyone, one still must remain true to Self, though. With that approach you can never go wrong. You begin to see many layers in your dreams - the one for you alone, and the one which might extend outward.
yes a unique spark in the water
i pit this self against the world with my truth
that i will go the way that is mirrored in the sky
that yields fruit
each body member containing equal measure !
this way the heart can touch itself inward and outwards
i yearn to burn
i want to set the water on fire
i want to stand firmly in the fire
and touch it unafraid
until the sacred rain pours into my entire being
my soul full again and again
You are brimming with poetry, runningstream.
yes its coming out my ears since i was young Nichi
also , i sometimes write in columns and am not aware their purpose
like the artist obituary
i hope no body/you , minds too much i don't realize those things separate function
hope it does not disturb any body too much .
apologies in advance and retrospect
Poetry doesn't bother me, RS. I've been known to stroke a poem or 2 in my time. Not so much lately, but my muse does pop through at times, even in normal writing.
Your muse is all over your writing. :)
owen wilson was there
the quintessential playboy
again the vision and the knowing running over the top
my stance is less than play boy
i can tell you about love
only it wont make sense that way to you
i can tell you about dreams then i will dream away
i can tell you about leaving a part of you behind
and wondering why it feels less full
then finding it again and reengaging that wisp knowing love and the object are perfect untill they find difference
or indifference
big fire happening
many things get done
sleep returning to more normal times
i watch the birds in the morning now
the small ones who fly together in bursts of movement together
the willy wagtail who comes and sits on the blind to say hello
the mudlarks who name seems funny with their meep meep
and sushi barking all night at the curlews and the plovers having a rest
as shes on a holiday
big strong dreaming on the earth
coming its coming
every growing pain seems to make sense
why every thing would not at the time
and at the time why the cogs begin to turn again
its ok to ask for some help
from my double ? am i my double
it just sounds funny to be connected by intent
i am gods child
connected to so much
today i have bitten off more than i could chew
so i am learning about progressive healing
being over enthusiastic has set me back with an ice pack
and some pain killers
i did get many things done
we even rescued a snake that had gotten stuck half way through the bird cage wire
that's how the day began with a a surprise phone call
even the dog had a sore foot today
and here i was this morning running off half healed up
there is a fine line
pain wants to tell me something
i was looking at a graph as it was being explained
too much one way and we negatively regress
to much the other way and loss of function through under doing it
who am i to be tough when tough is synonymous with stupid
pain seems like a natural part of life
i do wonder about masters of chi who go around floating on clouds and
perfectly deliberating every step energetically
perhaps ringing bells every few seconds to stay awake and in tune
not i
i dream of not being eaten by a crocodile as i watch the water for the next fish
and camp fires
simple earthy pleasure
just dreaming to the next place
of course getting there might not meet expectations however that is met with new and changing circumstances
i don't think ringing bells will help
unless its a "you are about to do something stupid" alarm bell too
except one thing
"words are powerful" and another " truth " is "light " is "way"
and together some thing like incarnation
a flower that blooms in time
both imperfect and perfect at the same time somehow
this space i can handle
i am dreaming well i believe a sense of well being
fish were jumping every where i am happy such a healthy river
maybe hundreds of mullet
i don't mind that they don't eat the bait
some small birds i associate with shrew "i don't know their names"
play with grass as though they are really doing something in a shrub near by
i have not slept so comfortably since i can remember
the smell of fire
getting things neat in small scale feels great after a large spread
sushi loves her bed
love takes on many forms
the spirit loves to find space to fly i believe
like bird above mountain
looking down
nothing holding to anything hardly
just eyes seeing and feeling
holds for a moment
nests are cosy too
pause and flight
like the "shrew"
i don't know what chases the fish
maybe excitement
other birds fly high watching them
braminy kites
they don't come down though i am sure it catches their eye in excitement
the patterns come through the water
individual patterns
collective patterns
unlocked potentials
ignorance resides in these things
that the individuals might become collective
unlocking each others potentials
not like locking each others potentials through a sort of
enigmatic seeing exclusivity
snow blind
many rivers to the ocean
both inside and
words undo existence and then appear again
only to tame the same muse
music comes from many points at once
interpretation systems differ
song is one
unlocking song
circular song
closed song
selling song
infinite song
unionous song
seeing is not one but it is many
song is not one but it is many
things go on for ages
because no body wants to hear that song
detached to sing
not to not sing
sing sing singing
ill keep singing
even when i can't hear the ringing
just to know you are here and there
bouncing the sylables through the air
i begin to even read in song lately
so ill put food in this stomach
ominous silent persuasion in the wind
i put the roof up
only some body came and took the roof down
is it too much to want for a roof i thought
perhaps i will do away with the roof
and what will i do ?
perhaps i will work
i am not now working for money
perhaps i will work for no money
like the man who took down my roof
i liked him yet i was harsh
i thought him hard
yet i found him soft
i will not be unwell then
go within for a year to somebody once they said
i look at a lake
perhaps go within for a week
if i have no money and a patched roof
perhaps i will have a lake instead
or a bush track
roads in roads out
dependence i despise
yet there we reside
a simple dream i am still looking for
i know its in the simple things that we miss
sometimes just tired
even that relates to the bear
the temperature drops
and bear goes within
i must put on a warm top warm bottom and socks
walk on the stones that way
warm like the bear
sleeping like the bear
listening like the bear
from a place that the moment brings to the now bear
bear i wont say it a loud
eardrums pop with intense silence entering
the song goes for a moment
flowers flowers
feel it in the air
the silence wants to pop
is the bear the only one listening
will bear sleep or wake
hungry from the cold
no body can be told
does not anybody else hear the songs
if power was as story to those who don't know
was the songs a story to those who don't know
that the songs take it to another place
unlocking collective songs
trying to grind flower into powder
return to the soil before its time
i do not find
it to smell the same
in gods name
sometimes when its time to go
its not time to go
she tells me things
i read page 444
she is a healer and wise
friends old and wise are rare
even the wise are foolish :)
all of us foolish
so the water pump went another story
sometimes its not time to go
spirit is a demanding boss
patience and a better way it knows
unlike gravity
its just an illusion to work with
when the illusion becomes beyond a seers wildest ideas
you might be on your own then
in the wind
so you might just sing too
wake up and stare at the stars
and dream of a tent on a ledge somewhere
overlooking stars
follow up words for the man who felled the roof
his heart likes to help others
and he enjoys himself with a drink which makes him talk
after the waterpump went
he really became the hero of the story
after loosing an important bolt and being so far from civilisation
he aquired and supplied a new one
had me on the road at the absolutely correct time
and not before as i had suggested
dreams a lot since
a foot in the wrong place even be it on the way to the right place
finds lacking in harmony and purpose
harmony and purpose aquired
finds a lot of dreaming again
simple things
like the sky lines up as it should
old selves drift into the dream
and aquire the alignments necessary
salvation's from other regions
that don't contain the richness of dream
comfort and right position
indulgences i think not
making the most of what you have
like polishing a blackened old kettle restoring it to a splendor
that would beckon the good gods to shine
upon the effort
worthy of aquiring further aligned treasures
to day i walked a long way
and recovered a car i had left behind
i can't wait to get back to working
stepping on and off the chime
i'm not sure what to do every body has their fetters
whats the relevance from moment to moment
some have structure that extends into their future horizons
some chase whats behind
after building and owning a few things
i felt gravity
now gathering threads of time past
into now
to place them in the future
i must sell some of them things
some were left accounts due to others time spent
passed on
some this will come later in life
the threads of time
passing upon the threads of money appealing time
the solid threads of spirit
aquired past live memory
so follow lines
they pass upon each other
the dreamer and the old lines
i am watching the fringe dwellers
i walk among them
i am watching the channels they watch
interference on clear sets
trying to understand what has been put in the water
dream lines i feel like helping them
then i also think
no just watch them
in my mind i find solutions for them
like supplying shoes for the shoe less
but really its a curiosity i can hardly scratch
here i am dwelling on the fringe
in my comfort
i have been afforded spoils for work and good timing
and here i watch the mistakes that give circumstance
or not mistakes but choices
actually it seems like different dreams in time
like each one is its own time
or choosing of its own time and timing
trees that come of age and go through processes
i find myself
wanting just a small space to be left alone
so that i may gather my own threads and not be pulled out
into the drawing out
light resides within each of them that they must find
to gather well the growth
many dreams here reaching for their own lights
the moon was quite full for a few days
perhaps that dream plays on the light
i can see how the dream becomes communal
i notice many of the people on the fringe due to illnesses in health
i can see my situation too
and what will pull me through
faith actually
great faith
what is faith ?
pulling the threads of light of the indescribable
into form
through a well delivered focus of growth
i will keep growing
and listen to the wind
and not allow it to bother me from my footholds on the shifting sands
of the metronomes of timing
different choruses echo out
i can't just follow any one
but this ones
not only this
i feel who hears what
and how is it assimilated
for instance i could talk somebodies ears off about a certain phase of something
only to have an empty stare shown to what i have said
or interest and no comprehension or cohesion
the old one about lead a horse to water and still you can't make it drink
or the one about give a man a fish and he eats for a day
teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime
and who wants to learn
maybe there should be one about that
is the sky closing in sometimes i wonder
some of these fringe dwellers move so fast i can feel them
and they come forward emptying it all out in front of them
to which i wan't to pass by and avoid what i know i cannot do for them
it is not that in passing this cant occur
it is in standing still
you can process so much for somebody
but if they cannot make the connections themselves then it seems endless
they pass moods
i feel the moods from people
for instance i may feel completely content
only to in their presence feel i should be doing something or running away
its strange what they are passing around
words like strange even as i pass it sounds to have overuse
water is healing that is what i feel
the use of water for movement
knowledge as well they seem to be linked
leading horses to water where they may swim like a fish
to which i wan't to pass by and avoid what i know i cannot do for them
it is not that in passing this cant occur
it is in standing still
you can process so much for somebody
but if they cannot make the connections themselves then it seems endless
I do know how you feel here. I worked for psych hospitals' intake for many years, including the crisis lines, and sometimes, recognition of a problem is all that is possible. The person him/herself has to do all the work, no matter what. You can throw a lifeline or a bone, or point in the right direction, and on the personal, you can be a support if you choose, but the person him/herself still has to do all the work. I think the same is true with matters of awareness and spirit... the person still has to do all the work.
i am no expert on mental health except my own
and it is good to ask for help or to have somebody who is on the level to talk to
when the crazies start to drive you crazy :) in your world pressing in
or just the world pressing in
one of the best things ever
for one thing
i know
things will always be changing
its important to always give the impression that "you've got this "
or that you know exactly what you are doing and where you are headed
no matter if you have no idea
then be open and ready
it might seem like a lie "which it is not "
but its the connection and availability needed
to take advantage of our connection to the genius universe that is available to us
as threads to travel upon
my leg might be sore today
so i gather the availability of cherishing
what i can do
which would other wise be left not done
because being able bodied
i might not have had the chance to get them done
also different ways of approaching things
new ways
really affirming "i've got this "
or affirming and believing
am always lucky
even when it seems the path diverges elsewhere
i have a friend who has a son
he is in security and when he tells a story he always come out on top in the story
even if he got smacked in the head and lost
when he tells the story it has some redeeming twist
where he is victorious
his son has taken on the trait too
he plays football and is around ten years old
he thinks he is always winning even when he is getting a pummeling
its quite hilarious
sort of like that
except i prefer to jump over walls or walk around them
rather than smashing "my way" through them
luck then
something in the pocket
he is in security and when he tells a story he always come out on top in the story
even if he got smacked in the head and lost
when he tells the story it has some redeeming twist
where he is victorious
his son has taken on the trait too
he plays football and is around ten years old
he thinks he is always winning even when he is getting a pummeling
That's the key to surviving for sure.
Sushi my beautiful friend the bullmastif cross
was dead in the garden two days ago first thing in the morning
she had a wonderful day and was driving around with me
she had broken her collar earlier in the morning she had so much vitality
i was having a really i love sushi day
had sent photo of her to my brother i took the day before
and was texting about her antics too
i don't understand what happened to her
she was such a beautiful friend an absolute sweetheart
i rarely if ever had a bad word to say about her
she had just a small amount of blood in her mouth as she lay in the garden
and had vomited after eating dinner which i found normal as dogs go
i miss her a lot and did not see that coming at all
its strange to just lose somebody when you have no idea why
whether it was a snake or she had some thing go wrong inside her body from running around
having a big day
i will never know probably
life will be different now
my woman says
its strange that somebody dies and the world just goes on anyway as normal
and it is
for a while lots of things remind me of her and i feel sad about it
i really really loved sushi my friend a lot
she is now helping to grow a citrus tree in a new garden
I'm so sorry, Simon.
Sounds like poison. Rat poison takes some time to work on dogs, so more likely someone slipped her a bait. It happens more often than we would like to think.
Whatever, the death of a dear friend is a sad moment. You know, I still meet my old dog Wally in my dreams, and we have good fun.
we had our first dream the next night
she was just moving still a small amount like she would be ok maybe some hope
i wondered about poison too
she was guarding the place a lot and i wondered if somebody took offence
i understand the feeling of not having closure now i even rang the vet to ask
they said it was like finding a needle in a hay stack without an autopsy
she suggested it sounded maybe like a snake but it was only a guess among others
My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
Yes, the dogs, they return in our dreams. I got two German shepherds that have melted into one and they share my dreamworld some time most every week.
thanks Jahn
today feels about money
making lists
little old ladies who stash away in teapots
for rainy days
they are speaking of the impending budget on the radio
it feels like something happening
they keep inventing new ways to get at peoples money
pouring the hot water from the pot into the dishwater
gluing the strip on the roof on with silicone
and around the window
making connections open views
they are speaking about taxing deposits now in the bank
talk about grubby fingers in all the wrong places
unashamedly accessing
i have lost the plug and must buy a new one
water just gets away so i use a surrogate bucket tub
also there must be a two way fitting to join the water to the tap
pork chops
the man next door speaks of fish
we are well provided for so much that to be left out in the cold causes panic
and panic it is
the squeeze
all the ducks in a row on the water
i sink into the lounge in the bank while the lady sorts out the problem in a back room
on the phone
around in circles
tell her quietly in my mind its ok
making the connections
the angels again
she comes with the answer
new solutions
its going to be ok
just an address change causing a hiccup
feeling confident that what the wind brings will be enough
no doubt how it should be any way
no anxiety
was there a time when it was enough
my pictures tell me about different times with tea pots of little old ladies
i think i will walk far from the banks
and begin to follow the feeling of a different time
having the money in our own care
is our responsibility so taken from us we can no longer be held responsible to be spoon fed
i am over it
counting pennies says the squirrel stick them in the tree hollow
mr M
in my dream is telling me something about how our two sides can work together for when we die
like we can make a dreaming worth working towards
when our two sides come together in our purpose
this one working with that one
can't say i totally understand it
but it has my attention now
i feel a bit thick
i can talk about the orbits too
they came one day and left me this way
a fire from within that came and left me toast
all the way up untill heaven i did roast with
now i am charging batteries
singing we can fly did you know ?
and lift them all up to show
personalities ?
i was reading the Taisha Abelar bookshop interview from Pasadena "perhaps"
thinking about the double dreaming
recapitulating in dreaming
the sinister wind behind the words in the bookshop pr not sinister but that wind of an open door which causes fear like the darkness exposure
a view through
and i was also getting something else of the stalkers who wanted to combat the "poor baby" to get to the place of no pity
then it sprung on me
dissipation was the dissolution of cohesion which found new avenues to venture through which were not habitual
yet now the orbits found new co-agulation
"insanely" i watched the show from my point of view
Krishna i liked the feeling behind the story
motto "i feel"
back to the coagulation or dissipation
assembledges and dis-assembleages
varieties i feel that coming apart and going together
was some better and coming apart and then coming together than some others
you know what i mean
building dreamings
dissasembling selves
only to rebuild
think i got ahead of the reading body
with the dreaming body again beginning before it arrived "recapitulation in dreaming "
intent moves together
will moving with
from above
so below
i tell my friend
sometimes when i read what others write i think
no that is back to front
what i really want to contribute to this jumbled sequence is coagulation of opposites into ordered and complimentary forms/non forms
0' point harmonies
i was driving around in my dream looking for sushi
i drove for a long time and was a little bit panicking
when i finally found her she had gone back to an old place luckily that was where i was headed
i gave her a big hug and was so happy to see her
i did not believe she was still alive "forgetting then i was dreaming "
i did remember that she had been buried though
i was asking her how did that happen ?
of course she could not answer
i checked her for her markings
she had the same white piece strip around her neck
and her eyes gave it away
every thing was perfect
i was pretty excited by all that
to have her back
when i woke up was the first moment i remembered she was actually not alive
and that split me a little seeing the two sides
today is about the two sides
standing between pillars
the way through
standing between two pillars
personal and impersonal
i look out the corner of my eye
seeing what is occurring
yet almost seeming as though i don't
i watch this pressure "freedom " build
as though i am doing something with the impersonal's help
yet cannot be controlling as my skewed glance indicates
there i stand between the pillars
they have been built and become built
relentless in approach
yet unable to be held
as my skewed glance indicates
i know what i am almost watching
in this way it lets me stay warm
I feel the agony of this dream... But the truth is, Sushi will always be with you. It's a small comfort, I know - better to feel her in your hands. But over the years to come, this will be a lasting connection.
thanks for your kind words
its ok to dream
its ok to dream entirely
its ok to be full of the dreams
to move in and out of them
why i say this
carrying this self through life
this self that is never the same twice
this self that is created on the spot
the one watching in a memory remembers
whats in the water
do you see love
do you see hope
do you see seven cities
do you understand what that fire means and brings
new strokes in the water shift
does the new hold to the old after all water connected
there is a child connected too in the water
an adult
not only that the fire images
a new type of water
no time
all time
all timing
when the water has held together these seven strokes of fire
and they held each other
what is before you behind you and inside you that is not of you
time is of the essence so they say
the child knew just which parents to pick
which lessons to learn
the weaknesses that gave lessons
the strengths into the futures
if within a point of "now"
i have selected a certain dream to come to be
it exists perfectly within my past to evolve and water the seed to growth
the great perfection
was it ever gone
somewhere inside the 777
i am not a numerologist
i resent mathematical dillemma without connection
without the i am present within the essence of time changing occurring to itself
what is maturity ?
have you ever met a psychologist or the like
many people trying to heal themselves through understanding
they reach maturity through knowledge of self through knowledge of others
the biggest bunch of nut bags going
can they pull the threads together themselves?
find true enlightenment of themselves or just badger others
i suppose every body standing on the road
to themselves
despite themselves
no offence to the mature classes
having all the answers
the child moving forward in my book is miles ahead
filling the world with desire and meeting itself on the road
the biggest obstacles in the world today to connection
organized religion would have to be up there at the top on that list
despite the teachings of the masters
if only people could listen to each other
it has taken many forms on
many things have been advocated and emphasized
not speaking of the same things
honesty is a brilliant start to any such conversation
honesty of road
honestly of standing
honesty of being
honesty of an open mind
being open in mind and being and standing on the road
communication may become possible
to take away so much you might be left with more than what you had
or less than what you had
or more understanding of what you had or could not have
i love to hear John's honesty
i love to feel his and Yoko's love for each other in spite of everything outside
i get that feeling deeply from the small parts i have seen of it
once again equanimity
the seven seven seven seven
shall the bride not come to the bridegroom in the bridal chamber
as though the virgin
what i see it as
the dynamic situation which is brought to the forefront
from the first seed
one became two
the original placement within
now a rib on my side
the inner turbulence
being that bride
and the ability to turn the wind
both towards and un-towards
take the dream catcher down
dreaming being natural any how
it building both to gaze upon quiet unobtrusively
and in throwing and delivering into and unto what it brings endlessly in directions
the abstract child of the new infant
into the bridal chamber
stood facing the winds
the seven steady steps that stood against and with
the self
now filling the bowls
the chalice
time coming and the natural state
allowing what stands
like the little pigs one two three
there is no glee
honesty on that path
steps of gold
it comes on
i want to share it
like the speech let who has ears to hear hear
because i'm also he who hears
i gather that the threads have an intelligent communication built in to them
for instance certain things giving great yield
the sun falling on fertile soils
all those things
hearts full to bursting
ears waiting for something else to fall in line
holding open the crack
unknown becoming known
time timing
this time
yearning onward to connected-ness
if only life were so simple
i still have my shields
are shields to keep others arrows ok
when you can smell them before they leave the bow
more analogies i know
something something something something
one something too many in a row
in seriousness
things come things go
sometimes i am getting mad
what the difference is ?
the moment of pause at the warriors disposal
being passed something for disposal the great hat switch begins
we share hats and wear each others ideas around
insecurities in familiar settings
nothing is hidden only some how it jostles this way and the other
and finds an out and around
i grow angry because its out and its getting around
then employ some strategic genius of anger and frustration to try and contain it !
grab a hold of it "me dusa"
oh no the great hat switch has me now ! or so it seems in the race for a time
the only time the batton changing hands this way being
when another party is able to wit-hold from the illusion and become aware of the charade
surely my anger can't do that
yet frustration takes the form of a stalker
is it ok to stalk those you love ?
I had thought not yet to see it successful perhaps the frustration holds its place amoungst the procession
to steam through an illustration
or it it that the frustration reaches a breaking point on both sides ?
the tension
when the unlikely becomes likely
why is it that lies tug at parts of us that the truth holds steady
looking for small satisfactions
and jittery ticks
when getting whats not expected its a nice surprise
somebody who likes to hold that flame steady well over the lie
its a real buzz these days even surrounded by subtleties
to know that place exists
a little boat bobbing at sea in big waves
rocks around a lot
if its tied to something solid
This one is brilliant, thanks for sharing.
I have not seen them, In Excess, that much Before.
of cloud lining
of cloud lining
That is a very good one too, but the lady lies too high with a pitch sound.
So we might listening to a woman that have it all, Frida Örhn together with Eagle Eye Cherry, Live.
