Author Topic: The Wading Bird of Egypt  (Read 150 times)

tangerine dream

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The Wading Bird of Egypt
« on: January 26, 2008, 04:34:28 AM »
Plover wades the river Nile
Rides the back of Crocodile
Brave, bold Plover!

Hungry Plover's even bolder
Steps on crocodile's shoulder
Down the snout
and in the mouth
of the croc who's swimming south
rash, brash Plover!

Plover picks crocodile's teeth--
row on top
row beneath.
Dining done,
he straggles out,
none the worse for wear,
no doubt.
lucky Plover.

Eileen Spinelli
"Feathers; Poems about birds"

(I found this book at the 99cent store a few days ago.  Very cute birdy poems, thought of Vicki right away!
I also found several other gorgeous little books all for 99 cents.  One about yoga, some about herbs, one called 'The little book of Nothing." which I plan to share with you all, as well.  Hey V, if you could PM me your mailing addy I'd appreciate it so much.)

« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 04:56:59 AM by tangerine dream »


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Re: The Wading Bird of Egypt
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2008, 04:37:35 AM »
Sho 'nough will.
That is so much fun to find such gems for 99cents!  :) :-*


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