Author Topic: Steps of the Death Rites  (Read 313 times)


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Steps of the Death Rites
« on: October 04, 2008, 10:18:17 AM »
(A stumble-upon, in search of something else)
A Shaman's Journey, Dying Consciously
A Shaman's Journey, Dying Consciously

Recapitulation During Near–Death Experience:

An extraordinary phenomenon occurs at the moment of death. When neural activity ceases and the brain shuts down, a portal opens between dimensions. The veils between the worlds part, enabling the dying person to enter into the world of Spirit. When a person has unfinished business in this world, she is unable to step easily through this portal. We cannot carry our worldly identity into the beyond. Remember that dying represents the loss of our job, our husband, our wife, our friends, our family, our house, and the loss of everything that we know. It is complete deconstruction.
A person who is weighed down by strong negative emotion tied to unresolved issues remains bound to the Earth. This soul has to go through a very intensive life review—or Recapitulation—as soon as she arrives on the other side. Some people who have had a near–death experience recall a panoramic life review—very detailed and comprehensive —even though it occurred in only minutes of Earth time. When the person does not return to the physical body, it can seem to take years. The toxic energies accumulated through a lifetime in the Luminous Energy Field have to be combusted in an atmosphere where there is little air, which makes this clearing more difficult to accomplish. All energy, even toxic energy, is composed of light and this light is released through the process of combustion and reabsorbed by the Luminous Energy Field.

The vast majority of reports in the literature on near–death experiences recount positive experiences. Yet cardiologist Maurice Rollins interviewed patients on the operating table immediately after they were resuscitated and found that many of them had ghastly experiences.  Many of their descriptions were similar to the Bardo plains or “hell” written about in the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.  Within a short period of time, however, they forgot about the painful, frightening encounter.

Raymond Moody, one of the foremost investigators of near–death experiences, states: “The judgment in the cases I studied came not from the beings of light, who seemed to love and accept these people anyway, but rather from within the individual being judged.” We are the accused, the defendant, the judge, and the jury all at once. How ready are we to forgive ourselves?

In the literature from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, life review occurs in the Bardo planes or what we call purgatory. We go through a dark tunnel and are met by celestial beings to face our judgment day. It is in these domains where we cleanse, a very slow process of soul-searching that may provoke painful memories and deep emotions. It is important to deal with whatever unfinished business is revealed out of the past as it is those issues that keep our luminous bodies earthbound.
It is important for the family to give voice to the forgiveness and love that has not been expressed during the course of a lifetime. You would be surprised at the healing power of a simple “I love you.” This is not always easy, of course, yet a lifetime of mistakes can be undone through forgiveness even at the end of a life.

The recapitulation journey is about saying the “I love yous," and "I forgive yous.” It is the releasing of the heavy energies of the past and letting them combust.  These words are very difficult to say from the other side. It is important that things are said before this judgment day so the life review process can happen here. This is very difficult to do alone in the spirit world, as we are so hard on ourselves.  This heavy energy of the undone business from the past is what keeps our luminous body earthbound.

The sooner you commence the Recapitulation, and the more extensive the life review you accomplish, the easier the transition will be. Sometimes it is difficult to begin this conversation, especially if you have not had an intimate dialogue with your loved one in years. Find an entry point for dialogue. A way to initiate or frame this sharing may be to imagine you are both sitting next to a river and see what memories come floating down.

Assist them in telling their “story.”  Be a sacred witness without judgment or comment, just listen to their sharing.  When were the times they disappointed themselves, were of service, loved, or held regrets?  Encourage the qualitative and quantitative.  What do they remember, and sense?  Help them to forgive themselves. Again it’s not about your forgiveness, but that they forgive themselves. Help them recognize that they are the hardest judges;  looking at the ways they could have honored others and didn’t, or ways they hurt others.  The near death literature refers to this life review process or panoramic life review where time seems to stand still; but actually happens in just a few minutes. It is this stage where we go through our panoramic life review; every action, word, and deed we have performed appears before us and must be accounted for. We observe it, feel it, and relive it.

This recapitulation process doesn’t need to be done by you, but it needs to be done.  You can help to facilitate the assistance of other family members and friends.  Many times the dying person has nothing to do but think about this undone business.  By walking with the person through their life, this heavy energy from the undone business is disengaged.

