Author Topic: The Virtuous Cock  (Read 105 times)


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The Virtuous Cock
« on: August 06, 2006, 02:54:44 AM »
Chi Hsing-tzu was training a fighting cock for the king. After ten days, the king asked whether it was ready. "Not yet," Chi Hsing-tzu said. "He's still arrogant and set on his own ch'i."

After another ten days, the question came again.
"Not yet. He still responds to sounds and sights."

Another ten days passed and the question came again.
"Not yet. He still has a fierce look and an overflow of chi."

Ten more days brought the question yet again.
"He's almost there. Even when another cock crows, he remains unchanged. Watching him, you'd think he was made of wood. When the power of his virtue is complete, no opponent will dare confront him. They'll all run away."

'The Essential Chuang-Tzu'
Translated and Edited by Sam Hamill and J. P. Seaton


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