Author Topic: Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge  (Read 118 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge
« on: April 22, 2009, 11:30:03 PM »
Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge

Seneca Indian Historical Society

Wisdom of the Elders, Kentucky Sunday 5 September 2008

We remember that:

Joy and Trust create the Possibility for Love.

Love and Truth secures Joy and Happiness.

Wisdom of the Elders, Kentucky Saturday 4 September 2008

Group Question:  To All My Relations – How do we purify the waters back to balance for our bodies and Motherearth and stop the impurities that are forced on us?

Answers From the Council of Our Relations:

We speak for the Earthmother…

Take responsibility for the impurities.  To purify the waters and yourself begins with you.  When you begin purifying and others see this they will either like the clean purity of your Spirits and that of the water or they will walk away.  Always speak with love and kindness no matter what.  Leave negativity alone, it is not your friend nor will it ever be.  As Bob says you have two of everything, but you have but one heart, it needs only Love and Kindness to be nurtured.

We speak for the Plant Life…

Grass – Plentiful and Powerful – There must be mutual understanding among all humans on this planet as there are many species of Grass living next to each other.  Grass depends heavily on water and can survive a relatively short period without it because of its shallow roots.  Humans have also a shallow threshold of surviving without the water.  All rain comes from heavens – for all of us.  An old concrete parking lot will be taken over by Grass in time.  The pollution of water will stop if people stop polluting.  The change of peoples’ thinking must occur.  You can’t count on purifying processes without stopping the  polluting processes as well.

We speak for the Fish…

Live more simply; take time to be one with all of life; have less clutter; respect other life forms’ jobs and don’t try to take over.  Live where you can nourish your body and your soul.  Stay focused on your journey.  Keep clean what is around you.  Know your home.  Plant more trees.  Take only what you need.  Share spaces with all life.  Do not try to control nature or us.  Appreciate our beauty.  The work of one will influence others as in the ripples that move quickly across the surface of the water.  Spiral upward.  Know the difference between what is real and what is not.  Know what is true.

We speak for the Medicine Plants…

Focus on,
Daily intension and affirmation.
Doing Ceremony.
Stop over consumption.
Reform will come out of crisis not before.

We speak for the Thunderers…

Know and experience what true power is. See, experience, feel what focused energy can do.

Knowing that the natural world is speaking All-the-Time, not only when powerful forces are released, lets you know the “Legends” come from real experiences with us Beings.

Do not show respect out of RESPECT out of LOVE for your connection to us.  Know that once-in-a-while we need to get your attention, so you listen.

Millisecond Transformation can take place and matter can be changed.

If you ask respectfully, we will listen.  We are not here to harm you or the Earth.  We come to purify, and complement the natural cycle of harmony.

The power we release is but one grain of sand on the beach in relation to Creator.

We speak for the Four Winds…

From the East Winds: Thoughts-human thoughts must be of peace and of harmony and of balance.  Stop the thoughts of killing.

From the South Winds: Purity in actions-all actions in accordance with the heart.

From the West Winds: Peace-in the mind, in the heart; be out in nature to balance and stabilize yourselves.

From the North Winds:Happiness – frolic in the oceans, rivers, streams.  Bless your water before drinking, give thanks for the life force it gives to you.  Pray for clean rain.

We speak for the Food Plants…

Everything can grow in love and gratitude.  Prayers for the Food Plants at mealtimes that the environments required for healthy growth and germination be restored will help.  But the knowledge of what engenders healthy Earth, Water, Air, Seeds, Nourishment, needs to  go beyond words and thoughts into action.  Teach through doing.  Teach the children and those who have forgotten.  Put the teachings into understandable terms.  Teach that from the edge of the precipice you can step back onto solid ground. When you understand, truly understand, that All My Relations means all life beyond human, that Creation is vibrant in all, that humans are the students in this grand Earth School, that the plants, stones, creatures, elements and so much more exist to help teach/nurture we will all proceed to that place of harmony. Eating ...with consciousness... will teach about the... energy of the Food Plants. Make it fun for the children; “Did this potato talk to you?  Does your body relax with this so and so?  How does your body feel when you eat_____?”  Adults can enjoy the experience too because like the Apple that has seeds talks with Creator, so too do humans have that child seed of innocent remembrance within that Knows.  And so, it is like open to the Spirit of the Food Plants will open the remembering of how to help and what to do.

