I keep my heart opened
My bliss and pain
Life goes by and I watch its flow..
With opened heart.
There is no tension because tension comes with wish. I
wish nothing but I intend power. I am free. Free to
I simply keep my heart opened....
I can touch my heart with the tips of my fingers and I
will see scars that create the picture of fights and
experience I got...
I stand and watch the time go forward. I live this
time and I watch it like a movie....I am
There is no tension, because there is YOU and THE
WORLD...no past, no future.....nothingness and
infinity around.
When you look back into your past....even the earliest
memories you have, you see that you were the
same....The core of you....the observer....the
warrior....the part you just PURIFY by accepting the
challenges and fighting.
Just the same.
Tension? It's illusory once you feel what you
are...that child looking on the world out of his
cradle... You were the same, weren't you?
Tension disappears if you practice deconcentration.
Think about anything as much time as it should take.
No more. Do what has to be done and observe...
But....with opened heart. It might hurt, might bring
joy, might throw you in the middle of a storm.....you
will FEEL and be.....oh...filled....every cell of
Life is like that storm. Live it with open heart, let
the wind come and go through you......and watch the
time go by.
Tension? Does it exist? No. Even if you sleep 4 hours
a night....even if you "don't have time" - you have
all infinity around. EVERY second of life...is your
life. Going forward. Watch it, smile, cry, feel joy
and pain....because nothing else matters except for
this life with your heart opened to the wind.
You can be LIGHT in the middle of the storm...not
affected by it....if you LET YOURSELF BE TAKEN BY THE
STORM. No wishes..Just a view that makes you stop
breathing......Your life.
Tension? No. Intensity....yes. Anxiety? No. Being
alert and aware....yes.
infinity....and life is a wonderful gift and
adventure.....Or no....and life is filled with
tension. Ask your early memories.....ask your death.
Thank you, Cayetana
