Author Topic: Ancient One!  (Read 111 times)


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Ancient One!
« on: August 15, 2006, 03:30:12 PM »
Ancient One!
Green One!

I need your help.
I see your world, but I do not grasp it.
I feel your world, but I do not under - stand.

Who are we in your world?
How are we related?

I have been alienated.
I'm an alien.

We do a lot of walks.
We see your world every day.
We see things.

Help us to grasp, to under - stand, to expand our awareness!

I must have been you who inspired these words  :) :

I turn to you
Like a flower leaning toward the sun
I turn to you
'Cos you're the only one
Who can turn me around when I'm upside down
I turn to you


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