Please remember Live, that is the thing. (
As an example of Live (
sombre old cloud or lightning that cracks the sky
i pulled up and found one dollar on the ground
how lucky i "he" thought "hehe said the zen master
in the morning i woke up refreshed and felt like a had such a beautiful nights sleep
walked out and saw a magpie giving a good and cautious pecking to a
small black snake while him/hers friends watched on waiting for their turn
i ran into by ear the new zealand guy who hit is girl friend in a public place
he was tooting off to some stranger about how if any body would touch 'his' woman he would break their legs and a heap of crap
all i kept thinking was he thinks he owns her and he is not really protecting her because who protects her from him ?
any way i avoided him i don't care about bashing egos only outcomes really
after all things lining up again
perfect timings today
i don't know what god or "spirit "
or the kingdom restored
wants for or from me except being supported now
not so much pushed forwards
like a little or a lot of freedom
off your own bat "scary in a way "
one minute its one thing the next another
maybe i will go and be open
i got a lot of help today
separation within yourself for moments of purity and separation in sight
its a burden within the laws that be
even the lion that might be dangerous appreciates some company from the human
and settles to just be around each other in the wild
company its something that is appreciated
fear of contact as of previous contacts fails
in interpretation only when things don't measure up
so who measures up to the sky
how high
stumbling bumbling fumbling rumbling and grumbling all good descriptive words
rolling thunders rolling blunders rolling tumblers rolling mumblers describing as they go
ho ho ho saints a yo
so what its like to forget an old dream
and try to pick it up and feel fear
old friends old bends bents spents of the time in lines
forgets where were we sometimes its on the phone as though were never gone
other times its gone as gone
an old bump
bumps me familiar asks familiar questions hows this and that
did you hear about this and that about so and so and how do you go ?
ho ho ho
i don't know
alien contact so long out of loops
so long away from the hoops
so simple and simply moving
on and on
stop on the side of a new road
tightening up the ship
throwing o'board all things that weigh it up to the gills
refine refine refine
can we refine and gain more why does it feel so
the weight for so and so
can i remember that fall
i got off the horse and started walking then switched to a metaphorical camel
saying things aloud
wisdom ? i saw the sign on a door
somethings whiskey or bourbon
or something cant say im a fan to have the flag or flagon on my wagon
like a tag that says hmm what i am a supporter of which brand ?
maybe a race of people i could support and put up a sign
like the woman with the radioactive sticker on her van was it malalinga
did it linger still is that still going on i don't know
what can i get behind ?
id like to get behind the bushes on a secluded beach perhaps
and build a tree house on stilts
compassion and love does it exist in the middle any more ? without the back and forward
as i always imagined it so no hooks or tags just a free ride going the same way saying hay
oh refine refine refine
the gold mine
i drive slowly for the kangaroos
a police man shines a torch into a gully with his lights flashing on the way
on the other side of the road lay a pretty big "for the area" roo
i could not get a lift hitch hiking untill i felt the sun would burn my skin
not today
so i drove my car the other way
i eat muffins as toast with mrs bensons mandarin marmelade "recommend"
and next for the home grown mandarin or yoghurt "to decide"
speaks to man 'boat" and "treehouse"
solitary and understanding
understanding and the middle
the middle and company
within the middle
concentric circles
outer rims
man speaks of "annexed sail"
gaining the tap to pump water
the moons orange to reddish on rise
television ? "over produced
speak of cutting through
the fluff
see through the fog
a unified direction
luck and hard work along the way
the dreamer
birds stand on one leg
all by themselves gaining balance
reading a book of fishing
never thought for a moment it would be needed
"jesus tells the boys about being a fisher of men "
asks the question are you ok ?
the answer first clearly and how are you doing ?
reply : if i had'nt the little ones i would be gone
answer in reply to origional question ?
having figured out and nobody will listen
you are still left within the middle alone
some to share with ?
the little ones are naive excitable and attention falls to familiar avenues
they take shape being formed
appreciation is an onus on love
loving to be appreciated
or reciprocated
backing the partner
now we have directions
alternatively strife
we have conventional means "traditions"
we have working models
forces of nature
that apply in turn
the sun burning above
time a creation
harmonious winds
upon seas
i have a cam corder "first one "
i have possibly found the tastiest ham cheese tomato sandwich in the country perhaps the world
deserted waste disposals
winds on the water
gathers force
proper alignment of elements
provides impetus for steady and continual motions
what now then
i confess i am a lover of pork
a lover of lamb too
with pears when last
for now the pork sweet smell speaks to nostrils
makes a melt in the mouth before its even done
i wonder a lot
and what ?
how it is that we can be so busy to not find time
although i am surrounded by this earth how can i be disconnected
i crave activity
cooking .........
finding of foods..........
growing ............
sitting in the shade by the brook .........
excitement and adrenalin for free fall parachuters without fear .........
or calculated risk takers .............
i would't hear of it ...........
slowly running streams ..........
days of purpose and activity .............
uncomplications .......
it takes time ........
a great contradiction..........
to build something to be able to undo it all ..........
this way and that
freeing somebody
or some spirit within somebody
the fence is pointing inwards
each barb contests the outbreak
fences in place
dreams ?
ill leave the issues of grass roots on the table
were almost there just a little farther
look up at the stars
do you really think nothing is going on look how many shooting stars are moving
is the universe empty
how can i un capture you while you try to see me capture you so you can see yourself captured
barbs barbs barbs
when i am soft with you and listen you come up against yourself
is it enough ?
freedoms stirs you inside
and what stirs inside you stirs me to move towards it
holding back can i hold back
putting divisions and conditions
what is your condition
what is the condition of freedom
what stirs me towards what stirs in you
and what stirs me to move away
or just see it
its because i want you to move away from that stir
and those barbs
towards those dreams
that other walk
hello nice to meet you
i see your spirit
can you let it come out to play ?
don't be so bossy
boss boss boss
keeping the barbs in place
can you blow the fluffy stuff from the stem
and watch the wind take it away
make a wish ?
fairy fluff
or on the shooting stars
moving moving moving
different ways
different voices
different fights
once upon a time there was a rabbit
once upon a time rabbit stood upon bears shoulders
once upon a time bear went to rabbit land
i have placed the big soup pot beneath the dripping lean to roof to catch this rain
the solar panel has gone up
5.5 volts coming through since the sun was going down in that last hour still sounds good
over cast day
the locals bag up produce and leave it to sell on the counter
next will be yellow passion fruit
i am not familiar with
a friend stops past in a truck and gives a bag of tomatoes
i don't eat them
so i pass them on
ever thing was so dry
now so much spitting rain all day
i am pondering whether to dream a sleep again
although i do naturally
i did a while ago found myself asking inorganic beings again
except its different for me that no body would hear
the bear and the rabbit in a column
the bucket fills nicely again and lets it be known it is taking water again from where it was placed
the old timers gave me a toilet seat
does not matter where you are hard work is hard work
and niggle clouds can make you trip over your own shoe lace
jinxs was the word
genies ? make a wish make it a honest and fair one
when you step into it fully you cannot afford to play games
nature is in the column too
the bear the rabbit standing tall upon each other shoulders
i am hiding in a tree stump all you see is the sprout of my hair
a mushroom grows upon the rotten besides nourishing the damp mosses
i stretch my arms and awaken from that day sleep into the night
perhaps i even have one of those little elve hats i don't know i imagine
playing daisy chains
everything linked from top to bottom
wish for the perfection
again and again
dreaming awake
:) 777
i have caught no fish today from my two expeditions
a coconut rolled up to my foot so i have stopped it and brought it home
seasoned the camp oven
entire communities of camp oven fanatics out there
great recipes wonderful meals
and you can even just use barbecue beads sitting in a fry pan as a base with some on the lid "handy for the urban dwelling"
glad the crocodile did not eat me at least
using a lure means standing close to the edge
i dream of them often when i am near the water
everything was so still this afternoon
the water reflected the sky so perfectly and still
those grey purply and blues of the sky
too much to take in
i learn to the play the guitar from the second hand store that cost six dollars
my fingers begin to remember things and gain a new freedom
and another second hand shop provides some ankle weights for rehabilitation which are exciting giving a great pump
i have food water and am cosy
the longer i stay away from towns the better it feels to be not spending money
sometimes i just wan't to lay down and sleep during the middle of the day
i do wonder what a natural rhythm looks like and find basic things extremely exciting the more gravity and freedom they give
satisfying too
i may want for a boat
i even thought to swap a car for a small one a tinny
still dreaming about a holiday "treehouse"
i figure it is possible to set up worlds
for one could be all possessions needed for life to simply contained in a backpack
this could be a walk into the wilderness
another could be a semi temporary world such as a camp
the camp could be as simple as a tent
the mobility of these worlds due to necessity such as cases of survival or whims
next could be another world complete in itself yet somewhat more luxurious
a caravan and a car to tow it
next would be a unit or house inside a town where a different type of affairs would occur
next would be a permanent camp residing within the forest which is a man made structure
capable of withstanding cyclones and a permanent survival situation
close to water for fishing and catchment necessity also gradually building to home felt luxuries
at any one time a switch can be made
it feels good to be on unfamiliar ground with it all the temporariness
this book is very valuable and
will live in backpack world in a waterproof plastic zip lock back
today i have some work to do on a car
also i have retrieved some comforts and parts needed basically getting things organized
i enjoy finding what is needed at the time or beforehand when i am not aware it will be needed yet stumble upon it
it is like meeting your self on the road walking i find that exciting and lively
i find stagnation to be stifling always seeking new ways to get out and venture
and now what can i say
not much
it is draining today and yesterday
i have been fighting so long
i feel battle wary
although nothing i could do under those circumstances except see it through
to see what needed to be learnt
karmic battles
now i question the very base and agreement that every thing was built upon
inquiry about the hidden side that underpins movement and works against
i come up against it and press on it to see
but instead of see it wants to attack me
it seems to want to be content to just function normally "very"
and resents being propositioned or questioned
when it was hidden from him in the beginning
and when they built it upon a stone
what was it that tainted at the tree
a hell of a question
having travelled to see
the answer i get to hear right then is root
travel to the root
and why set up that way the fight
it seems a choice was made and the agreement forces to stay
that i feel battle weary at
holding something so precious
who can share it
when its so shared
places and people holding me
i am walking from them in this life
i am not sure i should longer sustain that old way
when the result seems the same
perhaps i shall wash it from the face of the earth making it grow high into the sky
they might be left behind i don't know and can't say what will occur for those left behind
i cannot see right now what else to do
I went and had a look of facebook today .
I saw the faces of people i used to know , some i had gone to school with .
Many have aged greatly appearing to me to be older than they are or I am .
Many have children , i never have . Many have not moved from the general area.
I felt a great tension seeing facebook and all those old faces .
First it was a site that had some car parts , which required i sign in .
Next i felt a kind of aloneness and decided to check it out , reconnecting in some sense with some people .
Many people give themselves up for view , to social expectations , and comfortable amongst their herd .
I feel totally outside of it and a little frightened to be captured in those tensions as they seem .
Deactivation , and back to aloneness , what a strange excursion .
However , it does give some insight into directions , earlier directions and futures ,
actually earlier social expectations , still being nervously met , and played out .
I can see some of them still in myself also . It is possible to drop them also .
Also i see children who look just like their parents , this holds two scenes for me there ,
1/ that is that it was what was meant for their life purpose , 2/ that in the immersion of patterns it becomes necessary to even question the base drive provided through that sense .
Different senses being provided by parents , i keep coming back to one simple point , especially when it comes to density ,
it seems to be about heart , intelligence that provides a freedom to go beyond these things seems to come from heart .
I have watched children who grew up poor chasing brand names and status symbols .
I have watched children damaged in many ways grow up to provide sustenance towards that damage in many cases not going outside of the circle
yet from accomodating it from within .
Then we have the provisor that of a partner or other persons in our life dictating want and need .
The dynamic , especially from entering facebook yet not having these initial tension yet seeing them emerge ,
bring back first hand memories of relationships or images of what those persons exist as , when in reality they are free and have moved on
yet because of the secondary relationship with the memory , "at least from a detached perspective" is outside of this circle .
To be honest its terrifying to think to be still captured in such a way .
I much prefer aloneness to having to dance to the social expectation .
The being open to the road is different . even new places .
The tools received surely determine this , and the growth through heart or availability to a sort of uniqueness of growth and movement away from density .
It also seems many do not perceive anything outside of that conundrum and are content in it , when i see many though i get a sense of tiredness though .
i appreciate you people here .
I become further convinced that something is eating people if they do not live that way .
Yet i am not unconvinced that the same force can be used as a useful drive also in their lives ,
it seems a strange paradox .
When having been down the greatest upheavals may also begin out of said holes .
The problem with weak people is they act so strong , because of needing something to be strong over ,
gravity's force got something going on .
The words i get this week , a stick in the mud sure does suck.
I feel i would rather die than be subdued to a system which formula will determine only one outcome .
Sure people exist smiling within such systems and could say they have freed themselves from that conundrum ,
yet i would still question the bodies freedom in such case .
Spirit driving a body , in an intelligent form , a being who comprehends what it is and how to communicate intelligently with the world ,
giving vitality to all systems , intelligence and ability at the level of intelligence available to the receiver .
I have decided to pull it together and write from this perspective at least for now , as it seems required of me , in the current divided climate
globally as an excercise in an alternative fashion outwardly whist summoning inwardly also
The path as it is bringing liberally light when traveled upon , a way actually can and is found often , peaks and valleys , turns and expectations dropped
even the self in favor of the characters encountered's favor .
This immensity becoming spirits eyes to perceive the landscape , overlaying the normal perception required to meet here and there .
The requirements necessary then shift with the landscape as what i would call water can be traveled upon and suggestively points to the
perceiver what is apparently a part of its own being also , on layer lacking such density by new out looks .
Sure they have been telling me since the beginning what i could and could not do . The words seem to burn my ears with frustration ,
so one day i just stopped listening .
One day the silent became the strong . It is best to never forget this facet also.
It is what had become silent and needed coaxing out . So again i coax it out .
Walking into the face of the sun , it is important to have this respect for this silent self . No damage should be done there only a respectful following.
Once i was a boy about maybe eleven , or so , i was a hunter and fisher . I never liked the cowboys and preferred the indians when it came to tv .
we were told to go outside a lot , so we played outside all the time , having to be called in for dinner as i remember it many many times .
We would play cricket on a mowed pitch , i used to love to mow the grass untill we ran out of fuel , and sometimes had to be told to stop ,
and i could not stand to do dishes , i hated them with passion .
My job was to cut the firewood and light the fire , which i enjoyed very much .
I always had a pocket knife at hand , I would ride with my slug gun on the handle bars of my bike wrapped in a blanket , hell i would run away
from home at an early age , and pitch a tent in the back paddocks.
I grew up chasing animals , wild and domesticated , and i always had a dog with me . Her name was Jess . She was the best cricket fielder we had ,
the rule was if she caught the ball on one bounce it was counted as a catch and you were out .
Many many times she got us out . Not to mention kept up to be fresh enough to keep playing for a long time , and when she had had enough ,
she would just lay down on the pitch until she had rested enough to begin again .
We would hunt rabbits together , and go fishing , i taught her to climb ladders , find objects which were hidden , round up sheep , stand on her
back legs when calling "look out"
, all sorts of things .
She was a blue heeler cross border collie and was extremely intelligent and she could jump the door of the shed which was over 6 ft high .
I suppose you could say nothing has really changed since i was a child .
Except for maybe the cricket , and the bicycles and the mowing like "due to hayfever allergies "
but hey i was always a kid with a runny nose too .
Loved hearing about Jess!
And i loved talking about her .
Once she caught maybe five rabbits in one go , as they were hiding under a log , she would get this yelp of excitement ,
they were young rabbits , as each one landed at my feet she would drop it and run off to catch another , of course before i had a chance to pick
them up , they would have ran away , as it was not a tennis ball and dropping it at my feet did not have the same effect .
And when it came to cricket quite often there would be a sigh of Jess! before the ball had even reached the batsman , she would have happily
stopped it before arrival standing there with her wagging tail .
I remember now begging that day to be allowed to take her home , at the markets in a small town inside a small pen .
And one day she died , and my parents still had her after i had grown up and left home .
i remember driving up the road and a voice telling me she was dead .
So when my mother rang and told me i knew that and got a surprise double .
The same also happened with my dog Rock , i heard he was dead by a voice , yet i thought i was imagining things , and kept driving the other
way .
Dogs are so wonderful , i am confused at there short lives comparatively this week also , thinking of getting a new friend , just the pain comes
so often throughout a humans life.
My grandfather has had so many dogs , he is a dog man , and has a voice that commands their respect , he certainly is the pack leader ,
he can be wonderfully kind to them , they live as he does , around the wood stove eating the animals he both kills and buys , and the rest "biscuits too .
During the floods of was it 20012 , i drove him his most recent dog , who has the most beautiful silky fur i have ever seen ,
he is brindle but a brindle i have never seen before , it seems to bristle with flecks of light "literally" sometimes .
He has a ridge back stripe down his back very prominently and is very large ,
he takes my grandfather by the hand and leaves marks of blood on his old skin , grazes and such .
He will sneak on the bed during the night the big bastard as quiet as a mouse having perfected his army like advance , my grandfather loves him
very very much .
Recently somebody tried to steal him .
As an old man was driving up the road behind a car , he saw a door open , and a dog being kicked out of the car .
I think they had made a big mistake .
The man driving behind put the dog in his trailer , as my grandfather cuts firewood all the time , he likes this mode of transport so probably just jumped straight in .
He was then taken to the dog shelter , and luckily he had a microchip fitted . So again found his way home.
I laugh to think what happened to the poor dog thief when he was inside the car with sarge.
“Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't then it is of no use to us.”
― Carlos Castaneda
Dream of a man i used to work with recklessly driving a rigid truck into a shed ,
he leaves the truck running and in gear just jumping out the door .
the out of control truck is bouncing off the wall skidding and jerking around dangerously .
I tell him to turn it off and get back in , he is going to go along the wall side to the driver door ,
i can see this is no good as he is going to die getting squashed .
So he tries the passenger door , a short memory but i am sure this was not going to be successful either ,
the out of control truck bouncing around now is too dangerous .
Next thing i realize a class has started in the space , there are small children maybe around the age of 5?
they begin setting up in the school space which is apparently also in the space .
I become quite frantic , and begin throwing kids and their desks out of the way ,
shunting them across and telling people to bring awareness to what is going on .
Others then join in to help.
After every body has been saved there is a meeting , something like a health and safety meeting .
We sit and i find it strange that i would be blocked for speech although i am still moved by what happened so recklessly,
and the usual issue with peoples ignorance and unresponsiveness and inability to act in those situations.
Basically stupidity .
Next afterwards there is a man there we are in like a boarded floor loft in the upstairs open part up in the shed , part of the floor is missing at the
end ,
The guy is walking on boards which have spaces between them , and do not look very solid and bend under his weight ,
I tell him to get back on the solid floor .
There is still an ongoing safety concern . He begins coming towards me , and then falls . I reach out and grab his hand catching him just to
hang on and after a bit of effort drag him back up onto the solid floor .
Yesterday and maybe the day before , i have been hearing and feeling so many stories about where the pinch is being felt financially.
I keep hearing it as it becomes more obvious , and i wonder , at what point does such a squeeze kind of bottom out at the real hardship mark .
I can begin to answer that i suppose , as some are feeling it immensely already , and in this country i believe as every time i turn on the radio news
or speak to any body in business its the same thing happening . Rob from Peter to pay Paul kind of thing , except Peter is the poor person ,
at the bottom of the chain , the base volatility then is that of a wave as i see it , rising upwards 3 dimensionally to pay the head .
Yet the head has an insatiable appetite , and the base can only sustain the heads need so long and the strain on the poor peoples simple funds
which is now squeezed from so many directions is becoming leaner and leaner.
I have just awoken from a nap ,
In my nap I was dreaming in something like a library , behind a short type partition was a desk , at the desk sat the prime minister of Australia ,
Tony Abbot .
Now on the radio at the moment it is bad new for services and expenditure , jobs and global prices to buy goods , as with different demands
internationally and locally being cut , as with many other things it goes on and on .
In the dream i could see he was very stressed he was reading and perhaps working overtime exhausted . His hair was a little messed up and he
is looking like he could not find the answers to his dilemmas and stresses .
I ask him if every thing is ok , i tell him i am actually quite intelligent and will take a look at it and try if he likes perhaps i can help .
He seems so worn out and tired , Joe Hockey the treasurer is sitting with him too i think .
He seems to know something and can't find a way to deal with the problem . I suppose i make the initial sums and assumptions .
Collectively , a people may not be able to be lead financially out of their dark places , all of them .
Individually , a person can b e led by spirit to over come their own dilemmas .
Yet again , i point to the base and the insatiable thirst of the head of the wave to support it .
I also believe at this time this wave can be a beautiful thing , as the base can be less pulling upon it for imbalanced support ,
and more individual yet collective drive ,
and what does it mean individual yet collective drive ? as it sounds contradictory , it means that individuals make a balanced base when placed
correctly .
An individual with a balanced base can affect a collective solely though an ability to be able to maintain two points in harmony , that of the head
and the base.
It feels so little people may be within such a state currently , and the added outward instability may muddy the impression when viewed
as collectively.
Even the small part though produces answers . They appear here and there for the greater good , like beacons among the dark path in dark
For both the individual and the collective . Solutions are universal.
I have just awoken from a nap ,
In my nap I was dreaming in something like a library , behind a short type partition was a desk , at the desk sat the prime minister of Australia ,
Tony Abbot .
Now on the radio at the moment it is bad new for services and expenditure , jobs and global prices to buy goods , as with different demands
internationally and locally being cut , as with many other things it goes on and on .
In the dream i could see he was very stressed he was reading and perhaps working overtime exhausted . His hair was a little messed up and he
is looking like he could not find the answers to his dilemmas and stresses .
I ask him if every thing is ok , i tell him i am actually quite intelligent and will take a look at it and try if he likes perhaps i can help .
He seems so worn out and tired , Joe Hockey the treasurer is sitting with him too i think .
He seems to know something and can't find a way to deal with the problem . I suppose i make the initial sums and assumptions .
