Author Topic: Reflections of the Dawn  (Read 86 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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Reflections of the Dawn
« on: February 12, 2007, 04:26:46 AM »

Reflections of the Dawn

I stood upon the crest of the
highest mountain,
Calling down to those who dared
to follow
That I had attained the greatest
of heights.
But a voice from above called out
to me:
'Rest not upon your foolish pride
for you have taken but a single step.
And as you await those to come,
there are those that patiently wait
for you.'


I was alone unto myself,
content within the stillness of the sleeping forest,
when he arose from out of the glowing embers of my fire,
and filled the darkened sky as he smiled upon the night.
And thus are the words he silently spoke
unto my soul:

I ask not for your understanding,
but only your quiet acceptance.
I seek not your respect,
but only the unsung song of your heart;
For lonely is the flower of my soul
and still are the nights upon my ears.
And as I stand in the silence of time,
none save the mountains shall ever understand me;
For they too have bled from the depths
of their rocky souls.



A thousand lifetimes have passed since
my Passion first spoke unto me these words:
'Go forth and speak that which is locked
within the timelessness of your soul and trust
the listener to understand.'

But the voice of my Wisdom answered:

'It would be better, perhaps, to leave the Truth unsaid;
For the listener shall hear your words that clothe the Truth,
but will not see through the veil of their disguise.'

And hearing this caused my Passion to cry,
for he knew that Wisdom always spoke with
an enlightened reason;
And my Wisdom wept also, for there was no joy
in being right at his brother's expense.
So now I come unto you that the thirst of my soul
be quenched and Truth be unveiled before the
eyes of this world.


 Be still, and you shall hear the distant
thunder of yet a storm unknown.
Quietly watch, and you shall see the shadows fall
from footprints across the sky.
And rejoice within your heart as the Gardener of the earth,
Planter of your soul returns, for long were the days
of rootless weeds starving the Life from His planted garden.
And bitter was the darkness that befell the bloomless rose.
Only after this earth has been bathed in its holy baptism
shall it become the glorious garden it was truly meant to be.



Excerpts from “The Prophet’s Candle” by Daniel

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Song of the Mystic
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2007, 04:32:12 AM »

Song Of the Mystic

Oh ageless Mystic, where
might you be?
Am I of you, or you
of me?
Are you my soul, or I
your heart?
Oh ageless Mystic, from
these ears never part.



The Song

Upon a tranquil mountain, high above
the formless confusion of the hamlets below,
lived the ageless Mystic.
He was the Life that Death never sought,
a Spirit renewed with the dawning of each new
A self untouched by the passing ages, for
his soul was bathed in the Oneness of all things
held sacred.
He was the one who spoke the language of
the animals and the stars, the trees and the
A wanderer, forever walking upon the twin
paths of Yesterday and Tomorrow, with the silent
knowledge of all things.
He was the Mystic.
And because he saw the things hidden unto
the world of men, and listened for the music no other
ears could hear;
It was his fate to be shunned by all the earth.
He was feared for his power and hated for the
madness of his wisdom;
And so for countless centuries did he live
alone with his sorrow, never knowing the sweetness
of another's voice.
But upon a day of the early spring, while
the Mystic sang unto the emptiness of his soul,
The silence of his solitude was shattered
by the voice of a child.
"Greetings beloved Master. I heard the
beauty of your song, from the valleys below, and
wished to see from whence it sprang."

And the Mystic answered:

I have sung this song since the beginning
of time, out unto the ether did it flow;
Born of my deepest desire to share the
fruits of this, thy aching soul.
Wherefore art thou not afraid?
Who art thou, that blesses the Mystic's

And the child answered with an innocence
most pure:

"I would be merely a child not yet understanding
the fears of mortal men."
And the Mystic smiled with silent approval,
and there was the fragrance of flowers upon his
spoken words:

Few are the days that you have spent upon the
desolate shores of this darkened world, still
remembering of your homeland distant.
The voice of Truth has not yet faded from
the ears of your youth, and the visions of Doubt
have yet to descend upon the dream of your trusting eyes.
You are truly the child of God, and what fear
shall possess you, that your Father's touch may not
Clothed within the years of youth, have you
come unto me: the disciple for which I have so long
awaited, the teacher unto which all men shall one
day seek the lessons of Truth.
Blessed be this youth, for he has delivered
me from my sorrow.
Blessed be this day, for it is the birth of every
man's joy.


Excerpts from “The Prophet’s Candle” by Daniel


Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2007, 04:33:16 AM »

Song Of the Mystic - God


And upon the stillness of a cloud-filled
afternoon, the child asked of the Mystic:

"Where is God, the Creator, and how
will I endeavor to find the sacredness of
His Being?"

And the Mystic answered:

Once upon a thousand years ago did a
man seek the answer to your very question.
He searched the mountains for the One
called God;
But he only saw the green and yellow
blanket of distant aspen trees.
He walked along the ocean shore, to
know the Creator of Life;
But all he heard was the rhythmic roar
of the tide's own song.
He rode across the prairie, looking to
find God at his journey's end;
But all that came to him was the sweet
fragrance of the wild flower's bloom.
He reached out for the sky, pleading for
a sign of His Presence;
But he only felt the vastness and timelessness
of the starlit night.
Oh foolish man that he was, to search for
God with the eyes of his mind;
When He was forever with him, when seen
through the eyes of his soul.


Excerpts from “The Prophet’s Candle” by Daniel

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

  • Rishi
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Re: Beauty
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2007, 04:34:51 AM »


And the child spoke unto the Mystic:

"Master speak to me of Beauty, for I have
yet to see the face of Her sacred soul."

And the Mystic answered, saying:

You are wrong my child; many were the
days when She smiled upon you, and you knew
it not.
Many were the nights when She whispered
the song of Life unto your ear, but always were
you asleep.
Be there something of more innocence than
the gentle cooing of a newborn babe?
Be there something of more purity than the
shadow of a woman's alluring smile?
Be there something of more tenderness
than the endearing look held in the eyes of a mother?
And is not the sum of such innocence, purity
and tenderness the essence of all Beauty?
Open the eyes of your soul, and Beauty shall
reveal Herself unto you.
Listen with the ears of your heart, and She
will sing Her silent melody.
And if you see Beauty where all others see
naught but ugliness, then truly do you look through
the loving eyes of God.


Excerpts from “The Prophet’s Candle” by Daniel

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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