Author Topic: In*cor*po*rate  (Read 92 times)

Offline Zamurito

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« on: February 28, 2008, 07:56:16 AM »

I know this has been discussed before, but I'm going to beat the dead horse just a bit more   8)

in*cor*po*rate [1] (verb) -rat*ed; -rat*ing

[Middle English, from Late Latin incorporatus, past participle of incorporare, from Latin in- + corpor-, corpus body -- more at MIDRIFF]

verb transitive

First appeared 14th Century

1 a : to unite or work into something already existent so as to form an indistinguishable whole

   b : to blend or combine thoroughly

2 a : to form into a legal corporation

   b : to admit to membership in a corporate body

3  a: to give material form to : EMBODY

verb intransitive

1 : to unite in or as one body

2 : to form or become a corporation

-- in*cor*po*ra*ble (adjective)

-- in*cor*po*ra*tion (noun)

-- in*cor*po*ra*tive (adjective)

-- in*cor*po*ra*tor (noun)

FROM Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

In order to understand the warriors way I *must* build one concept on top of another. I MUST form these concepts into a conglomerate. They have to be stuck together like glue. These are not stand alone concepts. They all work for the effiecency of the being who uses them.         


Jealousy is a routine! Treat it as such! Everything humans do REEKS of ROUTINES! The way I drive my car, eat my lunch, hold my pen, type, put on deoderant, brush my teeth, the way my lips move when I talk, the way my hair grows is all a Routine! The way I used exclamatory remarks is a ROUTINE!

I have quickly observed that there seems to be only four moods or modes that a person can occupy at one time.

1) Body awareness. That is awareness of the body and the environment it is in.
2) What the body is doing. Movement or stillness.
3) How you Body/Mind is feeling.
4) Thoughts those feelings generate...internal dialogue.

Personal Routine of Jealousy.

Self Pity

What @! I cant believe she would do this TO ME@!
I am such a loser and now I am losing her.

Self Doubt

She has probably been leading me along the whole time.
She has just "USED" me for her comfort.

Paranoid Fantasies

This explains her behavoirs that day, the 5th of February when I came home early.  I KNEW she was trying to cover something up!  And that cologne that one time!  And recently all those "late hours" at the office.  And why did she move her gym workout to the middle of day?


Now I am flowering mad. That Bitch! THAT *&%#(*!#^!!!
All this Time I have spent with her! And FOR WHAT@!

Now I am having a full blown jealous fit.

These four moods, or modes, or stages  produce or surround, like a donut, the feelings of jealousy. All are not of equal length in time. One stage or mood may be half a second, then next 2 seconds, the next 3 minutes and then a full blown Jealous fit where it all circles and circles and circles and circles so fast that I cant discern one stage from another...that's jealousy.

The ascribed four moods of a warrior are, of course, Ruthlessness, Cunning, Patience and Sweetness. They produce or surround Inner Silence.

The thing to do is intend the moods of a Warrior. And this is done by giving myself a command.

"He said over and over again that the manipulation of intent begins with a {sober} command given to oneself; the command is then repeated until it becomes the Eagles command, and then the assemblege point shifts, accordingly, the moment warriors reach inner silence."  Fire From Within pg 298.

I think of all the times I have ever been in Self Pity - 5,600 times.   
I think of all the times I have ever been Ruthless - 16.

So in every and any situation repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat - ruthlessness, cunning, patience and sweetness, ruthlessness, cunning, patience and sweetness, ruthlessness, cunning, patience and sweetness, ruthlessness, cunning, patience and sweetness.

Until I build up an inventory (5,600 times) of what these moods feel like.  Now I'm breaking even. Now I should be getting the feeling of "knowing" when to be ruthless, cunning, patient or sweet.

So when I get up tomorrow morning:

Be RUTHLESS with myself - Today IS a good day to die.

Be Cunning and remember that my Death is STALKING ME therefore I will have to be cunning and change my routines.

Be Patient and make sure that I decide, with all my available energy, to take full responsibility for my every single action no matter how small, because there are no small actions or decisions in the face of my oncoming death.

Be Sweet and Make every Decision with Inspiration as if it were my last battle on the Earth.


Now, I'd best get my 'impeccable' ass back to work or I'm going to get fired!

"Discipline is, indeed, the supreme joy of feeling reverent awe; of watching, with your mouth open, whatever is behind those secret doors."

Offline Angela

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Re: In*cor*po*rate
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 08:47:01 AM »
In order to understand the warriors way I *must* build one concept on top of another. I MUST form these concepts into a conglomerate. They have to be stuck together like glue. These are not stand alone concepts. They all work for the effiecency of the being who uses them.

I don't think you should be using glue ;) ... concepts need to be easily moved, sometimes replaced, creating a more fluid environment.

"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."


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