We speak for the Water…

The water is pure when it comes to you.  What you think of the water is part of what you consider contamination.  Think of your intentions every time you connect with me.  Think about where I am coming from.  Are you praying for me and all of my sources?  Are you asking your friends to do the same?  You do ceremony for your ailing friends.  Ceremony for me, you know it is easy enough to do.  Do you doubt that through prayer and intention all things come into balance and is as the Creator intends?   As in all things be mindful of your consumption of me; be mindful of your use of me. Be mindful...Be mindful...Be mindful...
Thank you, Nyah Weh

We speak for the Animals…

A cricket appeared; frogs calling loudly, a spider climbing on a grass blade, human laughter, twisted wire left behind...“Oh five fingered Ones, I bring you a message from the smallest of us.  It is to start within.  Pick-up your yards, recycle, reuse, stop adding fertilizer and poisons to our sacred space-our ground.  Let us have our space cleaned up.  Bend over, pick-up and clean-up where ever you are.

We speak for the Trees…

Sycamore... We are stressed out from the acid rain.  Send your prayers to the rain clouds to help purify the rain drops as they fall to Motherearth.  In return we can continue to provide oxygen, food & lodging for the world.

We speak for the Birds…

Be the examples that your children will follow.

We speak for the People…

We remember that:

Gratitude in the Beginning came out-of-the-Blue.

Gratitude comes with the Peace of Detachment.

The Light of Acceptance creates Trust.

The Joy of Unity brings Harmony and Happiness.


Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2009, 11:37:45 PM »
Group Question: How do you get People to Remember?

Hoe zorg je ervoor dat mensen zich gaan herinneren?

Answers From the Council of Our Relations:

We speak for the Earthmother…

Let people know I will carry them; take care of them.  I let them know that they are loved and this will open their hearts and then they will remember.

Wij spreken voor de Aardmoeder…

Laat de mensen weten dat ik ze zal dragen; en voor ze zorg. Ik laat ze weten dat er van ze wordt gehouden en dat zal hun harten openen en dan zullen ze zich herinneren.

We speak for the Water…

Pass-on to each other what you have learned, that way People will find rest. It takes a long time. The beginning is there. Love and attention can reach me. The Rooster crows; the Crow crows. They want to get closer. The energy feels good to come closer and then take positive distance to watch and do deeds. Work together give support, I support you in this!

Wij spreken voor het Water…

Doorgeven aan elkaar. Mensen gaan dan rust vinden. Duurt lang. Het begin is er. Liefde en aandacht kan bij mij aankomen. De haan kraait. Kraai roept en wil dichterbij komen. De energie voelt goed om samen te komen en dan weer positieve afstand te nemen om te kijken en daden te stellen.  Samenwerken, ruggesteun geven, ik ben ervoor.

We speak for the Fish…

Fish in the water:  Shed the tears out. Let go; sink deep, follow the movement of the current.
Fish in can:  Watch for the signs!

Wij spreken voor de Vissen…

Vissen in het water:  Zweet de tranen uit.  Laat los, zak naar de diepte, volg de beweging van de stroom.
Vis in blik:   let op de tekenen!

We speak for the Plant Life…

Follow the seasons. Observe with conscious senses. Feelings and mind come to blossom in the space of the heart and form the seed of the new time.  Refine and soften your senses.

Wij spreken voor het Planten Leven…

Volg de seizoenen en neem met je zintuigen bewust waar. Gevoel en verstand komen in de Ruimte van het hart tot bloei en vormen het zaad voor de nieuwe tijd.  Verfijn en verzacht je zintuigen.

We speak for the Food Plants…

Remember who you are.

Wij spreken voor de Voedsel Planten…

Herinner je jezelf.

We speak for the Medicine Plants…

Relive, so the past can show its relevancy in the now. To know how it is in us; it must be consciously seen/felt/experienced.

Wij spreken voor de Medicijn Planten…

Herbeleven, daardoor laten zien hoe verleden relevant is in heden.  Hoe het in ons is; alleen moet het bewust gezien/gevoeld/ervaren worden.

We speak for the Trees…

We are the trees, touch us, breathe, feel us, be like us, communicate with my brothers, have patience, be truthful go back to your heart.

Wij spreken voor de Bomen…

Wij zijn de Bomen, raak ons aan, haal adem, voel ons, wees als ons, communiceer met mijn broeders, heb geduld, wees oprecht ga terug naar je hart.

We speak for the Animals…

Hear – See – Be silent and Feel!

Wij spreken voor de Dieren…

Horen – Zien - Zwijgen en Voel!

We speak for the Birds…

Simplify life, go for the basics, look to us. To be needed is enough.  Seek freedom of mind.

Wij spreken voor de Vogels…

Leven vereenvoudigen, basis, kijk naar ons, nodig zijn is genoeg; vrijheid van geest.

We speak for the Four Winds…

East Wind:  Let the winds blow through your mind
South Wind:  Embracing joy and gratitude
West Wind:  With true feelings and inner understanding;
North Wind:  The Wisdom of Oneness.