Collectively , a people may not be able to be lead financially out of their dark places , all of them .
Individually , a person can b e led by spirit to over come their own dilemmas .
Yet again , i point to the base and the insatiable thirst of the head of the wave to support it .
I also believe at this time this wave can be a beautiful thing , as the base can be less pulling upon it for imbalanced support ,
and more individual yet collective drive ,
and what does it mean individual yet collective drive ? as it sounds contradictory , it means that individuals make a balanced base when placed
correctly .
An individual with a balanced base can affect a collective solely though an ability to be able to maintain two points in harmony , that of the head
and the base.
It feels so little people may be within such a state currently , and the added outward instability may muddy the impression when viewed
as collectively.
Even the small part though produces answers . They appear here and there for the greater good , like beacons among the dark path in dark
For both the individual and the collective . Solutions are universal.
Well bless you, runningstream, for finding compassion for Tony Abbott! That is a lonely road.
That is funny that i never even thought of it ,
when i woke up they said on the radio how Aus had fared well during the global troubles comparatively and just generally.
So i suppose there is some strength in the fabric here , maybe diversification , like not having all the eggs all in one basket .
what to make of it ?
laying in hammock looking up at sky
what permeates the landscape
currently a walk of a comet like tail bearing shooting star
coinciding existence with a walking human not longer bound
shows it's face
spirit liking to be acknowledged
always likes one to follow
what else so much actually
waited for truck to deliver a steering box fitted one now
first attempt failed something happened that end
after everything lined up everything fell apart "timing"
then everything lined up again in timing
good people found along the way
friendly strangers
remembering how balanced walk gathers
chattering voices that don't know what they are saying on the side streets
because they think they know so they hear their own voices because they don't listen
now if they listened to spirit they would know regardless
no job here to accommodate the skepticism
alignments with spirit and visions of truth how could the liars know
true to the self ? everything seems to simple that way
like they got left in the slow lane and took the wrong turn
sadness very real
old times passed
the comet wants me to follow it again
trust or would be the same listening to an old voice
trapped listening to my own genus
missing the wonder
things coming n order
survival backpack
set general direction and wait for spirit to flower up all the plans as usual
getting more than bargained for
keep plugging on
must be nice to come to terms with patience
age brings some thing wanted some things needed some things unwanted
some things staring you right n the face just not looking on the proper angle as usual and miss the boat
the moment brings them
turning the moment into a different time frame entering time
shifting speeds
I don't know why but the words "Lions of rojava "
sounds like liquid in my mind when i hear it and upon my finger tips today although it kept popping in
i did not really focus towards those phrases
i do not know much of them except that an australian guy has just died fighting with them against IS
so i read a piece here
and below quote from the page :
"This valued fight of our forces today has echoed widely throughout the entire world, and has been of abundant hope and belief for freedom-loving young men and women. For that, willing individuals from all around the world step forward to come to Rojava and be a part of this shared struggle of peoples. This assembly and reaching each other, defines well that humanity still lives with the same principles and purity. How hard determined unrighteous ones try, warriors who march taking those principles as value, are more resolute to let not the enemy forces a single opportunity"
As subjective realities go i also understand the consequences of actions of thought perhaps better than anyone .
For me the power of truth is unsurpassed , as a means of walking the path i mean .
That freedom universally transfers . Awareness there fore adds to the diet of the global mind .
As for higher astral , yes i think that sums it up well . Truth causes choices in personal and global diet .
Feeling powerless and feeling to have power ,
power in from higher awareness "choices"
There is some heavy stuff about now .
There is also possibilities for something else . They take choices . Does any one make these choices ?
I have a new key board today
it has characters four times the normal keyboard
bright yellow letters i can read by the light of the screen alone
if any body would consider such a simple thing as changing keyboards
i would recommend the feeling that comes from such color
drab black does it dance like this one oh no !
I kid you not
and the press of the new yellow key pad is splendiferous
the predecessor would click so abruptly with a sharp crisp mechanical clack
yet the new one is soft and delightful !
the new yellow big lettered key pad which want's to sing a bright song only cost $3.49
bargains have a way of making me feel lucky
who's big conservative and monotone view was it to make all these things black initially
any how when it is significantly obvious to any body who would look that such things go much deeper into view
now what else
I have found another bargain
after checking out and not buying led lighting strips to run off twelve volt batteries as the price was rediculous in camping type shops
i have discovered electrical wholesalers
instead of around a hundred dollars i got them for fifteen dollars a meter and they are really bright
also cheap shops "dollar shops" are a wonderful spout of inspiration to have things in order
and i have found 9 hour tea light candles
glad to say the steering has been replaced too
so basically a fluid feeling keypad with i in tact
steering in the right direction
and light has been brought upon the subjective reality
there were some clouds around today
i watched the people
i already had a feeling that they would be a little seedy and different in that weather
i saw a grown man and his woman buy an x box game station looking very stoned
they then ordered a taxi !
seemed strange because i believe such things would be expensive
i looked into peoples eyes
a couple people look back without flinching
there are modest reasons for some things
intentions which are just to see
some might be taken as something else you know
like a lusty interlude
or a threatening display
like the stoned guy
i left his paranoid eyes alone
or the op shop girl
i hope she did'nt get the wrong impression
checking things off lists feels good
things start out simple then become complex and loaded again
this time i am going to try and keep it in check
and balanced so it does not spiral into immense growth followed by immense deterioration over time or overly needing maintaining
the survival back pack is really coming along after a couple weeks of hunting for items
and i will say hammocks are possibly one of the most wonderful things on the planet too
crocodile dreams persist still
probably because there are real crocodiles around
a good idea not to become complacent
here we have this wonderful coastline and land where so many things can kill us or injure
i am considering staying out of the creeks altogether and going the option of a kayak in the open water
without motors and boats trailers etc
i believe more intimate the connection
my only reservation is if needing to go somewhere by my own yet being injured
careful choices and careful actions
it really is a wild scenario
it is important to be honest about the issues
like the lights
perhaps i have more light than i require now
only one meter is extremely bright
perhaps it is placement of lights that is important
after being used to such high energy costs it takes my eyes a moment to adjust
to the possibility that these lights will be using so little power
and costing nothing to run by the sun
if i reach a place inside myself to ask these questions
where every thing is still and hold it can i maintain such determined focus
perhaps i hardly have a question to ask
perhaps it is the feeling inside that wants to question its appearance
or perhaps it met outside
and what came first the chicken or the egg
perhaps one egg became two miosis
then four six and where did odd numbers come from i guess those eggs did not divide
a person always says "don't try to re invent the wheel "
so i began to think about that
it sounds silly yet could probably be improved :)
i get so used to having people around
and then they are gone
even ants make good company
not as good as say dogs
every body is so grown up and i am still a child
yet i would not change it for anything
no i do not get lonely that much
i am too busy stacking eggs most of the time
i do miss the good parts of the people i miss
reality and nostalgia
dreams seem to be all about depth
depth content and the like
some dreams are dumb and almost robotic and weird because of how slow
some are overly complex yet lack smoothness and sense
there is another word where every thing must have depth make sense
appropriate speed
making things full filling in feeling
where complexity meets timing
timing meets depth
suspension on those strings
that dream
Bear grills has dumped a heap of humans on an island to survive
one camp females one camp males
i enjoy very much the trials and tribulations of the human spirit
to learn from others mistakes and pay careful attention
the struggle of the mind and human dynamics and interactions
for instance
one man is triggered by being told what to do
i see this as the initial reactory phase
this quickly spirals given being so tired and worked hard to move on-wards
what wonderful television it makes under the circumstances
they leave making a shelter until very late in the day after having walked untill night
i am always surprised how unprepared people seem on these shows
although volunteering for such an experiment
the women walked in the wrong direction without any water following the directions of a self appointed strong willed older one
i cannot wait for the next episode now all of one week think i may have to sneak a look on you tube
the guys and girls spend so much of their initial energy on making shelter and water yet the human element seems their biggest downfall
a few people are already reaching for the phone to get evacuated from the island and the experience is scheduled for 6 weeks
I shall go on
there is a boisterous and dysfunctional dog here who barks
and wants to bite me i think when i start to exercise
i have to have eyes in the back of my head and cut the experience short
i look at sea kayaks and get for more pieces of kit
agricultural age ? different flow
timing of couch potatoed convenience talk about the hard way
keep learning
there are aboriginals living in the bush within the towns
on the outskirts
mixed up communities all jumbled together
businesses competing for survival means competitive tools
oversized meals cheap prices
overly commercialized and available squeezes
resources and the struggling on the pyramids
certainly convenience lulls me into my slumbersome convenience too
belly bloated with it and tired for want
up and down we/i go
never fully recovering equilibrium
different pulls upon regions within the body externally and internally matched i shift
as i shift they become clearer as they dissappear from view as no longer parts of the self being externally recognized
trying grooves like sleeping above the ground to take off from grounding
small hops in the dream leading to flight
was dreaming about the edges of banks/cliffs falling into the sea
like one day they were there the next day they had washed away in one day
the water crashing against them
a lot of people needing aid
i cannot understand where all the money and help will come from for them
being global citizens yet landlocked
taking to the sea
boundaries laws
the mother provides
the father must he think when he sees his children
the abominations
falling into the sea
laws and trials who holds the law
relative reality
while reality plays out around
born of the dreams of mothers and men
Scary images, runningstream, but probably not too far off from reality.
was times picking cherries from the ether
scary and realistic
finding direction having found direction and giving direction
all directions combined seeing
yet seeing back through key hole resides
so what with it when seen ?
back through keyholes cherry picking from ether understanding
to gather direction from seen to seeing through seen to gather cherries to give cherries to see cherries
cherries appear
cherries there cherries here
information on how to use
refer to product manual
or visit workshop
cherry seriousness seriously
cherry comes cherry goes cherries appear and cherries reside
cherries through keyhole cherries expand
cherries from ether as cherries demand
general point and general direction
general cherries gather general direction
as you might imagine having direction gone direction come and direction coming
in real time its all here now
recognition of happening
shakes eyes to disappear yet cherries still appear
so in and out we go over again to see what was left in layers to mend
expanding and demanding attention to be seen
from a point dense and past to a point expanding between
stacking eggs one two three
place them here and there and they gather other eggs to see
and what point may be this to see
that what is done to fly will be
whats now then
i wont talk too much about the people drugged and scattered
except i kept going what is that smell a mix of b.o. and piss
I will speak of pidgeons ;)
a limping man walks into a restaurant / cafe
after crossing the street and smiling at the police men "they thought he was up to something because of the direct smile"
yet he was only gliding towards a moment
after walking in the cafe the man is confronted by workers who all look into his eyes clearly "they seem clear"
as he does not flinch and gives a kind and peaceful and confident look back
they do ask as he does speak and he tells them would it be ok to order something ?
the woman from last time speaks and says no "we are well closed"
ok says the man and turns to leave
the woman speaks again as he is leaving confronted with the many workers
"what were you after ?"
The man replies , i was after a cooked breakfast
i had it the other day after he had eaten there but i'm not sure whic..........
the woman tells him yes i know the one
you did not eat your sausages , ok then , but we can't make a drink "coffee"
water's there
yes yes
the man replies yes , i don't need the sausages , and you have a good memory with a knowing smile again and
"she smiles back"
the man speaks again , i thought you were closed , the woman now ..... yeah but you came in here all limping and ........well......
sitting out in the street then
the man sits next to a couple at the adjacent table
looking up and down the street watching the people come and go
there are pidgeons landed on the furthest table they clean the left over plate
the man admires them , the closest one has a limp with its fellow
and the one that lands upon his table has some feathers missing from its neck
and after a quick look hops onto the ground again
the sheen grew back and thanks were given
and then ...................a good use for full stops
"extending moments not shunting them inwards"
the adventures of ....................................apparently possible to write left to write
and whats now then then
fixtures lighted posts
whats what and whats toast
dreamers lovers bends and friends
extremities visited and friends amends
poles alighted again inserts yet leaves the grass
from which lit bursts
the ground left and the poles afloat
now the light adrift upon a boat
water and fire images seen
reflecting towards a sight unseen
unbound un-ground and living full
from a base that was meant yet a bent to un-will
what would it mean with a sight unseen
to a human being to a sight seen
when a human bean had been seen and unseen
and in between ?
jelly bean and an old machine
know what a mean between
for a pole alight
in flight
and the in-between
never seen till its seen
i mean
forget the old and welcome the new
the dream insist its what i do
i saw here again in my dream this morn
i knew it was old and a seed was sown
divided inside no loyalty in a heart
guided away and forever depart
for the new which is due
and today is in too
is pure inside for there is no divide
unless this is given no more path to divide
when this happened
there is only
In Sanskrit, the coconut palm is known as kalpa vriksha - 'tree which gives all that is necessary for living' because nearly all parts can be used, the water, milk, flesh, sugar and oil. Even the husks and leaves are used as materials in furnishings and decoration. Palm trees produce coconuts up to 13 times a year and although it takes a year for the coconuts to mature, a fully blossomed tree can produce between 60-180 coconuts in a single harvest.
a man tells me his son went away for a holiday with his girl friend
when they got back he told him that he had found what they had in common
he asks whats that
and he replied We both breathe air
I watched bear grylls island people again
i have a choice concerning truth
one choice says go with safety
the other appeals to a new direction
both apply to money
safety and truth
safety means i can do work i don't particularly want
truth means i follow it and see where i end up
i have pretty much up rooted from my piers
and the only thing holding the drift is familiar patterns and people
i am surely capable to go for something new
and i have surely come the way i was mean't to
so it seems truth is a compromise upon both points
old and new
yet i outlive circumstances and people like old shoes and sometimes faster
what it does present ........ seeing myself in different situations reflected against others situations being stuck in the cycle i speak of
entertaining myself
as daring would have it
i do find myself drawn to the second option after consideration of life experience
also i entertain the possiblity to help others
as a convenient means of travel spirit does seem to prefer it
at least being close to something
nature instead hold more gravity for me
comfort is a real kick up the bum
it means stopping and being numb
in the case where worlds collide
the stars are particularly nice
the sky so black and sheeny
what is fear in a general sense then
fear of circumstances
fear of death
fear of hunger
too afraid to move
what is truth when put beside fear
is it fear of truth
or a key way in a courtyard
what is reality when its not so real
and it wan'ts to play
what is this link if i can't play with it
what is this 'me' yearning to break barriers to see
i was watching polyps on the great barrier reef on television
contract and expand
branching out
imagining awareness not singular but contained within many positions
all grasping for their food floating by at one time
co operative awareness
and i began to think humans could be not so much different either
parts of their brains aware of many points at once
not it the bodily sense though
as though a segment of the brain was able to function this way perceptually
distinct from the body
in some evolutionary awareness way
as though the tools for the evolution of a species dependent upon the reaching out to illuminate parts of the landscape
to become branches of being
any way where was i
about evolutionary awareness and providing impetus for the environment to respond as a being both surrounded and composed
of its environment
Also to mention
birds have particularly great eyes
a pigeon was in the place where the red chili plant was cut back
yet only to a stump i bet will shoot again
i only watched it for a moment
yet wondered if it would take and spread some of the seed
like the dove spirit image that reminded me
that kind of thing
healthy gardens and trees
the absurdity was so much so absurd i could barely speak
and certainly not speak of it
now appreciation of turbulence
turbulence can be so calm and orchestrated
a veritable light symphony
a barrel swirling about
i have a new one "barrel"
for which the camp oven to sit
for now i use it for a step
some crabs on the reef have sticky hair can you believe
perhaps to omit mention of light symphonies as to introduce turbulent symphonies
substantially i suppose to make an effort something revealing itself
I mention the song "patience" i keep whistling it as i go into the kitchen and catch myself again
it does not make sense to me where it appears again and again and finally mention it
she says slight gasp
the child died and we had to choose a song so we chose that one and sweet child of mine very sad
it was not nice
a movie is on called loopers
i remember a dream years ago where the man had two children shot one died the other through the face survived
one bullet
i always had the impression children were buried in the garden there at that place i worked
as i always said the worst style of bloke i ever met
any way in the looping dream was a child on the floor vomiting
as i walked in and out of the door passing through the foggy room
leaving through the door found myself again in the same room with the same child
after a few looping passes i leaned down and helped the child and cleaned up his vomit
he seemed earlier though not those shot
this one i think pointing at all these things
we did boxing with children today too
some of them trauma from what they told me
things put in the way
spirit and physical
i suppose i am ok with it now
i had always wanted spirit to leave me out of those things across lines
because i found it spooky and afraid plus complications
what to do about this new thing
just a small sign that always appears in the same place
seems something should be
and there is intense pressure perhaps more so for the people oblivious around
yet their own churnings
a lot of troubled people
i cant be a messiah
who knows perhaps spirit itself will help me on my way with its way
i will make some conscious effort though while i am about
some people are making me loose
in the sense of being fluid and not serious too
yet not loose in the sense of loss of sense i hope too slowly
on the water
in the trees
where the stream runs from the hill
i will be
for the time being this being
there is a gold leaf on the windowsill
it beckoned a moment of interest i had to ask who did it belong to
i wandered to the cafe where the pigeons had been
a line seven deep with the oblivious slow girl working meant for a toasted sandwich elsewhere
when i arrived at elsewhere the most warm welcome as i ordered and sat
i was daydreaming about an annoying guy i had never met
something about getting in my bubble and asking a lot of questions
infiltrating and then coming with laden agenda for what was his secret mission of purpose
a moment later i noticed a guy dressed with the white over sized light pants
pushing some sort of cart
was it dreadlocks and with a mouthfull of sandwich began the questions
he had something painted on his forehead
i waited a moment before finishing a bite
he looked a little hari krishna
something about the day dream earlier of seeing the ability to
wisk his bubble popping performance away with a serve of truth his way
yet decided to leave it at bay
the conversation of how is your day and what do you do
all the while thinking piss off will you
a small donation yet not to say what
a book comes across small a lot
next comes the ad just ten dollars or twenty or what you can afford
i tell him i already know what i am and is it an indian thing
yes the reply now
after giving two dollars and tellling him i don't even want the book
he leaves
the bum cheeky flowerer i think
next i leave the book sitting on the table and walk away after glimpsing the name
krishna something buddha or what ever this folk name sake changed
why the hell would i want to read a book written by some lost soul wanting my change
the day went on
and changed
boxing with the kids
the young aboriginal with cut lines in the hair
very quiet and had a hard time at home they tell me
his smile is golden
left right duck right
and those ones
good one praise comes his way
he is building worth after quietened his new things
this life building inside him
i really enjoyed watching this little fire come to life a light in the window a golden leaf
day in day out
day to day
day time
night time
time and time again
was paddling in the most stunning stream
fresh clear water
i lifted it up to my tongue to taste
as my first fresh water paddle it was the most amazing thing
i must have seen hundreds of fish below me in schools
around old fallen trees
and the grasses beneath
sometimes deep and dark pools
forest surrounds
the extremely soft rooted up soil reddish along the banks
wild pigs have done
venturing further
i know the estuarine crocodiles inhabit the waters every where
and i know they say it will be safe
i will find a different launch into different water holes
the complacency of locals is just that
time to find new water holes
it really is too risky
perhaps a nice lake
there was a lyric in a song once said the liars are acting strong
i can relate to that today
the wind feels all wrong
the truth comes across smoothly and follows away
the lie stays spinning stuck and overcompensating for the loss of balance
out of control
i was given a spear gun i must bye a rubber for
i never did that before
the guy took it off somebody who pointed it his way
so that is how it came my way
perhaps i might never shoot a fish
seems a handy item to have i think
my friend rings me today
she has a lot to say
she says a song for all those hurt
by lovers past
a song of forgiveness so they may love again
i tell her it seems what is needed in the world
she feels things so deeply and change
i tell her its ok
to change she is a woman after all
she wan'ts to be taken care of
somebody to provide a security to direction
she speak s of things
like the truth and the tugs of people upon niggling things
like little digs and negative comments that give directions
and helps to clear the way
now when i listen i hear it around more prominent than i had this morn
i am moving too
i painted a few doors and begin on a kitchen to keep the scales balance
when its done i am too
the dogs bark relentlessly and restlessly and stop for a moment
i feel the unsettling in my chest
i feel it in the world today
intelligent people still exist
i found a friend i had not met
and Simon is my name i say
i knew her before we met by her eyes something there
perhaps i will never see her again
she said i will see her tomorrow
yet i will maybe not return her way i would say
Perhaps I will have Internet soon
I have two new 20 litre water containers
And a five
Transition phase
Is everything phases these ways
I like to help others
Like seeing in a way
Give them what they can't do for themselves
Yet not knowing if it's the right thing for them
Feeling a touch that suggests a good idea
And passing it along
When they are stuck spinning
And it opens up
Seems like getting people work is easy
Pointing ways that open up
When people lend energy
I suppose it is that energy is blocked
And it's a kind of expansion
Beyond close contact limits that's all
And then cohesion is ability
Yet not to stick
contact something else
Again just a bunch of
I say it's one thing to see a problem
It's that also you must be able to see your way out
Not to see something thats not there
But to follow something that's not there
As though it's coming
Because of a feeling
That sort
Of thing
Passing that to people
If only for a
Moment they see it
They might grasp it too tight
Intent a funny itch
To beings used to first itches not stopped to see
What staring in the face
Believing in magic
To not forget this magic
Doing it out there
Bringing representations of words in here
Wind talking song
A nice name
it's not what you do it's what you don't do
It's what you do not what you don't do
I have no idea what right brain means
Left brain means
I watched the Chinese stock market
I watched appearances on different fronts
I watched refugees
I watch number rise
Numbers rising yet not on a stable base
out fluxes
I dream a lot today and last night
I suppose just seeing things in different ways
One moment another
There I dream here I dream
I feel the right. Rain was in the sky passing above on the horizon
The men on the tv don't fight with swords but cook to compete
A pink shirt was it a symbol
Or a non oversight of my own
I train hard and feel well now
left to right and expanding out
I feel balance relevant
from dark ages to
what happens with balance and the wind When expansion in play
Fast reaction times
I went on a little about it
I watched a wonderful television show about some people from
England moved to the nord with husky dogs
Water from frozen streams
Speaking of freedom away
And fullfilled dreams without electricity
They ate fish and reindeer
Then I wonder was it personal preference
When asked where would you be happy on fifteen more years
The answer came right here
The interviewer notes
They seem to have some inner core of resilience
Noting he does not have " it"
And would you like water from the tap ?
