Author Topic: The Dark Side of AI  (Read 170 times)

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The Dark Side of AI
« on: January 20, 2024, 07:41:59 PM »
I just found his channel recently and he is EXCELLENT. Very good youtuber. This video, blew my mind. He talks about real issues with the AI, and breaks down a scenario of what could potentially happen with AI. It was very, very creepy and yet...plausible what he says here. Can folks be smart and put on the brakes here? Yet, no. Humans are nutburgers for sure. I highly doubt it. This year we are going to peer into a window of things and question "consciousness," even folks who shun the topic of it, like conservative christians. We will ALL be forced to evaluate it.

Check it out:
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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  • Acharya
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Re: The Dark Side of AI
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2024, 02:18:52 AM »
There's a photograph somewhere...1923 testing bullet proof vests on humans. Unsure if they went in stages before human testing wouldn't surprise me if they didn't...Humans are stupid.
I'm surprised we are still even in existence with the level of stupidity humans often showcase.
The witch people on TikTok give all witches a bad name...they are very closed hearted and throw hexes out like confetti while celebrating the pain and grief of everyone they've hexed.
Hex confetti. Lovely.

My point is humans are idiots....and idiots do what they do.
AI in the hands of idiots would cause bullshit and's in the hands of humans!

I don't like the style of the video but humans are easily swayed with dramatic music effects and sounds. Simple creatures, really. But stupid. American TV is known for an overuse of dramatic music and sound effects and it's because the reaction of the audience is more invested that way. For me, it's irritating. It's dramatic enough as is. I mean look...damn robot dogs that shoot people. We don't even need them to begin with yet here we are..... humans playing cops and robbers in idiotic ways.
Soy una héroe dramática. Una villano dramática. Una espectador nervioso. Una receta de no te metas conmigo. 😘
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