Author Topic: The first threshold of the path  (Read 118 times)

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The first threshold of the path
« on: June 30, 2023, 10:10:06 PM »
We live under the dominance of our mind and heart. We either emotionally thrust ourselves forward without thought, or think ourselves forward without emotion. Two types of people: those who have a forceful mind and those who can't raise themselves above the command of emotion.

Emotion people are the easiest to describe. Basically they are mentally lazy - can't be bothered to think deeply or even access the news, and if they do, they are infatuated with 'human-interest' stories, mostly about unknown people in despairing accidents of life. These espouse the cosmic wonder of love, to overcome all obstacles and deliver us into... whatever. But ask them what is love? They will tell you romantic gibberish, despairingly shattered by barbarians who cross the hills with guns and swords. This attitude even has national character. For reasons obscure, those who lived in the land now known as the USA, be they the modern residents or those of the American Indians, are the most obsessed with the fantasies of passion. Many Asian nations didn't even have a word for love.

The catastrophic danger for emotion people is the distinction between emotions that emanate from above or below the diaphragm. Without their control or instigation, they flood their being from chest emotions until found faulty, then flood their being with solar-plexus emotions of anger or despair, depending on whether they are introverts or extroverts.

Mind people are consumed by thinking through the outer world and their place in it. These are actually few in number, and in the main they have the edge over emotion people. They can plan, scope the landscape, anticipate dangers and are not so vulnerable to evil politicians who promise heaven to the desperate.

Once we engage on the spiritual path, these differences manifest. Emotion people seek ultimate freedom through what they can muster as a vague sense of 'Love of God'. Does it work? Some wise ones say yes, but I say, where's the evidence? From all I have seen that path looks like a grocery trolley of illusions from one's favourite spiritual supermarket. To be honest, I sense the lazy person's mirage of sugar without salt.

Mind people have a better chance, as they absorb the teachings, and practice with diligence the actions prescribed by the ancients of knowledge. So far so good. But they face a critical threshold.

After years of diligent concentration, mind people realise they have left their humanity behind, and this causes a hiatus. 'The Glass Bead Game' is a book devoted to this threshold and dilemma. But that threshold is for a later point on the path. In the first instance, a more subtle moment confronts the seeker, whether of the emotion or mind persuasion. And this is the threshold of which I wish to speak.

A point comes, despite all the flamboyant gestures we thrash about with on our turbulent path to truth, when something shifts within us. A moment arrives when we see through the world. Before that we were seeing objects of intellect or passion. But in a moment we drop between both these and see. What we see is the world of spirit, the entities crowding in and out, the pressure of elemental spirits - not in a cognitive way, but instinctively. It happens through sense, but more through the inner eye - a recognition.

And it is easy to see when another knows this world or not. But no matter how much one wishes to believe they indeed know this world, that is vanity. It simply happens as a result of two things: effort or nature.

Those whom this perception is revealed through nature have a difficult time, as they haven't actuated their realisation through inner effort, and typically this leads to isolation from others and the world. The inner strength and resilience is lacking, but they can build that - most famous mystics we know of, have belatedly build their inner core to withstand the dissonance of being. For this, unfortunately, they must endure what they perceive to be suffering, until it no longer is felt as suffering.

Those who have to work to achieve this realisational threshold, are in a better position, as they had to suffer and concentrate to get there. That anguish and focus, that dedication and committent, creates the inner strength to cope effectively with the transition. The realisation that they, from hence forth, 'know' the world around them from the back of their neck instead of the eyes and ears. They have one wonderful answer to everything - keep going until you no longer need to say keep going.

Either way, once this threshold is transcended, what one perceives up-front, is the force, not the thing.
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Offline Bornamber

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Re: The first threshold of the path
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2023, 10:41:16 PM »
Beautiful…that is what the lead facilitator at my retreat center always says when you come to him ……”keep going”

I have heard (from The Guidance) that love leads to the state of instinctual “knowing” of these energies you speak of. However … this “love” is not to be confused with the projection of emotions often associated with love.  But instead it is a “state” of open receptiveness (aka acceptance of infinity).   The openness leading to the decay of old patterns.  The receptiveness leading to the acceptance into the system of the spiritual energies.  This state is often “confused” with the “mushy inactive love” by many bc at the core this state leads to a similar “feeling”. The feeling being different than the emotion.  The feeling being a kind of … peace and belonging to the larger all that is.  It’s just a vehicle that leads to allowance.  However most of the time this state when projected or intentionally created leads to illusions, desires and the same caught cycles so it’s a delicate dance.  My guidance has told me that the embodied state of aware receptive openness to whatever it happening NOW is the “keep going”
« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 12:44:29 AM by Bornamber »

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Re: The first threshold of the path
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2023, 02:16:00 AM »
I reread this might need to watch my mars vs venus video.

Lower level emotion maybe if its sappy can do it. Thats not strong enough to do it. But higher love and emotion will end the war. The mind has to be laser focused on its opponent tho.

Women who have the heart and emotion once balanced will put an end to it. They will. They will figure it out. Mars is out of control right now its come to a head and even this post feels too cool and almost threatened by what is coming.

You will see soon enough.

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The first threshold of the path
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2023, 06:55:27 PM »
Looked at this again. Yes correct a mind person.

Now the Goddess is an embodiment of Love yes. Compassion yes. BUT consciousness too. We have to be awake, aware, conscious. Thats more beneficial.

