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Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 06, 2024, 08:54:03 AM »
This video is pretty good. Good enough to get 1 million views. Yes. Rupert Murdoch controls a lot of the media (I have a Jim Morrison quote running through my mind right now). The NY Post is garbage and normally supportive of the Orange Windbag. But this time, I mean, this article was almost a plea to hint to the Deluded Melon and Mister Potatohead, that they aren't doing themselves any favors, continually insulting women. Now, this guy calls it. Who votes more by and large, men or women? WOMEN. So why, would women vote against themselves? Any woman who would vote for these two clowns, against their own self-interest, needs their head examined. But Mister Potatohead esp, united women all over. Groups are forming. It's getting intense. Now women want to take these two clowns down. So the article was trying to tell them stop. But no. These two idiots always double-down on the insults. There is no compliments, or apologies, and it's gonna hurt them. GOOD. The scoop:
Poetry [Public] / Fire and Ice
« Last post by Firestarter on August 05, 2024, 11:15:17 PM »
Fire and Ice

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

~Robert Frost

Pictures [Public] / Re: Women Looking Through "Moving Portals"
« Last post by Firestarter on August 05, 2024, 11:12:32 PM »

Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 05, 2024, 10:25:01 PM »
Here is a bit on the news. Elon created a super pac supposedly to help Cheetolini and, it appears the website was geared to trick folks into believing they were registering to vote, and it only takes their data! Which then this data could be used to advertise to Trump voters. Naughty Naughty! Now, I have always seen Elon, since last year, a player in the election game, very big one at that. But I always felt a sabotage style. Now is it "intentional" to sabotage this whole deal, or is something puppeting Elon to sabotage? He took over Twitter and turned it into a train wreck, a feasting watering hole for the flyers. And now this. I have my theories. The scoop:
Toltec [Public] / Re: Assemblage point
« Last post by Firestarter on August 05, 2024, 07:48:00 AM »
Of what I know (the master of Shifting the Assemblage Point, AP) is that it is 4 known ways to move it.

1) Be involved in a serious accident, or get very ill with a high fever and a prolonged rehabilitation

2) Take psychoactive drugs, as hasch (weed), LSD, Mescalito or Psilocybin, I cannot recommend other substances even if there are, as Opium for instance (Alice in Wonderland).

3) Get nuts and after that get admitted to a in-patient Psychiatrial Ward, some day they will release you.

4) Take the stand  of an Unbending intent - and wait 20 years  - then you will have the same result as the rather quick three roads above.

Let's see. I have done #1. I survived a very high fever of 106. I determined that changed my mind in such a way I would see the world differently.

I've done #3 a couple times. The most recent, some was actually helpful to be honest.

But I'm aiming for a 5th option. I don't have 20 years.
Poetry [Public] / not special
« Last post by nikos on August 04, 2024, 10:21:11 PM »
I made this poem, it's not special, I wanted an emotional end....


"Teardrop on the fire"

we always return on the now
it feels like a massive attack
whoever has made that decision
feels like that he planed a collision

on states of returning no more
where sorrow and stumbling is for
a teardrop is gaining the race
I 'm here but I 'm waiting for grace

we always return on the now
uneasy to be back around

Music [Public] / Re: music...... blog ...
« Last post by nikos on August 03, 2024, 06:02:51 PM »

Bob Marley, sun is shining............
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 03, 2024, 10:09:48 AM »
This guy has predicted successfully nearly all presidents since...1984. How about that? The ONLY time he was wrong was Bush/Gore in 2000, which, MANY believe Al Gore rightfully won. That was a weird one. He says, the Devi is in good standing to win, as it stands. Also, I think many agree, as they ride the blue wave.
Michael Maher Blog / Re: Climate Catastrophe
« Last post by Michael on August 03, 2024, 10:04:03 AM »
A little more examination of 'How long have we got?'

Scientists speak of the potential for either gradual, quick or dramatic. These all refer to how much time we will get to adapt. The dramatic scenario relates to tipping points - this is less likely but definitely possible, like a polar flip or even a 'true polar wander' that disrupts the earth's radiation protection. We'll all be in very deep shit if any dramatic catastrophe hits us.

Otherwise, what we are talking about are 'events'.

Regardless of a gradual or quick escalations into major and indefinite climate transformation that renders vast earth areas uninhabitable and civilisation collapse, what we are currently seeing is an increase in the footprint and intensity of destructive climate events.

When I speculate, as a personal view, that we have three years, I'm referring to the rate and impact of these events reaching a threshold of societal impact. Some speculate that will take ten years, while others say the primary threshold will fall around 2050. My view is based on gut feeling, looking at what is already happening, and the cascading sequence timeline. Scientists have to be very conservative in projections due to aggressive scrutiny by the denialists, though many scientists say that we are already over the 1.5° threshold and 3° is now unavoidably embedded.

A recent US study commissioned by the Biden administration said that the greatest misunderstanding by the public, which is resisting adaptation measures, is the belief that future climate events will be similar in nature to past events. Totally untrue - we've not seen anything before, like what is coming.

Already we see these amplified events, and deaths from them, are increasing, but the most health destructive are heat waves, and these are recurring at alarming rates. In the last year many urban areas across the world reached 50°C (122°F), with exposed highways and large carparks over 80°C (176°F).

So what I expect to see is a steady upthrust of destruction from these events, but leaving many areas unscathed such that insufficient public outrage will leave government policies in the hands of the fossil fuel industries. Studies have found that calamitous events don't change public policy.

One's aim is to manoeuvre to reduce the risk of being trapped in one of these events.

My prediction of three years is that by then, the devastating impact on society, including supply lines and shortages of medicines and food, will reach a level where local communities across the globe will need to self-organise to survive.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on August 03, 2024, 07:12:21 AM »
Two predictions I have made. Now the world sees Cheetolii backing out of this debate. I did however, predict he will debate. On Sept 10th? I am not sure. But, I suspect his advisors are telling him he has to debate. If he does not debate The Devi, he will automatically lose the election. If he is seen by MAGA running from his mother, this will not sit well.

Second prediction, now he only has days to ditch Mister Potatohead, Shady Vance. Word on the street, is the Chicken Cheeto regrets his decision picking the absolute, worst VP ever. I did get death for that. Now does that mean, JD may be history, or JD is the end of this tRump? I dunno. But ditching him, his hand may be forced to do it.

But yes, cowardice. I do not think it's gonna fly with MAGA if he wont man up and debate VP Harris. He pretty much has no choice, as the Queen put him in check. The scoop:
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