Author Topic: Acts of Power  (Read 65 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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Acts of Power
« on: December 08, 2007, 01:37:36 PM »
Acts of Power

Acts of Power are essential to understand and use on our path. It is
through an Act of Power that we are able to "jump" or "evolve" to a new
level. It is through Acts of Power that we gain the personal power
necessary to make movement. Most underestimate the amount of
personal power that is required to make real movement.

The Toltec Warrior knows how to employ Acts of Power to make a leap
in their growth and transformation.

An Act of Power opens new, larger windows of probabilities for us.
These windows may look like new opportunities in life. An Act of power
brings in the power of the Intent of the Nagual putting us in a power

An Act of Power can take many different forms. Ultimately, an Act of
Power is an act done for Self. For example, it may be as simple as
deciding to go to a Power Journey or seminar, even though there
appears to be money or time restraints. An Act of Power may be
stopping something that is detrimental to Self, such as an addictive
habit, or leaving an unhealthy relationship. An Act of Power could be
from this day forward to no longer indulge in an unhealthy aspect of self.

Opportunities for Acts of Power come at certain times in our life.
Timing of an Act of Power is important to be aware of. If we do not do
an Act of Power when an Act of Power is necessary in our lives, we
miss the opportunity to gain the most power possible at any given point
on our path. If we wait too long to do what is necessary for Self, higher
aspects of Self will use our lives to "motivate" us to do what we must
do. This "motivation" can be painful - life becomes our teacher. It is
much better to act on our own accord because we know we must, or
because we have an inner urging from Self/Dreamer than to wait for life
to bring us enough pain to compel us to act.

An Act of Power requires our unbending intent to do what we need to
do for Self. When we intend and follow through with our intent, we open
the doors for the much larger Intent of our Higher Self and the Intent of
the Nagual to flow through us. When the Intent of the Nagual flows
through us, we are truly supported by the universe and life. As with
many New Age beliefs, the belief that the "universe will support you"
does have truth in it. However, the universe can only support you when
you are in alignment with your higher purpose and meaning in life. It is
through Acts of Power that you bring the smaller self in alignment with
the larger Self.

Love and Light,

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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