Like Mark Cloudfoot was so down on love tho. Like void of emotion. But he could do shit cause he was.

But Della and he would battle (well civily) back and forth. Now Della said "Love is the Reason." She IS correct. But she was not sappy at all. She was very awake and aware. Now there was a "Love affair with the Nagual" I understand her passion. She and Orlando a mystique. But me with my double Mark and I would be similar. Its not exactly that. Its more that the double is raw power and can wholly see me and is an evolved self. He is my Power and there is no love affair with me. This is straight up me going all yang to hit back Im aware a female goddess has power of many things but also she has a masculine side so she can... well.... win a battle.

My energy into that is not a love affair at all. Its just the way i am built and its not animal thats for tiger its just awake aware ready for anything.

BUT della is right. Love is the Reason is right. Thats the reason I see this shit with the kids. BUT.... Love also is an emotion that can be a drug. I am going to have to hit hard my ladies in my group cause i have seen what happens when nice ladies who are spiritual feel love and get mislead by predatory shakti stealers. There is an energy coming for it. The more power they sense well... it coming. The lighter gentler loving ones is easy. So i have to spend the next few months educating these ladies to stand in power and stop it! I dont want them to lose the empath ability but they must rise above to be conscious beings.... little goddesses to big goddesses. I mean im not saying make them all single ladies thats folly (they may have a great partner of course). But they are coming hard at the ladies... just like the patriarchy has been coming after our wombs to own ever since Roe became a law. Even that flowering doctor pregnancy testing me was a dark nudge. So am I emotion or that? Love is the Reason for me pursuing the tiktok issue yes. Or protecting the ladies and educate. BUT mind is what is going to get me there to do the goal of both things. Solve the issue I can do it, and educate the ladies to actually temper the emotion and stop being led by this.

This is why amber right now and glad you are here.... I dont want you drowing in the water Rumi sweet and all. But now is not the time. But even fire. Fire does what? Burns the flower out of you. So visualize walking over hot coals. Or floating in a boat or a surfboard for water or waves. But no we aint doing any blissy shit Amber. There is a "real war" happening and women cant be drowning in anything but maybe some books as I got a second copy of Total Freedom, or Finish this book by Shannon Lee. And vibe the flower high right now cause I have seen what we are dealing with. Why do you think i armed you and others? Cause i like you? I do like you. But I want you all safe so i thought long and hard what will protect my ladies, period. I didnt get anything for michael but he does have ME so im like his real life statue come to life ready to take on some big shit. So read rumi but read it like a nice romance novel and say "thats nice." Then set rumi down and go read dhammapada and Bruce Lee and Sun Tzu Art of War and watch some motivational stuff and realize that kiddo we are in a group for warrior training.

This is a WARRIOR GROUP ultimately. So falling in love is NOT THE INTENT of soma. WAR IS. Now first you defeat your ego then you go "That was hell" and then you figure out your purpose and take that on. I did a million and one posts in the last four months to unravel so i can apparently do what? Drown in some bliss? OH flower NO AMBER. I have to face the fact there is real darkness going on and I cant save the world that is stupid. But I CAN come up with a reasonable solution for a very complex problem that has infected the minds of children and young adults. And educate flowerers who have gotten reallly really stupid turning into bullies or caring about stupid shit that dont matter. And its gonna require me being very crafty and methodical if i want to succeed. So stop with rumi. Ram Dass is fine but even he is just a wee soft for what we are dealing with. WARRIOR SHIT. This is what we have to do. I mean im up to the point that im gonna go full on kali on you if you dont toughen up. YOu are really bright and you got a great core spirit. But if you bliss out on me, im pretty sure some warlock gonna tap you so get armed and get sense and listen to michael about mind cause he was speaking to you direct. Ill say it - no time for love now. this sappy love with spirit shit. WE DONE WITH THAT. Maybe later we can all be cute but right now this is a flowering war and we play to win.

Drop love for a bit. Its the reason. But we dont have time for that shit. Ok Ive said enough on it. Focus on your MIND. Yes heart is important. But get the cute stuff out of head or else ... i mean bruce loved Linda Lee but.... if he was lovey in the ring hed be done.

Ok night.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The first threshold of the path
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2023, 07:31:47 PM »

Amber a lady came in for a reading on a man. I just saw she said "He has a problem with my dog."

What do you think I said to her?

I am almost beside myself how she is wasting time on this with me. THE DOG IS HER PROTECTOR. So he has a problem because HE PROTECTS HER. Clearly indiciating the man is a total piece of shit.

He wants that out of the way.

Dummers when leaving xmas day made a comment about the cat box. I had not got up to change it. But it was MY CATS which gave the signal I AM flowerING DONE WITH THIS flowerING SHIT.

They signaled to me ultimately - get him OUT.

Then dad then he lost an eye sight an he got demon possessed and all sorts of shit.

My point - this shit coming for the spirit ladies. He looked innocent enough man. BUT I GOT SOME VERY DUMB LADIES IN LOVE WITH WRONG flowerING MEN. I am beside myself. HE DOESNT LIKE HER DOG WHY IS SHE STILL CONSIDERING HIM?

flower if Michael said get rid of Onyx you think id still be in soma? OH flower NO ID DROP THIS ALL.

So set little rumi down and get prepared. Its war. Its on. And like my video: there is dumb and there is dumber. You can barely afford to be dumb but that lady is a total dummers and if she stays with that man she is gone.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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