Recapitulation offers your loved one the opportunity to tell you their story. Having the opportunity to tell one’s story has cathartic and healing power. It is the equivalent of doing your life review before you have actually died. Recapitulation is not a time for recriminations about past events; it is a time to listen to your loved one’s story. Whom does she need to forgive? Remind your loved one that she can forgive anyone through a prayer or a blessing. Ultimately, the dying person needs to forgive herself and know that she is fully forgiven by life. Lastly, ask her how she would like to be remembered. What are the stories she would like her grandchildren to remember her by? Recapitulation brings closure through forgiveness. Assist your loved one to let go of any feelings of having been wronged or having wronged anyone else.
Tremendous forgiveness can occur in the Recapitulation process. But do not expect to be a miracle worker and think that you can achieve in a few hours the healing that could not be accomplished in a lifetime. People tend to die in the same way that they have lived.  Dying is a profoundly emotional experience for everyone involved, and it tends to bring back memories and feelings about the entire life of the person.  If  he was an angry person throughout life, there may well be unresolved anger when people gather.  Family dynamics of the past tend to be magnified in such stressful circumstances. Be careful not to react to it or to take it personally.

Powerful realizations often come uninvited as one approaches death. One of them is understanding that we could have lived differently, loved more fully, and forgiven more readily. This anger is not being directed toward you personally.  Make it okay for your loved one to voice his feelings, and respond to his anger with physical comfort and support. Hold your loved one’s hand as he cries or expresses his ire. Be an unshakable source of love and unconditional support even in a storm of rage. The more willing your loved one is to forgive himself; the more quickly his rage will turn into compassion.
If your loved one’s condition is critical and he has not been informed of this, by all means let him know. Most people know anyway. They can feel the change in attitude among the family members present—the new quietness in the room, the hushed voices, the forced smiles. It is best to be direct, yet gentle and compassionate. Your straightforwardness will give your loved one permission to be open and disclosing with you. He will know that he can count on you to speak the truth.


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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2008, 10:20:22 AM »
Cleansing the Chakras

Regardless of where we were born, everyone has a skeleton with the exact same number of bones. In the same way, we all share the same luminous anatomy, which includes the chakras and the acupuncture meridians. Before proceeding, you may want to look at the diagram to see the location of the chakras in relation to the physical body.

The word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit.  The chakras are swirling disks of energy that spin three to four inches outside the body and link to our spine and central nervous system. The chakras are a direct pipeline to the human neural network. They rotate clockwise, in the same direction that the spiral arms of the galaxy revolve. Each chakra has a unique frequency that we perceive as one of the seven colors of the rainbow. The chakras in a newborn child display their pure color, from red in the first chakra to violet in the seventh. As we grow older the color in our chakras becomes dull. The trauma and loss in our lives leave their toxic residues behind. The sludge that adheres to the chakras does not permit them to vibrate at their pure frequency, and physical aging is accelerated. When the chakras are cleared they spin freely and vibrate with their original purity again.

We clear the chakras so that the toxic energy accumulated through our lives as a result of trauma does not keep the luminous body earthbound. The more cleansing that is done the better. Legend and lore tells us that we must go back to all the places we have loved or experienced pain, until we can come to closure. Not clearing this toxic energy will hinder us from going across to the other side. We still experience the emotions, the pain, but they do not shackle us. The cleansing process combusts the toxic energy in the chakras and erases imprints from the Luminous Energy Field. This alleviates the difficulty of the life review process in the Spirit world as most of the charge has been drained from emotional memories. Our intention in cleaning the chakras is to set the luminous body free.

It is essential that you obtain your loved one’s permission before cleansing the chakras or performing any part of the Death Rites. You do not have to be specific, but simply an offering of your help.  The shaman, Alberto Villoldo, tells the story of once working with a friend’s father who had given him permission to pray with him. Every time he closed his eyes to pray, he would grasp Alberto’s hand and be asleep within minutes. As Alberto finished cleansing each chakra, the dying man would wake up and tell him how restfully he had slept, or how he had dreamed. Alberto taught his friend how to perform the Final Rites on his father who passed away peacefully during his sleep. The element of permission honors and invites the dying person’s participation in these rites and empowers the process.

When a person is dying the energetic body is so willing to heal.  You can work with all seven chakras and can work on multiple chakras at the same time.  Everything is loosened up and ready for healing.  As you cleanse the sludge that is stuck in the chakras you allow them to break free from the grip of time itself.  Use your intent in cleansing each chakra to set the luminous body free.

It is important to note, that you will probably not be able to cleanse all seven chakras in one session. The process is a lengthy one and may be done over time. You can work on multiple chakras at the same time, depending on the amount of time you have available. We suggest you work with one or two chakras, starting with the first chakra. Do not be afraid that you will pick up any toxic residues adhering to the person’s chakras, as these are combusted and turned into light. The process happens at an energetic level and negative energies do not surface as anger or resentments.

