I lived in Mexico with my pops for 2 years, and Honduras for 8 months. Will post about Honduras later if no one gets to it first, it is my favorite of the two.
Cool! Look forward to it!
Still Mexican's and Hondurans, and I would surmise that Hispanics that were born and raised in a Hispanic culture all have this in common. It always seemed to me that they have a deeper experience of there emotions. A deeper feeling life. We Americans think think think (and never do our thought make it anywhere anyway), but down there they feel so much more.
That meets with my observation as well. Though there might be a double-edged sword in it, for, if I'm not mistaken, "crimes of passion" are more acceptable.
One religion is very important to them, rare it was for us to go into a house down there and not see a religious image on the wall.
I've noted this one a lot, Guadalupe (a Goddess image if I ever did see one):

as well...
