Author Topic: Interrupting Karma  (Read 161 times)

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Interrupting Karma
« on: June 06, 2024, 05:14:36 PM »
I wasn't sure where to put this. I decided on the Hinduism folder, cause they came up with the concept first.

So I will get things which randomly pop up on the FB feed. Lots of "spiritual" stuff. So someone posted this meme, and wrote some annoying post how, we could be interrupting someone's karma, if you go in and try to help or "save" them.

Now I wonder at times, if FB is doing these posts, to get folks to jump in and fight.  ;D Sure they do! And I saw this, and if you took me back 20 years or so, I may have posted and debated. But nowadays, I have no desire to get into petty arguments online. If I wanted that, I would join Twitter/X, and waste valuable time and energy, fighting with strangers online. Being a keyboard warrior. But I have zero desire to. I am happy simply checking in on group, doing my readings, chatting with a few friends, and then go read a book, watch a movie, or make cat videos for the kids. I lead a simple life.

But this meme is ridiculous, and it is why I have a sticker on my laptop which says "Protect Me From The Idiots," with purple crystals on it. Yes, I do have this sticker on here, to remind me, that many online are that. So at times some folks try to come across "spiritual," but are simply petty tyrants in disguise. I was re-reading a post of Della's tonight, which motivated me to write this. She was like, paraphrasing "You see someone struggling, and throw a rock in their path, what does that say about you?" And I have to admit, often I have wanted to argue a bit with don Juan on the whole scolding he gave Carlos for moving the snail. Now I get it. The snail was making progress. But Carlos was trying to do the right thing, the intent was good, to save it.

But we have nincompoops who think they are spiritual, and say shit like this. Karma, oh don't interrupt their karma. Isn't this the motto, when in India, folks would be nasty to the Untouchables? Where is humanity? So I snagged this meme, went into my group. I left out the author I didn't think fair to call out a poster, if not there. But basically said to this "What if Jesus said the same thing?" Now whether folks believe in him or not. Or think he existed, but was a crazy man who thought he could save the world, and should have ran from his fate. He did genuinely want to save. And helping others is what we should do. Now, I could argue, one might not be "tossing a rock in the path" by letting someone get theirs. But helping others when they are struggling, is what we should do. Like say I didn't do readings, or I refused someone and I said "I am sorry. I feel you are due some karma. Cant read you." That would be shitty. Or whatnot. But we live in this sad society, where say we spot the homeless, and others don't help them cause, they feel they are there on the street cause of karma? I mean, how shitty is this a meme and concept, which, oh, one can simply wash their hands of helping another, to not "interrupt" what? Karma? That's why I also said in my post "flower karma." I mean, I could also argue, "Ok, what about you getting shit karma, cause you turned your back on someone who needed help." Did the person who made this meme, ever think of that? Or what about their karma, as they made this insensitive meme, and now its spread around the internet, seen by perhaps thousands, and maybe a hundred people have this seed planted, and now wont help someone who needs it. How about his or her karma? Oh I could go on, see how it all spins?

We live, at least some, in this, capitalistic, "pull up from bootstraps" mindset, that helping others in need is "welfare" and people are bums if they need assistance. It's so flowering weird and crazy. But yes, now I know Buddha said no one can save us. But he was talking about like, your soul. But you can "save" people in other ways. Many other ways, all the time. It could be as simple as a kind word said, when their day was so shitty, they were thinking about going home, offing themselves, but you were nice and, they were like "Oh there is still good people in the world" and changed their mind. So flower karma. flower the person who wrote this meme. And flower anyone who uses this as an excuse to not help another person.

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Interrupting Karma
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2024, 09:48:58 PM »
Donaldo may well have taught the snail saving lesson, but he also taught about controlled folly.

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Re: Interrupting Karma
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2024, 03:20:33 PM »
Donaldo may well have taught the snail saving lesson, but he also taught about controlled folly.

I remember strongly back in the day, there was a war on Delphi, the old days. Soronwolf, Guardian and others. And Vicki did a post in a private place to us "It's all folly!" It kind of snapped us out of it. I realized she was right. Being a warrior for a cause. Now yes, bad things had occurred. But the folly statement rang true in that moment, and we dropped the whole battle. It was perhaps necessary in a moment, but to continue on was a lesson in futility.