The first chakra is located at the base of the spine, near the tailbone but we work with it above the pubic bone.  Place your hand over the first chakra, about two inches away from the skin.  Cleanse the chakra by slowly spinning your hand counterclockwise. Imagine your body as the face of a clock and your fingers as the hands.  Explore the inside of this funnel of light and sense the toxic energy flowing out and into the earth.  When this funnel of light seems to stream clear, spin the chakra in its natural direction by slowly turning your hand clockwise about ten times.

As time allows, go through the same cleansing process with the other chakras, working your way up the body. The second chakra is located four fingers below the navel, the third, at the solar plexus, the fourth at the center of the chest, and fifth at the hollow of the throat. The sixth chakra, known as the third eye, is located in the middle of the forehead, and the seventh at the very top of the head.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the idea that you must help accomplish a lifetime of healing in a few days. Remember though, that it is never too late for healing and your participation may be one of your most powerful life experiences. With the immediacy of death comes the realization that we have no time to waste. According to a Roman Catholic priest, that’s why a death-bed confession is likely to be the most sincere one of a lifetime.

When the chakras are cleansed, each center vibrates at its natural frequency, and you radiate the seven colors of the rainbow. The Amazon shamans believe that when all the chakras are clear, you acquire a “rainbow body.” According to legend, when you acquire the rainbow body you can make the journey beyond death to the Spirit world. You are able to assist others in their healing, and you can die consciously since you already know the way back home. The jungle shamans believe death is a great predator that stalks each and every one of us. They say that many illnesses are caused by the death that festers within us, slowly diminishing our life force. These medicine people believe that death claims us little by little, until one day we realize that we are more dead than alive. This happens to many persons, and is rampant in America today. When your chakras are clear you are no longer stalked by death—you are claimed by life.


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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2008, 10:21:28 AM »
Granting Permission to Die

An important step in the Death Rites is giving a loved one permission to die. Let them know that there is no reason to worry about those who stay behind.

Without receiving permission to die, your loved one might cling to life for months, enduring unnecessary suffering and causing great anguish for the family. Permission from those closest to the person carries the most weight, even if it is a personal friend or confidant and not an immediate family member. However, permission must come from the immediate family, and ideally there should be a consensus. If there is a dissenting family member who won’t let go, encourage him to express his love and forgiveness nonetheless. Many times the family members who have the hardest time letting go are the ones who have the most unfinished business with the dying person or who are the most frightened of their own death.

Countless cases talk about the importance of this step.  Alberto tells the story of a student of his who sat beside her dying mother for weeks. The mother was unable to let go, despite the fact that she was in a great deal of pain and could no longer eat. The student had cleansed her mother's chakras, and she and her sister had begun to forgive each other and heal the lesions of the past. She finally said, “Mother, we are here with you and love you very much. We want you to know that we will be okay. We will look after each other and keep our family together. Even though we will miss you, it is perfectly natural for you to go. We will treasure all of the beautiful moments that we had together, but we don’t want you to suffer anymore, or to continue to cling to life. You have our full and complete permission to die. You know that we will always love you.” A few hours later her mother took her final breath and died peacefully.


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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2008, 10:24:40 AM »
The Great Death Spiral

These are the rites you perform after the person has died. You release the luminous body and seal the chakras immediately after death so that it does not reenterthe physical shell or become contaminated by the energy residues in the body.

Imagine that you are making a great spiral with the heart as its center as you follow these steps. Consult the diagram provided to perform these rites accurately. The video presents a clear and helpful demonstration of this process as well.

After your loved one stops breathing, disengage the chakras.

Ideally this step should be performed immediately after the person passes, and in any case no later than forty hours after the final breath. Immediately after death the chakras begin to release the luminous threads that once connected them to events from the past. The rhythm of the chakras changeand you can feel the frequency and vibration of each chakra increase. They begin to disengage from the body but can be hampered by the sludge within them.If this is the case, the rites of the Great Spiral will assist in loosening the chakras and setting the luminous body free.

Because the energy in the chakras is changing very rapidly, we disengage them following the arc of a spiral, with the heart at the center. Each chakra must be spun counter clockwise. This is done by placing your hand over your loved one’s heart chakra, spinning your fingers counterclockwise three or four times to unwind this center. Continue the same process at the solar plexus, then the throat, next the second chakra, then the sixth, next the root chakra, and last the crown in the steps described below.

Draw an arc of spiral with your hand as you move to the third chakra or solar plexus, repeating the procedure above.

