Author Topic: "What were we doing?"  (Read 52 times)

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"What were we doing?"
« on: December 28, 2023, 08:29:37 PM »
I know this folder is called "Action." I just got done reading some old posts. I hardly ever commented in here. I shyed away from political issues, or even climate change. It wasnt I didnt care. But I was moreso busy working on personal development, which really at the time was what I could find more useful, vs trying to "change the world" in some way. I already knew, "the game is rigged" so what can be done?

But as I look at this folder, and the years of commentary, why did we call it "action" at all? It should have been called "watching." Cause thats all soma did in this folder, or other places, is watch shit. Watch the world, observe maybe planetary phenomena due to climate change. Or political manuevers done here and there. Post some quotes once in a blue moon. I found some dalai lama posts about tibet. Discussion on conspiracy theories, some stuff on love vs fear. Lori getting upset her loving attitude toward things she would get picked on. Juhani being his usual cynical self. But we did no actual "action" in soma, when it came to anything in the world.

Now maybe we just were gonna "watch the wheels" like John Lennon said. Well he got shot so...there is that. But at least he gave some very powerful messages.

Since we watched, I came upon something michael said about oh I dont know the collapse of the world would be the day he died and I sat there, are we really just waiting for an end here? Is it all going to go to shit and we are just being hopeful it does not?

That would be like all the warriors around the world just, laying down arms and waiting to die. I dont think we are going to "go out with a whimper" anytime soon. There are strong forces at play that wont have that shit.

But I have watched pretty intently and the world has lost its ever loving mind. Its complete chaos at the moment. The conspiracy theories oh shit, those who started them are surely rubbing their hands together and frothing at the mouth the success they had with those. The struggle is real. But I know no matter what, Im not going to just "watch" this go down and do nothing. Or else over the last couple decades studying and learning all this flowering shit was for naught, if the world were just gonna go to flowering shit, down a sinkhole, because a bunch of folks sold their soul for pennies and threw it away really, like it was nothing. Just cause I live in a country of many willfully ignorant people doesnt mean im going to just sit back and do nothing. Im not going to just "watch."

A lot of folks are doing just that and waiting for God to save the day. But anyway, what was the end game for soma, doing this shit, if its just to watch the world end. I know this place has turned into a shithole, but what is the end game?

I know one thing. Ill use all I got in my being so DUMP does not become president again. Ill unleash all ive got to do that. Im not just gonna 'watch.' Ill educate my group on that. I refuse to be in any timeline I just sit back and watch that cock sucker win.

I wont.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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