The reply
No it is refreshing to go for a walk and get it from hole
In frozen stream
I like these small transitions too
i see the same thing
caught between materialism and leaving to the freedom of nature
i don't know if it is the moon
one side is pulling
if i had said
flower white people and their materialism
the answer comes back
flower black people and their living off the system which the white mans system provides
although no mention is made of the other side
it is automatically assumed the divide and rise to action comes from it
what it means to say stepping back in no race
how can i leave for one side of the fence and nature
when the system does not want to allow it
and when i come back to the system it wants to keep weakness and dependency
what does it mean to keep ideals alive and ideas alive for another
it means how can i actively find balance in myself
the two sides smashing against each other this moon
"racial interlude "
pain lying beneath i see it
they lay in their cells
they are bound by pain
to act out
speaking to their pain
to not hurt any one else by showing pain to perpetrator
oblivious of acting from pain
steps back
from anger
who is standing back from it
step in it to see its opposite
i am interested to see
how much of money is the root of all evil is a true saying
i am sure it can't be cut so clean
when pushed i see how the push in the fabric comes back
and realize how much so the action
it is felt when it does not push back again from outside the divide in the fabric
an honesty to the giver
feeding back in
to the pain all by itself
without the receiver feeding back in to the opposite
loneliness for who is standing between the opposites
i feel alone
not that a foot would be placed in the wrong place
but by inabilities to recover the standing outside the emotion
that provides opposite
the moon is it this moon
have walked into the trees space today
where many lives have been lost
dense packed energy
beauty clearest stream i ever saw
the story of the aboriginals how she led them to their death
the young men at her loss
of not having what she could not have had
i did not fully understand it
i turned promptly and walked out from the brush
realizing how quickly the thick energy would consume into dream
a woman says i am to help her and hands me a note
i joke what is it a love letter ?
she says i make her feel safe
asks me to heal her and i ask what do you mean
she says in her body
i tell her to go into the earth and she thinks and tells me i am mean
i explain yet its not what is wanted to be heard
so i tell her something
she wants to come with me
i tell her she cannot
yet make a movement for it
i will disappear into the fog by feeling
heart speaks up
and puts "it out there"
so the dream speaks back in the fog
on the water
i stop the wind
that is all
and the song beneath is singing gently with the wind
floating by
was sitting in a hut area with a barbecue
charging the computer had just day dreamed of some sausages in bread with sauce
for a moment when she arrived
says she is from the fresh water church and see her light
tells me of something lifted off her like a cure
i agree
takes me some time to see the funny side
she does offer me a sausage and hands me three instead
funny awake dream
been tired too so much so a little concerned
trying to shake it loose
i can also see the light strongly again last night and few days its come back really really well
and there is an innocence and joy like comes with it
like getting into every thing with enthusiasm
with having that energy even around
it'll come through
it wants to come through
and i'll come through too
i paddled so long my shoulders and arms sore
skin burnt
the wind made the paddle more challenging
then i trained well
picked up some wild cherry tomatoes for the seeds
will drive around a bit now
no more tv
no more sugar in coffee
volition out the front door beckoning contact
the wind on my skin
sometimes i do just write for the sake of the story
its unwinding and winding
brings thee point of relevant "awareness"
perceptual filters
tensions released
magnetic polarities
essence of time
position of awareness relevant to time
position of awareness relevant to position of being
position of relevance to position of relevant time
bringing forth awareness into oncoming time
spinning donuts in space
spiraling cascades reaching beyond outer limits of accumulated relevance
of awareness
siding with polarities opposites "selves"
i don't go around talking about this really most of the time
i am not sure it recedes when fascinated upon
i was fascinated by that
perhaps on approach
truth approaches with joyous curiosity that is the awareness of the beings core
every essence perceived treated with truth means
the core perceives its true standing when intent is placed wholy and steadfastly
Michael applies the whole awareness well and gives back the details in expanded and yet coherent scope
drawing them back to relevance both awareness and sight of awareness
the many horned beast in other cases may draw to emotions as sight
and distribute accordingly elsewhere
i do not feel shame
i do not feel remorse
i feel something like sadness when revisting old images feelings
i do not feel jealousy
i have been pushed into hate
from all these also ability to come to an honest resolution
people fight their battles on different fronts
some think in their mind
some on the field of battle
come are perpendicular to the cause
some feel that what they already know can be used to take into a battle of knowledge
some feel superior
some feeling pushed out yet what remained causes the effect still
my battle was action
wholly try to feel what is right always
no matter how much of these i saw
no matter how much their battles they think to have won
not even standing on the same field
strategy is just honesty
honesty can go a long way
awareness in an expanded form coming back towards action
i consider strongly the proposition of secrecy
perhaps it was understood
my question is always the same
who really had awareness ? and was it the same for all all being said as is there
and why if the discussion is not had and all revert back to points of perception known
even the unknown
what resides of what was and what then becomes from where one has been
i really am not certain the gods of the indians and asia can properly relegate all to be known
within relevant time based on expansive models surely the human element also
i do not care what others think of what i think too much at all
it would be a mistake to run with that ball
only learning
and i side with a kind of directness and will purposefully not digest sleights
which direct glancing blows
it pretty obvious which cue directness
which is complimentary
i always find it curious when others misrepresent another and run with the ball
i imagine fame would be horrible
i will give you an example of truth
perhaps somebody looks at you at an intimidating glance "supposedly"
the reaction to be taken bodily may be withdrawl
yet another face is taken
it is honesty
awareness means to not close off
"for example purposes" also speech , natrural motion etc ........
if this truth is followed long enough expansion occurs
expansion of entire being
i don't know it just always seems to want to expand out and then contract back
in the circumstances i speak of the human element comes into play
the bindings of two or more beings at play causes possibilities on "greater " levels of awareness "being " ;entire
so in the case of awareness
direction of travel of being becomes paramount
actually the coffee i have is leaving a strange taste
oh well
i find natural obstacles in my way and use them to exercise upon
i find deep sadness and inspiration from the soldiers who fought.fight in afghanistan and it helps my inward
i paddled twice building greater distance and trained too
mindful of these actions
war is a horrible time
i dreamed that russian armies were coming over the hill or some such thing
to hope only a dream
i have no television and little contact outside
there is more food here than you could poke a stick at
i will gather some paw paw seeds
if you understood what it means to really know who you are
and what you came for it would no doubt help
landmarks are placed as signs
following them
throwing myself into physical activity as activity whilst being aware
of many points in time
truth can connect them all and beyond ?
every gesture of the wind can be moved to and with
i wonder about Karmic accumulation this way
as familiar visitors arrive
selling the world would mean walking from that path
and that would mean selling the self yet everything seems to connect
i won't do that proposition
the wind was something else today
i went one way to see what it was like against it and then came back in it
the next time i paddled with it then back against it
it was easier almost by facing it
when facing it i remained on course although being in its face
when facing away direction was all over the place
i still made good ground upon the water when in its face
this taught me to appreciate and feel the water more
i loved its liquid feeling riding upon it
i notice the left and right paddles are out of alignment
for what i had though natural hand placement
yet it seems not so much so as to be not caught in the wind with a small surface area
as one is out at the time of the other in
next i will say what i heard a swimmer speak of recently about the water speaking
the feeling connection of the gesture of movement
within the water back to the receiver at the other end of the paddle
then i remember about working with nature and not against as many would do
powerful strokes are tiring and listening and responding takes
getting out of the way and becoming the elements respondent
the military helicopters did come across the hilltop as it turns out this afternoon late
two of them
i had a look at the current news on Russia
seems they are saying the U.S has warned them for arming Assad Syria
then the media first take and then reverts to a some truth some sensationalism many times
and yet
all this posturing and global spiraling surely has its direction plotted to some extent
took a while to get up stiff as a board from exercise
went for a long paddle into the wind at one point i must have been paddling for a few minutes
only to look across at the same clump of grass on the side and i had moved perhaps only one foot in that time
so i headed back with the wind
it does interesting things to equilibrium
almost doubled my walking distance figure that's the way to go an overload and see how it goes
spoke to a family member left me wanting to change my phone number
not their fault just the attachments leave me feeling like being alone more
walking n and out of the front doors of each other lifes
was thinking about how nice it would be to get a yabbie net when a string appeared
what do you know
we are going to put something special in the water soon
there was a lot of old silt on the net i will bait it tomorrow and hope for a feed of red claw
got the paw paws for the seed
hope you should know
friend says the energies making people tired
i will no doubt be stiff as a board in the morning again
and sleep for a time
at least when i am awake i feel the benefits and vigor from the endorphins
even the sun on the skin
all matter of remedies required
even breath
today i am hiding from the wind
i put up walls and get away from it
its outside my front door
when i woke it wanted to whisper in my ear and to my skin relentlessly
i dreamed my ass off
this morning
its almost cold
not sure how the paddling will go
tremendously we shall see
a mudlark looks around the corner when i write and skittles away
got him by surprise
ok ok time to check the net plus one more new one if i can make it so far
the army came today i believe a strange sight
two large tinnies side by side i could not make out what it was
all wearing the ubiquitous army green
must be operations in the air and on the water
i walk maybe 3 kilometers yesterday
paddle a couple and train weights
still the inspiration of soldiers who fought
the creed some thing like
we will do what others cannot do
etc ......
i must look pretty funny by the time i have walked three k's
dragging my ass around stiff as a board
having put a longer stretch in again yesterday
surprisingly after only three days my body is recovering well and does not feel any worse but better
actually my knee is the best it has felt yet
oh awareness when stopping the wind
listen for it here it comes
my 3 might turn out to be five or six as it turns out
then today that became more again
seems feather become ruffled by wind
camouflage what to do about it
peering eyes of birds watching
and how could truth offend senses if senses are what is sought
why the hidden claim another in hiding
when they create the wind then claim to another for getting there second
no thing in the pots perhaps too cold
perhaps the wrong bait
oh yes back to awareness
holding the senses
abated breath
watching waiting like the william wallace
hold hold hold
the advance of the warrior upon power
the hold pause is the power
truth is the key
place it n the lock again and again
before you know it your free
then when angels land upon the soil at foot
you be brought back to light upon own foot
there and back
i wonder a mad man laughs
sometimes i just think did that just come out ?
imagine keeping it in
the wind the wind
i paddled in it today
it was wavy today
could easily get knocked in
so balance comes into play
drag a paddle drag the other side
some times forward sometimes back
why would balance offend the senses i could not say
if the most natural thing turned out to be the truth
who would defend the lie i cannot say
my body is getting harder
only the wind will tell
if somebody would say
something i would listen
after all i hear
sometimes the wind falls deaf and the words fall
as though they get lost on the way
or they are not meant for the receiver
like where did they go
like parallel universes could,nt quite come upon notes to share
so i will tell you how then
and you already know yet perhaps how much so power is in a human being you know i can only guess
fixation on the surrounding
when buddha taught no thing i wonder if what he meant was maya
a party of warriors with sufficient energy could move the assemblege point of the entire earth
how ?
collectively awareness
and whats that ?
fresh buckets of water guiding solutions
the heightened awareness alone would enter the mainstream as awareness
the collective orbits would have the ability to hold stable "systems"
the real issue here "everywhere i mean"
fixated in the problem and yet not entered a state of solution oneselves "generally population"
secondarily no one really has any inkling of the potential contained within a human being
because to sufficiently do so one has to step away from the initial shock of being human
and follow whole heartedly the threads of intent that resonate out and beyond the superficial fascia
then beginning to see that mirrored outwards growing through them
we'll have to put something in the water soon
yes yes i had the dream of the child being tortured on the phone by IS two days before
i walk in and out of scenes on earth and who is listening ?
the horizon beyond the initial sphere
so choices were given and no body would take them ?
still clinging like monkeys in a barrel that would stand on the head of another to gain insight to whats outside
and all the while the situation got worse
still no body listens
every where i go the same old thing
i said it before and i'll say it again
a individual can become collective through that resonating outwards what is its entire being
the horizon that seems so far is going to clip wings
i keep seeing that as the universe testing the outer limits
a switch to the feminine divine or so sides
and the cascade being the ability to balance within such situation
we also have height and space
or division depending
We're all listening, runningstream. Your stream is so unique, it's hard sometimes to catch a wave in a tangible way, but I promise you: on some level, we're all listening.
i wish i could write something witty or intelligent today
thank you for listening on some level
it is generally that one would feel themselves enlightened more than another so would not listen
to another
i am guilty of it myself also
unfortunately the truth might just bang every body over the head to get an agreement
then every one will agree they have a head ache
i do not however feel enlightenment is ignorance
and omnipotence is not made of things that do not exist surely
nonsense has no place there
my truth bangs me over the head every day and sometimes night
so i just write it down
as i feel to share that magic that others might see a way too
for them selves
…6"On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone, 7When the morning stars sang together And all the sons of God shouted for joy? 8"Or who enclosed the sea with doors When, bursting forth, it went out from the womb;…
Cross References
Genesis 1:16
God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.
Job 1:6
One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them.
and it was the corner stone that the builders threw away
how would it turn out if every thing said was true
it was of course the interpretation that needed to be righted
and the symbols what if they were accurate yet needing understanding yet none would come unless it was stood upon what was understood
like the bride groom to the bride coming anew
what to do
sleep fills my eyes yet its all around me
i twinkle them yet not understanding the power that lies in the flocus
i try to fight back the sleep and to awaken into the light
although i am already there
responding to my skin everything wanted to interact
like a extroverted woman or an introverted man
or vice versa
i poke her to see what she responds
she says many things
i tell her the chicken pie is delicious and they are good cooks
she tells me to watch out
she tells me about dinosaurs and water holes
large bones holding open doors from times past
i think i will do some work
we speak of the army
she speaks of decades before
i wander and i wander in and out
so so many birds
i watch the white swooping one come down upon the small black duck like ones
each time they bob their heads under water and each time the ducks flie after it
as thought ot defend its young
and then it flies again yet to swift perhaps it is a swift
the red claw eat boiled potatoes or whatever you have
the ducks in their thousands
kayaking on the water really is the way to travel
where no body goes peaceful waters
i watched a girl pull a fish from the bank
i watch turtles splash in from fallen trees as i pass towards them
even platypus a glimpse on their way
the new heaven ascended on really just a blink of the eye
pipes blocked personal hells
going through
chicken soup two chickens i bring them food
and i do not know where they went today there were there yesterday
i went to leave them some food
and bucket of water wandering around in the bush had they wandered far
or had they been left to fend
perhaps those warrior chickens would make their way through the fence and back to an old place or some place new
more intricacies
like what was it again waking awareness memory untill i stry and stamp on it to get it into view
untill then the view is flowing memory of awareness continues
foot stomps to grasp in terms and its gone again
like now
when i was a martyr and drank the world
when it flowed down and up my spine
in and out
power ? pain
power? i tell the old woman to flower off when the night sky passes across
power ? its the new dream
the duality is the old way from the old times from the old ones
where they need black and white to paint a picture to argue against each others point
the water paints a continuous motion
pointing at objects asx they float by
the dream of two comes and goes
if the mother is'nt cared for or the father is not heard to speak
and they took such a long time to pass by in the sky
one could be left waiting ? or was it my imagination
or was it my imagination ?
it was both my imagination
so i told that old woman to flower off
yet she would never hear of it
stubborness and aloneness
overly masculined self sufficiency
sharing ? i wan't to share
power? i piss on it for its tug
my language mirrors outwards what was inwardly dealt
yet i walked from it for the new
the damage to the eggs shell
wandering in and out
seeing i can see them coming now
doing i can deal this hand next time
walking what was meant to see
awareness proceeding from what was in the dream to something new
strength ? power is not the same when it is ones own reflection seeking relevance
when delivery of hand is given by awareness of whats outside shell
words? fail me when action is not taken
drawing out drawing in
being drawn ? drawing and being drawn
by listening
to stand up and walk
whats old and whats new
over the crevass somewhere the hand dealt requires much maintenance
when i drank the world
slept like a tractor
that woke me up
some wind was hanging around whispering unrest
dreaming of some peope again
last time i teleported to their country only to find i was some kind of monkey
the relevance was the man showing me properties which were run down and left devalued
i was wondering if i borrowed some money from a country and had it put in my bank
then payed the money straight back from my bank
into their account
i would have fees and exchange rates
for instance i could take 100 dollars us from a country with a dollar value of 1.40$
and pay it back at a rate of 70c.
when i placed the 100 dollar converted from my bank although i had not spent it
i would then owe 200 $ ? plus fees !
now there an oxy moron sitting here in a chair
and the oxy been sucked out of the moron
i am not a moron
what a financially runied diversion no doubt
where is this funnel taking us such a big deal
i went back and the chickens were there again
apparently they survive quite well by forraging i hear
if only to find where the girls keep the eggs and
as the man said
if you've got an egg you've got a meal
i am not really counting on the governments to let me have my financial egg
so later i better get my present in order
i woke up and turned the tractor off
seemed to be some kind of hay fever
i cannot keep the tablets though sensitive body
we have ideas
last night i watched the bats sometimes such fantastic things seen
they somehow swoop in the dark
are manage to locate small fingerlings "fish"
the bats are not those large fruit types
they are only wing tip to tip as wide as a hands span
the blue forraging bird gets the apple cores and i offer it the chicken soup remainders
the people are kind
the weather mild
i wear a hoodie to excercise
i expect something must happen soon
i catch four fish yet no redclaw
i let them go
i paddle around the place and i will paddle away at a minutes notice
i really am a child written in a story book
don't be afraid
i saw somebody come in the room
take a picture i smile no i am just joking
you are very welcome
i know you i know you
yes i know its strange
and i like to be a little off beat
cos i am counting on the beats
what matters stirring inside
is this mischevious child that is out there getting into everything
i speak to a man about things
he is old and i am not so
i tell him its about not forgetting how to be alive
he agrees
i just smile at him and his wife every time
they bound and i bound
after all we dont want to get boxed in
i watched the man take us on a jittery journey to see anjenaya's birth place
on his phone
and it did give me a jittery feeling in my itchy belly
but it was'nt the camera action i don't believe so much
making the impossible possible
sounds very likely
not just possible
so following trails
signs written in the air in the water and proceeding from fire even
floating mountains almost you could say
visions that are on the earth
about the places
i see a valley myself in what i would call heaven here
as i look upon it all i feel settled and excited
yet i knew it existed where i found it on some sense
the smooth rocks are enormous and fill the bed
holes settled in them perhaps where stones once rattled inside them to depths
heaven i gasp
or "home"
peering i bend to see the fine dusts between crevasses
and settled sifted by natural movement
no doubt will show up gold
left wondering about a stranger i saw
why did tongues not wag when eyes met
i have discovered the existence of "snack maps"
i will try to retrieve them now
this appears a good place to begin
of course speaking of Major Les Hiddins and the Australian army specifically
in the 80's
designing "snack maps" for defense personel relevant to the areas inhabited
and his travelling and visiting with residents of native tribes to gather information on hundreds of different varieties of foods
throughout Australia
At least you have found his South Indian name: Anjenaya, the only god of the old order still alive, due to his being immortal.