Wij spreken voor de Vier Winden…

Oost Winden: Laat de wind door je hoofd blazen
Zuid Winden: Omarm Plezier en Dankbaarheid.
West Winden: Met oprechte gevoelens en innerlijk begrip;
Noord Winden: De Wijsheid van Eenheid.

We speak for the Thunderers…

It is not about remembering, its about being. Thunder and Lightning gives respect and sometimes fear. Be willing to feel without walking away from the tension you know that it will discharge. We take care of equalizing energy so that it can be used once again. A direct expression of clear bright attention without worrying about the consequences is often needed to break through so life can continue. If you stand up, more and more and more for truth, which you feel in your heart, life will be more friendly and gentle, and so will be the thunderclaps. We love you intensely. Thank you for this question.

Wij spreken voor de Donders…

Het gaat niet om herinneren, het gaat om zijn.  Een donderslag,  Bliksem levert respect en soms angst op.  Voelen zonder weglopen voor de spanning waarvan je weet dat die tot ontlading komt.   Wij zorgen voor gelijkmaking van energie zodat weer opnieuw begonnen kan worden. Een duidelijk helder woord of duidelijke heldere aandacht zonder rekening te houden met de gevolgen is vaak nodig voor een doorbraak waardoor leven kan doorgaan.  Als jullie meer en meer en meer gaan staan voor de waarheid die je in je hart voelt zal het leven op aarde vriendelijker en zachter worden en  zo ook onze donderslagen. Wij hebben jullie intens lief Dank voor deze vraag aan ons.

We speak for the People…

The Current of Kindness is a Feeling Tradition.

Music is the Harmony of Love and Space.

The Horse views Space as the Beauty of Freedom.

In Abundance the Butterfly Expresses Gratitude and Expectation.

Wij spreken voor de Mensen…

De Stroom van Vriendelijkheid is een Gevoelens Traditie.

Muziek is de Harmonie van Liefde en Ruimte.

Het Paard ziet Ruimte als de Schoonheid van Vrijheid.

In Overvloed laat de Vlinder Dankbaarheid en Verwachting zien.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2009, 11:39:36 PM »
Group Question:  How do we communicate with the Animal World Better?

Answers From the Council of Our Relations:

We speak for the Plant Life…

Watch the symbiosis; the give and take, the connections between the animal world and plant life…

We speak for the Water…

You must provide Love.

We speak for the Four Winds…

Joint Marriage:  We ask that you listen and believe.  Many times the animals have spoken but you did not believe your ears.  Have faith in your own abilities.

East: Honor the animals and accept their unique wisdom.  They are very keen and willing to pass on their wisdom.

South: Respect the animals, and accept their feelings and their place on Motherearth.  Look after their bodily and spiritual needs, and nurture them when they cry out for help.

West: Love the animals and accept their love in return.  The animals will show you unconditional love if given the chance.  Love them from the heart unconditionally.

North: Protect the animals and their environments. You must understand their place in the universe is as important as your own.  By looking after the environment you allow the animals to be free and talk with you clearly and loudly.

We speak for the Birds…

Allow a habitat for us to safely raise our young just like you.  When you see a feather, treasure it and be reminded you can fly free like us…

We speak for the Thunderers…

Thunder and Lightning is sudden, loud, bright, and frightening.  To speak with the animal world, assume a presence which is gentle, gradual and unhurried….meld in with the natural world in all its aspects…speak quietly, wait…listen…say thank you and withdrawn quietly.

We speak for the Food Plants…

There was a time when we all used to communicate with each other.  Are you sure that by communication you do not mean “control” animals better, to do what you want them to. That is not communication as communication is a two way thing. We communicate with the animals. They enjoy eating us and by this we are “propagated.”  We both benefit from this communication.  Maybe you should be asking how you can bring benefit to the animals in your area better.  This would be a start.  Then you would adjust the idea of communication to being beneficial to both partners.  We put it back to you to look at the “intention” that you have in the communication.  Then that will be your guide; starting point.  Also important is an attitude of respect.

We speak for the Trees…

First there must be love, then passion guided by wisdom.  The animal world includes humans. Sit round the fire mentally and talk and share.  Do not get caught up in emotions and ask the animal world what it needs and ask about which campaign to join etc.  Finally they said give respectfully. See yourselves at the super market talking to the animal spirit before purchasing respectfully.

We speak for the Medicine Plants…

Listen with your Heart.

We speak for the Earthmother…

Feed them! Live with Them! Take Notice and/or notes.

We speak for the People…

Peace and Love are at our Fingertips.

Happiness comes through the Serendipity of Kindred-ness.

Ending the use of Fossil Fuels will bring Sharp improvement in Health.

Gratitude creates Tranquility.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2009, 11:41:09 PM »
Group Question: Are the negative Earth Changes a result of a human flaw; greed, neglect and selfishness?

