Author Topic: Struggling and needing advice  (Read 372 times)


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Struggling and needing advice
« on: September 14, 2007, 07:16:40 AM »
« Last Edit: April 07, 2008, 06:14:24 AM by . »


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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2007, 07:59:26 AM »
DC, this idea sounds wonderful, and I would explore it, really. Nothing you've described sounds like anything that isn't benign, but beware of grassy mounds... careful poking around on top of them. (I just say this based on a dream I had this week, forgive the odd advice.)

Intriguing about the underground places.  Makes you wonder if this residence was an underground railway place, though. What a fascinating mystery, on so many levels!

I hope you and your daughter get to meet up again with the native girl, and I'm excited for you. Have you looked up the first nations history of the area? Do you have a feel for what tribe to which she may have belonged?
Are you wondering if this area was a burial grounds? If it was, that info could indeed influence your plans.

If the native girl was seen, then she wished to be seen ... Perhaps the next time you or Erin see her, she will tell/show you something about herself!   

In your next meditation ... invite her!

Just a couple of cents... I'll mull it over more, as I'm sure others will as well.


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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 12:53:32 PM »
So much history in the one spot! Both Civil War and First Nations. I could see how it could become an in-between place. 

I can picture this place ... even the vegetation you describe is similar to the wilds of the mid-atlantic states.

Sounds like you might have a vortex there...

Offline elliot

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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2007, 02:07:13 PM »
why don't you hunt anymore??
"O great creator of being, grant us one more hour / to perform our art and perfect our lives."    Jim Morrison

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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2007, 11:54:37 PM »
its not appropriate to say energy is just energy. although that may be very true on deep level, it isn't true in the world in which we have to function. this is an old contention, but we have to function on both sides of this fence.

so within the world of a 'sensitive', the differences in energy are what it is all about. some types are simply best left alone, and others have an attractive and immediately recognisable beneficial vibe. But there is much in between.

you don't sound sure what this energy is, but i get the feeling it is not 'dread'. still there could have been some nasty events there, yet the landscape suggests a more complex energetic scene.

first, you should know that the chance of the spirits of deceased people hanging around anywhere for long periods is very unlikely. some say impossible unless you are dealing with those skilled in surviving 'between the worlds' - a bit of gruesome business. Still I am inclined to think some spirits can linger long, esp where the emotion at death was extreme - even so there are limits.

What can linger is what I call the etheric effect in the land. And through tuning into this etheric residue, you can access the spirits and people and events through the quirks of time on the astral.

There is no reason to expect this girl is connected with the old house, but you never know.

I get the feeling you are asking should you go and do a pooja there, to contact what is still energetic. You may not be a novice at being alone in the woods, but you are not sure you have the skills to handle what you may find on a psychic level. Then you ask about taking your daughter along.

Yes, good questions. If it were undeniably bad, I'd say forget it. But if it is powerful and mysterious, I fully understand your curiosity - I would feel the same. This type of adventure I would not recommend to anyone without some experience and skills in this area. I want to state that clearly, lest others think they can waltz willy-nilly into places of power.

I would not take your daughter, definitely. Until you had first made some initial exploration of this place's astral landscape. If it were me, I would go with astral intent - such places know about that. And i would begin by camping the night at the edge of its energetic field. This is only polite, but also a way to sense the nature of what you are getting into.

Then, during the day, I would also explore the place looking for the energetic hub. This is a technique of seeking the most obvious point of intensity. I can't easily explain that - you either have skills at this or not, although it should be practiced. During this episode, you will or will not, get a 'grip' on the energy of the place - hard to explain, but it is like passing through a threshold, a veil, past which you 'know' the energy of the place. Not know everything, just a sense of being allowed in, having the keys, being accepted.

After that you could camp in the main area, although I'm not sure I would, and I'm not sure why you want to. You have to make a distinction between powerful places with knowledge, and those which have become powerful through the intense actions of humans, without true knowledge behind it. There is a difference between investigating the margins, and also locating the hub point; and diving in fully - I only dive in fully to energetic spaces I see as highly sympathetic with my deeper astral nature. If you have such a connection, esp as you live near, then that is a different matter. I always make myself fully acquainted with the powerful energies in the vicinity of my living area. Some I do leave for many years, but I don't forget they are pending.

As for your daughter. I understand you wish to introduce her to a few things, plus explore this connection. Yes, I can see how you would like her to accompany you on a pooja in these woods - that would be good, but I would make the connection myself first, which you may already have done. I guess I am saying, I would not drop her in the deep end, by taking her into the centre of such a place, without first being thoroughly familiar with the energies there, and having them enlisted in my intentions for her. With young psychic people, a little can go a long way.

I can't see the connection between the Native Americans and this homeplace. This is another area - not sufficient room to go into it here, but only whities build houses, native people are connected with the power in the land itself, not old ruins of homeplaces. Unless you feel this thing is different.