You could go to his birth place yourself, and visit Nasik on the way, where the great Kumbh Mela was held a few months ago. You know, it's not that difficult...
i find no need to dream asleep
except for what comes and lands at my feet
for a poem
i saw you in the street i watched your eyes
there are many things we have discussed there have been many trials
i wan't to speak of them and what is the truth
to contend with the lies and get the the bottom of them
we will begin with epics and end with repeats
we will rise into valleys fog and blissful retreats
who comes down into the valley and looks upon the floor
sees seated there again as it was before
as ventures inside and is engulfed by whats seen
the fog enters vision and the bright vision between
belief in such things to begin
belief of a loss or a win
tables turn and tables rearrange
never does the one who comes first and lights up the stage
realize it was they who had created again be staged
so well fight it again and again and well have a good death
as we must do what we must do with our even last breath
comes to me in the street and looks me in the eye
i gave a kind smile and await a reply
death does not seem to be looking for what i see to be true
so they'll try cheat it again and again we'll come through
there will be no regrets on either side again
so its who wins and who's standing and that all depends
if death sees my eyes and asks instead of commands
death might see what depends and even ask a reply
or give of one
so to death who looks into my eyes and asks a reply
i give it gladly and smile once again
that i gave a life good and true
and every thing asked of me to do
i have traveled and carried the weight
i have done for you more than i could take
i rested upon your shoulders i rode upon your wind
i took you as a friend
i took you in
i took this chance
no one could say it was not so
so if we had sat down you and i death and had that cup of coffee
you would have understood
btw it aint over yet
wait for the proof
had death stood upon the shoulders of truth
death wold have understood too
as i am sure he/she will attest
if at all you were interested i could have healed up these holes
instead in time
you appeared and tested before the shot had gone off
so i shot you back
i will take it to my grave
i will fly above the ridge
i hear the bird whistling
i will see you again on the wind
until we come to that understanding it'll never change
just me and death sitting on the same old bench again
notching out the time
next one
dimension patterns
you know over lays
the kind they draw diagrams and crop circles about
that sort of thing
imagine the possibilities
we are not speaking of two three dimensional models of course
yet you can have me how you like
and you'll get what you wanted
and you'll say you wer'ent offered
and you'll think your got it right
and birthed into the pig trough
and the excuses will flow
and ill meet you on the battle field
again and again
and you will know
my name because i will be up right until we get it right
Back to travelling
we will see what the wind likes
i will see if i can manage it this evening
except to substitute for kailash
and the birth place also in the fog
it seemed very damp and rough on the trail
so to fly apsara in a way
yet who can say
its funny that way
the moon very full
dreams full of clarity and color
staring up at the sky it seem to carve its way through clouds like broken tiles
noise sensitive
thin walls
stupid humans making lots of noise
a sick rooster who could not pick up grain left in a forest "another one"
blood on his chest
and his beak injured
the woman tends to him lovingly
she is one of those fairy folk types which also is fitting in the forest where she is helping
small elvish features and a little round face
i like her and speak to her
her face is not unblemished though having marks and dints
blonde hair past her shoulders
i am sure some nature spirits they be
sightseeing as is life yet to see many humans
they have children and trail boats cars bikes all manner of noises
they seem to appear in the middle of no where to this i can attest
as though somebodies silence can broil their attendance
i have even seen helicopter hover in spots devoid of humans when attended
upon critical moments
and police sentries arrive upon also such crucial silences
they truly are sentries
they truly fill some life channels that run
did you ever try to meet or make something happen with fervor-ant vigour
only to have the odds stacked against you to which point it would not arrive the harvest
that is it in part also
yet there is a mechanical clock riding upon it all
the plug socket cannot perhaps be pulled so its the metronomes choice
unless the tone changes
there we can have its essence drive
to there we may find we have been in the driving seat ?
yet the we has changed to outside and inside
that's when it will happen
small gulps at first of the ocean
and to next the whole thing
stopping and seeing might be different i do not know
but if reaching up and out its only come to a point
like in the street where i said the bees were on their way to pollonate each flower
as though a metaphor to see the exact and perfect timing
no longer us a singular thing
but part of a honey collective
it takes an appreciation of honey i suppose
but its not going to stay put that flow
To be honest i have not got much of a feigned clue what is occurring in the world right now on the news
we share the big moon that come up over the mountains yet i doubt most humans even noticed
somebody from a long time ago has messaged me to speak and i have not spoken to him for years
he was the one who gave me my first carlos castenada book when i was about 15 years old
he was into things like aldous huxley brave new world at the time witches and incense
i would see a lot and they were different times
i learnt to dream for those years then a lot so much so i tried hard to shut it down
eventually closing the door to my satisfaction
it was his house i saw the wall of fog
it was just like carlos described after dreaming to there one night
when i think about it there was a translucency in the air hanging about last time i saw him too
i wonder how his spirit is faring
i bumped into another chap also from school days
i do not know why
i think he is lonely
even though he is married
i believe you could be full and yet still be lonely in another sense
that you had discovered something great and had nobody to share it with
that the longing brought the quest
the quest brought the longing
if you wan't to feel lonely in this day and age
go on a dating website and take a look
that's what happened to me
the loneliness might make you feel lucky to be alone when you discover whats there
there are different kinds of loneliness
perhaps the ness is a lake
and when its around the wrong way it becomes a dam
how can you be alone when you are surrounded
yet surrounded by what ?
i have never really felt 'alone' too much
yet longing has not a thing to do with creating something from nothing
and also everything to do with and
or finding needles in hay stacks
i was flying around along a street
probably just from mentioning dreaming again
a guy i went to school with was there and he was simple yet a very kind person
i felt that in the dream
i asked him if he could fly and he replied he could too
i got excited
the dream had a good quality resolution to it and i consciously tried to keep that connection of clarity
we flew above the power lines and in the direction towards the ocean i believe i would perhaps say east
at one point there was a few people walking across a suburban type street
one particular lady caught my eye
she was plain yet pretty and interesting looking
we began to talk yet i noticed something a little hooky in her words
so i asked her if she was an ib to which she began with some convoluted answer
which gave it away then when i knew she attacked me
not it the conventional imagery
yet i felt it in my side on that tender spot as usual may be
you could say like an unbearable tickling sensation shock type on the soft side
i forcefully withstood it and attacked her back also realizing the futility with a usual growl
I really like this proverb
4 .Answer not a fool according to his folly,
lest you be like him yourself.
5 . Answer a fool according to his folly,
lest he be wise in his own eyes.
i have paddled
at first it felt so smooth i could not believe that i remembered it correctly
each stroke felt effortless
later some strokes seemed more hard and facing elements
even with the favors of the winds
i see platypus rise bubbles beneath the surface
the water still away from prevailing wind/s
the moon certainly caused havoc
all might say oh nothing
we differently see
about eagles on ridges
shoulders and the likes
socks turned inside out
sides and resides
i go to speak of it and the wind takes it away
i did not have certain words
yet turn on the tv
tracking eagles/god
it lands in a different lap
enlightenment again
says who
if its some crazy buddhist speak about the thing thats not the thing
its probably flew over my head
if its the eagle again
you can't argue with the nature of god in that sense
and who's shoulder is the nature of the eagle sitting upon ?
i like the sound red road
the 144,000
essence of awareness
i did try to bring attention to the nature of god some time ago
it fell on deaf ears
i am not sure my memory is fully there either
yet i remember it well
i also remember outside pressure
whats really getting me is there is not separation any more
i am just walking where i should
nothing seems to be taken seriously and the back and forth is too slow
the bird is flying
nature is giving something else
the news i see looks quite bleak
i do hope the meek inherit the earth
earth people
or at least have enough room to get away from encroachment
well mirrors being mirrors any way
a.p.s on shoulders
and whats reflected
surely such things can bring such beauty also
when the true nature is revealed
i don't think any body can argue with laws
when consequences prove them correct
more theoretical
in the river of life
which does exist in timing
abilities to change things
to drink rivers entire
not to compartmentalize
that was the option to sustain
i like to think of the red road
sun and wind
water and earth
standing shoulders high
back straight
eyes beaming glad to be alive and alive well
and why not
breathing the beauty in
of course there is more
the very small ones i realize they are one if not my most favorite bird
the one i saw today had a bronze colored chest
its the iridescent blues and greens of the winds that is so striking to me
they are amazing to see and that they dive and catch fish is so ingenious
there was more about living natures
primordial eyes of wisdom
crown chakras
two sides
the way every thing works together
in a natural state
dreaming of knowledge
and internal dialogue also
truth connections
relevant information
impressions seem very important
i was looking for the impressions of the platypus little feet int he soft mud
at the entrance to burrows
such unique species
i even wonder about animals who do not differentiate two "duality"
and able to function with an altered vision of connection
perhaps dolphins understand the connection better
who knows
if you don't inquire and point your beak there i suppose
and also
its the type of knowledge you hold
I hear well
there is a native american theme here today
it started with a woman who starred besides brad in a movie called legends of the fall
and since somebody hopi has appeared
reading about the red road
somebody describes the difference between attending sweat lodges and doing ceremonies etc
and that of being walking the red road
one is on the red road
the other is walking the red road sustained
sounds like an interesting transition in both action
and translation of speech
how the hell are we supposed to find the truth with so many religions
because there are so many religions there are so many truths
are they truths
truths cease to be truths when an evolution occurs
no in the sense of a truth not having been true in its time
as is our lives
i like this blue green energy
of the kingfisher
i have contacted the hopi
i could come off as some strange person with a big story
who will scare them away by my craziness
and whats new
you can take every thing i say literally
i bless people when i go into the supermarket
i cant hold back the smile into their eyes
its just one of those days
memories ? up and down
the direction that is important
to shift the a.p of the earth
seems like i am talking to myself sometimes
seems like i have not aquired the necessary knowledge of the age of encyclopedias
to be heard
ask me any thing you wish
come at it which ever direction or from which religion you like
i am cooking with the good frying pan
that they not hear the silence
and the wisdom of those who like silence
i offered you to speak with me
you should take me up on that
its not egotistical to speak of spirit
only that those who covet it feel so
the good frying pan makes every thing taste delicious
if you had one you will know what i am speaking about
put some mixed spice in and watch every thing melt in your mouth
i am not sure every body went up and out
i am sure they went to the side and round and round
i am not sure what the caper is
the sooner we sort out our differences the better
i won't turn up my nose
if you want to get to your shadow side
write a letter to the person you have feeilngs about strongly
tell them they are all sorts of pieces of shit if you like
now email it to your self
and who is afraid of their own nature ?
did they all travel the same way
and who is "god" of the world is to say ?
i never ever ever maybe only a couple times ever deleted any thing i wrote these days
before i send it
and why ............... because i have to travel through my feelings and journey
to try and do it otherwise means i have taken away bricks from the ledge i stand upon
i am learning a great deal from you people here it is really nice too
transitioning through a cosmic order
yet unresolved issues won't become resolved by forgetting them
the moon came
dark days
waiting waiting and knowing what for
i came through the other side
life turned it around
i walked today
i hold a stick and place feathers in it because the winds are so strong
i feel them grip
i wave my arms back and forward with the feeling
i lose my shoes somewhere first and my feet feel strong
i have left some water for the chickens
the bucket flew away
so i dragged it back
i looked like i had pissed my pants i am sure not realizing
i had spilled the water perfectly on my pants
i just smiled and trusted with the journey that somebody would see
it was that kind of day
self conscious ?
not that way
do you know how many people would smile back at you when you change your view
i have this key
every now and then i remember
i would like to never forget
i am growing it in my garden
it is becoming a strong tree
the wind blows it around
but i am learning to listen to the wind too
i have located a passion fruit and a paw paw tree already established
they may come with me too
i may not have computer reception later for the next week
shifting gears
cosmic lines of time
leaving the old behind
the old connection is still very strong
we have open ilnes of communication
there are more than one way to advance
you can stand upon the head of a line
you can engulf the whole line
can you detach the line ?
i am not so sure
i see so many people here taking about leaving again
why have'nt they left yet ?
if it is so , there are many who are so so old
i will tell you something for sure
did any body ever try knocking directly ?
i will tell you why it did not work
because the base was not correct
and what does that mean ?
a common aligned purpose
"Civil War" Guns and Roses
"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men." *
Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before
Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before
My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars
D'you wear a black armband
When they shot the man
Who said, "Peace could last forever."
And in my first memories
They shot Kennedy
An' I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam
We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom
When it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin'
For their promised land
I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
Look at the shoes you're filling
Look at the blood we're spilling
Look at the world we're killing
The way we've always done before
Look in the doubt we've wallowed
Look at the leaders we've followed
Look at the lies we've swallowed
And I don't want to hear no more
My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars
I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
And I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
I don't need one more war
I don't need one more war
Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway
a revelation is only a revelation to those whom witness it
a revelation may present itself differently to different parties
a revelation may inflict different attribute upon different parities due to different correspondence
to incoming awareness
if a revelation occurs and is witnessed by one party does not mean it is not witnessed by another party
a revelation revealed by spirit may hold continuity as to the direction of a traveller of awareness although fixed perception
may not be held it may be fluid yet its fluidity may hold continuity also
a revelation of spirit may interact with more than the one being receiving it within their own sphere
_the wings of the iridescent blue kingfisher are actually brown i read although it is their ability to throw the light around that produces the blues
and greens witnessed
the continuity of spirit received by a witness may pertain to the whole relevant to the unique moment in time
a revelation of spirit may correspond with the path of an individual to such extent that the two are inseparable
or in the case of the recipient of awareness "transfiguration "
transfiguration means to a recipient the ability to correspond course consecutively as to be indistinguishable as though a furnace in a fire has
joined them together
a recipient of the transfiguration has access to memories of previous held memories
the recipient being led may become aware of what is occurring in the future and so be led as is the case with many individuals throughout
the awareness received may be a heavy burden the recipient will probably be unable to communicate effectively to any other being
although it may involve many other beings
One of the problem today is that people in common has religious beliefs.
Of whatever sort these beliefs might be.
Try this:
Christians and Muslims refer to God or Allah.
While Toltecs use the term "Our source" (or the Lord) for the same phenomena.
By placing God or Allah outside our selves - in Tonal - we get distanced to what God really is, our source.
Toltec also talk about the Dreamer as a part of our source.
By placing God and Allah outside ourselves these heaven entitities can be hi-jacked by the priests and imams so they can impose laws and regulations upon us. Because suddenly they own God and Allah and suddenly they know what is right and wrong.
But if we interact with our source (and our own Lord) all our Life, such things will never occure.
try this
if you drank the world and were so drowned with human suffering and emotion
at what abominations had been born to hide that source from peoples including you own eyes
would you not fight to the death as a martyr to give the 'true' church life even at the cost of your own ?
try this
if you drank the world and were so drowned with human suffering and emotion
at what abominations had been born to hide that source from peoples including you own eyes
would you not fight to the death as a martyr to give the 'true' church life even at the cost of your own ?
Simon, what is going on? What is the "true church"? Are you speaking hypothetically or do you have something tangible in mind?
there exist "keys" lets say
within the elements divine true alignment
for first instance within the water element
not unlike 'naga'juna spoke of buddha having keys left in with the watery beings "Naga" to be found
when they are area aligned together in a direct purpose
a being may become illuminated
the direct alignment within a being means "the true church"
the power of the true church
for in example of "fire " also means it will find a way filling all the compartments
and remove all obstacles to alignment
the alighting of the true church "lampstands"
means the activation of forces of the whole collectively to bring about this alignment of "source" together
that the elements will battle each other for balance as Jahn rightfully says
is the alignment of source within an individual
the power of an individual is beyond all conceivable idea
truth itself has that power to align to all elements bringing about that equilibrium and ailgnment of "Heaven" on earth
again this is literal figurative and mythical
the layers of the onion are arranged as such also
what is born here is born "there"
a circle for imagination purposes
when all elements work together the truth is unstoppable
it finds it way
try this
if you drank the world and were so drowned with human suffering and emotion
at what abominations had been born to hide that source from peoples including you own eyes
would you not fight to the death as a martyr to give the 'true' church life even at the cost of your own ?
Simply because many souls comes to Earth (incarnate here) simply to experience suffering.
This beacuse there are only a few places (planets) in our known Universe that can offer suffering. And suffering is a fast lane to growth for your soul.
7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.[a] They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.
14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”
These are accurate, relevant and good quotes from the New Testament.
Simply because many souls comes to Earth (incarnate here) simply to experience suffering.
This beacuse there are only a few places (planets) in our known Universe that can offer suffering. And suffering is a fast lane to growth for your soul.
then watch the sky
many birds in the sky
i am going to have to change color ;)
Anna's Hummingbird - very nice.
If my mate broke her leg I would caress her, and support her with long and short errands so her day would come easy.
There would be no use if I in sympathy for her status went off and broke my leg too.
Vicki your ok thank god ! :)
John God love you
your ok too :)
that chat is over thank god :)
it is done
I agreed on matters
Something I had said about freedom of speech
And thought in our age being an excuse for stupidity to
God forbid people start taking what I myself had spoken
Long before or they would have me killed
So the stupidity of the dream which is a lie provide
Cover for the truth which find no foothold
Amongst weeds yet grows amongst
Thank you god for hiding it from their eyes what
Cannot be seen but to the eyes of babes
I agree whole heatedly
There are seven meals between peace and chaos
A man tells me
That is how much food is in the average cupboard he tells
I have basically gone feral as they say
I have a couple beautiful books a small radio
No Internet and presently no phone
I like to read aboriginal accounts of the spirit of lands
Water food
rainbow serpent
As it turns out a lady talks about sleeping rhythm
I have found a natural waking time of 9.20am
An inkling to plant cherry tomatoes
I catch red claw and yesterday a cod and also see turtles and
More fish
I am learning the habits of animals
Especially birds
Things move
I cannot go to towns hardly
I have spoken with a scientifically minded man
And he has no spiritual experience or space to accommodate any
By his focus
I feel sad by it
I imagine a life empty
Yet they are busy
i pick up their feathers
i find it extremely interesting these things
like the appearance of a comet named rosetta
and the basis of water
i believe i may have a feather from an azure kingfisher
when it is placed at the right angle the blue becomes more illuminated by throwing the light around
i see them on my walk and on the paddles now too
i see the sea eagle in the large dead tree
i see the small eagles with their two chicks in the nest for another dead semi submerged tree also
i see the new born duckling on the water and the mothers and fathers by the grassy nest
i have the feather from the ibis
it is pure in whiteness
i feel if the middle east does kick off as predicted the stock market will collapse immediately
i have no reason to doubt as the rest may have come true so far
the spirit of jesus being the spirit of prophecy god knows whats so offensive about it except for the churches representation turned people away perhaps
that he is coming at the end of the age and the 144000 seems very simple to me
to understand
loosely held
within the layers
a plane now crashes into sinai of russians
are americans really stupid collectively enough to vote for Donald Trump ? seriously
again the little autistic relative who sees things asks his mother is our house protected mum ?
he sees visions of planes bombing houses
he says things like "before i was born i used to live in another place where puppet lives , it was magical there , and then i was born "
and "puppet is sort of clear and i do not want him to go away " he is afraid the psychologist will make puppet go away
I tell him when the eye sees out of the pyramid , then he does not have to see "brain" any more because brain is scary and its a big story for a little boy
I tell him to push his tongue against the roof of his mouth , he tells me he is alreayd noisy inside , when he tries it he yelps ," it works !" and brings silence
I told him to touch below his belly button very slowly with his finger and then see he is inside a golden bubble
his mother my sister used to have a friend hanging around too , although it scared her greatly
it is difficult to make it ok for them to seem somewhat normal
i just wanted to reveal these things here about revelations and timelines
about layers
about being loosely held to produce a larger picture
a base or root in time
a tree that has grown strong roots and branches which reach upwards into spirit
about seeing on many layers at once and how they combine
so arguments one against another are irrelevant amongst the combine view
that statements of "yes but" are not consistent with the combining of elements to see greater views
yet stumble upon conclusions they place before them selves to agree with their own agreements no matter what is presented
about rivalry between religions yet i look at them all and do not discriminate for instance the existence of something does not discount the existence of something else
that the wolrds can come about
the base can certainly affect what is in the sky when the branches have a strong root
that conversations that should otherwise give preview into shared view close doors
and line up conclusions to end their own
when they speak of people hiding beneath the earth and wishing for the rocks to be pulled over them and to hide them i think of nuclear fallout shelters
when they speak of a woman having wings upon her feet i think of aeroplanes , actualy great descriptions placed from times where things did not yet exist in prophecy
when they speak of hailstones the size of talents falling i think of bombs
things move so fast now
and we will see so there can be no arguements
a friend who speaks with a girl in the phillipines said and showed me photos after the typhoon that hit
4 meters of rain was enourmous for them
people died in the photo just the peaks of rooftops
i just feel a sense of urgency
the path led me here to these places
it is hard to describe
no body can tell me differently yet i understand they did not see what i have
things aligned differently for different folks
it is the way i feel
i woke up at 11.11 on the first of the eleventh
i must have slept all but three or four hours in a 24 hour period
i do menial jobs
listen to radio programs
i have a small computer i hope to be able to make work again
i expect to find the people who can comprehend time and time again
yet they never come
its a lonely road
watching people choose to go back to the normalcy which binds them
to not choose the spirit which takes them away
to not be free to dream
it feels like this time is decisive in that
that it sorts them to a point where no sight is longer seen or known of what could have been
yes its lonely that way
i don't spend a lot of time feeling lonely
yet it can happen
something else was about parkinsons disease on the radio program
somebody who peddled 80 to 90 revolutions a minute which then later made them able to sign and hold a pen steady
other tasks too became remedied
they said it was the effect of producing muscle twitches greater that the speed of the sickness the way i heard it any way
it was very effective and the study then produced a great result in a study group also
next was about something of an electric eel being study produce electic shock at a rate of much greater pulses than that of a tazer used by the police
the two seemed to be related to me
it was a wonderful change from what i have been hearing
you know the usual exclusion of reality to prop up some unbalanced theory to compensate for the stupid humans existence in relation to the misuse of many other element s
to try to align the original imbalance
back and forth to greater degrees of genius farther away from the truth wandered from
this song makes me laugh today
left right middle
"No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him."
when they say its the devil in the details i think what they meant is
its the drama
walking from the drama towards the lighted horizon
possible to blaze as the sun
at the point of walking the complex is fading in the background and no longer consuming so much energy
battles arrive again and again
ties are karmic
energy is precious
when you cut it feel how it pulls this way and that
try it
walk from it in different ways
like in anger
like in detachment
like in honesty and sadness
yet feel the other side
the other person
and the result of different ways upon their being
and how it comes back in
resolve is the strongest one to confirm
making up your mind
a basis of struggle
inside outside
vision shifting from resolution and resolve brother and sister in vision
watching the inside dream make the outside dream come together
how things clear
like inner dreams
things arrive
karma moves on
through new lines of discovery
the first seed
expanding out
that is how memories seem
its 3.33
many more ones coming tomorrow in the date
of course
whats important some steps are too late to be changed in awareness
a dream
its is outside there
inside here
i see it clear
that is the dream i can change
as they collide
growing pains
survival ?
a cracked yolk
step inside i am opening up
and what comes next
is a solution
growing pains growing pains
things out of line for so long
pulling them together will throw other things out
that did not listen or belong
it is outside and inside
until there really is no difference
I found Facebook to be a herder of lost sheep over cliffs and frazzler of grey matter
, another generalisation which I wish to avoid loosed arrows , power , words specifically this morn , like language ' catch ' phrases , " solidarity"
The French sound so reasonable , they must be the collective reason' able ness to employ , collective action
The value of truth , sighted , armed and loosed , yet in direction of traction and connection
Dreams strong last eve
I pour the gold into a long ingot tray
A new woman
The Christians working in the dream too
I plant pumpkins and cherry tomatoes on the banks of the water ways
The red claw eat them and I might too
A story about a bandicoot who is very clever
And takes food from the dishes outside
When confronted by the forest cohorts
Sings sweetly but I had not done
So they knew yet it was not at that time
So to deliver the light angel
Could not find traction
As it was known to be yet did not see
So fluffy
At other times obscured by fluff reversed the ruff
Had done not so so a glancing blow
Indeed light angel be what light angel seen
Keep riding I told my friend the light angel
And I slap the pony hard on the 'ass
Toward the sun set dun dun n da !
When I call her back long after dark ness fell
She'd always fall into her heart
Saying later
I don't know what all the fluff was about
and who is ann'e bell'e
I found a 500 rupia to begin and that was how it unraveled
next came more amounts
the radio antennae picked up on the fever and repeated the sentiments
next a text
a while ago i had walked into a church yard
and seen a big bell
there was a picture on the entry of a priest who looked quite weird and mal adjusted with a terrible glint or so i thought in the eye
and i thought ..............
