I've been keen on my daily actions...really paying attention to what I'm doing and not-thinking every moment of the day. Really 'Living in the Now.'
I've changed a bit of the wording, as the word 'Intent' seems overused, 'attachment' is a bit vague. I'm going to run with Intentional Stance.

There is an intentional stance of the daily world.
An example of this would be my 'stance' for today. You see, I work, Monday thru Friday. When I have to work tomorrow as opposed to having tomorrow off. IF I have to work tomorrow then I hold that in my mind, in my intentional stance, which means that I certainly cant go camping in the mountains tonight, I have to work tomorrow! And I certainly cant go driving to another state, or fly to another city, I have to work!
So if I have to work tomorrow my attitude is different, the things I do are different, everything is circling around the idea that ...hey I have to be at work tomorrow! What will I do till then? (I've use the word 'attachment' in some of the previous posts.) I'm thinking, and have become attached to this thought...
That is an example of an intentional stance. And we all have different intentional stances.
What am I going to do?? Change the context of my life? Exactly.
And that is what the warriors way is about...changing over all your socialized intentional stances to warrior intentional stances.
It's a struggle though...
Why it is a struggle? Because it is a struggle to hold the intentional stance of a being who is going to die, or finding ones hands in a dream, in every single waking act!
This quote from Wheel of Time illustrates it best. pg 93
"A warrior_hunter knows that his death is waiting, and the very act he is performing now may well be his last battle on earth. He calls it his last battle because it is a struggle. Most people move from act to act without any struggle or thought. A warrior_hunter, on contrary, assess every act; and since he has intimate knowldege of his death, he proceed judiciously, as if every act were his last battle."
Thats the struggle to keep any one of the warriors stances in your mind/body as you do anything. We do it everyday with the socialized world. We uphold the intent of the daily world by typing the way we always do. We intend things left and right ...we know how to fix a meal...how about internal silence? Do we have the intentional stance for this?
I believe if I work at this with true focus and intensity, there comes a time when the daily world will begin to let go of this warrior. I'll notice it in my acts. When I hold the Intentional stances of the 'warriorsway' in my mind the same way I'm holding the intentional stances of the daily world right now, then my acts will begin to acquire power.
I believe, and am starting to experience exactly what don Juan told Carlos...that the inner dialogue is what ties us down. I'm really working on this inner silence. It keeps me here, in this now. If I'm not thinking, I can't be in the past and or future, right? Or can I?? :-)
Eh, just some thoughts

Zam I Am