Author Topic: Who In This World  (Read 96 times)


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Who In This World
« on: December 14, 2006, 04:11:21 AM »
Who in this World

Who in this world
can understand what
Mother Kali really is?
The six systems of philosophy
remain powerless to describe Her.
She is the inmost awareness
of the sage who realizes
that Consciousness alone exists.
She is the life blossoming within
the creatures of the universe.
Both macrocosm and microcosm
are lost within Mother’s Womb.
Now can you sense
how indescribable She is?

The yogi meditates upon Her
in the six subtle nerve centres
as She sports with delight
through the lotus wilderness
of the pristine human body,
playing with Her Consort,
Shiva, the Great Swan.

When anyone attempts to know Her,
the singer of this song laughs.
Can you swim across
a shore less ocean?
Yet the child in me still
reaches out to touch the moon.


~by Ramprasad


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