Author Topic: The Soul Trap  (Read 113 times)

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The Soul Trap
« on: July 29, 2024, 12:15:01 PM »
So this video is an interview on The Nagual Zone. It's a smaller channel, as we don't have like, tons of Toltec channels all over. But I found this interview interesting. Now the guy he interviews, gives a very different perspective and disses a lot of new age. Now, his perspective, is guides who send us back to "earth school" for lessons are evil, and we go through this mind wipe, and this, too, is being stuck in the Matrix.

Now, I don't know how I feel on all this. Like, I certainly would never say angels or ascended masters are tricksters and evil. But, I can say, that I am pretty DONE with the whole bit and ready for freedom this go-round. When he was telling this story, I had the memory of trying to squeeze through the bars of my crib and get the flower out come up. And the way the Toltec guy talks when a kid, he really hated being here. I don't hate being here per se. But, I don't want to come back to this place. There has to be more than this shit! But anyway, I did have to chuckle a few times per this interview.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Offline nikos

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Re: The Soul Trap
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2024, 03:22:01 PM »
The ancient Greek translation of the word soul (ψυχή) is 'a cold gust', don't know how relevant,
words can confuse..

I 'm romantic with the word soul, I don't consider it as energy even if all is awareness..... hmm

We live in strange times, I wrote to my notepad that my priority is to keep my spirit clean... the challenges are many. We inter-relate with the world around us and not only around us, but we have a spark, a little inner core that is connected so to speak with freedom.

At least that's what I believe from a Toltec perspective.

~~ ~~

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Re: The Soul Trap
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2024, 06:07:39 AM »
I agree. Purity of spirit, or impeccability:

“He said that I was a man. And like any man I deserved everything that was a man’s lot—joy, pain, sadness and struggle—and that the nature of one’s acts was unimportant as long as one acted as a warrior. Lowering his voice to almost a whisper, he said that if I really felt that my spirit was distorted I should simply fix it—purge it, make it perfect—because there was no other task in our entire lives which was more worthwhile. Not to fix the spirit was to seek death, and that was the same as to seek nothing, since death was going to overtake us regardless of anything. He paused for a long time and then he said with a tone of profound conviction, “To seek the perfection of the warrior’s spirit is the only task worthy of our manhood.”
― Carlos Castaneda, Journey To Ixtlan

Yes the divine spark within and it seeks freedom. The above is the only way to dart past.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan
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Re: The Soul Trap
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2024, 04:47:38 PM »
Like the man being interviewed, I too have watched countless interviews on NDEs. Having one last year myself. I find them fascinating. But tonight, I watched one of a young Pakistan woman. She had 5 of them, either from someone nearly killing her, or suicide attempts. Each time she would hear a voice she had to go back, she was not finished.

I admit, per the level of suffering she was enduring, it felt almost cruel to keep sending her back into the fray. I was very irritated by this whole deal. But in the end, she did make powerful statements. Coming from the Middle East, she does not believe peace on earth can ever be a thing. Too much money is made on war. She is correct on that. It’s disgusting, but true. But I don’t like to believe never on such things. But basically, we are here to choose who to be. Somehow, come out of this life a good person, despite the arrows slung at us.

But yes this I hear a lot. “You got to go back.” It does seem cruel to do so. This constant repeat and come to the prison for more lessons. All for what?
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Offline nikos

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Re: The Soul Trap
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2024, 07:44:19 PM »
But yes this I hear a lot. “You got to go back.” It does seem cruel to do so. This constant repeat and come to the prison for more lessons. All for what?

I don't how that sounds but perhaps she didn't like where she was ? where she found herself ..?

Whoever you ask who knows three things or four would agree that self knowledge is the most important thing.

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