When you have unwound the third chakra, go back to the heart, feel that chakra, and retrace the arc of a spiral down to the third and up to the throat chakra.         

Repeat with each chakra, returning to the heart after you disengage each energy center.

The last chakra that you release will be the crown. By this time you will have drawn a great spiral over the person’s body multiple times. (See diagram for more detailed steps of this process.)

Your loved one’s luminous body may exit through any one of these seven chakras—not always through the crown chakra. It will naturally be drawn to the one most ready for the journey.

NOTE: In most cases, the luminous body exits immediately after the chakras have been disengaged and it becomes unnecessary to perform steps 4 and 5.                                 

In case this step is necessary, push energy through your loved one’s feet to “nudge” the luminous body free.
Place the palms of your hands on the soles of your loved one’s feet, so that your right palm is resting on his left sole, and vice versa. Visualize energy gushing out of your hands into his body. The Luminous Energy Field sometimes adheres to the chakras even after they have been unwound and this step helps it break free from the body.

In case this step is necessary, draw out the luminous body.

Move to the person’s head and cradle it in your hands. Hold the head gently for a few moments, letting her know that it’s okay to let go. Let your loved one know that you will be fine and that you love her. Remember that your loved one can still hear you, so speak these words softly yet firmly. Draw your hands back, exerting gentle pressure on the head, and draw out the luminous body through the crown chakra. You will feel a tremendous surge of energy as the Luminous Energy Field becomes free of the body.

In performing this final step, you will seal the chakras by making the sign of a cross over each center with your thumb.

Sealing the chakras keeps the luminous body from returning to a lifeless physical form. You can use holy water or an essential oil for this. Remember that the cross is more ancient than Christianity. It represents the sealing of a doorway into a physical body that will never be used again.

In the Christian traditions one finds a similar practice associated with the last rites, except that the meaning of these rites has largely been forgotten. The priest is unlikely to be aware that he may be trapping the person’s Luminous Energy Field within the physical body, binding spirit to matter in a lifeless shell.

Spirit Flight, The Symbolic Journey

The spirit flight or disengaging of the charkas can also be done repeatedly over time to loosen the luminous body from the physical body and teach the luminous body spirit flight. This is a symbolic journey beyond death with the intent of returning to the physical body.  Practice the great spiral on the dying person, going through the steps as previously presented. Loosen each chakra and nude the luminous body out through the head.  You may need to encourage the luminous body to stay out as it naturally will be drawn back into the the physical body it had adheared to for so long.  After three to five minutes bring it back in over the physical body like a blanket and use the same spiral to re–engage each chakra. This time you will be spinning the chakras clockwise. The practice of symbolic dying can help prepare your loved one for the spirit flight from which there is no return.

The Veils Between Worlds
It is important to remember the veils between the worlds are very thin for the dying person.  They may talk or interact with loved ones who have already died or crossed over.  One of our students shared the story of when his stepfather was dying they had a placed a baby monitor in his room at night to hear if they were needed.  His stepfather had not been speaking for several days and not interacting with any family members.  The Student was awakened at about 3:00 in the morning with his stepfather having a clear dialog with his deceased wife that he had been married to for over 25 years.  He was clearly telling her he would see her soon.The dying person may be wanting to join loved ones on the other side, and would welcome your encouragement “to go back to the light.” Even when the veil between worlds becomes thin, the senses can remain keen and he will hear you,   


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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2008, 10:27:33 AM »
Summary of Steps

Recapitulation and forgiveness.  You as a healer play a significant big role in supporting the dying person in going through her life review and finding forgiveness.

Cleansing of the chakras. You clear the chakras so the toxic energy accumulated through life does not keep the luminous body earthbound. The luminous body wants to heal and there is much sweetness available.

Giving permission to die. Let the dying person know that there is no reason to worry about those left behind.  Otherwise, she may cling to life and endure unnecessary suffering.

Great Death Spiral. These are the rites performed after the person has died. Disengage the chakras through the great spiral, setting the luminous body free to go on the great journey.

Offline Angela

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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2008, 12:38:29 PM »
Thanks for posting this V.  Great site as well.

 Ang :-* :-*

"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."


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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2008, 05:33:51 PM »
They are fascinating steps. I'm still in contemplation-phase. The last laying on of the hands, post-death, gives me pause, that I better be highly skilled and knowledgeable before I endeavored such a thing!   Plus, I think I'd really want to hear from the dying that that's what they wanted.

(For example, I know my mother would find the whole process repugnant...)

tangerine dream

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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2008, 08:58:29 AM »
Summary of Steps

Cleansing of the chakras. You clear the chakras so the toxic energy accumulated through life does not keep the luminous body earthbound. The luminous body wants to heal and there is much sweetness available.