Answers From the Council of Our Relations:

We speak for the Thunderers…
The thunder comes loud to help the people remember.  People need to see with fire, letting the beauty come in and be absorbed.  (Visual: Eyeballs bloodshot, on fire, with a feather cutting through like a knife slicing through soft butter.)

We speak for the Birds…
For Sure!

Greed…the constant want of more; more land, more owned space (i.e. building where there should be open land for growth of the earth; more than levels of enough; more than others, for feeling received, (for) immediate gratification.

Neglect…Earth is giving signs but humans ignore, misunderstand, create higher priorities over the solutions, and delegate responsibilities of cultivating, growing, nurturing, reusing (i.e. soil, see, off spring, children).

Selfishness…humans’ should care to help, animals, humans, plants, H2O, air. (Don’t worrying about) where is the immediate result (and) instant gratification, it takes much effort to assist in changing the norms to better someone or something.

We speak for the Water…
Self importance of a human mind causes (you) to ignore the nature of the natural circle.

We speak for the Plant Life…
Deforestation has created a no-grow zone affecting not just the loss of trees, but the small plants of the world.  This loss has also kept humans from many discoveries from these plants in medicines and cures for world illness as the plants are gone.  Add to that the use of harmful chemicals in the air and it has put a harmful residue on plants, which transfers from plants to foods humans eat.
Note:  The shape at the end of the leaf is your answer – it is a heart, it is love of Earth and each other through reforming peace councils that will change human actions and bring back the plants and a healthy Earth.

We speak for the Medicine Plants…
No, (it’s a result of your) choice.  No, (it’s not a) flaw…humans (are) inherently good.  (Is it) greed?  No, (it’s) not about wanting it all (but) about feeling there may not be enough.  (There is) plenty; there is enough; (humankind must begin to) recognize, listen and (learn) how to use.   (Is it) neglect.   Yes, partly, (it’s) clumsy living without respect.  (Is it) selfishness?   See response to greed.

We speak for the Earthmother…
No, it is a result of human shame (and) disconnection.  (It is) not a flaw as humans are made in perfect form.

We speak for the Fish…
Yes, for if humans viewed the world as a being and not an object maybe then instead of ‘doing unto others that which you would want done onto you’, you could replace it with ‘do unto the world what you would want the world to do to you’ – you have shown her pollution, waste and the raping of the land and all of her inhabitants what then do you expect to be left for you?  We Fish can feed many; the killing off of fish leaves you starving.

We speak for Humankind…
We thank the Council of our Relations for what you have shared with us!
We acknowledge that our collective unconscious must learn to respect that:

Creation is Spirit Grace.
Sacred is the Universe of Sensibility.  And…
The Peaceful Clarity of the Heart makes us Hardy.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2009, 11:42:09 PM »
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

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Re: Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2009, 01:41:40 AM »
Thank you!  (again) So much for this.

 :-* :-*

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Re: Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2009, 05:50:58 AM »
I think its gonna be the young that save our butt, its them who bears the responsibility.

Obama I think can be a good leader to motivate the young and is already doing it - if he can reach them in taking care of the planet and prove to be a good role model it will help a lot.

Everyone is sick of big corporation and greed. The backbone of america is not really the rich but the basic working class and middle class, and all that. Folks like me.

So as they take on the debt, many young people, thanks to the info age, do believe cause they're not stupid, that the planet is in a crisis. Many have seen Al Gores movie, are in science class and teachers are making no bones about the ozone layer and greenhouse effect.

Even just the simple things like look at all the plastic bags we use at grocery stores. Save them, and recycle. Even walmart, the bloody monopolizer, has a bin for recycling those bags. We gotta recycle more. At my job, I asked for a bin when we first started cause we get free sodas, for recycling cans cause with the rate folks go thru, since I got there when the call center opened, I proposed it in the beginning - no reason to not recycle. So everyone does use the recycling garbage bin for their cans.

It can be a simple suggestion like that in a smal co that makes little differences here and there, and yes, we all need to plant things, trees, gardens, cause our polar caps, when theyre gone - its over.

Were already on our way out anyway, so we may as well 'try' to do our best to do what we can to save the planet, lifeforms. We still have scientists who are learning new things. I mean in flagstaff, they can manufacture snow. We might get good enough we can manufacture some ozone layer or ice on the caps if we get to work, who knows what we can do?

But we got things like china, everyone wants to do business with, and are thinking of the almightly dollar and greed, and gotta stop. In the end of the world, it will be greed which did us in, so we cannot be greedy. We gotta learn to be content with what we have, and not be wasteful.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2009, 06:19:20 AM »
"Time has a great way of showing  the Great Spirit's Truth"


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