I make this distinction, because it is significant. White Euro races build 'above' the land and invested huge emotional energies into their supra-structural world. native people aligned themselves with the power already inherent in landscape itself, and added their potency along those alignments. Native people were not into 'history'. To access their world, we go to places of power that have that power due to ancient land forming energies - they are the 'old' spirits of the land. The 'new' spirits of the land come from the Europeans who built their power places through obsessions out of their own minds, with almost no regard to the underlying power structures - in fact, in distinct defiance to them.

In Australia I heard on the news this morning, some aboriginal people talking about development in connection to a sacred pond - they said a strange thing, that they didn't know if the Rainbow Serpent still lived there. Times have changed, and perhaps it had left. But that if it hadn't, then sickness would result from the development.

This is curious, that one of the 'old' spirits should vacate their ancient power homes. I understand how that happens, and have seen it happen. It is up to us to visit and do the ceremonies to keep the Old Ones healthy - for when they leave, we have nothing. I'd take your daughter to that type of power place.


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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2007, 04:56:37 AM »
I climbed down from the tree and walked to her.... she lay there still alive... she was a beautiful animal... she looked into my eyes and I into hers, then.... she looked at the wound I had caused in her side.... where the arrow had cut through her... then.... she looked at me again.. directly into my eyes... but not with fear.. her eyes asked a question... a simple one.... but one I could not answer.... she simply asked "Why?".

I gave up hunting that day, or rather I gave up taking animals....

I am still a hunter of sorts, but it is myself I hunt.... So... I guess I was wrong when I said I don't hunt anymore in the earlier post. I do hunt, but the prey is me.

Beautiful story, you have made many first hand contacts. The hunter and the hunted, you know the prey was honored when Diana, the god of the hunters, finally got them. As long as she had the right spirit in her hunting everything was alright. I shot my last bird in my teens. That bird became a teacher to me.

When the prey is "me" or my ego, everything gets more complicated. One has to be fast, clean and steady - faster than the light, pure as a river and steady as a rock - to know that prey, his patterns, actions and  turns.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2007, 05:00:58 AM by Jahn »


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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2007, 01:16:09 AM »
I've read too many books... with many themes and ideas for walking your path... some had knowledge.. some didn't seem to, some conveyed a measure of wisdom that I could attune to, but when I read those of the Toltec way it didn't quite resonate with me at that time. Well, Castaneda's didn't then, but Ruiz's did. Not saying either one is better or worse than the other. And I suppose I am thinking of Toltec because of stalking... which I used to do as hunter.

Castaneda had to learn a lot through nature experiences, he was tough, a very powerful man with Saturn in Scorpio. Which tells astrologers alot; mainly that one have a hell of a lot power through the Scorpio sign, he was born in the Capricorn which gave hime endurance above the average. Don Miguel is a fine tuned nagual, MD and within a family of shamans. I appreciated Castaneda very much, I felt much warmth in his stories of Don Juan and Don Genaro. And I laughed every time I had a read, the lessons were sometimes incredible but also often very elementary.

Don Miguels teachings has been like balm for me. Perhaps he was the missing piece of the nagual puzzle that I needed to pass myself.

I am a student of Kris Raphael and perhaps he combine much of the style from Castaneda and Don Miguel. Uncompromising Love?



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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2007, 01:21:50 AM »

I see you ride the wind... as do I. On two wheels I mean. There are very few ways to feel the sense of freedom and connection with the great outdoors you experience when you ride. I've ridden for years and it is still one of my greatest joys.

Nice to meet you Jahn.

Thank you.

Motorcycling has been a great interest since the age of 12 when I shared my first bike with my elderly brother. It can be real fun and around here there are many small roads that I can use.

I use to say that I got a 0-100 km/h machine, all the fun lies within that range. There are so many different types of bike but I got the model I get the most out of. Perhaps I get a more comfortable bike when I get old (but I am already awfully old  :D )


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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2007, 02:22:54 AM »
I've not read much of Raphael, perhaps a quotation now and then. I'll search out his work. I love ending my day with a good book.....

Kris has only published a few books, but more may come. however he has written some very good dissertations and published some of these in his forums. All these essays are found in the archives at:

Inspirational articles by Kris - Personal Growth and Spiritual Evolution on the Toltec Path



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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2007, 02:33:38 AM »
Age is state of mind friend... I am going to a motorcycle rally in a town near where I live this afternoon. They close a main street in the middle of town down to all traffic except motorcycles... there will be bikes of all sorts, live bands (which I love), vendors of motorcycle gear, lots of food, and more importantly the place will be alive with the assorted characters who ride... (I include myself in the cast of characters). Should be good fun.... and of course the ride there and back is about 1-1/2 hours each way through some very nice scenery and some good curves.

PS: Regarding age... I am already thinking I may have to get a trike one of these days....

Happy you!  ;D Have great fun and good weather!

Once a year there is a caravan of motorcycles through this town too. It is to honor the celebration of 1st may which is a biggie in Sweden. Last year I joined the caravan of about 1000 cycles but this year I took some photos instead.

and then this funny one! (A BMW)

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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2007, 02:47:40 AM »
you guys remind me of my own motorbike days - thank god it was stolen, or i might not be here now... i wasn't good at caution.