Giving permission to die. Let the dying person know that there is no reason to worry about those left behind.  Otherwise, she may cling to life and endure unnecessary suffering.

Great Death Spiral. These are the rites performed after the person has died. Disengage the chakras through the great spiral, setting the luminous body free to go on the great journey.

Fascinating, thank you.

Offline Angela

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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2008, 12:59:18 PM »
They are fascinating steps. I'm still in contemplation-phase. The last laying on of the hands, post-death, gives me pause, that I better be highly skilled and knowledgeable before I endeavored such a thing!   Plus, I think I'd really want to hear from the dying that that's what they wanted.

(For example, I know my mother would find the whole process repugnant...)
Well, I sent the link to my best friend in Ohio.  I was a little hesitant at first, but I speak to her periodically about this Path and she seems receptive.  Although, I think she would be receptive of anything I say, and I of her ... it's one of those rare unconditional relationships we share.  We've known each other since we were 5 yrs. old :) 

Anyway, the last time I was home, she spoke of her mother, who is a cancer survivor.  Her mother really should be dead, everything she's been through.  She is definitely a modern day miracle.  Her health now is declining.  She said she thought her Mom was "loosing it", because her Mom told her she had been having "visitors".  I told her that she might want to encourage her Mom to talk about it more, that sometimes we see extraordinary visions and "visitors", especially in fragile states of health.  She was so excited that I had allowed her to talk about it and not think her "crazy".

I thought the link you posted might encourage her to be of some assistance to her Mom.  I'll hope for the best and thanks a gain, V for the post.  :-* :-*

"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."


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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2008, 01:38:26 PM »
You're welcome, A.

It is sort of relevant to me too at this time... a few in my world have death on their minds.

For whatever we might be prepared to do (or not to do) for another, chakra-cleansing or chakra-sealing-wise, I think we could all serve in the unconditional listening piece (the first article on recapitulation.)  In my own case, my mother was quite dubious of any sort of touch I offered here or there, but anytime she was ready to talk, I could be there. It came in pieces, though, at her pace, not mine.

I have a habit, left over from the crisis-line days, of going right in and trying to yank out the issues onto the table. It doesn't always work, I've learned over the past few years -- nor is it always wise. But when they are ready, to be there is a gift to the one listening.

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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2008, 01:17:51 AM »
My friend's Mom in is the hospital.  She just had brain surgery to correct seizures she was experiencing.  The surgery wasn't successful and on top of that she now has MRSA in her spine.  She is still aware of what's going on and she , along with the family have decided not to have any more surgeries and to remove her feeding tube.  My friend is a mess and although my parents are handling it well, they too are sad to lose their dear friend :( .

For the first time in a long time, I'll soon be attending a funeral.  I've dodged them in the past years, as an adult, but know I must be there this time.
"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."


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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2008, 01:23:26 AM »
Hard times, A! I know that you'll be a great help and inspiration to your friend -- even just in your presence!   

Offline Angela

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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2008, 03:54:43 AM »
Thanks, V.   :-*

Star Wars was our "background music" last night ....

YODA and ANAKIN sit in Yoda 's room, deep in thought.

YODA: Premonitions . . . premonitions . . . Hmmmm . . . these visions you have . . .

ANAKIN: They are of pain, suffering, death . . .

YODA: Yourself you speak of, or someone you know?

ANAKIN: Someone . . .

YODA: . . . close to you?


YODA: Careful you must be when sensing the future, Anakin. The fear of loss is a path to the dark side.

ANAKIN: I won't let these visions come true, Master Yoda.

YODA: Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is.

ANAKIN: What must I do, Master Yoda?

YODA: Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.

"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."

tangerine dream

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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2008, 07:27:33 AM »
Thanks, V.   :-*

Star Wars was our "background music" last night ....

YODA and ANAKIN sit in Yoda 's room, deep in thought.

YODA: Premonitions . . . premonitions . . . Hmmmm . . . these visions you have . . .

ANAKIN: They are of pain, suffering, death . . .

YODA: Yourself you speak of, or someone you know?

ANAKIN: Someone . . .

YODA: . . . close to you?


YODA: Careful you must be when sensing the future, Anakin. The fear of loss is a path to the dark side.

ANAKIN: I won't let these visions come true, Master Yoda.

YODA: Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is.

ANAKIN: What must I do, Master Yoda?

YODA: Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.


Offline Angela

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Re: Steps of the Death Rites
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2008, 01:00:39 PM »
"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."


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