I will ring your bells and see you come out and cry out here i am !
and see how weird you get then
oh i just walked out of that place without doing anything at all
what a weird place
little old grandmas with purse strings attached
they build them on hills with steeples ...............
and bells
tremendous thunder
a downpour i have not witnessed for some time
the light flickered on and off for a moment just a moment ago
making memory boxes what an unusual title
they said on the radio mr woo tube teaching
how mathematics was presented as boring by many who taught
that it was the replication of results which produced the replication of results
what an interesting theory in itself
so the word obtuse floats by again and i catch it in mid air stream
pictures floating by
the words appear and i am sure they came from somewhere connected to some mighty force
dreams awake dreams asleep
i even dreamed about this mathematical teacher just now
and his formulas
i often think the internet is a formula
you know 666 like the number plate on a car i saw this morning
among three triples in one place 777 and 222 if i remember correctly
the mathematics of symbols
which brings me back to the question i also had recognized appear at the 'time'
the time there being a teacher in itself
was about symbols
and "do not worship false idols"
misinterpretations again
i imagine sheep wandering after such idols as symbols yet their mathematical formula produces and replicates an effect
which is measureable in "time" again as the teacher
then there is the images i see of many layers sitting atop one another
not in a formula produced to be witnessed in its progression of acheivance
yet in the having already subsided the immeasurable realization
giving measure in the observance of measurements in its wake as that of which is also a part
yet cannot yet conceive of its infinitely more fitting parts
some special space of ingeniuity of time to produce segments as fruit
which lead the the disquietude of parts to gather to more equations
composting back to the earth
flight is a real consideration faced with detachment
a moment pause with an entire eagle to support flight when immobilized
tremendous thunder
a downpour i have not witnessed for some time
the light flickered on and off for a moment just a moment ago
This evening, I saw some footage of a horrendous storm in Queensland. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought it was a cyclone:
The strange weather is becoming quite common
I like to feel of it as though by some chance it's hit and miss
Like being put in the right place at the right time to receive what's coming
On a personal level of course like listening to the personal weather
Of course I am not pinned down to a house right now
I think when I build the next bush shack it is going to be rammed earth
That should keep the climate nice
So about the dragon and the unicorn
A long tail behind the dragon prevailed
The unicorn could only be seen when not looked for
In some magical place
What was the battle then
it's complicated
The unicorn was so pure
It lay in the magical place Mystical announced purely by existing
How the two were related was an image in the water
Parallel in dimension yet intimately connected
When it's heard why they speak of fire
Passes through the water yet dragons fierce
Come upon waters peace
Reading back
In the lands of the tail of time
things popped up
Poke a dragon and you will see what I mean
Inside every dragons heart lay intentions that were pure
Direction and lament
another dragon might think it held the unicorn so tight
In doing so offend another dragon
Laying claim to such purity and mystical magi'sty
So how it begin
Breath of fire through unicorn realm
From above
Lay hold to rubble they cried
And cried they did
how to tame your dragon
Time would need stand on its head
Pressing on this fire
What's the secret of the unicorn
I only believe that when the fire stands on end
The unicorn is born
Grab a dragons tail
And find its head turn
Between the
Magical land
A dragon weeps
For its own heart which another dragon
Spat fire upon
To feel small
look backwards
To feel large
Look forwards
To feel around
Look backwards to forwards
To feel small and feel nothing
Look forwards while small
To feel small and small
Look backwards at what's done
To feel around and look upon it all
Be small and large
Far and near
And how to do
Feel what's been given
Be great and grateful
It's the butterfly on your nose
It's the water that's all around the bridge
It's where the Ocean met the sky and agreed to bridge
It's this its that and it burns with longing
What's lost I don't know
When I look backwards I see it feel it and believe
This core wants for more
Afraid of its steps
What now it asks
Perhaps to become small
To lose hope and faith
And see no sense
So lumps bags
Full of leaves
Hi I am small from what I have seen
Hi I can be large from what I have seen
Hi I am a sweeping hand on the horizon
Hi I can do many things because I know so many things
Hi I am ready for your horizon
To fly together
We have been waiting so long
I can hardly wait
I see you there crisp and pure with me
I see me there with you the same together
I meet you there on the horizon
I see you coming in the wind
that is right of course
a matter of energy
and awareness
the laying of flames flat to the tanner
when in rome ? no thank you
the problem ? every one thinks they know better so stay on the same step ?
the solution absolute cleansing
of course no one would hear differently
today they have found the diamond on the radio when i wake up
1111 carrots
i love that light bearing number
the nose on the face
is the forest for the trees
step in step out
step where you like and watch the dragon advance
we are speaking of time and the emergence of follicles of hair
which protrude
each bound to each other beyond the veil
the way i see the big picture is as i said
a child walked in and hit the giant over the head with a pebble
its an old story
and if the boy told it himself no body would surely believe
watch for the wayward arrows now
the connections end in peaks
might and force in the skies
ending on mountains
in the air wisps
comets with tails
every body wants their savior to the tale
look inside
on the ground and in the sky
intellectuals fiddle with details
the symbols in the water give comprehensive views
tales metaphors each and also giving wider view in quicker chunks of time
feminine trait of the drugs mentioned
possessive jealous
the power of the male
dominant and seeking objects of war
i stop on the road at the most beautiful vantage for a photograph
the rolling mountains
a phone call from grandfather
he grows old and his sight is going
he thinks the photo i sent him was a truck crash
yet it was a crustacean longer than my forearm
somebody has a puppy that is reportedly cute
another i saw a few days ago was the cutest ever
its tail wagged
and every body who went past marveled and shared in its joy
perhaps it was a staffy cross
perhaps some pit bull too or maybe something else
it was stocky and red
white socks
the woman felt the connection to the joy of passers by and her own witness
giving something out
a ripple in the water
extending over the bridge
impermanence ? sure in time
comings goings do not interfere with comings and goings
albeit in love
two sides coming together it was built perfect
to think it was a humans genius in unraveling certain perfections
surely do not negate
Well pleased
wake up !
Something is coming
I have this feeling the worlds new agers
Will get a shock With the story
Man falls from boat into water
Water taken many lives
Positive thoughts
More complex than this
Worlds cheapest insurance policy " she'll be right mate "
And in the water " god will save me "
The water translates save yourself for I am you
Yet simple statement cuts short waters flow
god is saving you now
Feeling seeing dreaming
Thinking talking reason
Efficacious the word floating by
God knows what that means
All time
I am this I am that
The glue holds me together
It was not as simple yet try this
Move trusting only every feeling given by the water
Treat every circumstance with upmost
The water claims your life for its life is your life
Two ends of the same rope
Try it
Foregoing the "self" for the 'larger'
Then I come back to this
Universal man
Up down big small of service
There are stories at our core that start small and end big
My witness is my hEart
And what is at its disposal ?
All these things
I activate in order to influence
Sedentary new age bliss is going to get a shock
When the east meets west
Or some reality comes to check
chicken cheese and banana sandwich on white bread
3 out of five its still possible though
in speech and in action
the white wolf
the pagan lady and Don Christoval
i see a cross in the distance
where the bell was
the woman utters the words to my ears
Ann'e bell'e
i say hello to a dog
i wait for an old man to come back slowly to his car for another dog inside
i hear the words "old man" yet i won't use them
for that glass is stained in that light
a deaf man puts number plates on his car and i speak with his wife
the old woman thinks i might sleep with a crazy girl who fancies her chances
yet goes around bends
"make sure there is fuel in those drums "
the water is alive as the sorcerer once told me
now he hides and likes to not remain seen
he says he does not help anyone
and i will help every one
a man walked in who has bells on his ankle here just now
he has them also around his wrist
my inner words are "are you a shaman"
yet i fear instead a madman or a little piece of both
it is raining
the girl across gets frustrated and lets out occasional short breaths like sighs
the feathered and belled man watches a movie on a portable device loudly
as i say this it goes silent
the rain even goes down to a mellow hum beat
the sound on the tin roof is for me wanting to lay in the hammock and fall asleep
or an elevated loft with a bed in it in a gentle and cooling breeze
the birds become frantic with the rain for a few times
and fly quickly in that hard fast wind
landing abruptly
an eye for eternity
akin to connections
how can you not feel for all these people
i watch them in the street
what affects them drugs lack of food
self confidence
age related issues
embodying prejudices
cellular communication
i yawn
i saw the sun begin to come through the windows first
every flower is coming into bloom in the water again noticeably
every thing mentioning every thing else
like the calm mention before the waves break through
i had a tick on my arm pit same place as last too
now i learn of more foods to eat
Dear Jahn
in the beginning of the book by Martin Good man he says carlos says to him christ is a symbol of life not of death
when he looks at the cross symbol that has been carved
in becoming the christ he has died and taken on the worlds sins
spiritually this has been inflicted
Carlos of course would not know this because he has not reached such alignment and in speaking has not the authority to even begin to comprehend
yet he has delivered many along a road
and why so ?
like i say again and again
"We'll see"
sad to say also today
two love birds of four
were eaten by a snake this morning which was found in the cage
the love birds had replaced the doves
i was told that snake died shortly after it was discovered what was done also
:re dreaming
the mountain splits in four directions "mount of olives"
first the east and west then the north and south
the symbols mountains etc are representative of the universal symbols
yes a mountain may be found just at the tip of where the sky begins
as those who can not fly will find
quickly to crash
given power this way
"of heaven" and the sky
no fear of heaven
the sky will decide
go fly fly fly
a red pillow slip had gone missing
it has shown up inside a dragon doona cover after a search
the birds have been killed by the snake i am told names were angel and sky
the two left alive are called jade and storm
in case you did not notice the emperor/ emperess is wearing no clothes the boy cried
the moon is largish almost full i would say
slices of reality come into vision
segments of self
and others
we will see how much " nothing is happening "
happens while something is happening
i am a little surprised at some peoples ability to listen seriously and concentrate lately
because they did so
religions and timelines
every body thinks they are an expert
while some talk some have worked the whole way through and do not care to talk though
just makes me think how thoroughly unprepared people are too
to establish a conversation on what each knows as their view of the elephant god knows i've tried
these keys are burning a hole in every bodies pockets
and god knows they've pushed
and god knows they don't know what they've gotten into
but in the beginning the choice was given to take the combined view
yet they could only push
they could not listen
they could not hear the other side nor hear their own
so hey chose their timeline instead
and they push and it pushes back
yet you can tell someone who knows what you think you know
because you cant see another side or more of the elephant
because you saw so much surely their could be no more of it ?
yet why not to just communicate
the push and pull
miscommunication leading to judgement which falls short of intention for others
and causes conflict
those who feel to have power have none or little
those who let power pass by are encumbered with it
if only those who push and pull had an idea of how much their power is powerful
when the push and pull ends in the middle
each of the emperors/ emperess were given keys
each very special
each could bring so much into the world
when the branches are into the sky
where there is no contradiction
i have woken up with a cold
i have had a week off training already
so i decided to show the body who the boss was and had a workout first up
don't know what would happen if coffee was not there to clear the neural pathways in the brain
to some morning clarity
best thing i could have done it felt
and momentum after a week off starts going the wrong direction instead
paid the registration on the car which just goes up and up
see on the news more shuffling this way and that to squeeze some money from somewhere or else
to compensate for fiscal currencies backwards momentum
superannuation again
now for a boat
then the costs come again registration
"boat" and registration "trailer "
then we have fishing license
its a full time job just being alive
neural pathways
the halls records show
the shelves are full of the choices of reads
vampires the being says as he looks
sweaty skin and after a sleep awakes waxy skin
uttering and loud outbursts
bubbling insides
whats in there
picked his nose in sight
then pokes it into his mouth
the halls records show choices
some small some big
steps on sides either and each of fences sought
i am sitting back watching should i intervene ?
i already have
i can smell him from a ways
reminds me when christ went down and the demons were released into the field of pigs
now we have a seed
egypt he mutters
now in the water
large scale
:) oh my god
i am thinking perhaps i should drop speaking with a christian accent although i do like to wind Michael up
it seems the old and new book is close to and end of the story
in which case it will be time to begin to write the new non descript script as it plays
i went to see an art exhibition today
i believe after this i did notice the pomp in the room
as i viewed one painting i commented to the lady that a picture looked like a
doodle which would be drawn whilst chatting on the phone on a writing pad
to which i got an upside down smile in return and hardly hearing
i also began to comment perhaps i will bring out the phone doodle exhibition
as i believe i could do just as well joking
seems senses of humor differ from village to village
a man there mentioned that somebody had called a scene to his flabbergasted-ry a town and asked
why was it called a village when its a town he shrieked !
Story time.
once upon a Times ...................
there was a village , besides a town .
Both towns were in the sky , one on either side of the sky , each rode their horse across at night to see their weird cousins .
As the earth was spinning no body would decide that time would come as it would of its own accord, when the towns would switch across the cousins , and the faces reversed .
As the cousins , were the keepers of the secret key , which had been placed beneath a tree , which grew strong and steadfast within both skies , each in fact related and rooted , long ago in time somewhere in the far darkness of long past.
By the time the time , eventually came upon the people of both the village and the town , and the story also placed in the river that both drank from , it seemed nobody still remembered .
As dialects differed , and discrimination was rampant , communication seemed almost impossible , albeit , to leave traditional language terms alone , and instead to relate in a indiscriminate sense , to appeal to common senses.
As both sides of the tree were both sides of the self , drinking from the same river , stemming back long in time , the mirror sheen of the rivers water , was evident , yet when pressed because of the differing views gave differing appearances , by the time the matching reflections showed up ,
of the village and the town , in the river at a particular moment which was predicted and aligned in time .
Prevailing wars over both the river and the reflection , spanned so far in time , hardly any body remembered , how the impressions got there in the first place .
Or that they belonged to them at all .
They each blamed the other village , for throwing the first stone that had caused the war , the war of the two impressions of the tree , which were seen from each and either side of the river .
One day , two brothers were born , who saw back far along the tree , in time .
It was important for them not to give away the story of what was to come too soon ,
as both the trees first needed to become aware of the trees branches , and then slowly of their cousins as the keepers of the tree in the earth , and that their own reflection existed there , for time and time and times again .
Precious and careful seed care was required , to proceed with the givers of the tree of the seeds,
that they would slowly become aware without coming to injury , or injury each other as them self in the process.
The Zax
by Dr. Seuss
From The Sneetches and Other Stories
Copyright 1961 by Theodor S. Geisel and Audrey S. Geisel, renewed 1989.
One day, making tracks
In the prairie of Prax,
Came a North-Going Zax
And a South-Going Zax.
And it happened that both of them came to a place
Where they bumped. There they stood.
Foot to foot. Face to face.
"Look here, now!" the North-Going Zax said, "I say!
You are blocking my path. You are right in my way.
I'm a North-Going Zax and I always go north.
Get out of my way, now, and let me go forth!"
"Who's in whose way?" snapped the South-Going Zax.
"I always go south, making south-going tracks.
So you're in MY way! And I ask you to move
And let me go south in my south-going groove."
Then the North-Going Zax puffed his chest up with pride.
"I never," he said, "take a step to one side.
And I'll prove to you that I won't change my ways
If I have to keep standing here fifty-nine days!"
"And I'll prove to YOU," yelled the South-Going Zax,
"That I can stand here in the prairie of Prax
For fifty-nine years! For I live by a rule
That I learned as a boy back in South-Going School.
Never budge! That's my rule. Never budge in the least!
Not an inch to the west! Not an inch to the east!
I'll stay here, not budging! I can and I will
If it makes you and me and the whole world stand still!"
Of course the world didn't stand still. The world grew.
In a couple of years, the new highway came through
And they built it right over those two stubborn Zax
And left them there, standing un-budged in their tracks.
woke up like a wild lion
growling with energy
wanting to sink my teeth into something
some symbols came through in a package
they looked alien earlier in the night
not that i caught them at face value just the chunk
dreamed among other things i was bitten by a snake
when i layed down on the makeshift bench press first thing looking up at the sunny sky
ready to sink my teeth into exercise
the first thing i saw was a rainbow above although no rain
and an eagle circling as well
turns out the snake bite was not as it seemed
just a thorn from a tree that had gathered in my foot
and passed through my flip flop
which was down on the ground
guess the snake did not know what i had already seen
when i drank the whole river both sides of the trees
i have had plenty of dreams about crocodiles before
but not like this one
this time i stood there and pissed on it
only during this did i see it
woke up like a wild lion
growling with energy
wanting to sink my teeth into something
some symbols came through in a package
they looked alien earlier in the night
not that i caught them at face value just the chunk
dreamed among other things i was bitten by a snake
when i layed down on the makeshift bench press first thing looking up at the sunny sky
ready to sink my teeth into exercise
the first thing i saw was a rainbow above although no rain
and an eagle circling as well
turns out the snake bite was not as it seemed
just a thorn from a tree that had gathered in my foot
and passed through my flip flop
which was down on the ground
guess the snake did not know what i had already seen
when i drank the whole river both sides of the trees
I really enjoy the words you choose, the pictures you paint with them.
Thank you
runningstream, did I dream you replied to this?
(painting the sky?)
i dreamed i gave you legs then i placed them here
as we stood up together
i figured we had painted them well
then i was shy and i wiped away the sky
i was caught between the dreams trying to shake it off
yet watching and learning and not fighting
so it makes me stronger and resolve
the third eye wind was strong
so i did what i must
i have cut the line from the new to the old
so now we'll have out north south cross
as was hanging on a line the other day
i knew truth was coming i felt it in my chest
i could no longer sustain
what must be removed to cross today
i dreamed i gave you legs then i placed them here
as we stood up together
i figured we had painted them well
then i was shy and i wiped away the sky
Clean slate?
Clean slate?
i removed a post
- i seemed to want to wake up to this song
dreamed i was becoming a plumber
i did like that job when i was younger
it was my dream
until life grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me out of there
it has been a wild ride ever since to say the least
and i have no body who would believe me or understand yet
so i am going to just show every body with the show
i also dreamed there was a woman there a short way away
as she had a nice dress i noticed
it came alive and took on an immense clarity and intensity of its own standing out
it was made of sun flowers
it was oh oh oh so bright
then i woke up
i drive today
we are strong standing together some of us
i see somebody like this today
even for a short time
people seem to have different time limits
yet i have met the right people along the way
those turns always take me to the next right place
i trained with an aboriginal boy today who is only 13 years old
he is already 120 something kilograms i was told
he is a very large kid
he is quiet and shy
his shy is not so much because he is not confident
it is also that he is sure of himself
his assurance i believe does not like to be questioned
his size makes him feel to be strong yet the strength builds a barrier
for a defense of itself
i like him
i always try to tell him humble messages
today i told him we have to look after the little people
and not to become a bully
he opens up and speaks about things with me
i don't want him to be a thug learning to fight
i make him feel comfortable by speaking solidly yet confidently
i do not pretend it is hard for me to get a message across
i assume his confidence in the way i speak to him and he meets me there
it is hard for a big kid holding his size to learn to speak and be both humble and strong
i think the world speaks to him in a way that does not give him this assurance
if i can give him that i guess that is the words for what i try to do
it is a balance
that is the way to walk with the winds
to be a wind also
does not mean to be only closed to the wind
it means in flight to use it also
yet being closed to the wind
is because of that simple ingredient
it is balance yet it is more
it is honesty
there is truth in all sorts of things even movement
even in staying still
i hid the sun a little behind the cloud s for you
because i did'nt want to burn your eyes
please understand its not because the sky was'nt moving right in the water
or because the earth was'nt a concern
its because all of these
the sky told me stories about the earth
the water told me of the past
the spirit told me what i had to do
so i drank them all and just acted
that's why it seemed to pass so fast in the water the sky
and became a blurr
its not because i wanted to hide the sun from you
its because i had to give you all of these
i was just a big kid after all
there is nothing else i could do
for words
rarely happens
pushing them forwards
the kettle boiled i have skulled the cup
because the story is coming quickly
the doubles sitting in a room talking
i know the man the woman from some where there signatures
that they are aware
not that vague dream
or an inconsistency in the amount of colors in the pastel and variation
just on the way through
the veil is just there and i can see them clearly
but that is not the only planets that brought the pastel
like atom being split eve is there too
like time raced towards each other and at that point mingled all points at once
the crisp atomic shower then stayed
those purple planets and those doubles may have looked on
this however meant not here and there although there still existed
if that makes sense
residing in bristling perception and connected ness vibrant power is in every thing
thats why it was the lightening
even people came alive and inputted as the world bent like a unreal bubble
where perception was a story
and the story found the characters
even the signs up until that point had pointed the right direction
all the way along and in that extended timeline gave insight into why it was and had been so
to reach the point of meetings of selves
i am not sure those watching beyond in the purple planet or whatever spectrum they now belonged
could understand how it stood or why or even conceive
so many timely elements to shed light onto
so many universal things brought back
"and the little ones will be showered with gifts "
people ask how are you
i answer i am better than most
do you know how powerful that point is ?
atom and eve
the point of love and from where it stems in the universe
remember the miosis
free will and birth
time took me all the way back to that beginning and showed me
that power of this love
and i do not think that love was a mistake
when i passed through that crack between the worlds and was spat back onto the street
there was first the division
and then the wholeness
how funny that after no longer division and love was no longer a division within self
yet no destruction either
only longing for some one else to notice
and where was eve ?
perhaps she had forgotten and traveled time in the opposite direction
when i finally caught her her memory of that seemed to be truth obscured
she had hidden something
and kept it hidden which made the nakedness untenable for her
only seeing through a secondary lense the past out in the other direction away from
the original birth
and she is angry oh so angry
because the decisions are made from this place
not that birth place
i oh so want her to see
the direction back and through to where we came
the curlews are here with the two chicks
the plovers are here with the two chicks too
and further on with the three chicks
they swoop people and dogs i avoid them through respect
some people take it personally even thinking human thoughts into the birds heads for them
as though some malicious plot
they do not see to just avoid them and admire there cute fluffy heads from a distance
well i suppose something will happen now
and move quickly in a sense of finding the right path to be safe yet perhaps not comfortable for a time
the time came and went when i had made offers and asked the questions only to find the answers
i had hoped not to find
for those who expected nothing and got everything power is really just a joke played upon people
it is the sad reality that it is power that will now divide and destroy so much
if only some beings could conceive it
i heard a buddhist
a christian
a zen
speak together about it the other day
i don't think its going to change everything at this point
except for some nice company
it seems important to hold those pieces steady no matter what happens
i expect now
the pastels come together fine
harmony is a precious tool
else return to original out turn once again
yet its a lesson hard learned so i doubt that at this point in time easily forgotten
man its always love
wandering away and wandering back
the sun comes through and alerts me to my present state
i am alive i am awake
i like the way my skin startles me too
i can feel my body breathing
as though it is aware of me recognizing it too
as it wants to go out and breathe and play
i must clean the place plug the headphones in and
get stuck in again
the birds sing too last night so loudly
rainbow lorikeets with their almost deafening chatter
this morning those forest types different ones
the curlews sit outside in the shade where they know to
the two little fluffy heads sit with them and learn whats ok and when to move
i put the good frying pan out for them
for some water it is very hot
the ants cant swim so well
dreaming a bit communicating
whole ideas into some kind of telepathic
going on
So pretty
And noise is really phenomenal
Chipping away
Spell correct no g
Disc in the sky
stars coming through might be a problem
M says
Time to
If it closes it all dissappears
I am he who hears and I am listening
Always have been
Just say the words that make it sense
Well be in the garden together
No fence
Hot here today sleep long
time feels like coming towards something
Yet feels when it gets there
It will even out
The moment come
Looking at each side
Looking in the middle
Feeling content
The sky
( (
sharing the stillness
Beautiful, thank you for sharing.
i want to be able to tell a story
a good
You've succeeded.
