Author Topic: Security In Guard of the Holiest  (Read 81 times)

Offline Josh

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Security In Guard of the Holiest
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:37:11 PM »
'one taste' is all it takes
to get you hooked
baited fish scales pouring from bucket
brigades, shoveling manure piles
digging ditches and planting
snitches, uncracked eggs waiting
to flower in the blue-green house
rambo gunning for his breakfast
shatters glass with running mouse
cheese wheel spinning, oh so holy
swiss miss licking lips and warming
your heart, where the home is
sitting on a donkey backwards
and returning from market
on the hour by the hour with
baked goods, fresh produce
rotting, oh slow slowly
in the hot ass sun
Other is.  Self must struggle to exist.

- Brian George


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