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Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on September 04, 2024, 08:23:18 AM »
I know she is a little annoying to listen to as she is reading off a screen. Give her a break! She is doing her best! This is a psychologist who banded with 27 mental health professionals, who are about to have a conference on the "Trump Contagion." She wrote a whole book on it, and feels the need with others to alert the public. That this is more than the insanity of one individual. But the "contagion" has infected many.

Now I could sit with this lady and break it down "It's called the Luciferian spirit." I do feel she is correct - it infects. Now, even listening to his drivel, one has to be careful and shield, even if they hate his ass, cause he is that infectious. That's what people need to understand. This is a shared psychosis of many. And they need to wake up. But it is interesting what she has to say, coming at the issue from the angle she does.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on September 03, 2024, 05:26:26 AM »
The incident at Arlington National Cemetary, is staying in the spotlight, and I'm glad. Now, if The Devi is smart, and she is, she should bring the incident up in the debate. This needs to be addressed. How many nails in the coffin do we need on this Reality TV Clown? I do not know. But he needs to go. Vote Vets put out an excellent ad addressing this. And hearing from this veteran on this video is excellent. I mean, also, when you get a statement from the ARMY rebuking the behavior, that says something. He is utterly foul. The scoop:
Hinduism [Public] / Karma
« Last post by nikos on September 03, 2024, 01:26:40 AM »

What is Karma if all of our actions have consequences ?....

...that relate to life.... ??

Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on September 02, 2024, 04:36:10 PM »
Tonight, I was listening to a mother of a son who was killed in Afghanistan as he served, in the final days of the withdrawal. She is full on a Trump supporter. Now yes, Biden did not handle the pull out well. BUT. I wish I could explain to this grieving mother, the beginning "move" on the chessboard to pull out, and make it a mess, was because of Trump himself. Negotiating with the Taliban? He didn't know flower all what he was doing, or what he was dealing with. Biden was left with many messes. The pull out was agreed upon thanks to Trump. And because of the prior mess, and the Taliban getting a foothold, the pull out was a disaster. She is right, it was a disaster. And Biden, I wish would have done it better. But there were things on this his hands were tied on. It all goes back to the mess Trump started.

U.S. review of chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal blames Trump

Apr 6, 2023 2:34 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. review led by the National Security Council of the chaotic 2021 withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan largely lays the blame on former President Donald Trump, saying President Joe Biden was “severely constrained” by the decisions of his predecessor.

The White House on Thursday publicly released a 12-page summary of the results of the so-called “ hotwash ” of U.S. policies around the ending of the nation’s longest war, taking little responsibility for its own actions during some of the darkest moments of Biden’s presidency.

The administration said most of the after-action reviews, which were transmitted privately to Congress on Thursday, were highly classified and would not be released publicly.

“President Biden’s choices for how to execute a withdrawal from Afghanistan were severely constrained by conditions created by his predecessor,” the White House summary states, noting that when Biden entered office, “the Taliban were in the strongest military position that they had been in since 2001, controlling or contesting nearly half of the country.”

READ MORE: A historical timeline of Afghanistan

The report does fault overly optimistic intelligence community assessments about the Afghan army’s willingness to fight, and says Biden followed military commanders’ recommendations for the pacing of the drawdown of U.S. forces.

The White House asserts the mistakes of Afghanistan informed its handling of Ukraine, where the Biden administration has been credited for supporting Kyiv’s defense against Russia’s invasion. The White House says it simulated worst-case scenarios prior to the February 2022 invasion and moved to release intelligence about Moscow’s intentions months beforehand.

“We now prioritize earlier evacuations when faced with a degrading security situation,” the White House said.

In an apparent attempt to defend its national security decision-making, the Biden administration also notes that it released pre-war warnings over “strong objections from senior officials in the Ukrainian government.”

Republicans in Congress have sharply criticized the Afghanistan withdrawal, focusing on the deaths of 13 service members in a suicide bombing at Kabul’s airport.

Former Marine Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews, who was badly wounded in the explosion, told a congressional hearing last month that the withdrawal “was a catastrophe” and “there was an inexcusable lack of accountability.”

WATCH: Mark Frerichs on what his freedom means after being held hostage in Afghanistan for years

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby credited U.S. forces for their actions in running the largest airborne evacuation of noncombatants in history during the chaos of Kabul’s fall.

“They ended our nation’s longest war,” he told reporters. “That was never going to be an easy thing to do. And as the president himself has said, it was never going to be low grade or low risk or low cost.”

Since the U.S. withdrawal, Biden has blamed the February 2020 agreement Trump reached with the Taliban in Doha, Qatar, saying it boxed the U.S. into leaving the country. The agreement gave the Taliban significant legitimacy and has been blamed by analysts for undercutting the U.S.-backed government, which would collapse so quickly a year later.

