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Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 28, 2024, 08:54:35 AM »
Roland sees it! The selling of souls! Mister Potatohead, the Dune Worm. And many more! Why is it RFK JR sounds like he is speaking under water? Gah what a horrible ass voice! It's rachet! Anywho, Roland discusses the flip flop of these two, and called it right. It is none other, than the selling of souls at this point. What could these two c***s possibly gain here? Vance will have ruined himself, he already is, and his wife may have to ditch him for selling out to a racist and misogynistic flower. And RFK JR is where the family legacy goes to die! The scoop:
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 25, 2024, 02:53:55 PM »
The Dune Worm, RFK JR, kissed the ring, dropped out, supports Von Shitshimself. This is my feel. When it comes to RFK JR anti-vaxx stance. My opinion is this. I fully support covid vax being a CHOICE. I don't care what anyone says. But he does not understand, because the majority of the population, DID vax, this is why, we can come out of our homes without a mask. We can be around each other. The vax was necessary.

But, I am in 100% alignment with RFK JR on his stance on the food industry, and it needs to change. It is a racket, that is killing people. We are 75% obese, and a diabetes epidemic. It is cause of the processed food in this country. Look at 2021 CDC stats:

  • 38.4 million people of all ages—or 11.6% of the U.S. population—had diabetes.
    38.1 million adults aged 18 years or older—or 14.7% of all U.S. adults—had diabetes (Table 1a; Table 1b).
    8.7 million adults aged 18 years or older who met laboratory criteria for diabetes were not aware of or did not report having diabetes (undiagnosed diabetes, Table 1b). This number represents 3.4% of all U.S. adults (Table 1a) and 22.8% of all U.S. adults with diabetes.
    The percentage of adults with diabetes increased with age, reaching 29.2% among those aged 65 years or older (Table 1a).

That's a lot. But the stats don't show children who have it (irritating).

So I am in alignment with RFK JR, that the food indusry is a racket. But his deal, he discussed with the Deluded Melon, his issues he cares about. So I get the convo here: The False Messiah promises him a job and he can work on these issues, have some power. Let's be real: as if he would keep his word! Of course he wont. These higher ups in the food industry are making BANK. So there is no way, he would ever let RFK JR make us a healthier nation. Not on your life!

Ok, since the Orange Jesus can't let him have too much of the spotlight and rambled, you have to scroll half way through the video to hear his speech. How will this impact voters? A few may possibly sway to the Deluded Melon. But I don't think much. The Devi has way more independents, like even the Nikki Haley voters, who a PAC changed their name to Haley Voters for Harris. But here's the speech:
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 25, 2024, 03:39:24 AM »
Mister Potatohead is the most awkward, ignorant, VP pick we have ever seen. He has ZERO charisma. He has insulted childless cat ladies, menopausal women. And many MAGA do not like him either, cause he has an Indian wife. Then of course we have well documented, he called himself a never Trumper, and that the Orange Puke was America's Hitler. I have wondered if spirit deluded the Melon so hard, he would pick the worst VP candidate to drag the ticket.

Here he is going into a donut shop, and it is clear these two people are NOT excited to see his stupid face. These little moments candidates go in to act like they are one of the people, are supposed to be natural. But bringing in a crowd of suits and cameras, and the girl saying she doesn't want to be on camera. And the two young employees totally CRINGING about this fool, like they want him to just get the flower out, speaks volumes!  ;D

I laughed so flowering hard when Brian says "JD Vance is where charisma goes to die!" Aint that the truth! 🤣🤣🤣
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 24, 2024, 09:33:35 AM »
And in Venezuela, their version of the supreme court ratified the election in Maduro's favor. A total coup here. I feel very sorry for the Venezuelan people. I hope we do not have shit like this happen with us. I know the GOP is trying to figure a way to get the election in the supreme court's hands to hand it to the Bloated Orange Shitstain. The scoop:
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 24, 2024, 09:08:28 AM »
The Devi gave an excellent speech last night at the DNC. It's a breath of fresh air to hear a rational speaker. The love in the air is fierce! I also didn't know her sister's name is Maya!  ;D The funny thing too, as I was toward the end of speech, and started scrolling Pinterest. TONS and TONS of Kali images started surfacing. Oh my word here it comes! Brava to her speech!
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 22, 2024, 02:09:49 PM »
Looks like dumb bitch My Pillow Guy is smoking crack again! He shaved the porn star stash, but still strategically sticks his cross outside his shirt. This fool crashes the DNC, and Adam and a little kid take him down. The young aren’t buying his shit. He’s lost all his money being sued up the wazzu for his election fraud claims. These people are wackjobs but I thoroughly enjoyed the take down.
Toltec [Public] / Don Juan on Habits and Being Comfortable
« Last post by Firestarter on August 22, 2024, 10:48:23 AM »
I was thinking about the issue we are way too comfortable nowadays. And while it seems inviting, it is actually killing us. Think about it, why is there so much unhealthiness, in many parts of the world? the US, New Zealand, UK, other more modern type countries, the percentage of diabetes has skyrocketed, even in little kids! And while some may live longer in some places, in these countries and others like them, where we have "comfort," we have some serious sicknesses. Like in the US, heart disease is the number one killer. It's practically unheard of in Africa though. But having a refrigerator to walk easily to, or order food to be dropped at the door, many folks are comfortable to the point they aren't going outside, and they are doing everything within, and not moving. I know this. It happened to me over the pandemic, and it got very bad very fast.

