Does that include all the things phones have replaced? I know a lot of ppl use them in the place of a computer or they have streaming services and watch just on their phones? How does that compare to the early 2000s tv usage or even the amount of time people spent streaming Netflix on their phones during the pandemic? Statistics are good when put into context.
Also, what is the source of those statistics?
This conversation about children and smartphones started with my statement that young people do a lot of things in cyberspace and don't go outdoors or in the woods enough. There are a lot of statistics on the subject and if you are interested it is easy to find, so I can look it up.
The main point of this discussion is the relationship between humans and wild nature.
This can be characterised, among other things, by the level of urbanisation of countries.
For example, in Sweden, the urbanisation rate is close to 90% and 85% of the country's population live on less than 2% of the national territory.
In the US, 83% of the population are city dwellers.