(I can hear you)
i do not imagine the things happens without reason
beams coming down meeting each sort
one day they make sense when they fly together
black cockatoos they say they show up when it will rain
these were three
the ones with red on the tails
they were only here five minutes when i noticed at least
and it started to spit
there is a man outside
he has been yelling for hours
i am keeping an eye on everybody
he swears and rants loudly on his phone
i do not know who would not hang up
some young people travel by themselves
a motor bike now
seems close
trail bike
purring in
if i can help
hope ti fizzles out
and doesnt get topped up
drugs i would say
causing problems
that fizzing
watching feeling come from people
i like to just get away from them ones
time ticking time of the god/s for those who like a few
they have us on a clock counting down
end of sick certificate
familiar sorting
serious stuff
grit up
boots on work to do
squats getting low
taking care of things
dogs with martha gardner wool wash on the skin
hi tech grey nomads
light coming on
its in every thing
now the loud guy has some music playing
i have no idea how he got here dont think he has a car
its loud
this is going to be interesting maybe nice i hope
yet its late
might calm him down
last night it was the french
so close they could hardly open their door in the middle of nowhere]
i just laughed and said i hope you don't snore
give them some shade
all these fragile people
wow that music is getting louder
its kinda nice
a nice change
from the yelling and swearing
interesting is a broad word
revving motor bikes now for the noise sake
someone to yell at i hope not
make sure the nomads are ok
if they start yelling they might find no sense at the other end
a lot of things happen with drugs lately
you hear of these stupid and violent crimes that just seem out of place
don't make sense
had to kill my big warrior friend in dream last night
was like having a wild animal for a pet
a matter of time till it turned perhaps
i did not feel brave i did not feel good about it
i did not like to have to do that in my dream
i did not hesitate
i have changed the waking dream from what i saw
like trying to stop a rhinocerous
i knew what i had to do
well i do feel strong
although i never had the stomach for those things really
just did what i had to
like a child with a temper that cant be quenched thats what it was like
a tantrum with its own momentum had to be stopped
i knew what i had to do in that dream
Well they all left soon after !
Where was it about trinities
Should have grabbed that park
I huff
If only the number plate says
Spirit has sense of humor today
The lover within
So you fired up the truth till the lover came
And became the same
And now they try to tell you innocence is the devil
Or the playground of the heart is some intellectual construct
Only from their intellectual construct
Of what they never knew
Sure the base of the fire could be intense
But we were strong
And destined for something better
It was in the bones
It was in the winds
Finding a way
fire might not be every bodies cup of tea
Burned more than few asses
This time destiny
And the water a witness of the heart too
That's all I have to say
Salty cut
The ocean that is coming
The ocean that is gone
The ocean I want to give you
The ocean hidden from eyes
The same ocean
In the same place
Salty wound from waters already been by
Eyes sting from the sight
Fresh soft beautiful deep pain
journey weary
Found again
Journeyers of awareness
share it with you
see what you see
See what I see
What's the point
No point many points some pointIng
Helps now soothing sore places
rough seas tides in and out
Come to you again and again
Take you in and out again
Locked box
Open treasure
tides come tides go
Far between
Crashes on rocks
come in again
I can't stand the despair
please shift this place in this time
come with me
I was not washed away
I am still there coming in and out
the lightning brought big seas
Perhaps we can stand what the lightning brings
I knew how and I know how
I am given how when I need how
I was born knowing
I see known
I see unknown
Becomes known
Take you now
They want to go through I don't know through
Except the through that returns
Where time stops and goes forever
I ask the tribes to keep you safe
Ancient and deep the land
Heal you make you whole
Feel the pulse
The connection once again
Keep you safe
Know who you are
like you knew who
I close the lid
plumbers pants
went to the restaurant's
chinese lamb crock pots
all alone
staring at the window
the table cloth say s
snakes and boars don't get along the enemy
people dined and chattered
i watched inside yet felt outside
did'nt really pay any attention
was preoccupied
not the type that occupies from the pre
the type that's building see
soft not hard
seeing pictures in front of me
and flows like colors that join in
making tales
people popped in the bubble
we shared in the water
i felt them come
of a cloud wave
rolling thunder
image coming along the ground coming in
a feeling more so
a big empty feeling
filled with rain
i held out my cup and let it all go
when i saw the street drown
wet to the pipes burst
and drowned the floor
cloud and shook it up
no more
well, runningstream, you made me cry with the salty cut,
but the plumbers pants made me smile.
As allways
There are children on the streets
It is late
The cities at night
Eating fast food
Ice creams
keep thinking about the beautiful
Elephant tusk I carved today
From the soft and beautiful light tree
The wood is delightful
Feels so nice carved then smoothed
From that curtain fig trees place
Don't know the name the tribe I forget too
Drive through the fog now
And I do feel love for them
these kids are so young
To be out alone in a city
I go back out
Out back I
Off the sidetrack
Not making scary
Making strong
Make A good bonker not bonkers
Share it here it's part
Of this story
Perfect again
The curtain and the tribes
Hold them safe
In place
I met Eden today
Is her name
When I first saw her I knew she was
Second time I told her she was a light angel
And she is going to the good place
She asks why did you say that ?
I said
It just is
Third time I asked her name
She lights up
She works as a volunteer
She can't hide that light anyway
so it's back to Eden today
I bought string
Tin cups
A lady dances in the store to Christmas carols
We had a giggle
She had a jiggle
And I almost could
Things get done
I found the most pleasant bathroom
Instant nostalgic vibe
Cosy cottage and scent
I found the most beautiful window
A scene from a movie
Smelled roses and flowers on sills
Light gets in things
Only today half done
Just wait till its gets right in
Smell rain on the road
Moisture pulling up
Shift the entire dream no fear
Lightning coming
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
Beautiful !
Thank you for Sharing, Simon.
Thanks for letting the light in.
That tree could tell some stories!
i would say so
those branches are huge i imagine they weigh something like 20 ton each some of them
although id be guessing of course
and go straight out horizontally for a long way not upwards many of them
which gives an indication of how immensely strong these trees are
they must be very very old and the spring that comes up from the ground is crystal clear water emerging from no where
running out of rocks
absolutely in awe :)
Met a man an aboriginal man
69 years young from the tuckaluka tribe
Tells me shalom shalom
Travelled the world
Been in the dead sea
Born on a horse
Tells me about Israel
From not too far these parts
The name means the same
Food eat
I tell him not many aboriginals
Been to Israel I bet
He says only one to swim in sea
From delegation
I tell him I ask the ancestors here for help
For protection he says yes
Only few people taken by crocodile lately
Up normanton
Foot print size of ten gallon hat
Throws down shows me size
Well over foot
He stops for the rain
And talks to me like he knows me
I really liked lance owen
He says
Crocodile don't eat the very
Dark skinned aboriginals
Don't eat them
closing in
tired after a burst
so much done
swinging on feet
people i will meet
and the dreams coming alive
like the key i placed in the lock
which i dreamed about before
daydreamed it into life
needed a little oil to help it turn
the door was right in the path
so i had to place it in anyway
and turn it did
just like the dream before
comes to life
life coming through
life growing through
could've even just been a sock
it would pour in just the same
and i can tell you the name
it only speaks through
feeling comes
and speaks it to life
and it is
a man walks by he asks
hey brother do you eat mushrooms ?
no i reply
i am about to say his name Rick
his white beard is long
and he wears gumboots shorts and no shirt
but i let him go
i can hear him sing from a long way off
he does'nt recognise me
good i feel and think
i think maybe too many mushrooms
i attend to this apple tighten the flange gasket on the manifold and
redo the window winder plug occasionally
not too often
burned hand smokes on the exhaust a little but lucky fire escape
i watch the dog happy chase a ball
he seems young a lot of energy
black and shiny fur
not rigid a little flacid
in the hind end
like a nice dog not so solid to be too hard pounding the wet ground
the grass is nothing short of a miracle
a few days ago before the rain i questioned the dead looking stubbles ability to come back
when i t appeared it would just crumble to the touch
now i could imagine like a golf course in a very very short time
Christmas day and full moon is passed away inn the night
now they call it boxing day
i wonder what that means
i wonder if it means you put a dead person in a box
today today today today
charged the battery a little
some more life in the computer for a short time
more to say
well i just could'nt leave you sitting at the bus stop
circumstances or not
does'nt even weigh i non harldly only softly the matter
so the dream next to the car staring up at the sky
and the blueish star blinking catches my eye
reading between the lines
as i watch it compelling as it is
it pulls towards me and then goes back like a rubber band
then i realize that as the watery looking sky
i meditate gaze like to make it turn liquid energy
leaving my body by the car and floating up
talking to the tree there as i fly up and around
next to the car
i love you i bless you i wish you to be strong
and respect you
next in the house behind on the footpath
those beings there
a couple people i am in my energy body you know i tell them
do you know Don Genaro
like this
my body is out by the car
i am energy and i effect things
can make you shift
to the reply
we know we heard you yelling out in the street
at that tree
"I will come back for you woman "
in the middle of the night
lpuzzled i feel did i say that
yet i know what i said
besides the bus may never have come by again
Sharp words they got softened
By the staff
Inside balance
Sky emerging clear
The tiger and the lion
Walk through
Petal up soft pastel
Please listen those who won't hear
Please don't make war in heaven
Despite your self assurance
Assurance not
Made real by essence
Complete pastels built soft clouds
Makes real
Just beauty-full
Wake up sunshine
Cos its not to be had
Annhialistic approach on approach
Flower to be activity
Side of infinity
Blessed of both
Stale bait
Underestimated since the beginning
A warrior is not without purpose
Just spirit tapping
Linking will intent
Draw it down into the earth
Now feel gravity
Yet now it pulls up
Time in the earth contained
To stand upon time
Those perfectly aligned
Timing divine
Gravity abounds
All direction
Chose wisely
A warrior is no game
I see there are many
Many moons
Down one side of the forum
Is there a reason why
Last time man questionably
With hair and feminine equal look
This time just a man same man we stare into each others eyes on meeting shaking hands
After stare off he clicks his tongue
To break the lock
In the one last the girl in the front seat
She is the devil he says
Range rover or land rover 4wd
Next a training military camp
A man wet his pants as were all standing in circle
I am outsider
They try to not embaress him
Next a man sitting middle eastern no English
Holding a sign
Sign says Iran
In first dream man equal gender m says
If I had enough time I would teach you
Certain quality to first dream night time
Possible another person was present
At the time did not recognise girl in dream touted as devil
Reminds me
The devil became the morning star
Fiction non fiction section please
Same as what always had it flowered up
Dreamer stalker
Information highway
If we look at it the dreamer placed the stones
The stalker comes upon them
If you want to talk movement
If you want to talk anima grrr
If you want to talk double beings
If you want to talk progress
Take a context and apply
Same thing as always flowered it up in its otherwise
Movement in the water
Reflections coming reflections gone
Reflections relevant
The dreamer can change the whole world easily
The stalker can agree on it
Lot of flies today
Swish them away
Balance was the lesson with mosquitoes
The night before of was about harmony
I couldn't and didn't stand for the separation personally
Never made one bit of sense that's just me
Tiger just flower bring it in just rain
That fire in the water
Standing where on the path ?
Facing oncoming time or receeding
It will be like this
Don't become fixated just stay middle where time is
On the turn and press on
Creator being
Has these Euphrates quotes something to do with Syria and ISIS?
As Turkeys "red line" yes
I had known a Papuan man
Terrified of snakes from country where people regularly would die
Where they said life was cheap
Where different rhythms I envisioned
Pidgeon the language
The bird
Brown green wings not the little dove
In between the wompoo
Sat on wooden rail today
In a park messengers not always received
Languages different
Zulu they called him
Liberating he found it to slap people with his big hands
And yell flower off !
Some how addicted to that liberation
One sided as it was
Protecting guardian became guard
I met a man on my way to the next moment
Offered him some change
After offered me some same
Would you choose the right thing
No consequence for those ones
The kings of the land had protected them all
Making victims pay the price for perpetrators rights
While others lights shriveled from no vantage
Walking between the walls central to pigeon's
And lives cheap
Power taps ache king
Drinks fill
Anything to ease their pain
In light of upright rod
Where lies pain ?
Pain the hand raised again and a. Gain
Now who's hand will take away gain ?
The rod that would not touch the ground not addicted to gain
Nor pain as reward
Knowledge balance love sustenance the spirit
That connects all thing together like the bees
On their way with purpose to flower
The right way
I met a man on my way somewhere
Not liberating
I passed through a very hard way through the middle door way
Led me to you
Like the field
Peter as the words arose
Outside as they as been inside
Like the mount
Peter road
Where the new blue had come from
The old stood at the foot
You could see it in Their features gestures ........
Beneath the surface
Old faces bodies tiring
Blocking out the sun with all manner of encoded
Ancient and not sometimes so
Newly spun age ideas
To uphold action ? Inaction ? Relevance ?
Foot steps carved in the tree as branches developed
What was it about today time coming from all directions
Not denial
Not inaction
Surrounding meeting inards
Old faces old bodies inside
Beliefs shared through time
Seekers of fruit acquired
Bearers of age
Hard work
Step into the body stake sovereignty
Clean up the past belong to you
Steps recognise feet
Blue hugs my foot
I got traction to the wheels steep incline sharp
On wheel speed plus direction plus power
Equals skill
Or over kill
Reach depths pull out something
Blue the head phones a chew
The power lead too
Rain rain rain
Cyclone anniversity radio
Broken this broken that
Broken phone screen
Broken keyboard
Found a way
What a day
Found a way
Found money
Found a cb radio
Alternate form to message relay
Stand up open eyes wide
To see peircing sky for the dream
Black cockatoos ? Not to be seen
In its place feather new
Shining out new
Sea Eagle catches fish instead
Flies low brings to land
Foot long supper
We walked the shores
I give her the feather to eat she chew
White line stripe
Making spirit strong
Sometime the wall come
No good no bad
Struggle victory
Mother bites when child play rough even
Natures way learning all things needed in success
Of hunt or ettiquete
Generator went out too
Filthy the plug couldn't spark
Many things pulled through
Funny days
Moving objects around
Correct orders for efficient use
Avenues for finding
The way
The adventures of
Sky moon clouds what words none
Celestite blue like the two cracked halves
Surounds her scape
I glow not paled
By her comparison
Grass so soft like pillows on horizon
What words.what words
No compare for her pastels in my
She rides the bow sun blazing through
Descent lighting luner
She rides in my arms
She almost makes us both fall from the vessel
Wobbly sea legs
Happy with it I show her the water
Like a child too see
Drinking fresh exhilarating wetness
Next we land
I stand inching further to come see
When we run out of legs where
Mode shifts to running inside wetness
Her paddle
Bounding pounced wetness
Excitements key
Until unbridled it begins
First puddles
Then this
New wonder
The adventures of
For life
And well chosen friend
I never can remember such
The tip to top til broken words
Almost tipped me over the top
Where the sky met the water
The sun met the moon
Giant pillows so soft in distance
I run like some boy who can run
Like forest gump
I see myself run before I feel it
Coming again
It filled us up
Me and blue
Both your images are on the beach! 8)
At martha's
I picked up a piece of
and held in my hand
for a moment
the healing power
of the stone
and all the stones
in her office
on The window sill
looking out into the garden
about to bud
life back after a slow winter
Spring in the air
in her Office
and in my heart
martha heals
We heal
I liked the feeling if it
Was given the piece after I asked
In new Zealand
Brought it back
Perhaps it was a helping stone shop
In a pace called dargaville
Or some such town
I tried to set alight
Sat and ate fish and chips
A river ran though the town
Brown water
Small town syndrome
Seemed like portals being opened
Like a different planet
New country feeling
New rhythms
And the tane mahute
Old tree
Alien creatures small hedgehog things
Thanks for the re visit
Was it fingerprint or retina scan
AT airport or both
The beaches there low ceiling dream I dream of
Smell of smoking fish driving around
Different skies clouds
Slower times
Less people
A good place to retire I said
Roads much quieter
Paddocks filled with fog and smooth stones
Like art each one magnificent
Use and familiarity or un of difference in lighting
Caves in earth
I state with vision to see inside
Deep om left me spin
Birds that don't fly
Slow driving
For concerned welfare
Birthplace of kindness
For the lucky
Who blessed be had fare welled
And then farewell
Back from returned holiday dreaming again
Just point
And off we go
Give purpose
Weaver threads
What really makes dreams come true
Trust in the heart
The wind
Blows the blind
Towards the skin
Deep connection to heart
Not resides close to skin
Til work with wind sinks in
Golden bubbles on their heads
Shh listening to where comes subtley
A mans primary goal is to let go
Only then can he possess what is truly really
Stop the wind from place within Brings same
Use wind with
First seed dance
Rhythm enhance
Wind song true
Why perfection
Now new song
Calm patience
No thing to leak
Only the heartsong
Ringing true
He stands on the ledge he always had talent
Flies and does not touch the ground or die
Floats down like a glider shows me how
A friend too
Sungasses twisted I find them in the engine bay
Not knowing theyre their
Calenders numbers
Close embraces
Stils the hearts flutter
Tale close calm drive
Safe keeping
Like the saying write til your little hearts content
Shares the same word its 'content ' meaning
Dust stamping upwind sun
Once upon a time
The sun looked into the water and saw itself
In the sky
The moon did too
All the stars also
Decided to have a battle for who owned
The reflection in that
Time they called it this tic toc
Swirling around in the wind
Forming images the dust as it was stamped up
To the sky
The horizon seemed another matter
Arguing over who owns it
Time as it was built one way
The orbits never thought to see what their battle would bring
Each pointed knowing the reflection
Never pondering the horizon
The space no one saw as connected to the presence
That arrived
As the arrival appeared of time
Within time
At a certain time
Appeared again
Time itself remembered itself
Though time and the empty horizon
The sun knew its reflection in the moon
The moons reflection in the water the suns too
The planets and stars direction and wind
And remembered the other suns too
Could see order of who would be first in heaven
The battle of the orbits
Was hurting the earth the reflection of the horizon
And the presence of time the dust upon the waters face
Decided to act as suns do with fire
Lit the water the moons face
The winds dust
The orbits complimenting
Drawing up
All time in timing
Towards present time
To make align
Seeing objects ad been placed in the dust
In the water
In the earth
In times suns
To make the dream of the sun
And of the moon
And of the orbits
No longer fight to be first
To work together
And align
The lines
Drawn that draw
Upon the face
Of the water
Of the moon
Of the dust
Upon the earth
In timing
So it was written
Upon the face
Of the seven
And the one
When world's collide
Find solace
Solar reside
Waiting dor the winds to do their work
Waiting on the tides
Waiting for rest to
Upon the faces and places
Wherein all did reside
So about antagonism
And entrenchment
Armies assembled
Differences of opinion
On the same horizon
About who brings the truth ?
Arguments with goals
Mysterious words
With direction
Fine weather
These matters
With wind
Come onto forming time things
Perhaps small fish will
Always think they're large
Perhaps the loud
Always to drown out the reserved
Or quietened winds
Perhaps the small steps
Of times winds
Like mustard seeds
Large trees
Trees as breathed breathes
When I hear things like
Man throws scared dog to polar bear
Do I want man to live ?
Dog to live polar bear to live ?
Together circulatory
Give me polar bears and dogs
And trees
And if someone gave you the keys
Slight breeze
Model in news names Gigi hadid seems a joke
Gravity circulation and wind
Human forms
Attachments and other options
New keyboard lasted less than fortnight
I m horrified taking the garbage out
How much unneccesary bulk of packaging
Things like and they cut a tree down for this thing ?
Human form and wind
The embodiments apply force
Binging it here into being
The branches cannot forego the roots
Perhaps it will turn out to be a relaxing
Away from technologies workings
Phone cues
I pushed a girl in a broken car off the road too
The wind banging chimes
Ease and difficult times
The tales to political and emotional
Motivation underestimates no undemines
Krist story the bible
Through out time as always
Hidden to their eyes
Individuals tapped by spirit
Invisible world creating the visible
Random perfection expansion
Like pi
And the sum of an infinite fraction may equal a finite number
Individuals tapped
Perfect order
Religion irrelevant
false churches
True churches within individuals
Remember on earth as it is in heaven ?
