Author Topic: The Kingdom Within  (Read 75 times)

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The Kingdom Within
« on: February 17, 2007, 06:09:41 AM »
The Kingdom Within
by Swami Muktananda

All philosophies and scriptures say the same thing: "God dwells in this human body."

Do not consider your body a mere lump of flesh made of seven components. It is a noble instrument. In it are situated all holy places, gods, mantras, and the source of all extraordinary powers in this world… God dwells in the body. He is present as fully in you as in the highest Heavens. Why are you exhausting yourself looking for Him in different places instead of in your own heart? You should live your normal life, but accord Him the chief place among your daily activities. Whatever may be your religion or philosophy, do not make yourself a foolish, weak, and trivial creature. Do not head toward decline and disaster by regarding this body as godless. Do not commit spiritual suicide by belittling yourself through defective understanding.

There are many different phenomena inside the human body. If a man were to see the inner splendor in meditation even once, he would derive immense benefit from it. How wonderful the treasures within this body! Pools of nectarean juices! Numberless sheaves of sensory nerves! Reverberating musical concerts! Varied intoxicating perfumes! Countless rays of different suns! Sacred dwellings of gods! In spite of such wealth, man goes looking for sweet happiness in the external world and ends up weary and joyless.

The universe within is superior to that without. How wonderful the seat of clairaudience in the ear! How significant the center of deep sleep in the throat, which easily dissolves the fatigue of the waking hours… In your heart there is a lotus whose different petals stand for different qualities such as anger, infatuation, greed, love, modesty, knowledge, joy, and so on. Sages have spent their whole lives trying to behold the scintillating diving light that lies within the heart. How glorious the Goddess Kundalini who transforms a man as She expands. O soul of man! What joy could beckon you in the external world while such an infinite treasure of marvels lies within?

When the latent treasure of inner Shakti is released in meditation, you will soon ascend to the higher stages of meditation. You will see splendid sights and glorious forms. You will perceive internal divine lights. It is only by virtue of these lights that your body becomes beautiful and you feel love for one another. As magnificent radiance sparkles in meditation, your craving for beautiful and loving forms will be satisfied. You will see the whole world as radiant.

Along with visions, you will hear inner sounds. Sweet, divine music will ring in your ears. As you listen to it, you will have such a sleep as is enjoyed only by heavenly beings. These melodious strains will compel you to dance in ecstasy and eradicate your indifference, distress, and ramblings of mind. Not only this, the inner music will release celestial ambrosia and you will relish its sweetness. This nectar, trickling from the palate, is the sweetest of all tastes. Each drop is worth more than millions. This elixir will expel all your diseases and fill your with gladness. Your anger will vanish. You will exude ambrosial sweetness. You will rejoice in your spouse and children. As you taste this nectar and become absorbed in it, you will be transported with inner delight.

O my dear ones! You will also inhale divine scents. As your inner aroma is released, not only your home but your whole world will become tranquil; your body will shed its heaviness and sloth, and become lithe and vibrant.

When your inner Kundalini Shakti is stirred, She will release Her impulses of love throughout your body and its seventy-two thousand nerves. She will thrill your every blood cell with Her ecstatic joy. Only then will your craving for touch be truly gratified. You will recover the lost luster of your eyes. Your withered face will again glow with love and your lips will become rosy. Your world will quiver with beauty, joy, and love! You will become aware of the omnipresence of the Lord; you will realize that this entire world is His and that He is maintaining it.

My dearest ones. Do not give up your worldly life, your near and dear ones. Do not waste yourselves away, rushing around in search of God in the four directions, nor lose your own souls while seeking inner peace and comfort. Live in your own homes with your spouses and children, making full use of your artistic talents, or running your businesses or factories. In whatever position your destiny has placed you, whether you are millionaires or laborers, kings or beggars, God belongs to you all. If you call Him with love, thinking about Him with devotion, He will reveal Himself to you. He will grant a vision of the divine light of His love. Then you will know that you are an embodiment of bliss. You will realize, "I am Shiva! Yes I am! Yes I am!"

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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