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Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on February 19, 2025, 01:49:27 PM »
IOW he has changed a lot. He too, is becoming unhinged. We are witnessing demon possession.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on February 19, 2025, 01:48:22 PM »
Kids are a lot smarter than people give them credit for. All the time. The likelihood that he has heard the words before are high. But kids are very smart. I don't care what anyone says. Kids are smart and they often see things before we do. 

As a side note Elon only brought him to portray himself as a good father. I know what it looks like when a man is trying to make himself look like a good man or like a good dad when they are very much the opposite. Elon Musk hits every single mark for that.

Elon has said before he battles demons. I think they won.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Dramática on February 19, 2025, 01:10:53 PM »
Like the whole incident with Elon in the White House with his kid. Even the kid, per some folks who really listened to the kid, said it sounded like he said to Trump, when he walked over, "You are not the President, SHHHHHH!" If that is true, the kid heard this said, somehow. Trump is a puppet for many. But Elon has him by the cajónes right now.

It's going to be a crazy ride. But I suspect it is going to get weird.

Kids are a lot smarter than people give them credit for. All the time. The likelihood that he has heard the words before are high. But kids are very smart. I don't care what anyone says. Kids are smart and they often see things before we do. 

As a side note Elon only brought him to portray himself as a good father. I know what it looks like when a man is trying to make himself look like a good man or like a good dad when they are very much the opposite. Elon Musk hits every single mark for that.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Dramática on February 19, 2025, 01:08:39 PM »
Remember too tho, there is still a bunch of directions we could go. Like, if all of America woke up, could change the game.

Right now tho, this whole Bromance with Trump and Elon, it can't last forever.

I bet Elon has a lot of dirt on Trump, and God knows who else. Could this go sour when the two turn on each other?

I want to believe it can change. But when I have prophetic dreaming, and it does not change after time, it is pretty much a certainty.

I have not been wrong one time. Not once have I ever been wrong with certain prophetic dreaming.

Unfortunately, I can say that until I'm blue in the face and everyone else around me will disagree because that's not what they want and then later they find out.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on February 19, 2025, 10:06:51 AM »
Like the whole incident with Elon in the White House with his kid. Even the kid, per some folks who really listened to the kid, said it sounded like he said to Trump, when he walked over, "You are not the President, SHHHHHH!" If that is true, the kid heard this said, somehow. Trump is a puppet for many. But Elon has him by the cajónes right now.

It's going to be a crazy ride. But I suspect it is going to get weird.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on February 19, 2025, 10:04:12 AM »
I dreamed of it as a teenager. Yeah. I know a couple of things that may be coming.

Remember too tho, there is still a bunch of directions we could go. Like, if all of America woke up, could change the game.

Right now tho, this whole Bromance with Trump and Elon, it can't last forever.

I bet Elon has a lot of dirt on Trump, and God knows who else. Could this go sour when the two turn on each other?
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Dramática on February 19, 2025, 09:29:15 AM »
We are looking at the beginning of a New World Order.

I dreamed of it as a teenager. Yeah. I know a couple of things that may be coming.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on February 19, 2025, 06:45:13 AM »
Pope Francis took his name from Saint Francis of Assisi.

Saint Francis's origina name was Francis (Italian: Francesco d'Assisi; Latin: Franciscus Assisiensis) was baptized Giovanni by his mother. His surname, di Pietro di Bernardone, comes from his father, Pietro di Bernardone. The latter was in France on business when Francis was born in Assisi, a small town in Italy.

He was born in Italy, and traveled to Rome. So "Peter the Roman" does fit, for Pope Francis to be the Final Pope.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on February 19, 2025, 06:41:31 AM »

An Irish saint's eerie prophecy that Pope Francis will be the last Pontiff
Irish Saint Malachy, the 12th-century bishop of Armagh, prophesied that there would be only one more pope after Benedict.
IrishCentral Staff
Mar 26, 2022

The prophecies of the Irish Saint Malachy (1094-1148), the 12th-century bishop of Armagh, have thrilled and dismayed readers for centuries.

In a series of 112 cryptic Latin phrases, the Irish saint "predicts" the Roman Catholic popes. He predicted there would be only one more pope after Benedict, and during his reign comes the end of the world. So Francis could be the last.

Saint Malachy's final prediction in full is: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”

Pope Francis, who was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, chose his papal name in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. One theory that seeks to confirm the Irish saint's final prophecy is that Saint Francis's father's name was Pietro, or Peter.

In 1139, then Archbishop Malachy went to Rome from Ireland to give an account of his affairs. While there, he received a strange vision about the future that included the name of every pope, 112 in all from his time, who would rule until the end of time. We are now at the last prophecy.

St. Malachy gave an account of his visions to Pope Innocent II, but the document remained unknown in the Roman Archives until its discovery in 1590.

His predictions are taken very seriously. As one report states: "In 1958, before the Conclave that would elect Pope John XXIII, Cardinal Spellman of New York hired a boat, filled it with sheep and sailed up and down the Tiber River, to show that he was 'pastor et nautor,' the motto attributed to the next Pope in the prophecies."

