Sacred Earth => The Forest, the Wilderness [Public] => Topic started by: nichi on November 12, 2006, 03:04:31 PM
"The forest is so different at night, " I said, a little embarrassed. "I must have been overly tired."
Nodding her head, she said, "Watch the light - see how it reflects from leaf to leaf until it descends to the ground, to the sleeping shadows. That's the way dawn puts to sleep the spirits of the night." Angelica began to caress the leaves on the ground. "During the day the shadows sleep. At night they dance in the darkness."
Shabono - A visit to a remote and magical world in the South American Rainforest.
Florinda Donner
:) :-*
Ive never read this one have you?
I ordered it online and received a spanish copy to which I couldnt read a word.. lol Thanks for the reminder to reorder ;)
No I haven't! But the excerpts I've read from it are most intriguing!
Let me know how it is!
;) Will do...
It reminds me of a field trip I once took through one of the state parks near me in Virginia... The guide's point to us was that perception is different at night, because without any light (the state park was pure darkness!) we couldn't see color.
There were plenty of beings up and about, though! The place was alive, against the audio-backdrop of a chuck whipporwhill. And a nighthawk.
Then we went to call owls ... that was really a hoot! ;) I'll never forget it.