Author Topic: Food and the Liver  (Read 82 times)

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  • Rishi
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Food and the Liver
« on: July 28, 2024, 12:53:19 PM »
So just did a read for one of my clients. And just found out, mind you, her seventeen year-old son was recently rushed to the hospital. He doesn't drink or do drugs. He was vomiting blood. And they found out, the doctors, he already has cirrhosis of the liver. Un-be-lievable!

So I talked to her and I told her, as I am careful what I eat these days, most days anyway. The diet. The American diet especially is horrible. And the fast food industry, as well as govt and their own table saying what is food and such, is despicable. Obviously, if one eats too much sugar, or fried foods, this can overwork the liver, and it can cause scarring of the liver. But yes, young people are getting things like this more and more. Or even diabetes at early ages. Diabetes used to be practically unheard of. Now, countless people have it. And it is straight up cause of the diet. But the govt lobbyists for these food folks are bought and paid for, at the expense of people's health. Then the onus is put on the person, that it is their "choice" what to eat. Um, if we have places branding things and calling it "food," and using deceptive advertising like "low fat" or "low sugar" when things are not, that to me is deception. Like take Kraft American "singles." An average person would think it "cheese." You can't call it "cheese" tho, so they call it "singles." It's not real cheese. But it is set with other cheese bricks and grated cheese, and promoted as cheese. I consider this, deceptive. But anyway, for a teen to get this, so young, is unthinkable. We seriously need to change this. Putting this on folks to figure out what is food, what is not food, what is healthy, what is not, is unfair when so many deceptive practices go on.
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