As for the prophecy concerning the 111th pope, Pope Benedict, the prophecy says of him, "Gloria Olivae," which means "the glory of the Olive." The Order of Saint Benedict is also known as the Olivetans, which many claims make Malachy's prophecies correct. The next and final pope then should be "Peter Romanus."

Many of the prophecies are spot on. For example, the one about Pope Urban VIII is Lilium et Rosa (the lily and the rose). He was a native of Florence and the arms of Florence feature a fleur-de-lis.

Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) is De labore Solis meaning "of the eclipse of the sun." Wojtyla was born on May 18, 1920, during a solar eclipse.

Peregrinus apostolicus (pilgrim pope), which designates Pius VI, appears to be verified by his many journeys to new lands.

So will Pope Francis be the last pope? The Irish seer of the 12th century has said it will be so. Time will tell.

*Originally published in 2013.  Last updated in March 2022.

Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on February 19, 2025, 06:38:24 AM »
St Malachy, who most of us Irish know, predicted all the popes. His predictions ended with this pope, that he would be through the Tribulation. If something happens to Pope Francis, either steps down, or passes, what follows him?

The pope has pneumonia in both lungs but remains in good spirits, the Vatican says

Updated 11:17 AM PST, February 18, 2025
ROME (AP) — Pope Francis has developed pneumonia in both lungs, the Vatican said Tuesday, after new tests showed a further complication in the condition of the 88-year-old pontiff.

The Vatican said Francis’ respiratory infection also involves asthmatic bronchitis, which requires the use of cortisone antibiotic treatment. “Laboratory tests, chest X-ray, and the Holy Father’s clinical condition continue to present a complex picture,” the Vatican said.

Nevertheless the pope, who had the upper lobe of his right lung removed as a young man, is in good spirits and is grateful for the prayers for his recovery, Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said in a late update.

Francis was admitted to Rome’s Gemelli hospital in a “fair” condition on Friday after a weeklong bout of bronchitis worsened. On Monday, medical personnel determined that he was suffering from a polymicrobial respiratory tract infection, meaning a mix of viruses, bacteria and possibly other organisms had colonized his respiratory tract.

“The follow-up chest CT scan which the Holy Father underwent this afternoon ... demonstrated the onset of bilateral pneumonia, which required additional drug therapy,” Bruni said.

Bronchitis can lead to pneumonia, which is a deeper and far more serious infection of the lungs’ air sacs. Treatment varies by severity but can include providing oxygen through a nasal tube or mask, intravenous fluids – and treatment of the underlying cause of the infection. To date Francis is not known to be using supplemental oxygen, and he has eaten breakfast every day, read the newspapers and done some work from his hospital room.

The Vatican has given no indication of how long the pope might remain hospitalized, only saying that the treatment of such a “complex clinical picture,” which has already required two changes in his drug regimen, would require an “adequate” stay.

Francis once again had a peaceful night, ate breakfast and read the newspapers Tuesday morning, Bruni said. Despite the less than positive news about Francis’ condition, a rainbow appeared over the Gemelli hospital on Tuesday afternoon.

On Monday, Francis resumed doing some work and made his daily call to a Gaza City parish to check in on the Catholic community there. In a sign that other Vatican business was proceeding as usual Tuesday, the Vatican No. 2, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, continued his delicate visit to Burkina Faso and another top Vatican cardinal, Cardinal Michael Czerny, prepared to leave Wednesday for a five-day visit to Lebanon.

But other business had to be canceled. There will be no weekly general audience Wednesday, and it’s not clear if Francis will miss his Sunday noon blessing for a second week in a row. His hospitalization has also forced the cancellation of some events surrounding the Vatican Holy Year, the once-every-quarter-century ceremony in which millions of pilgrims flock to Rome.

This Holy Year weekend was dedicated to deacons, the ministry that is a necessary step for men who are preparing to become priests. Francis had an unrelated audience Saturday and was supposed to have ordained the deacons during a Mass on Sunday. The Vatican on Tuesday announced his audience was canceled and that the archbishop who is organizing the Jubilee would celebrate the Mass in the pope’s place.

It’s a similar arrangement that the Vatican announced last weekend when artists in town had to settle for a scrapped papal audience and a cardinal presiding over their special Mass.

The next Jubilee events on the calendar that would typically involve the pope are the March 8-9 weekend dedicated to volunteers.

Francis had part of one lung removed after a pulmonary infection as a young man and is prone to bouts of bronchitis in winter. He has admitted in the past that he is a non-compliant patient, and even his close Vatican aides have said he pushed himself too far even once his bronchitis was diagnosed.

He refused to let up on his busy schedule and ignored medical advice to stay indoors during Rome’s chilly winter, insisting on sitting through an outdoor Jubilee Mass for the armed forces on Feb. 9 even though he was having trouble breathing.

Francis’ hospital admission this year has already sidelined him for longer than a 2023 hospitalization for pneumonia.

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