I think the saying "choose your battles wisely" comes into play with that one. When is it worth exerting energy, and when not? That is the question.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Offline nikos

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Re: Interrupting Karma
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2024, 08:36:59 PM »
Maybe I 'm a little off topic but I feel like sharing something I think was like an interruption of my Karma or better my destiny which costed me almost everything.

I say almost because I a little flame inside of me is still lit. I could use this 'image' as my soul, that's me.

The story could be long but the wrong key was a flight cancelation I instantly regretted that slowly downgraded me....

I can't write more right now due to a feeling of powerlessness ...

I hold a little belief that everything  will turn alright for me....

I don't feel like saying that the flight involved the girl for reasons , but it's the truth....

........being brutally honst.

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Re: Interrupting Karma
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2024, 04:44:22 AM »
Maybe I 'm a little off topic but I feel like sharing something I think was like an interruption of my Karma or better my destiny which costed me almost everything.

I say almost because I a little flame inside of me is still lit. I could use this 'image' as my soul, that's me.

The story could be long but the wrong key was a flight cancelation I instantly regretted that slowly downgraded me....

I can't write more right now due to a feeling of powerlessness ...

I hold a little belief that everything  will turn alright for me....

I don't feel like saying that the flight involved the girl for reasons , but it's the truth....

........being brutally honst.

So if it's ok to ask I'm a wee confused. Were you going to go on a flight to see her, and changed mind?
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Interrupting Karma
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2024, 05:22:35 AM »
So if it's ok to ask I'm a wee confused. Were you going to go on a flight to see her, and changed mind?

No. I cancelled a flight during coronavirus due to fear but what I did was an action devoid of heart so we speak..... It was a path with heart that I didn't took but being saying that narrows my sense of feeling.... not about her, generally...

I have become sceptical towards her lately. not with a negative meaning.

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Re: Interrupting Karma
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2024, 05:41:14 AM »
The meme translates to "I needed an excuse to not bother"

Our society is bent on punishment to the extreme. It's been this way for awhile. People make mistakes and the mindset of the majority is "they shall suffer for the rest of their life for it."

Humans are more mentally and psychologically feral, sometimes more physically feral, than the rest of the animal Kingdom.

Soy una héroe dramática. Una villano dramática. Una espectador nervioso. Una receta de no te metas conmigo. 😘
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Offline nikos

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Re: Interrupting Karma
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2024, 07:35:38 AM »
No. I cancelled a flight during coronavirus due to fear but what I did was an action devoid of heart so we speak..... It was a path with heart that I didn't took but being saying that narrows my sense of feeling.... not about her, generally...

I have become sceptical towards her lately. not with a negative meaning.

Hi again and sorry for intervening the thread with my personal theme...

I just wanted to add that I believe in her probably till the end

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Re: Interrupting Karma
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2024, 11:14:35 AM »
It took me a minute to remember where I put this.

I came across this passage in Della's book, "Scrawls on the Walls of the Soul." Now, I do not think she is saying, to NOT stop someone from going over into the abyss per the situation. But she is, pretty eloquently, making a point, that one act can have varying consequences to someone's life.

But as I read this, I was like "But, yes, while the latter consenquence is not good, going into the abyss in such a way could be far worse." Many things can occur. Like a soul could get trapped for quite some time, in a fog or haze, and be stuck in the same despair they were trying to escape. All the guides could rush in, trying to walk them out of the created hell they are in, but it doesn't mean they would see or hear them. Eventually, a crack could form, but it could take a millenia. Or, somehow by grace a soul escapes that despair. Those are the lucky ones. But no matter, avoiding the abyss, which could lead to worse, than wife leaving, or financial devastation, things of this world, is necessary. It's not a good idea to skip the unfinished business we have on planet earth.

I've been in this position quite a few times as a reader. I can count on two hands at least, how many times someone was at the abyss, and I had to talk them off the ledge. They MUST come off the ledge. So yes, while it wont be easy for some when they do, the trials and tribs are by far easier to manage then a leap into the abyss.

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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