But the agreement also gave the U.S. the right to withdraw from the accord if Afghan peace talks failed — which they did.

The agreement required the U.S. to remove all forces by May 1, 2021. Biden pushed a full withdrawal to September but declined to delay further, saying it would prolong a war that had long needed to end.

AP writers Josh Boak and Seung Min Kim contributed to this report.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on September 02, 2024, 04:19:13 AM »
Something I have done with my videos since last year. Per Archangel Michael. Is take the timing of my videos. And apply a scripture. On Luke's recent video, which I feel is important to watch. Ezekiel 16:49 Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

Neither did strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. Like the immigrants, coming to America for assistance?

But this old, tired, playbook, propaganda, to demonize Democrats, and even elude The Devi is an agent of communism. Which, how is this, as communism does not welcome outsiders (they really don't think). And post these videos to invoke fear in the masses. It's absolutely disgusting. Unfortunately, there is a great number of people falling for this shit.

And many are so-called Christians. Who have done away with any teachings of Jesus. Even the scripture above, when I time it to Luke's video, says it all. To be full of bread, abundance,, idleness, and not strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

And shall we turn it around or be judged for it? This election is very important. The scoop:
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 30, 2024, 03:21:02 PM »
I have a theory. Let’s just. Bear with me. Somewhat a fantasy tale but…hear me out. The Donald Duck Poofon Con, was up there with God in heaven. Discussing Job and that whole deal. He made a wager with God. He didn’t want just one measly human. He wanted good ole America. Make him born to a nice wealthy fam in NY. Move to Manhattan. Get a bunch of towers. Apartment made of gold like a true chump. And basically, con. But later, run for President. And per the wager “They are so stupid, I can get them to believe anything. Even that I’m The Chosen One.” So God said “ You’re on” and sent this nutburger to earth.

Now, he is seen at another event, and he tells everyone, of the jobs created by Biden Administration “107% of the jobs went to immigrants.” YES. A supposed presidential candidate, says this spew. And even tosses in an impossible math statistic! But his base flushed any smidge of a rational mind down the toilet long ago, in support of this Fat Orange Clown. At this point, he is totally flowering with them. The scoop:
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 30, 2024, 10:23:40 AM »
What is this music, to my ears? 🎶🎼🎵 It's the sound of BOOS for Mister Potatohead. 🥔🧔‍♂️He spoke in front of the International Association of Fire Fighters. And these brave men and women are not stupid. They KNOW he and the Deluded Melon want to rake them over the coals. He looks sad, sorry, sappy, stupid. And he has it comin!

This is in stark contrast where the lovable "Everybody's Dad" VP Tim Walz spoke, and received lots of cheers! This contrast is a very nice sign, that Harris and Walz are on the trajectory to win here! The scoop:
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 30, 2024, 12:21:22 AM »
So there was a kerfuffle at Arlington National Cemetary, with the Deluded Melon going to make a show. He KNOWS about the negative press he has gotten for his comments of fallen soldiers being suckers and losers. The kerfuffle was to film and photo op the graveyard, which is a federal offense to do this, for promoting an election. But his team forcibly did this. But here we have it. He does a "thumbs up" and a cheesy grin. And now, another family is upset, as their vet family member who is buried there, was used as a prop to bolster his campaign. He aint fooling anyone but the Kool Aid Cult he cares about veterans. He does not. He already showed that Freudian slip, when he recently said the Medal of Freedom to his billionaire donor was better than the Medal of Honor, cause recipients of that are in "bad shape or dead" but his billionaire friend was "beautiful and healthy." He's a c*** we all know this, and the scoop:
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!! 🤑💰💵 🔥🗑️
« Last post by Firestarter on August 28, 2024, 01:41:55 PM »
The above is money, fire, trash can. Cause Don the Bloated Con is on the loose!

How Presidential! He must really need money. Up there at Mar A Lago, making a video for his suckers, er, base, pimping trading cards of himself! A cool hundred bucks per card! Cards with him as a muscular superhero, buffed with muscles and tan, does he really think he looks like this? He has sold them on the image of this cool businessman who is a success. They still buying it? What is it now, we got, trash ass gold sneakers, Bibles, Mugshot tee shirts, Assassination sneakers, whiskey shot glasses with a bullet stuck in them. He makes the My Pillow Guy look like a class act! Is his base this flowering stupid? Don''t cry to me about the Biden economy, if you piss away hard earned money on this fat flower. The scoop:
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 28, 2024, 11:07:06 AM »
Ouch that's hot! The Great Barrier Reef threatened. Hotter than it has been, in 400 years. The scoop:
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