Author Topic: Sparkling  (Read 45 times)

Offline Josh

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« on: March 20, 2007, 01:19:11 PM »
listen here

Calling spirits of the trees
Now Im pushing 98 degrees
the mountain's ash,
the river's steam.

I'm walking in the desert
stretching halfway 'cross the globe.
I'm mounting bodies,
bouncing bones
I'm coughing candy,
sucking stones.
I'm kicking cans.
bleeding sand.

If I'm the final man
to raise the glove
and fight your plan
Well, if I am
I throw my hand in.



I don't need this bandage 'round my eyes.

around my eyes...

You shall not steal these eyes!

- legendary pink dots
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 04:20:23 PM by Josh »
Other is.  Self must struggle to exist.

- Brian George

Offline Shamaya

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Re: Sparkling
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2007, 11:31:17 PM »
I really like that one :D
The body is an instrument played by the Divine; listen to its music.
Reflect not, but respond to it with spontaneous right action in the moment.
Be the uninhibited dancer and move to the rhythm of Spirit.
© Barbara Atkinson

Offline Josh

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Re: Left Handed
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2008, 04:26:38 PM »
The the goal is to experience these things without being overwhelmed, to be transformed and to gain access to the Absolute.  One of the fundamental principals of Left-Hand Tantrism consists in never becoming separated from the power of pravritti-marga, namely, the descending Shaktic phase of the manifestation.  A kaula should rather assume those powers and bring them to the highest degree of intensity whereby the consume themselves.  This is the tantric teaching of Indrabhuti's jnanasiddhi, which should nevertheless be kept secret and communicated only to initiates, least immeasurable evils should follow: "The yogin obtains liberation through the same actions that should keep in hell any other man for ages unending."

from - The Yoga of Power  by Julius Evola
Other is.  Self must struggle to exist.

- Brian George


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