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Michael Maher Blog / Re: Climate Catastrophe
« Last post by Firestarter on August 17, 2024, 02:53:50 PM »
The scientific articles vary. We have 7-11 years to change our ways. Or we are going to suffer greatly. Like in the US, this Project 2025 wants to end weather reports to keep us in the dark. Cut regulations. It’s totally destructive. The entire planet, all nations need to come together and make agreements or we are going to suffer hard for it.
Michael Maher Blog / Re: Climate Catastrophe
« Last post by Michael on August 17, 2024, 09:41:28 AM »
I recently read something that could explain why the climate timeline is not being overtly discussed. It is due to what happened in 2023, especially the last part of that year. Global temperatures rocketed up so high, that scientists were thrown into confusion. The question they were confronted with, and which still hasn't been solved, is, was this an outlier event and temperatures would return to predictive modelling, or was this the new trajectory?

It terrified climate scientists because they could not identify why the temperatures were so high - there were many contributing factors they could understand, but these did not add up to a satisfactory explanation. Thus, what were they missing?

The difference between these two scenarios is between years and decades in the modelling. That, I reflect, is why I was getting the gut feeling of three years - I was subconsciously collating the 2023 data, and projecting that forward. Scientists who were alarmed, as now feeling there is a high possibility that 2023 was an outlier, and that, tentatively, data is showing a return to modelling. But they remain extremely nervous about this, and are hoping the Pacific will produce a La Niña cooling event in the remainder of 2024. It is currently in equilibrium - waiting to see which way it will tip.

Michael Maher Blog / Re: The Enemy
« Last post by Firestarter on August 17, 2024, 08:22:32 AM »
Who is the enemy?

I've thought of this lots of times. First, I'll say my own self-importance. Then, the adversary. Sure, the adversary is something that is of us. I think we have to know what we are dealing with if we are going to win any personal war. Then, the foreign installation. But we have to take care of the first two, to take that one on.
Michael Maher Blog / Re: The Enemy
« Last post by nikos on August 17, 2024, 03:28:27 AM »
I think there are enemies and challenges unique to everyone and his/her soul agreements....
Michael Maher Blog / The Enemy
« Last post by Michael on August 17, 2024, 01:40:57 AM »
Who is the enemy?
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 13, 2024, 12:22:31 AM »
Venezuela is still a mess. Maduro is cutting the people off from various social media platforms. And the people are tryiing to wipe their posts and things. Many arrests and some deaths, and they are still protesting. This is a hot mess.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 11, 2024, 05:55:02 AM »
Mister Potatohead Shady Vance made a huge mistake attacking Tim Walz military record. The guy served 24 years. Jesse Ventura, who is an Independent, and also a veteran, breaks it down hardcore on this. Now I love the fact he is speaking out on this and against the two idjits. Because Harris-Walz need the independent vote. They are gaining strong momentum, and also with veterans. Walz has a history of aiding veterans in congress. Where Project 2025 wants to cut programs for them. So a sane veteran could not possibly benefit voting for those two knuckleheads. But it is fantastic, a very famous and prominent independent speaks out on this. This could sway a lot of people. The scoop:
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 10, 2024, 08:05:37 AM »
See,  this is a good example why I like to listen to smaller YouTube commentators, vs corporate media. Cause yesterday, it was corporate media, which gave the Bloated Orange a bunch of mics and let him ramble and lie his ass off. It's old, it's tired. More malignant narcissism on display. Lying about crowd sizes in comparison to The Devi, and even MLK! Absolutely fanatical. But many of the independents, such as Roland, are calling the media out. But even some reporters did too. But continually giving the Luciferian spirit airtime to pollute the masses is irresponsible and, Roland calls it: they must want that fool in the white house! It's a FACT the CEOs of all of them, are giving to his campaign. So it has been left up to independent journalists to fact check and educate the masses on the Truth. Sad state of affairs. The scoops:

Also, tho MSNBC is a major network, Lawrence O'Donnel never plays by the rules:
Music [Public] / Re: music...... blog ...
« Last post by nikos on August 07, 2024, 07:15:23 PM »
I 'm closing this thread with something warming my feeling :)

___ ___
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 07, 2024, 03:47:31 PM »
Sheet! Prince didn’t take long, sprinkling a little purple rain on the Orange Dingleberys parade. After the VP pick announced, The Deluded Melon is desperate. Declaring to emails to followers Walz will “unleash hell on earth.” Oh yes, he tries to deal a reverse uno card, as we all sit back and scratch our heads. 🧐 Speaking of heads, The Devi lives rent free in that empty noggin. And here he is on Truth Social, is he….begging Biden to come back? Coming up with scenarios that Biden will walk out on the debate stage, assume control….what? A coup of a coup of a … story and someone needs to get up and commit this lunatic. The scoop:
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