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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2007, 02:47:10 AM »
the wildness… it is hidden away in a place where no one but me seems to go,

I think that one statement says it all -- that hidden place where only you could go.

I have been lead to such places in the past, while chasing Ravens through the thickest parts of my Grandparent's place. The energy you described feels very much the same as that which I experienced in those sacred places.

I found more there than I bargained for -- lost pieces of myself.

I agree with Michael, that it would not be wise to take your daughter there, until you better understand that place and know it's energies on a more concrete level.

it'll destroy you if you try to make it mean anything to anyone but yourself.
-henry rollins

Offline elliot

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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2007, 03:15:20 PM »
I used to live to hunt. Small game, large game. First when I was small, it was wanting to just "kill" something.... birds with air rifle, squirrels/rabbits with shotgun and rimfire rifle.. I would simply walk the fields and woods and hope to see something to shoot at.

That evolved into having better tools and developing the skils necessary to kill....

What I now call "shooting animals"... began to turn to hunting them....

Larger caliber weapons, precision scopes to bring distant game up close, reloading my own cartridges so that the quality and repeatability... the accuracy of my weapons was maximized... hours of target practice... days and weeks and months spent in the wild learning game... I once spent a month in a deer camp.. living/breathing the hunt.. bathed in a river in wintertime... ate what I killed....

And... things were constantly, steadily changing.... the thirst to take an animal turned to wanting a trophy animal.... but any trophy would do in the early days.... I just wanted "big male animals"....

That evolved into wanting to hunt a specific trophy animal... guns as weapons turned to bow and arrow... granted it was a highly technically advanced bow, but it seemed to put me on more equal terms... because I had to be very close.... that took more skill...

After several years of hunting in that way.... sometimes meeting with success, sometimes not.... I began to change... I would still scout the woods... observe year round.... learn the animals... but I found myself not raising my bow when the time to take a shot came... my observing during the scouting time... began to turn to observing during hunting time...

I still would rise before dawn to trek into the woods... still sat there for hours on end.. or did stalking.... I began to love the experience of just seeing the world... nature... I became a watcher instead of a hunter... I still took game on occasion... but I was changing...

The last deer I took... was a doe... it was legal to take them on certain days and this was one of those days. I was hunting a large buck, but a doe kept hanging around maybe 20 feet from me. I watched her for maybe an hour.... dusk was coming and I finally told her that she needed to leave or I would take her. I guess that old primal urge to kill rose up within me. I spoke to her again and said if she was there when I was ready to leave... I was sitting in a tree stand at the time.... anyway, I told her I would take her.  When the time came to leave, she was standing broadside about 30 feet away. I told her one last time to go.... she didn't... I raised my bow, drew the bowstring.. felt it kiss my cheek as it had countless times before... I squeezed the release and let the arrow fly. She fell to the ground... the arrow had passed through her chest...

I climbed down from the tree and walked to her.... she lay there still alive... she was a beautiful animal... she looked into my eyes and I into hers, then.... she looked at the wound I had caused in her side.... where the arrow had cut through her... then.... she looked at me again.. directly into my eyes... but not with fear.. her eyes asked a question... a simple one.... but one I could not answer.... she simply asked "Why?".

I gave up hunting that day, or rather I gave up taking animals....

I am still a hunter of sorts, but it is myself I hunt.... trying to understand they why's of what I do... trying to learn to be the observor of myself... to see the signs.... see the patterns... so that I can change.... as I evolved as a hunter of animals... I hope to use some of the same skills I learned and apply them to evolving as a human being... I hope to learn to walk a path with heart... I hope to connect with Spirit.... I hope to.. damn.. it's hard to type..... I hope to kill the old me...... nothing grand remains to hunt... no trophy head to seek.... stalk.... have mounted and hang on my wall beside the deer heads that hang there now...

So... I guess I was wrong when I said I don't hunt anymore in the earlier post. I do hunt, but the prey is me.

And... if I can apply the same determination... the same energy..... the same hunger towards that end, the hunger and desire I used to apply to taking my animal brothers and sisters... perhaps, I will have a measure of success in reaching my goal.

that is reason not to hunt anymore.  thank you for sharing that.
"O great creator of being, grant us one more hour / to perform our art and perfect our lives."    Jim Morrison


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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2007, 03:40:19 AM »
I climbed down from the tree and walked to her.... she lay there still alive... she was a beautiful animal... she looked into my eyes and I into hers, then.... she looked at the wound I had caused in her side.... where the arrow had cut through her... then.... she looked at me again.. directly into my eyes... but not with fear.. her eyes asked a question... a simple one.... but one I could not answer.... she simply asked "Why?".

I gave up hunting that day, or rather I gave up taking animals....

Taking animals? You mean taking lives.

Good for you - if you gave up hunting such creatures - then she served her purpose, in saving many others of her kind, or others.

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Re: Struggling and needing advice
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2007, 10:08:35 PM »
you have to know how to kill

and how to not kill


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