From The Second Ring of Power:

“And how does a warrior eat?” “A warrior eats quietly, and slowly, and very little at a time. I used to talk while I ate, and I ate very fast, and I ate lots and lots of food at one sitting. The Nagual told me that a warrior eats four mouthfuls of food at one time. A while later he eats another four mouthfuls and so on.”

LOL! If we all did that, which basically don Juan is saying, eat just enough to stop hunger, we would not have the problems we have today. The Second Ring of Power deals with stalking our bad habits and routines. And we can look at our life and routines, and observe where we are going wrong, and make adjustments.

Like when we wake up, we have a routine. I can name mine. Alarm goes off, hit snooze. Cat jumps on me and paws my face. He knows I wake up, he gets his wet food. Finally I get up, bathroom, brew coffee, feed cats. Grab coffee, sit down, check messages, try to wake up. Slowly but surely get there. Get ready, off to work. It is the same every day.

Now some routines we have to do. Like if I didn't do all that, probably wouldn't have a job. And I'd have hangry ass cats. But then there is unproductive routines. Like say work is lunch. Do you go fill up on crap? Throw self out in traffic to get food that's slowly killing you? Then come back to work, stress a little more before you clock out? Even that can be altered. Then come home, home is a sanctuary for many. Many folks, esp Americans, come home, sit down, watch tv, do social media. Maybe order out, or cook quick food, and they will do that till they crash.

And that is why we are sick.

So altering routines and watching why, do we, repeat routines everyone else does? Who said I must binge Netflix, cause everyone else does? Why is dinner at 6PM for everyone? Or why must so many run to Happy Hour on Fridays? Routines, we have to look at, and stalk, at how mindless they can be, and how life is slowly slipping away, and even our health as a result. It is not healthy, when you think about it, to watch a shit ton of tv. Like folks who watch an entire Netflix series in one day. They could be reading or gardening, or something.

So consider routines you do. Are they healthy? Are they good for the mental? Or are you doing what everybody does, or what parents did? Are you way too comnfortable? Shake it up!
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 22, 2024, 10:20:51 AM »
Michelle Obama is the best. She stuck it to the Deluded Melon with class! I love how she said the position of president might be one of those "black jobs."  ;D That was great - well done well done goddess! We aren't worthy! Here's the full speech.  :)
Michael Maher Blog / Re: The Enemy
« Last post by Firestarter on August 19, 2024, 11:45:38 PM »
There is a misconception about God.

We can't wander aimlessly. To awaken is to eject from the command... that is what awakening means. But actually, we transit from one command to another. We are flotsam in a powerful stream, and to activate agency, we must fight against the command we are sealed into. To do that, we resubmit to another command... a smaller stream. The main stream is the will of God - we are food for God. The smaller stream is also food for God, but much finer. This is another, less known, will of God wherein It propagates and harvests awakened consciousness. To exit the main stream we must fight the overpowering enchantment God has projected. God is not a benevolent force - It doesn't care. Once we extract ourselves, we enter into a totally new relationship with God.

You know, this makes me think of that video I posted,  the guy who hosts the Nagual zone, and even readings I've done. Or what other spiritualists have said. That this whole deal with being born, suffer it out for "lessons," and that is real! Die, and we got a gang of guides saying to go back and do this or that lesson. I don't necessarily get it's an evil force. But it can still be kind of Matrix like as well. I have sat with it. It's exhausting energetically to not have some say in what we do. I do definitely feel folks volunteered to be here, esp for this time as Earth is at a very critical point. But yes going for a little separate stream, or even flying out of the stream and getting away from all of it, the whole karmic soup is more ideal to me.
Michael Maher Blog / Re: The Enemy
« Last post by Michael on August 19, 2024, 11:34:31 PM »
most people in that position say to do what we are doing is going TOWARDS god.

There is a misconception about God.

We can't wander aimlessly. To awaken is to eject from the command... that is what awakening means. But actually, we transit from one command to another. We are flotsam in a powerful stream, and to activate agency, we must fight against the command we are sealed into. To do that, we resubmit to another command... a smaller stream. The main stream is the will of God - we are food for God. The smaller stream is also food for God, but much finer. This is another, less known, will of God wherein It propagates and harvests awakened consciousness. To exit the main stream we must fight the overpowering enchantment God has projected. God is not a benevolent force - It doesn't care. Once we extract ourselves, we enter into a totally new relationship with God.
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