Reaching though the mirror built in perfection
To become one with the source
And taken up
Again time the relevant discussion
Fine light
As the church is built
The two sides aligned
Fast vibration fuses this double
The Toltec not so different
One stood on the 'word' of god
Built completion or totality third attention
Whilst even in the emotional and physical body
It is quite easy to see the misunderstanding
Applied to the social strata
As above aligns below
So it becomes
Proper order built from the ground up from the sky down
Of course you won't take your body with you in the spirit
Except image
Already dreaming the world
Its called an arc
The word self expalianatory
Through out time beings come give order back
As gods folly
Or the ' eagles command'
What aligns is not from the ground
Embodied by those upon it
Those pillars that cross
For misunderstandings
Here lies personal truth
Proper foundation
Universal and between
Time spectrum
The pure heart
Driven by the root source
Relegated through the divine
Reaching fusion through action
Equals truth in action of all centers
Reaching mutual purpose
By all external infusions
Of divinity infusion
Through service
Service extends also to self
As vehicle for motion reaching out
And reception
Though personal inspiration inspired by the clear heart
Path equals proper measure of truth
As without proper measure and complete
Truth relegated to suffering though
Incorrect alignment
Correct alignment brings truth to bare on circumstance
Personal which awareness brings spirit awareness of sport
Loosening the bindus
As arc is extended through
River eternal to divine vehicle of service
Service personal extends universally
Universally extending personally
Powers at it's source both root and
And 'source' eternal
Spirit offers the alignment
Fusion of both sides mutual purpose
Infusion of polarities work with truth
Though upright cross for service
And awareness of shadow albeit connected
Elsewhere in fusion
Brings information non linearly
To adhere service to malaligned
Path subject in perfection to align
As alignment subjugated to universality
Through cross alignment as self in service to all as self
Selfishness as held proper alignment by heart
Is all as self
Now we come to our issue with false church
Not been chosen and self appointed
Ritual advises purity of heart
Lack of such leads to distortion through root
Shadow and universal root shadow
Collective time application annhialating
Connection and relating fall
Permeating unsavoury to collective
As built incorrectly mimicry from ground up
Self appointing yet not sustainable in structure
Corrupt preists and magicians
Drinking corrupt earths base lure to impurity
Very strong to impossible to achieve
Must be chosen
Strawberry field s forever radio
All I smell guavas I pick yesterday
So strong
Felt the wind strong last few days
Moons high
Feel the wind niggle
Hide from it
Move with it compelled
Closes turns towards ?
Not only away from
Subtle knowing
Like hearing the word run
Then run
Like feeling no
And not
First call
Not secondary guesses
Radio likes to repeat
Hides in the mountains
From the wind
Towards something
so i will talk about fear
comes later
i stand i will take on a dog many men
god knows in that moment maybe even a bike club from it
i growl wave my arm and yell get out to a dog
i am protecting blue
however i am already pretty flowered off about the stupid humans today
they are so close all around
with their noisy toys
bikes boats jet skis cars
they seem oblivious to anything and their worlds seem so alien and far from anything i know
i would have a holiday
quiet relaxation
not the hundred mile an hour type
they have all these things
toys noise children kites balls wandering all around as i try rest for
afternoon nap
talk about feeling human myself this moon brings
when i arc - ed up immense
i knew i would fight every body there in that moment
and grit my teeth
blue is only five months old
i have had one killed already i tell the lady that is why i am the way i am
about it
and our dog has been bashed up by a blue heeler she says
i have no words for them
i see it in the heavy tattooed mans eyes he will jump straight in
as far as i am concerned with my tunnel vision
i walk away as the dog backs away from me
in the next moment i switch
i feel anxiety i have felt in these type moments before
it seems a natural residue left in my system
at first i don't question it
let it start to take me
i pack every thing up and leave
i would rather take action and move than spend the easter weekend feeling this way
and complain
like a grumpy old man
talking to myself as they kick their footballs near the car
dogs on meter leads lied to posts barking yap yaps all day
snoring people
blue likes the new place for the moment
we will paddle new ways again soon
anxiety passes
the path of action
this moon
this moment
the eclipse christmas and easter
seems paranormal
remembering times
i have acted immediately regretted
movement important
proper movement
proper alignment
i dreamed i was taking off a couple nights ago then stayed now it makes sense
so well sing this song again
gone gone so gone
until next time
whats hidden
like the time piercing inside my skull with ball bearing eyes
piercing inside my third eye with ball bearing eyes
like the time going up the road
were gone gone gone
and they always think its a game
and they have their reasons i suppose
their reason i suppose
why they chose
the words
that make their dreams
like another rhythm it goes
along lines
talking talking talk
liking to talk talk talk
and in and out of trouble we go
and talk talk talk
and trouble comes
and how they don't know
where trouble comes and goes
because they talk talk talk
inside their heads
they make trouble then it arrives
i fifo
fly in fly out
without a doubt
i cant live inside their heads too
it hurts
hurts to see
hurts to hear
hurts to be near
today i run away
some people like the buzz
some people trapped by the pain
some insane
knowing no other way
i'm gone gone gone
like those down south
they say
its normal yet it ain't
its a pain
run away with me now
ill show you another way
there is no time to wait
like sarah conner
there is no time i feel
when i went into the trees
by the creek today
there is no other way
for me
no way
in the bush
chalk and cheese
were gone today again
gone gone gone
nice to see
all those humans i try to understand
with their pain
their toys
their brains
so gone
and what is good
there is a good story been told
it is hard to understand for most people
for me when i became the sun i immediately knew what it all meant
and what i had to do
it is easy to underestimate people
spirit makes people more or less
depending on their character
some tried to be gods here
some have been before and will be again
some raised up some torn down
what is the purpose of having no connection to source
to chase power only to see your own reflection cast out into the world
they had formed castes of their own
put there eggs in baskets
and travelled along lines
linear lines
lines that return and edifices lived within
all that work has been tended to now
those gardens
ears that only hear themselves
not spirit dance
dancing like the flame all the flames together
not separate
only to separate eyes
today my body feels like steel
i have decided to treat it well
seeing much that is not in this alignment makes me stronger
i am glad for their weaknesses put forth as strength so that i could come
and exist at this time
to be a part of this great time
to be born this way
with these challenges
with these eyes spirit lends me
to watch the reflections in the water
song really starts at 2mins40sec
there is a reason i have chosen to wear these clothes
so i whisper shout to the wind
wind ! so softly
do you hear me
they toot their horn as they drive past again i think wind hears me ;)
i whisper wind
i hold my piece in tact
it does not tug as i follow this subtle feeling
its growing
or may be
its becoming aware of it
paying attention
movement all centers aligned
so simple
once trusted
no nonsense to deviate
wind !whisper shout
seeing draped across my third eye
the petal like wings of an insect like image
soon gone
by the power
no contest
seeing openings to go through
travelling through
flapping wings spread makes the hole
makes the view
im dreaming it as i write i see the images
and why not
whispering to the wind
listening to the wind
merging with the wind
bliss is the one that does not come so easy on the chart
its close so close at all times
the mutual space
feminine masculine merged
then return
its always one
if only to notice
combine the seeings
the doings
the beings
So as with the age of Aquarius
Curious song
In a garden park at one time behind
My lodging at the time
I would practice movements in the dark
It looked like clear hair in the air of darkness
And would move with my hands
I had a doctor a keen photographer come
To try and photograph the phenomenon
Seemed an anomoly in the world's illusion
Reminded me of Dr who the old curly haired one
Took care of and ultimately perhaps undoing of knee
Hyperextension from old man in car in car park
Needle under knee cap quartazone
Weakening of tendon as
Perhaps leading to further arising dependant origination
Next current surgery from snapped tendon later
Where were we oh
The band
2 1111 7 timing
Age of aqarius
Magical numbers illuminating
Earth illusion
Instruments as orbits numbering 7
2 eqaling complimentary faces of moon and sun
Both illuminating and reflecting
4 timing of one
Within bars 4 ' 4 as 1111 yet spacing 7 units withing four timing respectively
Band to be played
As proper orbits within character true signs
Popping in an out of 2,faces illumination
As they appear within correct orbital timing
Procession and illumination
Sheet and refraction
Of harmonic
Existence of
Two Buddha's realisation
Into spheres
Being non being
I dreamed of this double helix
Music some time ago
Seeing healing alignment potential
Individual extending
Also formed as
Mirror Potential universal consisting individuals
Breaking limited boundaries
Through corrected alignment energetic potentials
For expansion
Interrupting for a second to say that I love your avatar:;attach=8487;type=avatar
the orangutan suit feels great !
Like the legendary drovers sidekick
Blue taken up position with a bark and stare
Upon the box
Brings home a lot of flowers
Don't worry about the backward talkers
Talking backward in corners to disappear
In their mind when it suits
One report a hole bunch of talkers banging tables
Their beliefs beyond reproach
In their cordoned off backwards vortex
Zip and it's done
In heaven banging tables bunch of table bangers
Screaming see there's no such thing as the spiritual
Its all real
On the other side of vortex screaming
See nothings real
At the peak where its on the turn saying look I'm everywhere
In the centre originating union at point of seed not sprout
Singing no thing
Till their cornered again
The they whistle what is it you sing
Like your a dingaling
Ask them a question like Angela Merkel
They'll sing in a circle
The wind sings to me today
I went to those places
Was burnt live now I'm a live wire
So I have a table banger a gift
A denied of the wind
Where the word comes from the seed
Where balance is requires
Where those sides go all the way to the sky
Where ignorance will get you possibly killed
Arrogance too
And even worse
Where the wind goes all the way to the sky
And thyve already taken to the sky
You can't deny the wind
You can't deny the sky
When the voice comes from the seed
And the wind told me to spread the seed
Like a lover
A lover of the seed
The sun
The wind
Earth`s self upholds this monument
To conquerors who won her when
Wooing was dangerous and now
Are gathered unto her again
We sit in the dry waterhole
After days of digging
Suggestions of unclean exchanges
Formula's that produce salt
Suggested requirments not met
Whos spring ?
Not what im suggesting
Toltecs ball games in the court
Atanteans and such
We lay in the dry river bed
It was never a contest to find water
Despite suggestions if shortage
Impurities and such
Transferences requiring compromise
Shadow siphon
What was the alternative
Not forgetting
Not feeding it from itself
Not needing it to seek that way
So your standing on a hill top
Looking at your self on high
Whispering shout the way
Looking with fear
Hearing with fear
Kicking at your stairs
Steps dust from the past blocks the way
the sky comes whilst doing
Something else with a clear heart steps
Guiding the way
Fear take a back seat
Not to stay trapped
Gritting teeth OK
To get to action for what's in the way
I wish you'd see
What was real or contaminated
As no they are not equal
Until what's let go makes them equal
Is it too much to think
That religion was a stage
For a war
To unite what
Is divided
Is it too much
That our reflection
In the sky sees ourselves
Pass by
Is it too much
That through suffering
Must religions
As extensions
Of individual
Glimpses of a elephant
Through time
Must align
Is it too much
That everyone had
To be right
It is too much
I have my fish hooks
I do not catch fish when I am not hungry
I watched the Steven seagal clip
What does it take to change the essence
Of a man
From the movie on deadly ground
After reading Vicki's post on boddhisatvas
Where the oil workers beats on weak native man
And Steven seagal then beats on them
I think it becomes a question of patience
And not only patience
Of measure proportional to an issue
So what does it take o change the essence of a man
Sure essence is a vapourous term
Smell is also vapourous yet still discernible
Like smells in jars
Wanting to remain the same
I would love to shift the smells
When having to witness
What is done
I have a lot of words today
Something feels close
Larger scale
Yet people don't see more they seem to see less
When something if big and ominous
In front of them they focus in microscopic detail
To exclusion
Like sight being narrowed contained
Like essence in a jar
Like a dream
I try to wake them up
And they become angry
And ask to stay asleep
Sometimes accusing
Sure we die alone
Must we also
Be surrounded yet alone
Today I met a man
Aboriginl man
Shakes my hand
Tells me his name a Paul
His words are slow
I hear myself saying here we go
Then he surprises me
He says when he meets somebody
Who is a good person he shakes their hand
He says his father taught him that
And he teaches his kids that and passes it on
He says because we are in the world
And he says we are not alone in the world
I knew he was giving me something
I appreciated him
What does it take to change the essence of a man
http a://
Yesterday eyes hurt
Lost sunglasses by the grove we discovered
Today found them again led back by blue
To the black cockatoo feather
I have been waiting to discover
Blues rainbow in waterhole today
We dig a little each day
Warm weather
She drinks from the tap
She loves the puddles
The water
Black cockatoo returns today
I look up when I hear distinctive song
I never saw one so high
Like the eagle almost a speck
So so high
I was glad of their return
A relief
Speaking of the why and where
Distinctive flight patterns
Almost erratic bobbing like kites
The sun passes behind them
Illuminating transparency of those red feathers
Otherwise invisible beneath the wings
The rays come through appearing
Unpredictable motion
The feeling coming through
Feather feels joyful
Makes me giggle when
I see it
The radio sings songs of minimum fathoms
One more toucha your body
As I painstakingly press these slow keys
They torpedoed innocense from an early age
Sure you may relate to the sixties liberation
Hijacked innocense and intimacy
Qualities of navigation
Differing in wave riding abilities
Strength coming
The fight deviation into differing channels
Drinking quality movement
Fight split fork on waterway
Some more nautical term
Sternly spoken of
Poles a go go
You have to wonder the split
And tension
Apllied through stars directing
Southern crosses
No depth to streams
Qthy think they sing of love it's weird
Romantic ears squint
A blast of
Mixed disbelief washed in with
I feel a little bit washed up
Am I lonely and lone
In such a busy
World full of
Sea urchins
And also
Trotting through greenery
Bounding purple jade
Golden faucet's
Inherited mansions
Blues rainbow
On waterfall rests
Gold beneath soft sand
Placed by hand
Teeth grown
Canines replaced
New fangs coming
All grown up
Legs sturdy
Tomorrow is the 777 and one
Popped up
New shoot
Beneath two old warrior trees
Sweet dreams
Water today
Skies cleared up
Blue lay in shallow pool
She swims in soft sand
She's a fan
I'm a fan
Fan Club ♣
And why
That those of Balaam
Would place a stumbling block before the children of Israel
First consider direction and propulsion
Of time as directional forwards
Next assume progression of reoccurring motion
As reappearance through cycle of time reemergence
Now to that arrival in time proceeding becoming present of first and second parties
A child arrives upon the path in timing of perfection
Is met by reemergence
Of formulation sent down through time
To undermine this perfection
Which would deliver lesson relevant to beings
Present position
Next add to this detrimental positioning of undermine
Continued removal and divergence of spiritual
Journey repeatedly throughout timeline progression
Leading to repeated attempt and succession of played out elements
Becoming forces suppression and counterproductive
Movement leading to stasis of base
And shadow aspect of wholes part's
Leading to further homeostasis of entire
Yet as it turns out not entirely
As it also falls into a plan through time
The plan there fore is
That time would be aware of itself
And await it's return
Like layers of clothing
Having experienced
And fitted upon itself
Resulting in cohesion
Although perhaps not such comfort
If having been led again towards
Suppressed base
Gaining requirement
To deal successive movement necessary
To address
Awareness of layers
In accordance with awaiting time
And time in alternate direction
Striking at issues to
Levi ate burden
If entirety weight upon
Entireties movement
Subjective to healthy growth
As whole
Nautical terms brought Cork's bobbing
Tree branches
Times relevance
Crossing dark rifts
The little ones showered with gifts
And all else ?
Meeting of selves mirrors
Butterfly wing flapping
Universe tremble
Meeting selves
Left hand right hand
Of god
Pacha mama
How high was the sky
When we awakened
What reconciliation for nihalism
Other ism's ownerships of direction
Cockatoos sqwark above
To those who live with power
Does little
Two oars means paddling not to be in circles
Or swapping sides
Jar of green tomato pickles means something not tried
Building ties together the wind moves in timing
Upon sturdy legs
Pots to capture shellfish
Rods to brace timbers
Patches given to keep a float
Walking on solid bases
Whilst floating
Abstract propositions which can't be held till
They arrive
In time
Being led
By power both sides
Accepted a third
Think you have all the time in the world
Why politicians can't take a step
Heavy shoes
Loons stay under water for a very long time
Then pop back up enexpectedly
In a new location
With fish or not
But not really
A joy to watch
And listen
A tiny sprout
Just two leaves
Pokes out of the sand
Small round petals reach for sky
It's been a long cold winter
But he made it
Free now
The wind of yesterday has passed away
I felt watery upon me
I let it pass in the night
Dreamed of cream buns
Pink icing I know they will find me
Small things
Perhaps I will not take them from the shelf
Nobody has stolen the boat
Of course
Radio echo nautical terms
Loons sound fascinating
Blue has to shake away the ants
You are closer to bees
Than I have been
Since I learned as a child many times
A way to safely pick them up bitten many times
False fingernails for cats
I think the humans are the ones who look weird
Its a very slow site
Ready for
They give me what I need
Not what I want
Like a job
Rewards are not yin or yang
Struggle some convenience
Place me here or there
Fill my hands with what's needed
What I could imagine
Is not
Sky brings things
Would you wait and watch eternity
Pain and not act
Would you watch their pain and change the whole
For eternities turning
Turning the wheel
Would you end the pain
For a moment for the long turn
Bending to our touch
You can't say illusion
When the illusion can kick your ass
You can say you can't change the game
Yet that's bullshit watch
Those who bend
The wheel will
You can be a lobbyest or a powerbroker
or both
Everything bends
Where the heart core reaches upward to the sky
Reaches base desire
Holds balance
You know the lie
The split
The garden
Christian valley monastary
People tapping shoulders in stores
Spiit people listening with different ears
Moving many speeds at once layers
Moving balance moving harmony
Yin yang
Listening moving too
Frees from fixation
Stop go
Heart trust
Without compromise
Showing the way
Built ground up sky down both sides
Pressure outside
Will break it with will
Never stop
Moving harmony
Whilst flame lights glass
Who said it best
What works best
For each light through glass
What came for here
Each one knows
Dust off glass
Break rust from steel sword
Both sides align
Where were going in the sky
I don't know
Were already there though
Talk about tunnels of light
Awareness turning opposite directions
Looking all around in spirit
More than devoured
More than a mind impression
More than lost
Remembering where came why
Remembering even more
Not paralized by hypnotised onset of sleep
Shaking it off
Dream amnesia
The first living creature like a lion, the second like a calf, the third had a face like a man , and the fourth living creature like an eagle in flight.
Two olive trees
Seven candles
Seven seals
Seven churches
Seven fold spirit of man
The one
I know that part since 40 years back, and I wonder: this was a quite precis description of a VTOL airplane(Vertical Take Off and Landing), or some kind of UFO. Has anyone brought up any theory regarding this part?
"As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness around it, and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst of the fire, as it were gleaming metal.b 5And from the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had a human likeness, 6but each had four faces, and each of them had four wings. 7Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf’s foot. And they sparkled like burnished bronze. 8Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. And the four had their faces and their wings thus: 9their wings touched one another. Each one of them went straight forward, without turning as they went. 10As for the likeness of their faces, each had a human face. The four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an eagle. 11Such were their faces. And their wings were spread out above. Each creature had two wings, each of which touched the wing of another, while two covered their bodies. "
"I saw a wheel on the ground beside each creature with its four faces. 16 This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like topaz, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel. 17 As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the creatures faced; the wheels did not change direction as the creatures went. 18 Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes all around.
19 When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose. 20 Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. 21 When the creatures moved, they also moved; when the creatures stood still, they also stood still; and when the creatures rose from the ground, the wheels rose along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels."
End of phase one. I would not be responsible if I did not make a recapitulation at this point.
Simon, you have asked to be deleted from Soma. I've been so busy, I haven't had a moment to consider your request, but now, I think you are correct. This persona phase has exhausted itself, so best it be laid to rest in peace.
You were invited here, because you asked me for assistance re spirit development. I explained to you then, that I did not have the time to engage in one-on-one assistance, but that if you wanted to join Soma, you would find a vast store-house of knowledge that you could mine, as well as practitioners who could help you. I advised you right then, that it would only work if you dropped your obfuscatory communication style. You agreed, so I let you into Soma.
Unfortunately you refused to drop your style of communication, believing it to be some issue of individuality and rejection of the mundane. In fact, it was a rejection of Soma members. At one point I questioned you on this, but you decided you knew as much about the Path as anyone in Soma, thus basically you told us all to stuff off, unless we wanted any help from you.
Simon, we don't need help from you. You are a beginner on this Path, and in no position to advise anyone. Members here bent over backwards to be kind to you, in the hope you would soften your arrogance. But it was not to be - your arrogance deepened the longer no one responded to your endlessly boring and tedious stream-of-consciousness posts. But you failed to realise you were responsible for that, because you refused to talk simply and unpretentiously to people, as a normal human being. You have the classic mental sickness of all spiritual acolytes at one point on the Path (I know, because I have suffered from the same sickness) - you believe yourself to be special. It's no more complicated than that.
It is you who have pushed away any possible relationship with Soma members. You treated Soma as a scribble pad, no more worthy than a rubbish bin to throw into all your endless self-absorbed thought dribbles. Then at last, you revealed your soul when Juhani triggered your buttons. In Lori's thread, you were the only one to drop into abusive language. Even Lori held her dignity under far more pressure than you, and came out of it stronger than before she went in. You on the other hand, threw up your hands and jumped ship. Leaving everyone to wonder what on earth wandered in and out of Soma without realising anything about the power of the subterranean current that sustains this forum.
You are young, and callow on the Path, so we have been patient with you. After you rejected any help from me, I adopted the hope that Soma would act on you subconsciously, seeing that your consciousness was not salvageable. It appears to have worked. There really was no other option than for you to leave under your current mind. That mind will need to die before you can progress, so it is best I delete your account.
You are welcome to return any time, and have another go at this Path. I suspect you will be too arrogant to believe you can profit in any way from Soma, but you fail to realise that your current self-image is fatally damaged. Those on this Path, including Soma members, know only too well the decimation that awaits any aspirant to the Path of Spirit. Once you bid for power, there is no escape - only delay.
When your shoulder-chip is knocked clean off, contact me gain, and I'll welcome you back to Soma.