Had an encounter with this beauty yesterday.
I was sitting on the patio, enjoying the tiniest breeze, and down he swooped from the pine tree. He was after some of the birds at the feeders. All hell broke loose, with all the birds scattering hither and yon. He wasn't successful at catching one.
He then perched at the edge of the patio-overhang, and allowed me to get directly underneath him, to have a look. Gorgeous fellow. Probably an adolescent... the striations on his chest were still abundant. Eventually, he went back to the pine tree, and I went over to the tree as well and got a good look.
His wings were so deep -- wingspan a little more than 3 feet. He flew away silently.
I know it has some meaning. They've never had a hawk in their yard here before. I've had encounters with other hawks ... I think it's one of my totems.
For me, Hawk is the Sun ... and it could be said that Owl is the Moon.