Author Topic: Another owl  (Read 171 times)


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Another owl
« on: February 15, 2008, 04:40:13 AM »
« Last Edit: April 07, 2008, 07:51:28 AM by . »


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Re: Another owl
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2008, 06:17:32 AM »

Wondering if finding them like this means anything other than owls would live longer if they could stay away from traffic.

When tomorrow comes,
You'll know.

These omens are for you. Go inside self, go deep.


Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Another owl
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2008, 09:05:42 AM »
Blessed Be.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: Another owl
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2008, 05:33:37 AM »

But like you said a week or so ago Jahn, tomorrow never comes.

Nay please, don't get me wrong, it was not really what I meant in that post. In a previous post I had said that tomorrow I would tell something about warriors but I changed my mind so in that case tomorrow would never come  :)

In this case however, you got a personal connection to owls, just like I have a certain well established connection to birds in the crow family.

Spirit does not play games you know, and "giving" you three dead owls in a row ought to be a message to you. So if you not find the connection or "message" or knowingness today, you'll find it tomorrow.


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Re: Another owl
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2008, 03:08:57 AM »
I'd wondered about your icon picture. Our feathered friends can teach us much if we learn how to observe and listen. I see many crows here, but don't feel the connection with them that I do to Mockingbird, Hawk, and now it seems Owl comes with purpose.


Do you think we "create" these connections somehow (in this instance.. birds), or perhaps are some people just more sensitive or attuned to certain creatures? Does Spirit try to teach us in this way? I think a measure of knowledge or perhaps wisdom can be gleaned from animals... and other things in nature... I wonder if it there is specific reason for that, or if it is simply that lessons can be learned from all things around us... all things being energy and therefore exist because off whatever is the source of energy.

When I was a child, about 4 years old, I could talk with our German shepherd. When she died some years later we had no pet for many years and my skill got lost for decades.

Spirit is much a reflection of our true selves or perhaps it is better to say that Spirit reflects to us what we can find useful. Many is satisfied to experience love or feelings of affinity. The connection with animals and nature are personal, emotional and intuitive and yes, there are preferences as some prefer snakes or rats before birds or horses.



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